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File: 2.67 MB, 492x720, lovinggf4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17368310 No.17368310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you write a detailed prose to describe this feeling?

>> No.17368313

That's it I'm killing myself. Fuck this shit

>> No.17368322

This feeling and visual is as alien to me as a mystical fantasy setting. The thought of this happening to me is impossible to visualize and is about as realistic than seeing a unicorn on my walk to work.

>> No.17368332
File: 71 KB, 851x1017, IMG_20200617_210428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of my head bro

>> No.17368335

what a gay little dog

>> No.17368340

Why didnt he immediately touch her feet?

>> No.17368353
File: 159 KB, 1102x623, 1608739259603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot actually imagine a scenario where a girl would find me interesting and want to even be around me

>> No.17368361
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>welcome home anon! dinner will be ready in an hour.

>> No.17368369

suicide fuel thread

>> No.17368380

This thread is not on-topic.

>> No.17368383
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*surprise hugs you from behind*

>> No.17368396

then report fag

>> No.17368399

Jannies please delete this thread before I hang myself

>> No.17368402

jewellery is unhygenic in the kitchen and she's working that pierogi way too much. also random corn cob sitting on the bench is clutter. i'd slap her on the back of the head and tell her to shape up.

t. chef

>> No.17368407
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>> No.17368411
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>look, daddys home!

>> No.17368414
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>> No.17368415
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>> No.17368421

This is a good photo

>> No.17368423
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name some books about tomboys

>> No.17368424

blonde women without makeup looking ROUGH

>> No.17368434

I don't get why you guys are so affected by seeing these things.

>> No.17368437

It's weird to think this actually happens to people

I go to my friend's house sometimes and he does all that cutesy lovey stuff with his girlfriend. It doesn't bother me, but it'd be nice to experience it for myself with some girl I connect with. I've had chances and fucked them up, and feel time is running out as I get older. Before I know it I'll be 25 or 30 and never felt the touch of a woman sexually. No woman who wants to share her life with me. Then I will look at that age and find that the higher quality women were all taken years before, and I missed the boat.

>> No.17368440

because i have never felt even the touch of a woman, i am starved of any companionship, love and admiration

>> No.17368441

This, literally just get a gf.

>> No.17368443

Me neither but these things don't make me sad.

>> No.17368446

try not to worry about it. all women break your heart in the end. even if they don't break your heart, they still break it in not breaking it.

>> No.17368453

one day it will

>> No.17368455

Yeah my friend used to do that with his GF when I'd be over at his house. She cheated on him and then dumped him so it's okay I guess.

>> No.17368456

Too bad nobody givey a shit what some jaded professional thinks when they can have pierogi filled with the love of their cute gf.

>> No.17368458

yeah let me go to the store and buy one alright buddy its that easy
i dont care. i want the good and the bad. i just want to feel something

>> No.17368461

Women aren't going to solve your problems bro

>> No.17368463

it depends on what the problem is and what the woman is like

>> No.17368477

ive experienced everything else but women. its incomplete without one. i am a physically fit moderately successful young professional with a wide array of hobbies. i have friends, career, caring family, low stress. but its empty, there is a hole there that has never been filled. the sexual and romantic. its an essential part of humanity and we are hardwired to seek it. i feel my life is missing this key component from being truly complete

>> No.17368509

t. girlfriendless loser

>> No.17368524

go out and get a gf then faggot. if you really wanted it, you would go out and get one. it's not that hard. plenty of fat ugly retards do it every day.

>> No.17368525

As the other anon said, you shouldn't depend on women so much as just the gender itself for your life to have meaning or happiness, or fun. But that said, it is good and necessary for you to know woman, and feel love. Go out into the world, and stop moping around, and get a gf and some friends in general.

>> No.17368532

again, its not that simple. that requires a woman to want to be with you

>> No.17368535

>all guys in these Webms are 8+/10 Chad's
Wow who would've expected this, incels were right after all..
Wypierdalaj stąd polaczku

>> No.17368536

its not just about getting "a woman", its about finding a woman you connect with genuinely and have a love for each other

>> No.17368539

if you were a woman, would you want to be with you? if not, do whatever you can to make yourself more desirable. it's either that or stay alone. take action if a girls validation is that important to you.

>> No.17368541

Baby should have been black

>> No.17368547

yeah i wouldnt mind it. its not like im a neet or obese or spend all my time with vidya/porn/anime. none of that. i cant be that bad.

>> No.17368559

with women it's a lot more complicated. you need to cultivate your "image" not just your physical appearance. confidence is the most important thing. if women detect that you lack confidence and self esteem their pussy dries up instantly

>> No.17368564

It clearly says the father is home

>> No.17368569

you post on this Thai ladyboy foreskin bookbinding forum, you're probably less than what God made you to be.

>> No.17368570

>detect that you lack confidence and self esteem

Le women's magical "confidence detector" meme again.

>> No.17368573

But I am tired of playing the game. Soon, It will be lonely enough that I will play it again.

>> No.17368574

yeah, this sounds closer to my issue. my image is kind of "boring", my social media is dry and i dont have a bunch of fun aesthetic pics or whatever. my confidence is very low, i am timid and soft spoken. not bad looking or unsuccessful though, and ive made friends easy in the past. people think im funny and intelligent, but im also very introverted. i was ironically more outgoing and confident when i was younger. idk what happened to me

>> No.17368575

yeah if you have shit posture and talk like a mouse and radiate submissiveness, women don't tend to find that attractive. body language is important for everything, not just getting puss

>> No.17368584

jannies are fucking useless, this thread stays up but they move meta threads to /qa/. If I wanted to see self-pity and bitching I would go to /r9k/.

>> No.17368587

This one isn't really that good to be honest.

>> No.17368588

>idk what happened to me
it's usually what happens to introverts. you need to put in the extra work to make it happen unfortunately. the whole social media thing is basically a façade. ask yourself if you would really want to be with a girl who gives a fuck about your instagram or whatever. if you do, then you can play the game like anyone else. like i said, it's all fake. just learn to play along

>> No.17368593

Is this really the end all? Is this all you faggots want?
The female has obvs set up her camera so she could gloat about her boyfriend, just to press the stop button and then be consumed by social media. It's cute to know two people love each other but when you remind yourself that every 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce it's probably not a happy event that is unfolding.
If you can't even get a girlfriend how are going to get a soulmate? And in the end you've got a 50% chance that soulmate isn't yours

>> No.17368594

youre right, good advice

>> No.17368601

I'm actually terrified that I'll find a woman who does this for me. I'll get emotional and she'll lose all respect for me. People say that's bullshit. It ain't. Women say they want a sweet kind man. No they want a tough rock who cracks the veil once in a blue moon. If you show too much emotion they up and leave you. I've had a few partners I'm not an incel before anyone throws that useless insult my way. Women want men to be hard. That's why men are hard.

>> No.17368612

Mark my words, the cuddling gets old very quickly. Doesn't mean that the love is gone.
t. married man

>> No.17368615

Hello everyone! This is running on empty: food review! Hello ladies and gentlemen and everyone watching - this is running on empty: food review.

>> No.17368618

Yeah, so stop treating it like a shop you're never allowed into. It's nothing like a shop in the first place.

>> No.17368622
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makes me think of that scene in rome where vorenus talks about love as something to be cultivated like a plant, not something that happens out of nowhere. most people aren't prepared to compromise and love is about compromise. your mother puts up with your endless crying and adolescent bullshit, she compromises. same with relationships. it's why divorce rates are so terrible. people are too dopamine fried to be able to go 10 minutes without their phone let alone maintain a relationship, let alone a marriage.

>> No.17368628

>If you show too much emotion they up and leave you.

Of all the articles on love, gender, women equality etc. its amazing that there is not a single one about this pervasive fact about the nature of by far most women, but I guess its because females are queens that never do anything wrong, or must take into consideration their own behavior in a romantic relationship.

>> No.17368630

Its entirely possible you don't find a woman you have a lot in common with. There's no guarantees. It's not as simple as just getting some random girl. It's about finding the right one.

>> No.17368638

people like making happy memories, sorry that the last photo of you is from grade 10.

>> No.17368644

>he fell for the normie psyop

>> No.17368650

Oh you're such a fucking retard. Do you have a robotically engineered ideal of her down to every detail? Stfu already.

There are plenty of white, attractive and good-personalitied females in the world anon.

>> No.17368654

>sorry that the last photo of you is from grade 10.
actually it was my university student card, loser

>> No.17368657

Why go for a woman you have nothing in common with who you can't be yourself around just for the sake of having one?

>> No.17368659

yeah she lives down my street and is married

>> No.17368666

>white, attractive and good-personalitied females

they have choices

>> No.17368673

What is stopping you from being yourself around her? What sort of women has 'something in common' with you? What do these words mean to you?

Just do a Sorrows of Young Werther then.

>> No.17368674


>> No.17368682

So you're saying you're too ugly?

>> No.17368683

Same interests, similar personality, similar outlook on life, sense of humor. Someone I wouldn't have to put a mask on around

>> No.17368685

Much of the time woman do this sort of stuff just to get an emotional response. It is the purpose, emotional closeness as much as physical closeness.

>> No.17368692

Probably. I'm not a good objective judge of that. I don't consider myself that attractive. If I were, some girl would have tried to date me. They would probably choose a more attractive looking guy though.

>> No.17368703

I'm asking what you're interests are anon. Give me an example of what you're personality, outlook on life, etc. is, of how you want in a woman.

Otherwise I have no means in which to understand what is normal for a female and what is not.

Also, why do you have to put a mask on around them? Sounds more like your own fault. Just relax and talk normally to them.

Then get a less attractive woman, but still with the other good qualities. Simple as.

>> No.17368732

all women want:
>tall, quiet, artistic men
>large hands, masculine face, wide shoulders

all people want:
>humor, ease, good nature, happiness

if your goal is to attract friends try being funny and appear happy. if your goal is to attract women embody the qualities that are naturally attractive to them - strength, creativity and silence.

>> No.17368737

An introverted girl who isn't super peppy all the time and is modest
A girl who likes reading, art, film, and music beyond the surface level
One that is understanding and caring but not overbearing or clingy
A girl who doesnt care about social media and playing games
Sensitive, inquisitive, kind
Would prefer her to be a white brunette personally

>> No.17368742


fuck im going to kill myself

>> No.17368746

you shouldn't get too caught up with fantasies and ideals about how your gf should be desu. just seems like a recipe for disappointment. just take them as they come. most of them are shit but there are some good ones.

>> No.17368747

first half is delusional, second half is 50% correct.

>> No.17368752

He transitioned

>> No.17368754
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Reading this thread made me realise why heteros hate homos.


>> No.17368763

don't kid yourself, it's physical disgust.

>> No.17368775

women are a headache but i want to fuck them

sometimes its easy to repress this desire but sometimes the pain of loneliness hitss you

>> No.17368788

take SSRIs. they turn of your sex drive and its great. i'm the happiest i've ever been.

>> No.17368793

That's fine.

>isn't super peppy all the time and is modest
That's fine, as long as you admit women are by nature more narcissistic than men and do care a lot about being attractive.

>A girl who likes reading, art, film, and music beyond the surface level
You can easily educate her about these, and many women are willing to be taught. But you shouldn't hope for a woman who knows as much as you, a man. What you should hope for is just a more intelligent woman, everything else good in a woman will flow from her not being as dumb as the masses.

>One that is understanding and caring but not overbearing or clingy
Just build your relationship on trust and love, and when she is a bit too much of one of them (all women are at times) you will easily be able to get over it. If it's a crack that you let fester, such as her being crazily overbearing since the start of the relationship and you haven't said anything, that's your fault.

>A girl who doesnt care about social media and playing games
Lol, okay. You should want a girl who doesn't care about social media or play games TOO much, otherwise you will not find a single women. All women get jealous and play games and care about their social life.

That speaks for itself, of course your gf should be kind.

>> No.17368806

Just treat people as people mot as fucking npcs of your delusional way of seeing life as a videogame. Like you guys talk about getting a gurlfriend and "what a women likes" in terms of buffs and nerfs:
>yeah so you have to get this and this in order to go and make her feel that and then you get this other item and...
It's stupid. That's the game some anons were talking about and that will never bring satisfaction. People are abysses. Just open yourself to them and let them open to you. There's no such thing as superficial people and you guys, which browse this fucking place questioning yourselves about art and ideas should know this very well. Squeeze the fuck out of people, listen to them, be good. Genuine interest in others (of any kind) will get you meaning.

>> No.17368809

>You can easily educate her about these
Good point. You can find a woman you enjoy being around and introduce her to the stuff you like if its that important to you.

>> No.17368829

>seeing life as a videogame
haha these graphics are sick but the gameplay is boring roflcopters

>> No.17368836

I will never understand the deep longing incels have for the affection and attention of women.
They need to experience it for a day so they can see how overrated it is.

>> No.17368842

its the feeling of being unwanted and unlovable

>> No.17368850


>> No.17368860

Because he isn’t a weirdo with a foot fetish.

>> No.17368861

This but I also didn't grow up with a mother so I don't feel any need for it.

>> No.17368895

True i wish i was gay, but i don't get hard to men. Gay relationships seems to easy, even non-serious ones.

>> No.17368986

I am so empty

>> No.17369012

Absolutely, if you're in a proper relationship the woman will believe most of what you believe anyway. If it's reasonable.

>> No.17369023

from my experience there are at least as many crazy gays as crazy women. Don't expect any romantic relationship to automatically be like friendship, even if you fuck dudes.

>> No.17369032

sure, but most of those guys are the sassy femme bottoms. find a masculine man

>> No.17369052

Wish I could do that... my gf is taller than me, she's so sweet, but I secretly long for a smaller one. What do?

>> No.17369096

buy a hotter shower

>> No.17369106

>When I did this to my boyfriend for the first time he almost started crying because no one had ever done something similar to him before.
There are few things more sad and reprehensible than women who don't love their children.

>> No.17369114

it's obviously a different thing if it's a girl vs if it's your mum

>> No.17369123
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why do i always click on these threads

>> No.17369126
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a mother does it because she has to. to have another woman do it because she wants to is a whole other feeling. one where she hugs you not due to obligation

>> No.17369127
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>so lonely
>the recurring thought of being unlovable and dying alone has me suicidal
alright bros, fuck it
i will try and small talk the next cute girl i see
any advice on how to go about this and what to say?

>> No.17369132

when you compliment her hair, make sure you say 'i like your hair' and not 'i like your head' like another anon accidently did

>> No.17369148

Mothers do it because they love their children. A mother who doesn't embrace her child doesn't love him.

>> No.17369162

Say "you have rather pronounced nipples," it is these subtle social cues that women lavish and depend upon.

>> No.17369165
File: 147 KB, 640x780, 1593743941511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys only want one thing and its fucking disgusting

>> No.17369171

>>so lonely
>>the recurring thought of being unlovable and dying alone has me suicidal

You need to fix this stuff before you even think about talking to any women.

>> No.17369173

These pathetic, in some way endearing, fantasy's which should have never seen the light of day!

>> No.17369187
File: 1.18 MB, 984x1494, Wolfram von Eschenbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just follow a medieval knight's advice on women:

>If there is anyone who praises women better than I, I will surely not be the one to hold it against him. I would be glad to hear their joys extended far and wide. For only one of them am I unwilling to do loyal service, and against her my anger is still fresh--ever since I found her in disloyalty. I am Wolfram von Eschnebach, and I know a thing or two about poetry, and I am a tongs at holding my anger against a woman. This one has offered me such an offence that I cannot do other than hate her. On account of this the others hate me. Why, alas! do they do so? Though their hatred troubles me, it is their womanhood that is to blame, since I did go too far and I have done myself harm. This will probably never happen again, but they should not be over-hasty to storm my bastion, or else they are likely to run into defensive combat. I have not forgotten how to judge both their manners and their lives. To any woman following propriety I shall be a defending champion of her reputation: her distress troubles me to the depths of my heart.
>A man's praise limps like a spavined horse when he declares all women are off the board just to show his own lady to advantage. Any lady that wants to inspect my rights, both see them and hear them, I will not deceive her. My birth was to the knightly trade, and if my bravery is under-rated by one who loves me for my poetry, I consider that she is weak in her wits. If I seek a good woman's love, and if I am not to win her love's reward by my shield and my spear, then let her bestow her favor accordingly. A man aiming at love through knightly deeds is, after all, playing for very high stakes. If the woman would not take it for flattery, I would add further unknown words to this story for you, I would continue the adventure for you. But if anyone requests me to do so, let him not consider it a book. I don't even know a single letter of the alphabet. Plenty of people get their material that way, but this adventure steers without books. Rather than have anybody think it is a book, I would sit naked without a towel, the way I would sit in the bath--if I didn't forget the bouquet of twigs.
- Parsifal, end of chapter 2.

>> No.17369193

That doesn't make any sense to me, how am I supposed to stop feeling lonely on my own? How can I stop feeling unlovable without one day finding someone who does love me?

>> No.17369196

just be yourself :^)

>> No.17369197
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what books does this webm make you think of?

>> No.17369205
File: 63 KB, 400x398, 1556812933119 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please get out of my head.

>> No.17369217
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shhhh don't speak, just relax and let me give you warmth

>> No.17369223

Your worth as a human isn't determined by, of all things, the whims and desires of women only marginally less clueless than you are. I find it strange I have to explain this to someone who has presumably read at least one book.

>> No.17369227

They're both men.

>> No.17369233

stop ruining this board you fucking self-pitying pieces of shit

>> No.17369234

pathetic wimps who needed better mommies, look in the mirror and clean your penis

>> No.17369238

the jannies have left us behind. our reports are futile.

>> No.17369283

women cause woe to men

>> No.17369288


>> No.17369308
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>But if anyone requests me to do so, let him not consider it a book. I don't even know a single letter of the alphabet.
I can't believe Chad memes existed 1000 years ago

>> No.17369400

I know how you guys feel, I used to be like this few years ago, very sad because I never had a gf. Now I don't care at all about it. Don't get me wrong, I still think that some women are hot but I just don't feel the need anymore. Maybe in the future I will manage to get a gf/wife, but for now I don't mind being alone.

>> No.17369452

holy SHIT why do I get a massive hungover after sleeping or cuddling with someone

>> No.17369469

No. Body. Say. It.

>> No.17369472

it was the opposite for me. i used to not care and now i do. i feel like it'll get harder the more i wait

>> No.17369508

The only feeling I get from this is that I want to break into this house while they're having sex. Next I would brown his brains out with my gun and rape her with her trying to push me away convulsively only making the fucking better.

>> No.17369513
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