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17372737 No.17372737 [Reply] [Original]

is he right that we should all be bayesians?

>> No.17372806


>> No.17372890

Lit is to much of brainlet to even understand what Big Yud has to say, it's easy to shit on the guy than understand when you have low IQ.

>> No.17372899

fixation on the bayesian theorem is an excellent indicator of a midwit

>> No.17372907

his mom obviously encourages him, but do you think his dad's embarrassed?

>> No.17372908

QRD for fellow tards?

>> No.17372923

if you see some phenomenon, and you have to assume the broader causality of it, you should assume it fits the schema that you've most commonly experienced with that phenomenon. so if you see someone outside, running, in sneakers and sportswear, you should assume they are having a jog, not fleeing the scene of a robbery, because most of the time in your past experience seeing people out running like that, they have been joggers. people like the yud find this to be a startling and revolutionary principle.

>> No.17372928

If you REALLY want to understand what this guy is about, read his 122 chapter Harry Potter fanfiction (not joking):

God bless.

>> No.17372933
File: 46 KB, 899x304, bayes_theorem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's literally all it is, which is why midwits are naturally attracted to it like a fly to shit

>> No.17372943
File: 565 KB, 2518x1024, chad bayesian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17372992
File: 350 KB, 1440x1451, bell_john_c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idea can be expressed in few characters therefore idea unimportant
damn I definitely assign a lot of value to your opinions on what is "midwit" or not.

>> No.17373024


damn i remember when this was coming out during undergrad. the absolute lowest people in my cohort of math majors was obsessed with it.

>> No.17373119

Damn I wish I could do maths.
I've learned Algebra I and II several times in high school and college but have never used them, and so I don't remember them and I'm basically back to 4th grade math now

>> No.17373321

All other opinions are ad hominems and contrarianism.

>> No.17373361

What if I follow your example, then I discover that the guy was actually running away from a robbery? If this happens enough times, will this constitute a refutation to Bayesian thinking? After all it will have been the case that Bayesian reasoning had been wrong in most cases.

>> No.17373390

With every case of guy running away from robbery you do an update to your belief. One of the most useful things in Bayesian reasoning.

>> No.17373426
File: 749 KB, 500x281, 9183j121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two popular schools of probability, frequentist and bayesian. The frequentist idea is to estimate probabilities based on how often the event has occurred in the past. However there is no mental model to the frequentist school, all there are is the events, their frequencies, and the equations.

Bayesianism in contrast, is distinct and that its core is the notion of belief as expected probability. Basically it is about how to revise your beliefs based on new information. It has more flesh on its bones than the frequentist take, because there is no persistent "state" in the frequentist model, no concept of belief representing the summation of past expectations. It supposes that how often things happen in themselves tells you about how likely they will happen without any concept of belief.

>> No.17373541

The only good accelerationist,

>> No.17373592

No, he's too fat to be correct.

>> No.17373596
File: 33 KB, 502x380, Very Big Yud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17373603

not his fault, he's metabolically disprivileged.

>> No.17373620


>> No.17373635
File: 759 KB, 1280x1740, Rationalists vs. The Future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17373690

He isn't any more

>> No.17373703

That's literally proven mathematics. What the fuck do you have against it?

>> No.17373704

We're not made to function like Bayesian computers so it is a moot point. It is obviously a useful concept in many situations though.

>> No.17373725

Is that videogamedunkey

>> No.17373741


>> No.17373746

You mean he got the lipo?

>> No.17374651

I think he gave up and turned to the dreaded diet and exercise

>> No.17374923

Did he update his priors about disprivilege?

>> No.17375427

Nah he lost weight somehow

>> No.17376573


>> No.17376610

Say it ain’t so

>> No.17376616

quite litteraly brainlet tier
bayesianism is just the gambler fallacy used for "good"

>> No.17376648

its use as if it was revolutionary religious dogma

>> No.17376706

It's a satanspawn, no one should be taking it seriously.

>> No.17376804

This is just David Hume’s knowledge of causation coming from habit

>> No.17376988


some good shit

>> No.17377330

The problem is relating real-life situations with false certainty to the theorem

>> No.17377641


>> No.17377664

That doesn't seem like a revolutionary enough idea for one guy to get to have his name attached to it forever

>> No.17377674

Example please. Bayesianism as described sounds unobjectionable but how do the Bayesians apply it?

>> No.17377684

Yes, if your priors are biased just repeat the test and update, no matter how biased you were to begin with if you update your priors enough times you'll arrive at an objective answer.

>> No.17377982

Look at his face and tell me honestly if you want to be similar to this guy in any way.
I long for the days when technopositivism stops yielding these shitty "thinkers" and their bizarre predictions, not only because their thoughts and predictions are useless servile PR for an industry which doesnt need it, but also because they are fugly asexual polyamorous kikes of whom no images should exist.

>> No.17378079

I’d prefer to associate with fugly asexual polyamorous kikes (=nice, educated ppl) than with autistic incels that rage out incoherently against the world on taiwanese basket weaving message boards

You hate him because he’s everything you want to be but can’t possibly be due to fucked up upbringing and deeply rooted socialization issues.

You’ll object, naturally, but you’ll realize, deep down, that this is indeed the truth, as you fap over tranny porn like the filthy degenerate peasant that you are.

>> No.17378117

Bro, your weirdly specific guess is not even close to my motivation or porn habits. I think, and I know this gets thrown around a lot on this website, that you might be projecting a little bit.

>> No.17378119

So... basic human thought process?

>> No.17378140

i don't think worshipping a model is a good idea

>> No.17378160

Refute it but you can't

>> No.17378795

In bayesianism you have a prior probability estimate of a theory and you have two conditionals. When you see some evidence you update your prior based on how well your theory predicts the evidence but also your prior estimate and how well other things than your theory predicts it. People commit the error constantly of not taking the prior and the other conditional into account.

Say some commie on/lit/ wants you to become a marxist because marx predicted third world exploitation and this is really happening in some cases, therefore you should think marxism is true. Well he's not taking the prior probability of marxism independently of observed exploitation nor is he taking the prob of exploitation with marxism being false into account, and in the equation this really determines whether he's offering a good argument for marxism, whether observed evidence should lead us to become become marxists.