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/lit/ - Literature

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17365171 No.17365171 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top 5 books here and let other anons make fun of you. I'll start us off, rip me apart patricians.

>War and Peace
>An Artist of the Floating World
>Divine Comedy

>> No.17365196

>Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
>Oblomov - Ivan Goncharov
>The Red and the Black - Stendhal
>A Hero of Our Time - Mikhail Lermontov
>A River Runs Through It - Norman MacLean

>> No.17365226

>A Hero of Our Time - Mikhail Lermontov
Opinion discarded entirely

>> No.17365277

Im not very well read but so far the ones Ive enjoyed the most are as follows
>war and peace
>brothers karamazov
>a canticle for leibowitz
>storm of steel
>the silmarillion
im currently working through a stack of like 10 books though so im sure ill have a better list eventually

>> No.17365292

>Moby Dick
>The Karazamov Brothers
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Adventures of Augie March
>A King Alone

>> No.17365367
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East of Eden, J. Steinbeck
A Clockwork Orange, A. Bruges
Wine of Satan, L. Gay
All the Pretty Horses, C. McCarthy
It, S. King

>> No.17365379

>Ulysses by James Joyce
>The Tower by William Butler Yeats
>Crow by Ted Hughes
>Endgame by Samuel Beckett
>Long Day's Journey Into Night by Eugene O'Neill

>> No.17365394

The Unconsoled (Ishiguro)
Aubrey-Maturin series (O'Brian)
Parallel Lives (Plutarch)
Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner)
Moby Dick (Melville)

>> No.17365406

>The Unconsoled (Ishiguro)
>Parallel Lives (Plutarch)
>Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner)
>Moby Dick (Melville)
Holy fuck that's based

>> No.17365420

No love for O'Brian, anon? He is peak comfy for me.

>> No.17365467

>Annals - Tacitus
>Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy - Sterne
>Complete Dialogues - Plato
>Elegies - Propertius
>Life at the Bottom - Dalrymple

>> No.17365491

>a clockwork orange
The movie is unironically better

>> No.17365501

Do you say that just because of the ironic ending, or is there more to your estimation of the two?

>> No.17365517

Not that guy, but I agree that the movie is superior. The book is very vague. It'll say that Alex was "dressed in the fashion of the time" but not even say what that is. I found it lazy.

>> No.17365537

>Stephen King


>> No.17365540

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Blood Meridian
>Storm of Steel
>The Maltese Falcon
>Chekhov Selected Stories

>> No.17365546

>It, S. King
Get off this board. Rest of your picks are actually decent though.

>> No.17365589

>Hemingway Collected Stories
>Madame Bovary, Flaubert
>Chekhov Collected Stories/Novellas
>A Sportsman's Sketches, Turgenev
>The Red and the Black, Stendhal

>> No.17365596

based portrait
mine are:
Dubliners - James Joyce
Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
The Sickness Unto Death - Søren Kierkegaard
The Waste Land and Other Poems - T.S. Eliot

>> No.17365599

Absolutely based

>> No.17365607

I know, I know. I carry my albatross with a downcast face, wandering the earth alone like erstwhile Cain.
I cannot describe my enthrallment with this book. I could not articulate why it pulled me in so deeply but I voraciously consumed it within a week. I've never like any other King works and felt the ones I read in my youthful days were behind me even then. Heap upon me the coals of my deserved denouncement.

>> No.17365620

>The Great Gatsby
>A Tale of Two Cities
>Moby Dick
>Cien Años de Soledad

>> No.17365624

I could list about 20 or 30 books I would consider my favorites so I'll just go with my most reread.

Lord of the Rings
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Crime and Punishment
Letters from a Stoic

>> No.17365631

Don’t feel bad anon, not all of us are holed up on the Capitoline.
King’s a commercial writer, so of course his works are vapid. He’s still the best turd in a pile of shit though.
Also, enjoyment doesn’t necessarily translate to recognition of quality, so it’s not as if your taste’s bad.
tl;dr: King’s a valid choice for a thread about subjective opinion.

>> No.17365665

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>War and Peace
>Moby Dick
>To the Lighthouse

>> No.17365698

Okay I'm thinking this guy is based.

>> No.17365704
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In no order:
>The Lord of the Rings
>Storm of Steel
>Something Wicked This Way Comes
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>Mortal Engines

I know one's YA but it's legitimately good

>> No.17365707

Good picks, anon. I appreciate you.

>> No.17365710

Thanks, anon! I am not much of a fiction reader, my area of focus being poetry and drama, but it's tough to find a novel that can surpass Ulysses.

>> No.17365724

Heart of Darkness
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
The Forever War
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (my favorite of the series, though I'd like to consider all five books as one work)

>> No.17365733
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The Haunted Mask (Stein)
Monster Blood II (Stein)
Say Cheese & Die (Stein)
Deep Trouble (Stein)
Monster Blood I (Stein)

>> No.17365736

Thanks buddy. Right back at you.

>> No.17365742

>Mortal Engines
Fuck, I've got to get around to reading the rest of the series.
Speaking of other quality YA, have you read The Monstrumologist?

>> No.17365748
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>> No.17365762


Mate the sequels and prequel series are all genuinely good, I've reread them all in adulthood and they are a solid read. Very dark for teen books without being cringe and the world is incredibly imaginative. Would definitely recommend them. Nah never heard of it what's it about?

>> No.17365877

Monster hunter and his young assistant in late 1800s America. I can also recommend the next two in the series but haven't read the fourth.

>> No.17365915

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>The Iliad
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>Madame Bovary

>> No.17365961

>Ulysses - James Joyce
>Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
>Petersburg - Andrei Bely
>Molloy - Samuel Beckett
>Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
Based Irish Lover
Some of the stories in Dubliners are impeccable but i don't know how that could be someone's favorite book
I had a LOTR phase too (as a child).
Dune is only good the first time you read it
Based, I liked the one with potato with teeth

>> No.17365993

>Dune is only good the first time you read it
I don't think you've read Dune enough

>> No.17365999

Am I the only who doesn’t really like blood meridian? Granted I’ve got about 70 pages left, but it’s so boring I can barely bring myself to finish it. Other than “violence is bad” I haven’t seen what else this book has to say, and the grammar and punctuation make it extremely annoying and borderline unreadable

>> No.17366030

ulysses and portrait are both fantastic but dubliners has a special place in my heart because of who i was when i read it and because of all Joyce’s works it best shows off his incredible ability to capture very specific, poignant emotions

>> No.17366123

If it doesn't speak to you, then maybe it's not for you. Taste is often a matter of personality, as well as judgement.

>> No.17366172

>Moby Dick - Herman Melville
>Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
>East of Eden - John Steinbeck
>Eifelheim - Michael Flynn
>Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy

>> No.17366276

book of mormon
Holy Bible (KJV)
Don Juan
My Twisted World - The Story of Elliot Rodger

That's all I can remember

>> No.17366442

>Journey to the End of the Night, Louis-Ferdinand Céline
>Labyrinths, Jorge Luis Borges
>The Rings of Saturn, W.G. Sebald
>Satantango, László Krasznahorkai
>No Longer Human, Osamu Dazai

>> No.17366541

Philosophical Investigations -Wittgenstein
The Decline of the West - Spengler
Gravity’s Rainbow - Pynchon
The Principles of Psychology - James

>> No.17366660

>The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa
>A House for Mr. Biswas, V.S. Naipaul
>Snow Country, Yasunari Kawabata
>The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
>Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis

Have at it, bros.

>> No.17366690

Naipul is based, and therefore so are you. Love you, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.17366722

The Karamazov Brothers - Dostoyevsky
Don Quijote De La Mancha - Cervantes
Grande Sertão: Veredas - João Guimarães Rosa
The Trial - Kafka

>> No.17366723

all the pretty horses. worst book ever written.

>> No.17366748

by Joyce, or a translation of Homer?

>> No.17366763

Cant you guys ever pick anything that isn't babby's first tier for once. Branch out a little. "POST UR LIST" ok then

The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald
The Passion According to G.H. by Lispector
Pitch Dark by Adler
The Sorcerer's Apprentice by François Augiéras,
The Book of Monelle by Schwob

>> No.17366771

degustabus non est disputandum

>> No.17366777

how i felt about all the pretty horses.

>> No.17366780

wonderful latin phrase (thank you Cicero); for future reference the correct spelling is "De gustibus non est disputandum"

>> No.17366877

He's even more based when you grow up in a subtropical shithole place like I did. Unlike him, I failed at escaping. But in some way, even if you escape, you never really escape it in your head.

>> No.17367965

> And Then There Were None
> Strangulation Romanticist
> Infinite Jest
> The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
> Gorgias

>> No.17367970
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Kafka by the shore
The entirety of Hitchhiker's Guide
Never let me go
In praise of older women
Tolkien's trilogy.

>> No.17368013

>The entirety of Hitchhiker's Guide
If you had to pick a favorite out of the five- which one and why?

>> No.17368086

There is a 150 reply thread discussing the book. You want the book's philosophy then read that. Didn't you make a post there as well?

>> No.17368089

Definitely read The Crossing and cities of the plain

>> No.17368276

I remember thinking the third one was a highlight. 4th and 5th have this air of malice that make me wish the books ended with a more uplifting run, and the fate of Arthur's romantic interest never sat right with me. The ending is kind of perfect though, black as it is.

>> No.17368280

Also, what are your thoughts?

>> No.17368305

4 is my favorite because we get to see Arthur actually happy, even if it's cut short. There's so little fanfare to Fenchurch disappearing, it seems kind of like the universe telling him "well, you couldn't just stay on Earth and chill out so BAM, there goes your soulmate"
It did get more mean-spirited near the end, I agree.

>> No.17368412

karamazov - dosto
infinite jest - wallace
tractatus (+ notebooks 1914-1916) - witty
life changing magic of tidying up - kondo
and a random vegetarian book my aunt gave me before she took her life

>> No.17368505
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Four of these were part of school reading list.
>Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dotoyevski
>Futu.re by Dmitry Glukhovski
>The Deluge by Henryk Sienkiewicz
>Macbeth by William Shakespear
>1984 by George Orwell

>> No.17368714

Crime and punishment
Of mice and men
Ham on rye
Almost transparent blue
Ballad of the sad cafe

>> No.17370202

correct kafka by the shore
i wanna read read and the black is it that good?

>> No.17370481

Pic related is actually me. I have Corona. I can still taste fruits though desu

>> No.17370502

if you could read Red and the Black and enjoy it you would already know the answer to your question

>> No.17370537

Doesn't actually understand Homer.
Cognitively incapable of grasping anything outside of midwittery.
You get a pass because you admitted you don't read.
Barely one stop above booktubers.
You made me prematurely end my plan to respond to more anons after seeing how boring your choices are.

>> No.17370611

>You made me prematurely end my plan to respond to more anons after seeing how boring your choices are.

>> No.17370685

pseud answer just tell me if it’s good nigga

>> No.17370940
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>Christ Recrucified
>Spoon River Anthology
>Moscow to the End of the Line
>The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
>In Praise of Folly

Not bad taste just basic and American. If you haven't read East of Eden try it, I bet you'll like it better than Grapes of Wrath.
You get your book taste from /lit/, that's okay though because you at least have some good choices
3 of the most basic choices and then 2 NYRB types.
you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded
best taste in the thread besides mine
based for Absalom and appreciating Aubrey-Maturin
you're gay
you only just started reading in the past few years but you have good taste for a beginner
Based but bland
none of them are bad choices but you're still gay
115 IQ
110 IQ

>> No.17371050


>> No.17371096

The Red and the Black is very good. I think Stendhal is the very best France has to offer honestly.
>Not bad taste just basic and American.
What can I say? I love American literature.
>I bet you'll like it better than Grapes of Wrath
I have read East of Eden, and I admit it's better, but I still like Grapes of Wrath more.

>> No.17371344
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Call of the Crocodile
Call of the Arcade
Call of the Kappa
Call of the Cradle
Call of the Cherokee

>> No.17371389
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Anabasis - Xenophon
Orthodoxy - Chesterton
Complete Essays - Montaigne
Horus Rising - Dan Abnett
We - Evgeny Zamyatin

>> No.17371721
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In no particular order,

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz
Seraphita by Balzac
The Divine comedy of Dante
Gods of pegana+Gods and time by Dunsany
And if it’s allowed, the complete works of William Blake, if his complete works aren’t allowed than Goethe’s Green serpent and the beautiful Lily.

>> No.17371960

>you only just started reading in the past few years
Well, I'll be. Edgar Cayce over here.
>but you have good taste for a beginner
Thanks, pal. I'll check out your picks; your cold reading lends them credence.

>> No.17372196
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>Notes from the Underground
>No Longer Human
>Portrait of the Artist
>Utas és Holdvilág (Journey by Moonlight in English, my favourite hungarian novel)

>> No.17372262

Industrial Society and Its Future
Brave new World
Boogiepop and Others
The Antichrist

>> No.17372271

Do you like the metro series of books?