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17365578 No.17365578 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17365597

He was an avatar of Horus, the transcendent "Solar" principle. Ostentatious persona and cult-leader to degenerates notwithstanding.

>> No.17365598

Pretty much a joke.

>> No.17365612
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I have biases towards Rosicrucianism and Golden Dawn magic since I am an (esoteric) Christian, I am pretty mad at him for causing the end of the Golden Dawn. But from a magical point of view he is misunderstood and talented, though this is hampered by the fact that he was an edgy mad spoiled fuccboi who wrote complete bullshit a lot of the time, he also brought the misunderstanding on himself by making himself look like an evil satanist for sake of causing controversy. Claiming himself to be the reincarnation of Eliphas Levi was utterly retarded and disrespectful towards Levi. The guy also ate his own shit.

Yeats kicking him down the staircase was funny though.

>> No.17365641

he was black (nigger)

>> No.17365784

VerR BAD :(

>> No.17365884

He had some cool ideas but was really zany and unhinged at the same time. Also just wanted to start some shit for the sake of shock value.

If you can separate the really talented wizard man from the man Britain loved to hate, his works are great.

Also he was a somewhat repressed homosexual and he used his Order to kind of get away with it, take that into account.

His Thoth Tarot is amazing.

>> No.17365898

Stupid larper

>> No.17365901


>> No.17365905

>I am pretty mad at him for causing the end of the Golden Dawn
Aw come on, you can't pin all of that on him.

>> No.17365906

>His Thoth Tarot is amazing.
Can you elaborate?

>> No.17365909

OSS secret agent working for Anglo imperialist government.
Just like later Levi and Aquinas would do the same but with the CIA instead.
No real culture can emerge from *modern* Anglos, they can only adopt, remix and then corrupt foreign cultures.

>> No.17365911

I know, but he was still a part of it

>> No.17365940

It's really beautiful, for starters. And while I don't necessarily see things the very same way he did, I found some of the symbolism in his Arcana to be incredibly insightful (such as his take on Judgment, Hanged Man, Magician...), more so than Waite who made some questionable choices like switching Justice and Strength around from the Marseilles order for whatever reason.

His minor Arcana are unfortunately not quite as remarkable, and certainly not as intuitive as Waite's, but that can me amended if you approach them with an open mind and have his Book of Thoth as a companion. He calls Two of Swords "Peace," for example, which is really counter-intuitive to the real meaning of that card, and he even says so in his book. It's a little strange.

>> No.17365974

I have zero clues about tarot. What's an arcana? Do you mean you think his tarot cards work? What does work in that case mean? Does he explain this? did you try it?

>> No.17365989

He’s a charlatan. I don’t mean that as an insult but just simply that he was, in his later mid life completely addicted to heroin, so ba so that he would hit his students up for cash so he could get his fix.

I’ve read his books and you only gain some insight from them. But that being said, you can find more value reading the hermetic father of the desert.

>> No.17365996

Yes. His Thoth tarot is really good.

>> No.17366034

That doesn't really elaborate it for me. See >>17365974
Do y'all actually lay tarot cards and try to read the future I guess?

>> No.17366038

Arcana are the cards. Major Arcana are the 22 cards that most people traditionally think about when someone says Tarot: Fool, Magician, Priestess, Empress, etc.

Minor Arcana are the other 56 cards, divided in four suits. They're the equivalent of what you would find in a regular Poker deck, with the exception of one extra "Court" card per suit. (King, Queen, Knight and Page, but these names vary wildly among decks)

The matter of Tarot "working" is one that is a really wider discussion than I'm willing to get into at the moment. Let's put it this way: One can quite reasonably use Tarot decks as a useful psychological tool in the way Carl Jung explored (he also experimented with the I Ching). The supposed randomness of the card spreads, coupled with the colorful symbolism of the cards, opens your mind up to new ideas and can bring to light things that were not conscious before.

Does that mean I take Tarot to be exclusively a psychological tool with nothing else to it? No, not me. I have used Tarot, I Ching and Elder Futhark for a few years and I find it difficult at this point, from personal experience, to limit myself to a secular worldview, and as a matter of fact, I don't. But one either comes to that or doesn't, and it shouldn't distract one from the purely psychological merits of these tools.

>> No.17366048

Hey man I believe in the I Ging no need to slide about these things. Or at least try to engage it openly. Is there an actual system about rune magic? Give me all you know.

>> No.17366089


"Rune magic" does exist, if you mean actual runes like the Elder Futhark and its descendants. The historical background for it is moderately established, and if you like going to original sources, you can always look to the Eddas and the Havamal.

Its inner workings are not entirely known to me as my interest in Futhark has been mostly limited to divinatory uses thus far, but I know some authors like Edred Thorsson who get into it. He's quite concerned about historical accuracy. You might find it of use.

I will caution you however to always keep ethics in mind when dealing with these things, and especially when whatever it is you're doing involves a third party. Please do not try to interfere in someone's free will, for example, as things like that have a tendency to backfire sooner or later.

>> No.17366180

As mystical syncretists go, he's aight.

>> No.17366385

Essential pseudo-core with a hint of flat earther.