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/lit/ - Literature

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17374927 No.17374927 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as transgressive literature anymore? It seems like everything transgressive is celebrated now except terrorism

>> No.17374985


>> No.17375142

my diary?
its semi-terrorist at times

>> No.17375359

Trangressive by 2021 standards would have to be something like Wagner. Genuinely sincere works uncritically praising traditional values and mythological and historical figures. Basically Islam but white people doing it.

>> No.17375416

my diary desu is nothing but fedposting

>> No.17375450

You can read something from a couple of decades ago and see how transgressive it would be today. The fact of the matter is that transgression can no longer be concurrently produced because of increasingly monolithic (even while seemingly distributed and broadly canvassed) authorities, which confer transgressive as a label upon the avant garde of what they are willing to tolerate. What is intolerable, that is to say genuinely trampling upon the prevailing standards, is pathologized rather than rewarded with mystique.

>> No.17375498

Big talk, but I bet none of you can pitch a coherent plot for a transgressive novel that isn't navel gazing crap.

>> No.17375506

Read Georges Sorel. Not just Reflections on Violence, Illusions of Progress as well.

>> No.17375527

Why do people pretend that transgression itself is hard to come by?
The issue is executing the idea properly. Transgression itself is easy.

>> No.17375564

A group of high school girls start planting b***s around their campus so that they can impress their favorite jailed terrorists.

>> No.17375569

Anabasis retold from the perspective of a group of islamist mercenaries blasting their way to the mexican border after a rogue president tries to march on congress.

>> No.17375576

A lolicon light novel based in Toronto.

>> No.17375591

Do you mean fusion?

>> No.17375598

basically lolita, except with a yazidi slave girl and some dirty gap toothed belgian salafist

>> No.17375630
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You guys are awful. إن شاء الله I will serialize one for /lit/ and link the first the chapter as an OP here

>> No.17375639

fuck you then do it

>> No.17375665

>Kharijii da'wah has become writing fan fiction on 4chan

May Allah guide you

>> No.17375704

No you're spot on, we live in an amorphous anti culture. The system is antifragile, any transgression less than absolute will be absorbed and repurposed.

>> No.17375723

>writing fiction is dawah

No, but it's what I come to this board for. I don't know about you.

>> No.17375751

Yeah it’s true that transgression just gets absorbed. There is no real imperative to shut people up - any expression is permissible. All the chat about PC talk and free speech is really a non event. That PC discourse just produces more and more talk, and it’s bountifully allowed. Deleuze’s prediction about the control society is correct. The taboos that inhibit speech and expression are gone. There’s total freedom to express as you want, leaving a void where transgression would be.

>> No.17375772

I don't think I agree. Less censorship or no censorship of speech doesn't mean that certain views aren't still transgressive to advocate. rape, murder, pedophilia for instance. and why do you want to shut people up?

>> No.17377069

lol look at this conintelpro fag appropriating art, style, words and ideals from better people and sullying them with association with pleb desert mongoloid barbarian tier religion lol.
Seriously, lol, traitor. If I had one bullet and hat to choose between shooting you or Karl Marx I'd find a way to shoot you twice and it doesn't even make sense lmao.
Fuck yourself with a dynamite stick lol.
polite sage