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17369484 No.17369484 [Reply] [Original]

After everything that’s happened the past year I’m more convinced than ever that this book is correct for now. Even after a pandemic and economic disaster, liberalism still came out on top and people became the most progressive they’ve ever been. It seems nothing can convince people to let go of it

>> No.17369540
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>> No.17369677

Yep. Everyone that disagrees with Fukuyama is coping.

>> No.17369709
File: 192 KB, 2666x2166, China wins again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even after a pandemic and economic disaster, liberalism still came out on top
Um, no sweaty

>> No.17369945

Yeah but the west isn't going anywhere, and through hard (military) and soft (cultural and economic) power they basically control the world. Even though their votes are meaningless they believe they are free, and wont revolt or rebel unlike in authoritarian countries

>> No.17370018

This is the beginning of a global Great Depression, GDII and so far there’s no Roosevelt and no plan to address the coming inflation. This turkey’s days are numbered

>> No.17370141


Even Fukuyama doesnt believe it anymore. He has moved to a model of persistent institutional decay. Also, liberalism in 1989 and liberalism in 2019 are quite different things. When you have the soviet union as an example of shitty centrally planned economy liberalism means checking govt in the economic and geo-political sphere. When you have mass media co-opted by individuals who have shifted the marxist paradigm from economics to race while maintaining neo-liberal considerations about world order, and unironically call themselves liberals, it's a different beast entirely.

>> No.17370151

you mean like Fukuyama himself?

>> No.17370244

it just litteraly died

>> No.17370260

China is already testing the waters to invade Taiwan.
We will see how the west deals with that.

>> No.17370308

What did the West really do for China during the Hong Kong, or whatever, situation of recent? Nothing notable aside from saying, "We stand with you."

They know where their bread is buttered and going too strongly against China wouldn't help their economic interests.