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File: 53 KB, 1200x677, sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17364124 No.17364124 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK does Sowell know so much? He has a seemingly omniscient knowledge of history and economic concepts.

>> No.17364131

He’s a Dutch man in a black Pete costume

>> No.17364140


>> No.17364177

Maybe because he didn’t waste his time on 4chan all day

>> No.17364178

Watched some interview with him. Was expecting some hyper genius black guy, who totally broke the realms of scientific racism or whatever. Turned out he sounds like an above average intelligence guy, wasn't impressed at all.

>> No.17364181


>> No.17364184

>economic concepts
he doesn't talk about them

>> No.17364186

but he's black. you have to take that into consideration, anon

>> No.17364195

He´s quote generator. Good for women, good for midwits but thats it.

>> No.17364341

He wasn't held back by the soft bigotry of low expectations because it didn't exist in his day.

>> No.17364377

r/nulit/ likes Hitchens.

>> No.17364536

I find that you redpilled b a s e dbois only shill this negro inasmuch as he bashes contemporary negro politics such as affirmative action and reparations. You fetishize the idea of a black man who combats other blacks in a kind of proxy war, because you yourself are too uninformed or too afraid to take up the gauntlet. You are nothing more than the effete, socialized descendants of mandingo proprietors. Cringe and sage.

>> No.17364624

Maybe they just like what he has to say because the only people I ever see bringing up his race are leftists, and when they do they say exactly what you're saying here. I think you're ascribing motives to other people which you're guilty of which doesn't surprise me because leftists are by far the most hateful people in the word.

>> No.17364634

Or maybe everyone was enjoying a quiet life before affirmative action

>> No.17364636

trump lost

>> No.17364646

>I’m totally posting in good faith and not ignoring the blatant fact that the poster I’m responding to had a legitimate point I’m not replying to with anything more than “but what if historically discriminatory and sadistic groups were actually nice and not acting in bad faith???? :3333”

>> No.17364651
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>blows the fuck out of both racists and affirmative action
Psh nothing personal

>> No.17364674

People who spend hours and days at a time shitposting on the Internet always seem kind of mystified what that time can accomplish put to better use.

>> No.17364681

He is smart and he reads

>> No.17364690

He ironically started with an intellectual advantage, and that is his racial _disadvantage_. He very quickly saw through white man's bullshit, then black man's bullshit. Meanwhile, the white majority academics struggle to even understand what it's like to be black.
Sowell basically was forced out of "the matrix" before his career even began, so his perspective is razor sharp, and without any rhetorical gimmicks.
Racists on both sides of the aisle implicitly believe he is either a "diversity hire" or an "uncle Tom" to this very day. Again, he _started_ with this hanging over his head, knowing it would never go away.
Sowell fans themselves, even with all of this on mine, are often still racist themselves, implying that his success is somehow amazing _because_ of his blackness, as if a black man should not be capable of this level of thinking.
Now imagine being Sowell, again. It's amazing he even bothers with humanity at this point.

>> No.17364725

>Legitimate point
The same thing is used in all Sowell threads as a way to shut down any meaningful discussion.
Sowell is great and obviously some of the points he make are obvious, but the left pretends they aren't and they instantly cancel any white or asian who dare express them.
They still need to be expressed and Sowell has a lot of insights in addition to those obvious points.

>> No.17364729


>> No.17364739

I don't know what you're trying to say because I don't speak in greentext. For once in your life be upfront with what you have to say and stop hiding behind sarcasm.

>> No.17364748

Have any Sowellheads here read The Quest for Cosmic Justice or Black Rednecks and White Liberals? I've only read Vision of the Annointed

>> No.17365097

Unfathomably based

>> No.17365145

John von Neumann was arguably the smartest man of the 20th century, but he sounds completely unremarkable, even socially awkward, in interviews.

>> No.17365146

>scientific racism
I have found the midwit

>> No.17365154

I've read black Rednecks and white liberals
Pretty good, a considerable portion of the book is only tangentially related but it's pretty well written

>> No.17365156

>Black Rednecks and White Liberals
This is a very good read. The essay which stuck with me the most from this personally is the essay "Are Jews Generic?" It eternally BTFOs /pol/ and Neo-Nazis in general and it boggles the mind to take them seriously after that.

>> No.17365161
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That's essentially what it feel likes to be a successful black dude. Speaking from experience.

>> No.17365227

I'm going to put this overinflated no point to be made, charlatan nigger to shame when I get recognized. Screencap this post /lit/ you can guess who it is later.
This narcissist is nothing more than a 1930's "wise" black caricature.

>> No.17365583

Can't you just both be successful?

>> No.17365622


>> No.17366282

Yes Trequan, I'm sure your rap career will take off at any moment

>> No.17366315

Black Rednecks and White Liberals is an indispensable read. Every essay in that book changed my worldview in a different way.

>> No.17366368

maybe von neumann wasn't that smart, huh

>> No.17366568
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Well he does a few things that are a bit different which could explain your perception.

1. He applies reason from multiple directions.
This a simple and powerful method that is not often used. Something like >>17364181 don't look are poverty, look at the absence of wealth. That very small change has huge effect on the direction of thinking, and by doing this new reasoning can be done. If it is sound and novel people will love it, it how you get a lot of smart quotes.

2. He is a black man who dismisses common black views.
This seems to be an easy way to get famous, just be a in a minority and go out saying your minority is all wrong as majority groups love that. (I don't see this as helpful, but believe it is a large reason he go so much air time and interviews. And by such authority association he seems smart.)

3. he deals with economics
Economic understanding is based on a soft science method, which can be applied to nearly everything. A lot of people just don't get the idea if soft science. Thus with economics one can learn or deduce something significant about nearly everything. So it is not that he knows everything it is that he has a method he can apply to everything, throw in a lot of handwork reading and gaining information and he can do a lot. (I often amaze people with my undergrad Econ skills, I just wish it helped pay the bills. Only high level Econ really makes money, so it's really a all in PHD route)

>> No.17366574

You guys are all so full of it kek. “He’s for midwits and he’s good for being BLACK”

Wew lads so edgy

>> No.17366824

Please do.

>> No.17367519

About your last point, I’m an undergrad in econ who intends to go to grad school but only for a MA. Is that enough to pay the bills, or do I need to go for a full PhD? I don’t really intend to be an academic.

>> No.17367534

academics affiliated with stanford tend to b p smart what can i say

>> No.17367638

He's a 90 year old lifetime scholar so I'd hope he knows more about his field of study than some 4chan poster

>> No.17367652

Cope libtard

>> No.17367659

I learned lots from 4chan, dimwits.

>> No.17367664
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who would win in an intellectual contest, black econ man or black science man?

>> No.17367713
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To be honest, I really don't know.

I just never got to use anything from college. I mean I loved how it helped me grow as a person, but felt like that could have been done with an 2 year degree or something for a lot less money. I think most college is like that regardless of degree. I was an odd ball even for Econ, I mostly used a lot of qualitative approaches when most I knew used quantitative approaches. People would ask about a companies numbers, I would ask if their product was any good. My results were good, but lots of people questions my methods often asking where were the rest of my numbers.

When job hunting most of the economic jobs I saw required a PHD. I sure there are other applications and career paths, but that just what I saw when I was looking (2013 - 2018). Although Econ was my secondary major, my larger focus was on Business and minor in Engineering, so my Econ job hunting was not as intensive as it wasn't my main focus even if I did get the full degree. Would recommend some strange minor to help expand your mind so you can solve problems in new ways, and get people (HR) curious about you.

Originally I started as an Engineer, only to find may problems were actually Business problems. So to make myself more valuable I changed over to Business get the skills to solve the in demand problems. However I later found it was a bad plan. Many of those business positions were higher level jobs, without any entry positions or internships, and training is nonexistent now a days. So by getting an amazing skill set and knowledge base, I was overqualified for lower jobs and lacked experience for upper jobs, stuck in a catch 22 hell. And driven mad by the people who kept saying how great I was, but not getting a job. If complements paid the bills I would have been doing fine.

I would assume it is a similar set up for other MA related growth paths. So I suggest you get a job or internship with your undergrad to show your skills, then later go for the MA. Of course few years later some companies were starting up training programs to deal with huge problems with their talent pipelines, they rejected me because they wanted a college student who hadn't yet gotten preconceived notions as I had gotten a job by then. Whether this is a minority case or some new trend who knows, HR is broken. Either way use those college connections as soon as you can, as college internships seem to meet both conditions. I am jaded and have managed to find some happiness in my grunt work that pays the bills but doesn't use a fraction of what I could do (super underemployed and not paid much, but also overpaid for the grunt work any human could do), I'll find joys in a hobby or friends. Hope this rambling helps, best of luck.

>> No.17367725

Science > economics or theology

>> No.17367729

I like Sowell too. I've read Basic Economics, Economic Facts and Fallacies, and Race and Culture. I want to meet him and Peter Kreeft before they die.

>> No.17367752

smoke degrass is far stupider than sowell tho

>> No.17367760

Not even

>> No.17367769
File: 18 KB, 481x501, 1563604769086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the poster boy for science as a fandom is more intelligent than literally anyone

>> No.17367791
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Not what those two words meant
>the smarmy college educated theologian of hoodoo numbers that confirms liberal own biases is Smart.
Only seems so to you

>> No.17367851

>>John von Neumann was arguably the smartest man of the 20th century,
by atheist standards

>> No.17367967
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, Weezy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Sowell is not smart he's definitely smarter than Degrass, because Degrass is literally a brainlet. That's the point moth, please reread my earlier response.

>> No.17367976

And yet you don't actually address anything
I see this all the time with Sowell
Platitude upon platitude upon platitude but no actual counterargument for any direct claim

>> No.17367990

>And yet you don't actually address anything
He was addressing OP.

>> No.17368060

I have never read him, where does one start? What's his most accessible work that doesn't alienate?

>> No.17368064

so did communism

>> No.17368077

And leftists wonder why they’re not taken seriously by economists.

>> No.17368083

Start with A Conflict of Visions, then Knowledge and Decisions.

>> No.17368153

Mother of based

>> No.17369045

>spends the 2 minutes reframing "what is the origin of poverty" to "what is the origin of wealth" and forcing the interviewer to reframe the question to try to look more intelligent
>spends the next minute giving a lay man's interpretation of how wealth accumulates that any middle schooler could pump out
>How the FUCK does Sowell know so much?

this is the state of /lit/

>> No.17369062

That hair? It's actually an extension of his brain.

>> No.17369136

this is the state of the world

>> No.17369152

But he’s literally right. So many people always try to explain what causes poverty, which is dumb; poverty is the default state of man. And it’s not easy to explain what causes wealth, there’s a bunch of economic literature on it.

>> No.17369181

No, everybody would be rich if it wasn't for the Jew. This is why we need NatSoc.

>> No.17369195

Refuted by Sowell btw

>> No.17369202

He's a retard.

>> No.17369204

nooooooooooo, how could the based black man do this?!?1

>> No.17369209

Is knowledge and decisions very interesting?
I've read black Rednecks and intellectuals and Society which I really liked but I'm not sure about Knowledge and Decisions, from the wiki description sounds like an artifact of rational choice theory but I'm hopefully wrong

>> No.17369213

This is unironically true for western states

>> No.17369215

He also put up a pretty good defense of German culture from the muh nazi types
He's a bit of a schizo honestlr

>> No.17369224

nooooooooo, magabros wtf? is he based or cringe? please tell me what we think, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!2121!

>> No.17369241

He's based in his books, cringe in his interviews

>> No.17369250

Some people just have that kind of encyclopaedic memory, particularly for certain subjects. I would guess there are a few anons who post here who either have this kind of memory or know someone who does.

>> No.17369252

the interviews must be deepfaked, it's the only way it makes sense...

>> No.17369279


>> No.17369372

The funny thing is butthurt leftists are quick to call him an uncle Tom but it never occurs to me that Sowell is distinguished for saying what he says precisely because it's something that no-one else is allowed to say because he's a nigger.

>> No.17369416

>dude middlemen and parasites are necessary because if they weren't why would they exist!
Seems legit

>> No.17369526
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he doesn't fall for both left or right propaganda views.
As such, he's not an npc and doesn't fall for npc memes from marxists and the all right.
And he uses economics to disprove both nazis and communists.

He's already more based than 99% of academia npcs.

>> No.17370821

You must not read a lot if you think this is a smart man. Sowell is a midwit

>> No.17370824

Underrated post

>> No.17370876

I love how this man makes everyone seethe. The far left and right despise him because he is a complete affront to their world views. He is also good at explaining complex socio-economic phenomenon in simple terms that even lay people can understand. The man is based beyond all belief

>> No.17371381

Knowledge and Decisions is pretty interesting, mostly for how redpilled it is. Check our Hayek’s review of it: https://reason.com/1981/12/01/the-best-book-on-general-econo/

>> No.17371397

>You are nothing more than the effete, socialized descendants of mandingo proprietors.
I'm not even white lmao. I just appreciate smart people regardless of what they look like. He could be a fucking purple alien and I'd appreciate him.

>> No.17371411


He's even less influenced by ideology and just as if not more evidence based than Chomsky, who the left considers almost Godlike in terms of encyclopedic knowledge, consistency, and objectivity. Sowell was a Marxist in his youth and has written a commentary on Kapital, so leftists most powerful weapon of "read theory" is useless against him. Then again, their next post powerful is gatekeeping.

>> No.17371428

Did he write a commentary on das Kapital?
I thought he had written a pretty solid introduction to Marx and his thought based on surprisingly wide reading of primary material

>> No.17371443

Has anyone evenread basic economics by thomas sowell.
Its a dictionary.
In one of the definitions for free trade he argues that free trade would benefit the united states.
Do you guys agree? i dont.

>> No.17371469

Chapo trannies seething

>> No.17371725

Sowell ironically has a better understanding of Marx than 99% of the Marxists online who haven’t even read the first volume of Capital. All the leftist lingo they use - class consciousness, base and superstructure, commodification, etc - he’s very familiar with. The thing is that Sowell doesn’t necessarily hate Marx. He actually seems pretty sympathetic to him in his writings and has debunked numerous strawmen often aimed at Marx, but ultimately ended up abandoning him in favour of market economies.

>> No.17371891

Free trade would benefit the United States and the rest of the world knows this and so fights tooth and nail to keep us at bay through various methods of tariff and non tariff trade barriers. We have a nearly unending supply of cheap food which basically spells certain socio-economic doom for any nation foolish enough to let the long cock of American business in unopposed. The reasoning for this is quite simple, agriculture is always the base rung of complex society and if you let American staple grains, meat and dairy flood your market unopposed they will swiftly kick the bottom rung of your whole social order out from under you. Your streets will be flooded with farmers who can’t afford to farm anymore and aren’t trained for anything else and your land will be sharply devalued when it’s no longer producing viable cash crops on a global “free economic” context

>> No.17371947

There is a difference between flowery language about vague concepts and formal, mathematical language, mastery of one does not entails mastery of the other.

>> No.17371994
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This one always cracks me up he was definitely an uncle tom.

>> No.17372026

His name is Tom after all
But as he points out, it's a retarded arguement that's led to a lot of promising youths wasting their lives because their environment is so comically hostile to education

>> No.17372090

>yfw Thomas Sowell actually gives a strong evidence based argument that systemic racism is real by showing how public schools overseen and funded by white America have consistently failed on their lofty “liberal paternalistic” promises.
Really dude Sowell is the guy who ran away from the plantation to go to school in Canada and the Uncle Toms are the ones pleading for massa to throw some more bones to their inner city schools.

Sowell is like the economic intellectual Malcolm X.

>> No.17372161

Free trade has devastated this country because we can't compete with the slave conditions imposed on labor by countries like China and India. It should not be cheaper to take a raw resource out of the ground in America, ship halfway across the world to be assembled into a product, and then shipped all the way back here to be sold but this is the kind of lunacy that exists with free trade absent universal labor and pollution standards. You can only say free trade is a net good for America when you simply look at the end price of particular products and ignore every other economic factor, like the loss of jobs and devaluation of American labor, the drop in quality of products, the environmental impact of allowing countries like China and India become our industrial dumping grounds, and the cultural impact that comes with an economy that requires both parents to work, in contrast to the workers of the American past who had a strong position to bargain from when protectionist policies were in place.

>> No.17372215

The premise of your argument is wrong because we don’t have a free trade deal with China. China very much limits the amount of American goods and services she allows in. “Free” trade would mean China had none of these.

>> No.17372223

Look up comparative and absolute advantage in trade theory. Free trade is what makes countries wealthy. Everything you said is just pure conjecture.

>> No.17372250

I agree that we don't have complete free trade, and thank god we don't because the problems I listed would only be exacerbated. These are problems that exist in a state of limited international trade and they won't get any better with more trade.

I'm not impressed by this. There are some advantages to international trade but this doesn't mean the disadvantages aren't real. Is it conjecture to say that labor standards in China are lower than the US? That's just a lazy dismissal of some very real problems and ignoring them won't make them go way.

>> No.17372270

das racis

>> No.17372293

Elon musk is a drooling retard in comparison

>> No.17372295

>wouldn’t get any better through free trade
They absolutely would. Rural America would see the strongest commodity prices in generations if we could get Asian markets to allow us unfettered access. You are way out of your element here. The only context your argument makes sense in is viewing it through the extremely narrow context of the American Union Factory worker, which is totally pseudoscientific analysis and also ignores the fact that automation has taken as much or more factory jobs than the Chinese. You’re hyper focused on a narrow segment of the “labor” portion of an equation that includes Land and Capital as well (LLK) take like an intro Econ class.

>> No.17372385

Yes, I've said that prices for particular products will go down but without universal labor and pollution standards this will come at the cost of jobs, world pollution, and the exploitation of workers in the countries those jobs go to. A car being a few thousand dollars cheaper is meaningless if the American worker doesn't have a job to pay for it, or he has to accept a job paying very little in order to compete with the international worker.

Either engage with the arguments or don't, but you have stop with this grandstanding about "intro to econ class" bullshit. That sort of rhetoric will work on people who genuinely don't know what they're talking about but for me I'm unimpressed. The only thing I'm "hyperfocused" on is the entire picture and not just the price of particular products. I'm doing what Sowell recommends and I'm approaching policy with the "benefit and tradeoff" mindset, where I look at the benefits of trade but I don't just stop there, I also look at the tradeoffs. I see the weakened labor force, the pollution, and the cultural impact.

>> No.17372392

Common sense and basic economics >>> neo-keynsianism nonsense for pseuds who went to public school lmao

>> No.17372411

I posit to you that if agrarian commodity prices are strong and farming is profitable for the first time in 70 years in America that it will be a boom for the average working person who will be free to leave the city and make a comfortable living farming in the bread, fruit, and vegetable baskets of America.

>> No.17372441

I'd personally consider A Conflict of Visions, The Vision of the Anointed, and Intellectuals and society a trilogy. The Quest for Cosmic Justice seems like it would fall among this group of books as well, although I haven't read it.

>> No.17372460

How do you make commodity prices strong enough in a state of free trade? Countries will do exactly what they're doing now. Exploit their workers and force them to work in sub standard conditions, lack any decent environmental standard,s and then flood our country with the end product. Then it becomes unprofitable to farm our own land just as it has become unprofitable to manufacture many things in this country.

>> No.17372478

>Grew up poor and black in the early 20th century
>finds marxism
>reads theory
>rejects theory as it doesn't accurately reflect reality
>serves in Korean war
>undergrad from Harvard
>PhD from Chicago
>Milton Friedman protegee for 40+ years

>> No.17372479

lol thats ridiculous
Yes just leave the city,buy a plot of land,a tractor and other industrial scale farming equipment.
I meansure theres the organic veggie crowd but thats a niche.

>> No.17372494

>just learn to farm bro!

it's like low iq "learn to code"

>> No.17372574

Because arable land and water are finite resources. With labor you can fuck like rabbits or let immigrants in and increase your supply. Land and water are perfectly inelastic and America has it in spades.
If commodity prices are solid it’s entirely possible. It was a major engine of post war economic growth across America and it’s an inherently more equitable way to structure society because if the land ownership is broken up across the citizenry we all have more equity in our shared nation. Btw if you look at it statically there’s enough acreage in the continental US for every family (as defined by the average of 4 people) to have ~ 20 acres of their own. With the recent decentralization of the service industry thanks to digital communications progress it’s even possible for every 20 acre farm to be a two income household wherein one person is pulling down a salary in tech or services from the comfort of their living room. And, what’s more market trends are already showing that people DESIRE this arrangement as they flee California and NYC for rural America. Imagine if we leaned our policy into this and facilitated it. A healthy patchwork of independent plurality communities across the nation with no dense urban and suburban sprawl and the necessity to truck food and water there.

>> No.17372585

Farming is infinitely more complex than coding.

>> No.17372595

i grew up in a college town with many farms. it's really not.

>> No.17372607

>open hole in ground
>put thing in ground
>sell grown thing for 6000% profit inc. gov subsidies

>> No.17372612
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Pro-Tip: If you use buzzwords for idiots like "exploit" and half-intelligent person will immediately disregard you as a fucking rube.

>> No.17372616

Farming being complicated is agitprop intended to get first worlders to mechanize, and eventually abandon, their agriculture so that corporate entities can further capitalize on developing nations.
We gotta cut down the rainforests so Africans can grow more food for America!

>> No.17372624

>With labor you can fuck like rabbits or let immigrants in and increase your supply.
Which does not increase the standards or bargaining power of workers. A farm laborer is not in a position to demand a decent wage if the owner has a sufficiently large potential labor pool. This is what happens with free trade, we either lose jobs or we have to lower our standards in order to compete with immoral countries. It's a race to the bottom in terms of the environment, culture, and labor standards and the only compensation you've been able to put forward is that the price of goods will go down. It's not worth it. A strong country needs strong protectionist policy.

>> No.17372637

when was the last time you consumed anything that was made in africa?

>> No.17372649

i'd rather have basic necessities like food be as cheap as possible rather than subsidize "muh american farmers" which are actually all multinational corporations

>> No.17372650

What should I call it when the government of China locks up peasants in an Iphone factory and pays them 20 dollars a week? That's the definition of exploitation. You may not like the word because you hear some goofy Marxists say it a lot but that's you're problem. There's no better word to convey the idea that I'm sharing.

>> No.17372660

The price of a steak could be 10 cents, but if the average worker can't afford it then are we really better off as a people?

>> No.17372664

I’m talking about an anti subsidy program. Free trade and solid floors on commodity prices are undone by subsidies.

>> No.17372670

Yes, because I'm not the average worker and I don't care what happens to him.

>> No.17372671

the average worker doesn't work in steak production so driving down the costs of steaks is not going to affect them

>> No.17372674
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He's the smartest half-black man who ever lived. He'll surely enrich his people's academia in the nation of his own people --- no wait, he's here, in white society, with all the white people. Why is that?

>> No.17372677

iphone production is moving to india where the exploitation is worse and it's a democracy so now what?

>> No.17372686

Oh okay. You're a cool guy.

It doesn't matter what field they work in. If they can't afford it, what good is it being cheap?

>> No.17372698

where did you pull this strawman idea that sourcing food from the cheapest place would some how reduce the earnings of workers?

>> No.17372699

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say... that traditional and regenerative farming is simple? It’s not it’s a lot of work and expertise to manage a multifaceted closed loop farm. Are you saying that industrialized farming is easy? Well I’d say it’s easier than the previous example but running high tech machines and fertilizer programs requires a set of expertise as well add in on top of that that most grain farmers have to be able to evaluate the market like a stock broker to know when to pay to store their grain and when to sell, etc.

The idea that farming was ever simple or for simple minded people was a myth made up in modernity. In reality it’s always been a highly complex and nuanced pursuit that mixes a diverse array of skills and knowledge.

>> No.17372702

I don't know why you think it matters. You didn't like the way I used the word exploit and now you're talking about Iphones being made in India.

>> No.17372711

Because he was born in the U.S.? Just a guess.

>> No.17372717

yes, the corporations that own the farmland and equipment have huge armies of accountants and statisticians working around the clock to maximize efficiency, but billy bob and jose working in the field do not

>> No.17372735

You were talking about bringing in immigrants to lower the cost of food in order to compete on an international level Immigrants lower the cost of food by weakening the negotiating power of workers. The more competing workers there are the less an individual worker will be able to demand from his employer. This isn't a strawman, it's the inevitable consequence of a policy you put forward.

>> No.17372744

the us government reduced the cost of food by taxing the shit of out of high earners on the coasts and sending it to agrarian states by way of farm subsidies. there isn't anything wrong with that, it makes sure we have a secure food supply, and keeps hicks in red states employed and off heroin, but if korea comes with the ten cent steaks i'm buying them, fuck indiana or wherever

>> No.17372747

He's very well read.

>> No.17372769

> Fewer than 32,500 non family held corpor ations own farmland, and they own less than 5 percent of all U.S. farmland.

>> No.17372810

Then why are you still here?

>> No.17372828

And why was he born in the US, anon?

>> No.17372971

I'll tell you why. Because his ancestors were enslaved by his own people and sold for pennies to Jewish merchants in order to displace and compete with White working class laborers. Do you see the injustice, anon? Without jews and niggers, the White man never would have suffered the horrors of slavery.

>> No.17373031

more like
>Grew up poor and black in the early 20th century
>finds marxism
>reads theory
>identifies with marxism for a decade
>becomes intern with the gov
>realises being a marxist is bad for your career, especially with the fed
>rejects marxism

>> No.17373053

>dumb enough to be marxist
checks out

>> No.17373102

Many people flirt with communism and socialism when they're younger and then reject it when they grow up. It's so common it's literally a cliché.

>> No.17373191

tbf a large portion of those people think they were "flirting with socialism" because they were anti war and wanted blacks and gays to be happy

>> No.17373198

He cute

>> No.17373226

Very slightly above midwit tier. For people who could get A's in English but will never originate anything.

>> No.17373233

more like

>grow up poor black in the south
>moves to new york
>finds marxism
>becomes a marxist
>still a marxist even after studying economics under Friedman
>interns for government
>governments literally tells him to not do his job because it would reflect bad upon the government
>realizes government is shit and that what it does is not good in reality
>rejects marxism
>becomes one of the most important thinker of our times

>> No.17373247

Oof why do you hurt me so?

>> No.17373271

>realises bourgeois government is dogshit
>becomes bourgeois shill
>becomes successful
really fires off those almonds

>> No.17373305

>sees the game
>realizes a solitary nigger in America will never be allowed to change the game
>makes a bunch of money off the game and sows the seeds for type of bourgeoisie decadence that facilitates the system to collapse itself
Is he actually playing 4d chess?

>> No.17373326

You're pretty dense if you think any white person would be given a broad stage to say things like this in 2021
The black community needs to address this stuff and they're completely hung up on blaming whitey

>> No.17373332

Meant to link this video

>> No.17373360

Malcolm X used to talk like this too. Also notice that Sowell kept his hair natural for life and look at Al Sharpton and other conk niggas and ask yourself who is simping for whitey really.
I totally agree with you anon

>> No.17373381

Funny that Malcom X was wary of white liberals. Look how much good they've done for the black community since.

>> No.17373425

Exactly. I read Malcolm X a lot in high school- early college and was exposed to Sowell in early college too but he was presented as a big bad Republican but I listened to his books and speeches and realized he shared a lot of argument and sentiments with Brother Malcolm. I don’t think most white liberals have spend a serious amount of time reading either primary sources seriously. Black empowerment is black autonomy and black economic ownership and you can’t get that groveling for handouts from benevolent white daddy figures.

>> No.17373428

Al Sharpton instigates the blame whitey stuff.
I saw some speech he gave where he said "for 401 years you've kept your knee on our neck" like ffs give me a break.

He is one cornerstone of keeping the black community down.
It's like blaming your parents all your life.
Sure you can do that, but at the end of the day it's not going to develop you in any meaningful way.

>> No.17373441

Exactly. A conk nigga ashamed of his own hair simping for whitey and pretending he’s “helping” black people. Boondocks has a really poignant satire of him and his media circus.

>> No.17373446

White liberals are enablers who offer nothing to the black community but sympathy and pussy, and ruin their own culture while they're at it.

Handing people things doesn't solve the problem.
This is about values, interest in learning, and personal development.
We have the fucking internet where so much information is right there, and most people want to indulge in sensory pleasures, then wonder why gaps exist.

Now it's at the point where it feels like culturally, they're just saying fuck it, teach white people to give a fuck primarily about meaningless sensory pleasures

>> No.17373627

I love how Sowell brings out the racism in his critics without even trying.

>> No.17373742

its his job lol

>> No.17373854

Uncle tom

>> No.17373868

If by that you mean science than yes.
>inb4 euphoria

>> No.17374088

I'm sure your mein kampf sequel will take off soon Billy

>> No.17374112

I have a B.A. in Econ and B.S. in Math. I worked at a futures exchange for four years, and in insurance another four years.
Every person that I've known in these industries with an Econ degree has at least a PhD. You would likely be better getting a degree in math and becoming an actuary.

Also, the futures exchange and insurance industry suck and I hate my career every day. I wish to God I had gotten a CS degree, because that's what I'm doing anyways.

>> No.17374428

He's credited a research team before.
I remember my early exposure to his thought and writing. It steered me against leftism. Didn't realize he was black til way later.

People who call him Uncle Tom have clearly never read his work. It's clear most of his detractors are merely retarded white liberals who are too smooth brained to come up with actual arguments.
His body of thought accounts for a wide variety of regions and peoples, from Czechs in the German Empire to American Blacks to Jews to Chinese emigrants in other Asian nations. A key concept he addresses is social mobility, and much of that is based on research.
It's straightforward and mechanistic. It doesn't require you to discard your value system to understand. He merely demonstrates how human nature establishes an order of incentives, which is counterproductive to the stated goals of many institutions. My impression is that he sees that many institutions paradoxically worsen the problems they are made to create, based on this order of incentives.
The organs of a state tend to become self-interested, as well, and will exhibit behavior against their original intents.
Take for example welfare. Welfare does not incentivize people to get an education, it does incentivize a group to attain social mobility. It rewards their laziness.
This is an apparent and indisputable effect. And it's very apparent on a massive scale in modern Africa. Foreign interests, even with good intentions, sent millions of dollars worth of food and other supplies to Africa or Haiti. And what happens? How can a local rice farmer compete with American rice that's free? But what improves the economies of these places is when locals can train skills and use them, like welding. This allows local industries to develop, which brings in jobs. Men with jobs have an opportunity to turn away from crime and poverty.

>> No.17374437

>a futures exchange


>> No.17374468
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>> No.17374470 [DELETED] 

it seems like a lot of second rate talent ends up in chicago, i knew a failed med school guy and a finance party bro with a shit gpa, they both moved to chicago (from nyc) and now have careers lol i guess they'll take anybody willing to brave the cold and murder rate out there

>> No.17374480

I grew up in Chicagoland. It's hard enough getting a new job in these times even without hiring someone from out of state

>> No.17374851

>how does he know so much about economics?!?
Um, because he's literally an economist? That's like asking how a physicist knows so much about physics.

>> No.17374859

but some guy on youtube told me college is a scam, you mean you actually learn shit there? wtf who knew

>> No.17374880

Dig a hole, put seed in, add water

>> No.17375018

I am an economist. No economist takes him seriously. He has only written 2 economic papers. He is a person that White people shit that they believe.

>> No.17375033

Bitch you barely speak English

>> No.17375199

This isn’t true at all. All of my econ profs who knew about Sowell had some respect for him, even those who disagreed with him politically. A black man who grew up in poverty and made it to Harvard before affirmative action existed, and who has won the National Humanities Medal for “innovative scholarship”? That's obviously worth respecting.

>> No.17375852

Superior BBC genetics

>> No.17376765

Isn't it impossible to make it to Harvard without affirmative action?

>> No.17376785

nobody with a brain takes economists seriously

>> No.17377120

easy, not all blacks are dumb

>> No.17377145

You skip the fact that not only did he make it to Harvard without affirmative action
He dropped out of high school to go to war
Nowadays? Probably
Back then, no, it was incredibly demanding, more so than today, but it was never the less accessible to those that fulfilled the criteria

>> No.17377275

Talcum X...is that you?

>> No.17377398

>He dropped out of high school to go to war
Brainlet tier

>> No.17377453

iirc he was having family and financial problems that led to him being forced to drop out and then got drafted or something

>> No.17377467

The only america black figure that didn't suck white cock is Malcolm x