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/lit/ - Literature

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17373345 No.17373345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wow! What an inspiring young lady

>> No.17373354

I’ve seen anons on /lit/ who were better poets than her

>> No.17373379

schizoposting and greentext are the future of literature anon

>> No.17373399

Instead of lamenting the loss of sour grapes we should be glad that poetry in any form survives in the mainstream. It’s either that or song lyrics

>> No.17373423


From Robert Frost to this, American negrophilia is for me the most bizarre aspect of their culture.

>> No.17373437

From? Frost is the most prominent poet in the curriculum, some lady being used as a political stunt by a politician doesn't mean shit.

>> No.17373469


Im referring to Frost reciting his poem at Kennedys inauguration and the general continuing degradation of American culture and standards. This politicans stunt is not an isolated event.

>> No.17373488

American culture isn't being degraded though, it's being replicated to the point of banality. Frost and the American peotry scene has lost value through replication to the point where, without the ability to create unique works, it has stagnated. I'm not saying it's an isolated event, but this "VGH the FALL of KULTUR" shit is obnoxious and retarded.

>> No.17373514

> book is a best seller before anyone even knows what’s it
It’s almost like these people treat literature and arts as things to collect and showcase for political social and moral reasons rather than things to be appreciate in and of themselves.

>> No.17373519


>> No.17373522

>American negrophilia is for me the most bizarre aspect of their culture.
As an American, I can tell you it’s bizarre but also expected at this point. This great experiment was a failure and mutilated some of the subjects, but it worked on others.

>> No.17373533

>american culture is not being degraded
>its being replicated to banality
>the peotry scene has lost value through replication
>"VGH the FALL of KULTUR" shit annoyes
your post seems vague, wouldnt american poetry losing its value through replication be a fall of culture?

>> No.17373552 [DELETED] 


>> No.17373559

Based, that’s who I thought of immediately as well

>> No.17373560
File: 60 KB, 795x1087, Amedei Modigliani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what to think of this. I have watched this person rise in the most liberal environments. The ones you would assume to spawn such eloquence and loftiness. I wonder how it is, that one find the encouragement and approval to be able to reach the accolades of artistic glory while others suppressed and asunder lay obscured and forgotten. It is indeed the ides of these times, that the greater many are still left under...
but I know it is my greatest sin, to feel as I was robbed of some kind of greater destiny. For it is the people like me, who do the worst things in history for the most vain of reasons.

>> No.17373564

shes gonna win a nobel prize isnt she...

>> No.17373567

liberal is the wrong word, progressive is the right word.

>> No.17373574


I think it is degrading and the replication and commodification of American culture is a part of a much larger degradation as a whole.

Look at slam poetry for instance, this is supposed to be a new and original form of poetry originating in America. Its a new form of the continuing degradation of culture.

There was Wallace Stevens, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Emerson, T. S Eliot, Hart Crane and Poe.

>> No.17373593

Has she even written the books yet?

>> No.17373647

Ghost writer probably did.

>> No.17373658

22? She looks 40

>> No.17373661
File: 28 KB, 218x384, I,_Libertine_(book_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this classic work

>> No.17373664

>Orange man
>Orange man bad
>Nigger sheeit white boi
end of poem

>> No.17373701

Another day, another /lit/ seethes over Amanda Gorman thread

>> No.17373817

Oh no, the fragile white snowflakes are being triggered again.

>> No.17373824

I would fuck her throat until it was blistered, her voice reduced to a brittle, empty gasp, before discharging cruel lashes of burning spunk onto her cock-dazed face. I would inaugurate my stately flesh cudgel into the foul, cramped office of her fundament, there to remain for 4-8 years.

>> No.17373838

>see girl recite poem on tv
>i must buy all her books

who thinks like this and why

>> No.17373847

Everyone. 98% of people read books either for trashy entertainment or to affect intelligence.

>> No.17373858
File: 1.39 MB, 2260x2329, D7EED17B-A209-43FF-A338-D12B645E1AAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s more like
>enjoy poem
>buy poem collection from author
I do this too with poems I like.

>> No.17373876


I heard about one minute of what I assume was the speech and without any politics or race baiting, what I heard was sanctimonious trash which I could only stand for about that length of time. For the purposes of this post, I will assume that what I heard was an excerpt. Alliteration is fine but only to a point, which she crossed, after which it becomes childish. What I heard was not poetry, and not even a political speech. What I heard was the dialogue for a Hollywood movie trailer, whose writer had lazily recycled every trope in the book. This is what Europeans are talking about when they say that America has no culture. Which isn't true, strictly speaking, but there are arguments to be made that it's an impoverished culture. This speech is one of them.

>> No.17373896

shelf decoration, no one will read them

>> No.17373907

Underrated dubdubs. It may not be in the form we want, but it's the form we get and at least we have form at all.

>> No.17374078

So she went to a private school called New Roads from K-12. ~40k a year plus fees. I'm not American - does this mean she was born into privilege or is this the average cost of mildly decent education over there?

>> No.17374104


Private schools are for the absolute most elite of elites. I grew up genuinely rich and went to public schools, because the merely wealthy move to areas with very good school districts to obviate the need for private education. To go to a private school is an entirely different level of wealth/privilege. Maybe she got a scholarship or something (vanishingly rare, but then again, she is black and the elite like to appear that they care about equality, so they probably offer some to non-elite minorities), but it's likely she started with a massive leg up on life.

>> No.17374110

Her mother was a schoolteacher. I bet she got a scholarship.

>> No.17374122


And I should also mention that public schools in wealthy areas of the US are absolutely top-notch. America has a lot of stratification and it's true that if you're in that top strata, you get the very best of the world. So imagine how elite you have to be to consider such schools in appropriate for your child and instead send them to a wealthy private school.

>> No.17374123

>This is what Europeans are talking about when they say that America has no culture.

Europeans are wrong in that assessment: consumer society is our culture; it's part of their culture as well -- ironically, looking to the US is part of what constitutes their direction.

>> No.17374129

That is absolutely upper-echelon. The amount of people who can afford to spend $40k a year on their child's education is an extreme minority in the US.

>> No.17374132

>I'm not saying it's an isolated event, but this "VGH the FALL of KULTUR" shit is obnoxious and retarded.

It is though. The romans appropriated greek literary tradition and literally made it their own and one-upped it; you can see the same accomplishment in Melville/Hawthorne/Poe and the great American poets; but all this has been abandoned. The grand American novel has been abandoned for identity politics and post-modern works.

>> No.17374163

>it's not being degraded
>it's being replicated to the point it degrades


>> No.17374529

I had never read it, thanks for mentioning it anon.

>> No.17374607

She is cute and I would penetrate. Her words were crap though. Mouth flood of words making no sense.
Learn to less

>> No.17374693

Its Jewish negrophillia anon...

>> No.17374710

This thread inspired me to adopt a black girl and ensure her life is better and has more opportunity than the lives of everyone who posted negatively in this thread. lmao

>> No.17374768

Why are people so dumb?
Why is it that the media can just tell people someone is a master poet and literary genius and people will believe it's true?

>> No.17374796

>these terrible penguin editions

>> No.17374797

She has a kind of cute autistic disposition, you can tell from her thin eyes and nasally jagged voice and stuffy thin nose and recessed chin. At the same time, she looks very hawk like and smug. I don't really care for her poem, it seems dated to me. America is embarrassing itself even more each coming day, trying to re-correct old mistakes and shit. At this point, nothing is surprising.

>> No.17374837

because it's black. you guys starting to see the pattern right?

>> No.17374871

wow it's almost like black privilege exists in publishing

>> No.17374874

You think you can't get published because you're white, but it's actually because your work is unoriginal dogshit. Lots of talented cis white people get published.

>> No.17375090

Was this a marketing campaign?

>> No.17375097

>The romans appropriated greek literary tradition and literally made it their own and one-upped it
>you can see the same accomplishment in Melville/Hawthorne/Poe and the great American poets
Mega cringe

>> No.17375102

never cringe at me again or the next time we make love will not be consensual

>> No.17375105

Anyone who performs at an inauguration is a bootlicker.

>> No.17375139

white women

>> No.17375162

Not that anon, but publishers and agents are practically sucking off every "POC" they can find with a half-finished manuscript.
If you had ever attended a literary conference or looked at an agent's website/twitter in the past five years, you'd know this.

>> No.17375171

What he's trying to say is that it isn't disappearing but is being replaced by soulless facsimile.

>> No.17375215

The media doesn't even have to. Americans are so desperate to prove how woke and anti-racist they are, they fall over themselves to throw money at the next educated black woman, regardless of merit.

>> No.17375221

Yeah, but were they black?
120 IQ blacks are very rare.

>> No.17375398

tfw 120 IQ but I’m white so I’m a dime a dozen

>> No.17375465

I went in with an open mind to read some of her stuff and stumbled upon this:


Just really banal, lowest-common-denominator type shit.

It's difficult for me to determine whether or not it's more embarrassing than Rupi Kaur's material.

Although Rupi's material is childishly bad, Amanda's material upsets me because she is using politics blatantly in her material. She doesn't even try to hide it.

No thanks.

>> No.17375518

The school is a commie activist mill for the upper elites of los angles. Not much better than the public schools in the same area.

>> No.17375845

Last time they asked cultural icons here to make a song/poem for the visiting US president a folk singer came up with
>Hey Ronnie Reagan I'm black and I'm pagan, I'm gay and I'm left and I'm free
They don't ask poets anymore.

>> No.17376331

nobody under 23 even has a soul, why would you subject your synapses to this

>> No.17376465

She had all her expenses paid by one of dem programs, particularly in his case, she is the product of the Milken Foundation, which was established by the jewish fraudster Michael Milken, who is responsible for the economic crash caused by junk bonds scams in the 80s. Milken is also one of the people the Gordon Gecko character was based on

>> No.17376502

Don't fug her

>> No.17376557

>Milken was pardoned by President Donald Trump on February 18, 2020.
what did MAGA mean by this

>> No.17376585
File: 557 KB, 800x800, s436829104439394741_p791_i1_w800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I just want to say how happy I am to have you all. I'd also like to let you know that my fiancée, who doesn't give a fuck about politics aside from environmentalism was astounded at the reaction to this awful poem and is disgusted (her words) by all the swooning over Kamala like pic rel., etc. I think the grotesque sycophancy that has become so pervasive is starting to rub even normal women the wrong way.

>> No.17376604
File: 251 KB, 1146x1089, 1611344611218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone on /lit/ so bitter? Does a black girl succeeding really insult your self-concept?

>> No.17376644

Nigger imagine how much more pissed off we would be if it was a greasy sci fi writer who is living in squalor and hating his life. Even if the patron martyr Saint of /lit/, Katie, did it butt naked dedicating it to Camilla and Charles, some of us would still be salty.

>> No.17376652

Dangerously based.

>> No.17376702

>American culture isn't being degraded though,
>it's being replicated to the point of banality.

Same thing numbnuts.

>> No.17376708

>to feel as I was robbed of some kind of greater destiny.

Raskolnikov stop posting and confess already.

>> No.17376754

>black girl
I don't care about blacks. Trash poetry being praised however just makes me angry. I would probably be even angrier if it was a white woman because i hate white woman

>> No.17376852

Where are the lewds though?

>> No.17376860


>> No.17376895

why do you think so?
I have the Keats one but only use it to flick through it now and then

>> No.17376904

name 5 then

>> No.17377194
File: 52 KB, 680x679, 1611110354074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High culture and low culture always get fused to yield a more palpable form of entertainment for the masses. Amanda wrote apt poetry for her audience and got praised for it, so what? All the /lit/cels seething are just insecure and envious of her