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File: 22 KB, 279x498, edith hamilton mythology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17373721 No.17373721 [Reply] [Original]

Do I actually need to read this before the Greeks
I'm not very far in but it seems incredibly dry

>> No.17373727

no you don't

and yes it's incredibly dry. it was designed as a high school reading assignment.

>> No.17373728


>> No.17373729

No. You can just start with Homer or Hesiod if you want. Secondary sources are foré brainlets.

>> No.17373734


Silly buzzword

>> No.17373802

I’m reading it now too and it’s pretty dry. I’ve skipped some parts where I knew I would remember much and am just focusing on impactful tales. Just got through the story of Dionysus and it was very interesting and enjoyable.

>> No.17373810

why would anyone read about something before reading something

>> No.17373820

Sometimes the background information is necessary. Reading Homer without reading a decent introduction is just a dumb idea because you will not fully understand it.

>> No.17373842

Hamilton is a retard and constantly just writes her opinions instead of retelling the stories

>> No.17374036

You don’t necessarily need to read that specific book, but you do need to make yourself familiar with the canon of Greek myths. For the purpose of getting the context for the western literary tradition it’s way more important than reading either Plato or Aristotle. You are reading that so you can pick up allusions to mythological stories and figures which are all over the western canon.

>> No.17374094

why do you people always complain about shit like this. Just read it. It is like 400 pages. Stop being such a lazy midwit.

>> No.17374115

not even that. you can skip the final sections of norse mythology if it doesn't interest you.

>> No.17374138

Bulfinch > Hamilton

>> No.17374153

No. The percy jackson guide to greek mythology will accomplish the exact same purpose. Just familiarize yourself with the more popular myths and the important gods and you’ll be fine.

>> No.17374214

How is Bulfinch better?

>> No.17374231

hesiod is dry but at least a net gain in having read, unlike OP imo.

op will probably give broader knowledge though

>> No.17374235

No. Total shit book

>> No.17374312

This book will make you hate mythology.

>> No.17374716

I finished that book last week, and I've just started the illiad. To be honest, it wasn't bad for giving me an other view but compared to the illiad, it's dog shit. I'm glad I read it, but you could probably get just as good an overview of Wikipedia for the majority of the myths. Then dive straight into the illiad.

>> No.17374740

lol just read what you want my man. If you don't understand something, Google it.

don't listen to /lit/ tards who wasted their time studying dry shit they don't actually care about for social capital on an anonymous image board

>> No.17374787
File: 147 KB, 1000x688, 1841F70F-0721-4D24-AB34-F4E4695FD475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graves > all

Yes, you do have to read

>> No.17374855

lol it's funny seeing everyone say this is dry. i stopped reading about 40 pages in a couple months ago because it was like reading a really boring wikipedia article. I'm gonna give Fry's Mythos a shot.

>> No.17374915

I remember reading this book as an adolescent and loved it. I don't think the prose was speculator but the stories kept my interest. Didn't really have wikipedia then

>> No.17374936

I haven't read that exact book but I was about to say that reading Percy Jackson is unironically all you need.

>> No.17374974

If you can't even manage to read this little pop book about myths you will not manage to read the Greeks

>> No.17375002

I just finished it today and I feel exactly the same way. I even suggested just using wiki instead in my review lol.

>> No.17375021

That’s like saying if you can’t appreciate eating shit you will never appreciate eating a home cooked meal.

>> No.17375034

Yeah that one looks interesting. I think after reading Hamilton I’m just going to dive into Iliad. Need me something high end after that.

>> No.17375739

Fun for kids

Really just the shadows cast on the walls of the grecian cave thanks to the noble lie

>tfw you leave Eleusis and the saturnalia finally makes sense

>> No.17375904

Just watch Hercules, you'll be good.

>> No.17375955


>> No.17375961

I read this book in 7th grade, like 20 years ago, in the library for fun after age of mythology came out. I thought it was based as fuck and very silly. Y’all need to learn to enjoy reading.

>> No.17375981
File: 6 KB, 241x250, 1611436221078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normals dont know that u should read what makes your heart sing