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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 706x329, reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1736059 No.1736059 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1736066

You know what else? Morals are relative

>> No.1736064
File: 471 KB, 474x379, get out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies and banter!

>> No.1736068

You can't say there is. You can't say there isn't.

But you can shut your whore mouth.

>> No.1736077

This, this, this, this.

>> No.1736084
File: 20 KB, 121x160, th_OBEY-Celestia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no God. Only Celestia.
All Shall Love Me and Despair

>> No.1736094
File: 149 KB, 450x337, laughing_buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're mistaken, my friend

we are all gods

>> No.1736309

There is, in fact, truthfully, all things considered, no god.

>> No.1736331


It must be true, he looks so happy.

>> No.1736341

hes happy because hes has got that double cheeseburger in his hand which hes about to stuff into his fat face

>> No.1736344

i dont pray anyway

>> No.1736347

If I am not god, then how come he exists?

>> No.1736360
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Fuck this shit.

>> No.1736367
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How about we make this into an atheist-books thread?

Anybody read this yet?

>> No.1736377


Read it a couple of years ago. It didn't leave much of an impression on me.

>> No.1736387

just because your butthurt at your parents doesnt mean you need to read cheesy shitty books.

>> No.1736434

> cheesy shitty books
god tier criticism right here everyone

>> No.1736456

any criticism can only have as much value as the object of critical evaluation

shit for shit, not a bad tradeoff

>> No.1736466

I agree and I think Christopher Hitchens deserves better

>> No.1736470

Ironic that atheism itself is simply a reaction to belief in any higher power. Atheism cannot exist without some sort of God-like ideal. There are an infinite number of ideas and theories behind our creation/reason for existing, yet none of them have any conslusive evidence. The only god that can exist is the one you have established for yourself.

>> No.1736475

in a there is no spoon sense

>> No.1736480

>higher power

higher compared to what?

>> No.1736484
File: 37 KB, 450x619, Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't really care either way

>> No.1736489

A stoner.

>> No.1736498

stoners are powerful?

>> No.1736502

No, they're just really HIGH, you see. Stoners. They're high. Understand?

>> No.1736509

i have lost interest.

>> No.1736558


Didn't the afghani terror squad blow you up lol?

>> No.1736578

Strong agnostic here. You're all retarded.

>> No.1736579


>mfw americans don't know who they're killing


>> No.1736581
File: 53 KB, 498x464, trolltrolltroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he just trolled you
>hfw you're another troll

>> No.1736584


>ignorant american gets something wrong
>"must be trolling"

>> No.1736587
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Note the "hfw".

>> No.1736594

let's talk about god more

>> No.1736606

Look at me guys, I'm gonna disprove religion right now:

If you are a believer, than you believe in going to the better place after your death (statement most popular religions proclaim). 70 virgin chicks or heavens gardens - either way better than actual life? So...it does make sense to simply die, right? If suicide is forbidden - heck, there are tons of ways to die involuntary. Ride to the nearest war, become an ambassador in a sickness-ridden country, work at some sky-scraping constructions, put on Batman suit and go fight the criminals. Point is, its not that hard to increase your odds of dying to the lethal point. BAM, you're officially non-sinfully dead and departing to the skies. So why nobody except psychicly broken extremists does that?
The only explanation is that nobody ACTUALLY believes in religious God, and just uses religion to fill out blank sides of ones spiritual life.

>> No.1736614


Aside from the fact that willingly putting yourself at risk is hardly that different from outright suicide, the will to live is biologically hardwired into (most) people's brains.

Also, how does that apply to religions that believe in reincarnation?

>> No.1736620


>Iranian Basij clearing minefields as human waves

>Young Arabs going off to die in Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, etc.

>Buddhist monks (and now Tunisian street vendors) practicing self-immolation as a form of protest


>> No.1736624

hell, there's been plenty of martyrs in the christian faith. oscar romero wasn't fucking around.

>> No.1736627

I'm a buddhist/hindu, I guess. I don't adhere strictly to any disciplines, but a lot of what is said is very wise.

You might be interested to know that this only came about in the last year or so, after around ten years of fervent atheism. I'm just fucked off with all of this cold logic that gets thrown around, it isn't human. I guess Dostoevsky and Camus were some turning points for me, then a lot of reading into Eastern religions/philosophies.

>> No.1736628


White trendwhoring hipster detected.

>> No.1736631


The trend right now is atheism actually.

>> No.1736651


>I guess I'm [insert oriental religion here] because it just makes so much sense even though I don't abide by the doctrine, maaaan

...pretty much sums up the mentality that fuels Western "New Age" spirituality. If you actually believed in a religion and weren't just claiming adherence to it to seem trendy, why wouldn't you devote yourself to it?

>> No.1736663
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Not going to argue for God's existence here, but since he's supposedly omnipotent, he'll know whether you passed away in an 'accidental accident' or you chose a dangerous activity, solely to die quickly in a mishap.

You can start a discussion on semantics here, whether or not searching for accidents to happen to you counts as suicide or not, whether the action in this definition refers to the direct accident, or could also refer to your choice to lead a risky existence. In the end, they're both intentional decisions, both aiming at the same thing.

A different set of rules apply to martyrs, since they usually die for a higher cause, and not solely out of egotism. And yes, there have been a lot of martyrs throughout history, dying for their conviction.

>> No.1736664


Actually, all my friends still think I'm an atheist. I just don't won't to get into all the stupid arguments. And I don't adhere to it strictly because I don't have to. A lot of it makes sense though and has helped me find more satisfaction in life than I previously had.

>> No.1736669


So why stop where you are? The most important religious knowledge is experiential. Aren't interested in progressing any further along the path that you believe to be correct?

>> No.1736678


Yes, you are totally right. I've been thinking about pluckng up the courage to go to a temple or something in my area. Thing is, right now, I'm a recluse. I get social anxiety and stuff, so I prefer to check things out in privacy first but yes, eventually I would like to do that. Going to a zen school or something would be an amazing experience, I think.

>> No.1736682

Is it true that 99% of all prison inmates in the USA are religionisticals?

Protect your family from religionisticism today!

>> No.1736694


It's cool, I went through something similar. If that's something you want to do I'd just try to arrange a meeting or some kind of correspondence with whoever's in charge so you can explain your situation.

>> No.1736764


That's definitely something I'd like to do. Out of interest, are you an atheist again now? Could you ever see yourself going back to Buddhism, or any other religion? Me personally, I'm open to everything, although the monotheistic religions are extremely closed minded, which I'm against, so that probably won't ever happen, but it might. Atheism to me is just as closed minded though, and that's what really turned me away from it. Like I said, it's got a cold edge to it.

>> No.1736793

why you need this religion stuff, if you don't mind me asking?
unrelated poster, ex-muslim atheistfag asking.

>> No.1736810
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Yes, atheism is trendy right now. Just go on /b/. It's full of atheists just a tier below pseudo-intellectual. The kind that corrects everyone in class and gets into shit throwing contests with Christians at their University. A hundred years ago, or even fifty they would be just like everyone else.

With that said, that doesn't make atheism any less logical.

Anyways, you can pick them out pretty easily. When asked their religion, they'll always respond "I'm an atheist". Real atheists will say "I'm a Buddhist" or "I'm an existentialist".

Okay, maybe they won't admit to being existentialists, but you get the point.

>> No.1736815
File: 578 KB, 400x492, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the /new/, /r9k/ and other kinds of shit out of this board.
I urge all /lit/ members to report this faggotry. Thank you!

>> No.1736818

>it's got a cold edge to it
yeah whereas religion is totally nerfed out!

>> No.1736821

>Yes, atheism is trendy right now.
So is science and medicine. Can't wait for this shit to pass so I can finally heal my self and family with the true medicine of prayer.

>> No.1736828

to fuck with those loner existentialists. it's better to hang out with a group of morons then be by your lonesome like a friendless loser

>> No.1736835


Need it? Well, I'm not sure that I do really...I just like it. It makes me feel good, but it does it in a way that doesn't mollycoddle, if you know what I mean. It's like there are no absolutes, not like Christianity, or Islam, or even Atheism. As I said, what turned me off from atheism was the cold logic, and hearing people get into ridiculous arguments about it all the time. I'd rather become completely absurd than live in a world where my feelings are subject to science. The free will debate for instance, the fact that my brain is hardwired in a certain way and that combined with my enviroment completes a plan for my future. It may be true, but I rejet it. I don't care what can be proven now, if I don't like it, I'll reject it completely. That may sound stupid to many people, but to me it feels just fine.

>> No.1736847
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>> No.1736850

I think a nice comparison can be drawn between the French resistance and the Nazi occupation.

>> No.1736849


>> No.1736884

I see and don't see in a way. I can see why it might be a problem (lack of free will) for some people but I don't see how it hinders your ability to enjoy yourself or experience stuff. We might be living in deterministic universe but since there is no computer, as far as we can know, out of this particular universe to consider all relevant variables in this universe, that fact shouldn't bother one much in daily life matters. It is something we're conceptually aware but don't really comprehend.

sorry for shitty prose, grammar, choice of vocabulary, etc.

>> No.1736886
File: 83 KB, 1000x928, atheists vs theists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1736890

Saged and Reported, suckerz.

>> No.1736895


Nah, I grew up in a non-practicing household and was a non-theist for a few years and a doubtful theist for a while after that. But I'm a Sunni Muslim and a Sufi aspirant. Good luck with whatever you do, by the way -- I've found practicing and studying under a good teacher to be hugely beneficial after spending a couple of years in a position similar to yours.

>> No.1736900


Yeah, I see what you're saying and it's true. That's not the only thing though, there's plenty more (that I can't think of). I'm reminded of an argument I had with a friend about art before, and he come out with all this shit as to how it's totally useless and irrelevant and I just thought, fuck you. It's like in Notes From the Underground and the Crystal Palace, when the Underground man says that sometimes 2+2=5 is sometimes preferable, and that no matter what people think they have discovered as absolute truth, if a man thinks it takes away any of his freedoms then he'll fight it, even if the fight is absurd.

This is where I am right now. I doubt I'll be here forever, and whatever happens I'm open to it, but right now reason has very little appeal to me. I'd rather go with my gut.

>> No.1736903


I was reading about the Sufis just the other day actually. Intersting stuff.

>> No.1736906

there's no lit in this thread
there's no lit in this thread
there's no lit in this thread
there's no lit in this thread
there's no lit in this thread

why don't you take your silly discussion to >>>/sci/?
at least, you could argue with them about the usual creationism vs evolutionism shit

>> No.1736909


Chill out. There'll always be a few threads that people hate. There's quite a few enjoying this one atm though, so why don't you just go somewhere else.

>> No.1736921

Yeah why do people always talk about god in lit? I would understand talking about the bible as literature or w/e, but God just seems like such a worn out topic. It's like bait for collecting all the "militant atheists" who are uncomfortable and insecure with their chosen faith, or faithlessness, or however you want to describe it. Lots of God fearing atheists up in here.

>> No.1736942

>There's quite a few enjoying this one

Not really. It's just a samefag (you) and occasionally someone who bites at your trolling.

>> No.1736949


Yeah. I'd always assumed it was heretical or borrowed from some Eastern tradition, but the orthodox orders are really the core of the religion and traditional Sunnism. It completely changed the way I understand reality and the divine. I think Vedanta is the corresponding mystical tradition in Hinduism; I'm not sure about Buddhism.

>> No.1736953
File: 71 KB, 448x473, nofun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like /lit/ religious discussions better than /sci/ religious discussions.

>> No.1736954
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>> No.1736962

really? what do you like so much?

>> No.1736978


Because you sage pointlessly when you ask me questions even though you know that my response will bump the thread.

>> No.1737268

oooooo, well are you mister big man

>> No.1737375


Really? I have very basic (wikipedia lol) understanding of sufism but I thought it was something that had been gradually assimilated into parts of Islam.

>> No.1737379
File: 15 KB, 659x187, no god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]