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/lit/ - Literature

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17363404 No.17363404 [Reply] [Original]

Alright so I'm new to this whole reading for pleasure thing. My gf convinced me to start with John Green and so far I'm loving his books, the dude knows how to write and I find myself relating a lot to his protagonists, especially Miles in Looking for Alaska. Anyway, I'm wondering where I go from here. I'm almost done with all John Green books and as great as they are they sometimes come across as a little juvenile. I want some books like his but a little more mature. Thanks

>> No.17363412

John Franzen

>> No.17363415

This isn’t /lit/ this is graffiti on toilet paper

>> No.17363428

Thanks, they even kind of look alike lol

>> No.17363510

fuck off to one of the 40 greek philosopher threads, then

>> No.17363528

Bill Bryson.
Jasper Fforde

>> No.17363688

John Green is a fucking nigger

>> No.17363698

David Foster Wallace

>> No.17364083
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>I find myself relating a lot to his protagonists
Underage not allowed
>I want some books like his but a little more mature.
Someone has already mentioned DFW but that’s because its true, John Green is DFW without tangible substance, something that DFW himself struggled with.

>> No.17364179
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>if it isn’t literal doggerel then it’s all Greek to me

>> No.17364230

are you trying to say you have a more complex taste than "whatever /lit/ is memeing"?
don't lie to me.

>> No.17364264

John Green is a faggot. I hate his voice, I hate his face, and I hate his annoying fucking personality. I'd rather have my toenails ripped out of my feet and shoved up my piss pipe, with no lube, than read one word of any of his shitty ass books. OP, you are a faggot and your girlfriend is a tasteless whore. Dump her and kys.

>> No.17364753

Take it easy on OP, he's 15

>> No.17364777

Since when does reading for pleasure mean reading lowbrow YA? You can read classics for pleasure anon. Start with Henry James

>> No.17365096

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

>> No.17366057

better taste than you

>> No.17366337

Shitty bait, OP