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17350755 No.17350755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books with a dominant female and a submissive male?

>> No.17350764

my diary desu

>> No.17350766

First Love by Turgenev
Nana by Zola

>> No.17350776


>> No.17350791

Quicksand and Naomi. Both by Tanizaki.
Good recs.

>> No.17350796


>> No.17350820

Wow, you're fags.

>> No.17350830

The Thing on the Doorstep.

>> No.17350994

OP, did you take a peek at my christmas wishlist?

>> No.17350996
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Pretty much, uhh. Almost all catboy fanfics.

>> No.17351000

I have realized I will die alone, single, and a virgin. It is impossible and utterly hopeless for me to ever find a romantic or sexual partner. I have decided to abandon love and instead turn to self destruction

>> No.17351008

You'll feel better if you point it at self improvement instead

>> No.17351017

Self improvement that will lead you to the same result: loneliness, death, and virginity. Only instead you won't be having fun from the drug use but meandering grinding work for nothing. It makes sense for people who actually have realistic chances at finding a partner, but not people who are unable to.

>> No.17351050

The obvious pick is Venus in Furs

>> No.17351069

Several Shakespeare plays have this dynamic, including As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and Merchant of Venice.

>> No.17351121

Why can't you find love? Autisim or just ugly?

>> No.17351131

Autism, literal autism
I am incapable of interacting with women
I'm not hot enough to make up for it. I'm not repulsive but I'm not a model

>> No.17351165

all muslim books, the son is then dom to all other household members ofc
secret slave and caliphate show this nicely

>> No.17351184

star wars the last jedi

>> No.17351218

>I have decided to abandon love and instead turn to self destruction
Why? There is videogames, books, Tvshows for you. Plenty of things for an incel to do.

>> No.17351228


>> No.17351256
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x1581, 1200px-Baphomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it consume you and then turn it back onto the world, and cause great chaos and despair. This is your duty my son. You will not choose your fate but you will embrace it.

>> No.17351336

Satanism is so gay

>> No.17351620

Your brain is smooth

>> No.17351624

Venus in Furs
the term masochism comes from the author's name

>> No.17351625

Ok, "muh left-hand path" is so gay. Happy?

>> No.17351633

How exactly is it gay? Also, Baphomet doesn't necessarily correspond to LHP.

>> No.17351695

Whatever it is you're babbling about, it's gay

>> No.17351742

bro the tism hits me harder every day, I'm not even nervous when I interact with people anymore, I just don't want to follow a behavioral norm that people recognize as the way you 'should do' things. Feels so unnatural to me. Basically went from shy to uncaring.

>> No.17351748

>Baphomet doesn't necessarily correspond to LHP

>> No.17351754

>Twelfth Night

>> No.17351765

Their parents did. Why wouldn't he find one?

>> No.17351770

It is literally transsexual. Androgynous, formless. Solve et coagula.

>> No.17351780

Shoo shoo nihilist. Go affirm your will to suicide elsewhere.

>> No.17351788

Start praying.

>> No.17351791

Talk to women you insufferable fag
Or better yet, don't.

>> No.17351807

... Venus in Furs?

>> No.17352055

post wrist

>> No.17352115

Well Kafka on the Shore, since Oshima is a woman technically

>> No.17352216

have sex

>> No.17352227

trips of nihil. absolutely based

>> No.17352363

You're diary desu

>> No.17352376

>First Love by Turgenev
just bought this based on your recommendation and i hope i didn't waste my money

i know where you live btw

>> No.17352384

i love this response
kiss your diary gn for me tonight anon
she's lovely

>> No.17352457

Dude just go on less hookup-y apps (Bumble, Hinge, etc.) And as long as your standards are not incredibly high and you're not a disaster there will be women who will literally marry you, provide for you and/or eat your ass within a few days of stilted text conversation.

>> No.17352461

Disgusting and unnatural pairing. Consider suicide

>> No.17352467

define natural

>> No.17352528

Go get TOPPED by a nigger

>> No.17352571

oof, se looks like a natural dom

>> No.17352770

Genuinely starting to feel the same way. Never learned to play the new game during adolescence when all the rules changed. Was always this outcast weirdo. Now I'm pretty comfortable with myself but find social interaction to be tedious at best and something to be endured at worst. These weird behavioural norms are just so unnatural especially when it comes to women.

>> No.17352791

Tall, strong, sadistic femdoms are literally the hottest thing out there. Too bad the demand far outpaces the supply. You're best off staying away from this fetish and just going for a vanilla girl who you can convince to peg you and slap you from time to time.

>> No.17352801

The Blue Angel. Thinking of the movie.

>> No.17352849

Does anyone simply feel painfully inconstant and mutable when it comes to capacity to socialize?
There are days when I socialize so naturally. The words flow and the connection with others seems so rewarding and fulfilling. There are other days when I simply can't connect. I can't string a single coherent sentence together and people feel so far away, so distant. Like aliens to me.
I have no idea what determines this inconstancy and feel at the mercy of forces I cannot control.

>> No.17352973
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I myself enjoy this type of pairing. If only I could stand to read romance novels.

>> No.17353028


>> No.17353041

Man I'd be a huge cunt too if my parents named me "Ginko" lmao

>> No.17353081

The O9A is actually based

>> No.17353086

already did
i am your mom now

>> No.17353118


>> No.17353133

why do so many femdom guys want to be short feminine twinks and take a plastic dick up the ass? i like when my gf is selfish and takes charge, and worshiping her body. i always think it's strange that my version of femdom isn't more common since it's basic and low tech. it seems like the catboy twink and pegging version is more common by far.

>> No.17353138
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Of course.
Bully and the Bullied

>> No.17353180

Incredibly based.

>> No.17353185

Thanks - link seems dead to me, but might be chrome.

>> No.17353225
File: 837 KB, 1280x1584, P073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to empty your cache and make an e-hentai account to get on exhentai, but if the hentai doesn't include incest, shota, loli or bestiality then you can replace the "x" with "-" to get to the more watered down version of the site.

>> No.17353237

You're a prince

>> No.17353287
File: 605 KB, 1280x1922, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob. Figuring out exhentai is essential if you want access to the best, and a lot of good stuff is labeled as unsuitable for e-hentai despite being palatable for most consumers. I'd also recommend:
Stalking Girl

>> No.17353330

Any sort of femdom is degenerate. Not saying it’s not arousing, but it’s genuinely a transgression of the natural order.

>> No.17353370

Plebeian take. Women doting, even forcefully, is natural and appeals to the instincts of men and women. To think that femdom demeans the man is no different than thinking being a housewife demeans the woman.

>> No.17353407 [DELETED] 

That's hot

>> No.17353496

My femdom and cuckold fetish disappeared when I started doing Shikantaza meditation everyday.

>> No.17353532

why bother talking to women? why subject yourself to that misery?

>> No.17353606
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>To think that femdom demeans the man is no different than thinking being a housewife demeans the woman.

>> No.17353617

Talking to women is a lot like walking a dog. If you treat the dog like an object that controls you by requiring maintenance, then of course you're miserable and you've enslaved yourself to a lesser being.
A properly ordered individual understands that the maintenance is performed as part of the obligatory responsibility of ownership. You are the societal master of women (or, if not yet, you SHOULD be. Order yourself properly) and talking with them to signal, for example, sexual intercourse is part of the deal.

>> No.17353619

Boy Parts by Eliza Clarke, came out last year the whole book is about this british slut that likes to dom dudes she meets on the bus

>> No.17353653

As soon as you let your woman take a dominant position over you, she will start to resent you and lose respect for you. That is how real women are, not the ones from kike porn and doujinshis.
It is against the order of nature, and nature itself resists it.

>> No.17353686

Thats not true of all women, just the ones with daddy issues

>> No.17353702

Femdom and cuckolding are two separate sexual paths and are not related.

Cuckolding is a person excluded from his own sexuality. He views the sight of sex as a third party, outsider, spectator. He has no connection to the woman and is not there. Femdom, you are involved in the sex, you are there, the person is apart of his own sexual world, but is merely in a submissive role towards the female. Cuckolding is not a submissive act whatsoever, it is an aromantic act, and partly misogynistic and misanthropic. I believe it mostly comes from pornography and poor connection between one's self and sexuality.

Femdom is submissive but not masochistic. It is maternal and familial, a form of close intimacy humans desire from one another, but now taken form through one's sexual partner, as they did not/cannot receive it through other means. The sexual partner simply takes that role, the role to discipline, pamper, command, dot, all what makes up "femdom" or "maledom", are all desires humans crave, since we are socially dependent on each other, and hence have biological needs for social practices such as them. Femdom is just those needs being relieved through sex rather than family or other relationships. Quite normal, and yes, stepmom, rolecest, and "daddydom" kinks are all just forms of femdom and maledom.

>> No.17353714


>> No.17353726
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>> No.17353764

All men are submissive to their women through varying degrees, at different points, in different ways. No man can escape this. I have not met a man who did not serve his wife in some way. This is delusion.

Even in your logic you are trying to appease women.
>"think of what the woman wants"
>"so do what she wants so she won't leave you"
See? There is no escape. Human relationships are mutually a power exchange. You shouldn't be a doormat of course, but you are not 100% in control. And if you are worried about women leaving you, I say stop caring. Women will leave you one way or the other, it does not matter what you do most of the time. Whether relationships end can be up to the wind at times. And you shouldn't be hiding your true desires anyway, embrace them and find the best partner for yourself; that will ensure you get the longest relationship that you desire.

>> No.17353781

>tfw you have a passive submissive personality, are short, and have "cute" twinky facial features but are a straight man

kill me

>> No.17353804

straight up might as well go gay. its not that bad.

>> No.17353819

Go gay or find an aggressive taller straight girl. Such girls are quite common.

>> No.17353822

Good description anon, I definitely feel the same. I read one time there was a study where they literally incited symptoms of autism in rats by blocking a brain signal or some fluid. My best guess is sleep, exercise, eating well, and pushing through the initial uncertainty of communication are the best we can do for now. Drugs can help sometimes but honestly they make me overbearing as often as they make me socialable

>> No.17353833

Not that dude, but my girl left me along with my little daughter and I've been single for almost a year now. All I do is read books, watch docs, play games etc. None of these will fill that void.

Nihilist bro, if you're reading this, you have to know: to never have tasted something is better than having tasted and then lose it. I wish I never had a relationship and could go back to being a virgin. Break-ups are way worse than unrequited love, believe me. Seeing how this generation is becoming increasingly unable to maintain relationships, going into a LTR you almost know from the start that it's gonna end anyway in 3 years tops.

>> No.17353843
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This makes no sense my friend. If women were truly akin to biological machines whose only purpose and aim in life is to create children we would not see the low fertility rates we are experiencing in developed countries today. In fact the trends show that, as women become educated, financially independent, and politically equal -- thus allowing them more freedom to make the decisions they want to make -- they are less likely to choose to have children.
But I'm sure you have your answers to this. Fine. Even if we assume you're right -- women are no more than baby-making machines -- what has that got to do with Femdom? A man who is sexually submissive can impregnate a woman just as easily as a man who is sexually dominant. It doesn't matter if she's on top or you're on top, if you cum in her you will eventually make babies. Nor does being sexually submissive hamper your abilities to "provide for a woman and her children" (which doesn't even happen anymore; in modern times both sexes go to work). An office rat who likes to eat pussy and a Polish construction worker who likes to be dominant in bed both get paid a wage and are both therefore just as able to "provide for a woman and her children."
In conclusion, your evopsych garbage is cringe.

>> No.17353859

>we would not see the low fertility rates we are experiencing in developed countries today.
Correct for abortion rates and recalculate

>> No.17353878
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>And you shouldn't be hiding your true desires anyway, embrace them and find the best partner for yourself; that will ensure you get the longest relationship that you desire.
It's not about hiding your true desires, but about recognizing your desire is deviant, and instead embracing your role as a man.
You are speaking hypothetically, abstractly. Your logic has internal consistency, and I can't help but recognize that. However, real woman are what they are. Their nature is set, like it or not. They are subordinate creatures and they like being put in their rightful place.

>> No.17353903

oscar knew whats up. man loved a good ol bum burying

>> No.17353912

seems legit

>> No.17353916

Yes, he was a fag, and thus not blinded by the dick on the (clearly obvious) true nature of women

>> No.17353945

Many of your desires are apart of who you are and are not changeable. Why should the individual accept that he is then "deviant" when the system can be much more easily changed, and is the cause of his deviance in the first place? Furthermore, your view is not practical in the slightest. See reality, where everyone is a deviant except liars. We should therefor just embrace the many forms of sexuality and roles that people may have rather than live in subjugation. It will lead us to greater heights, better relationships, stronger human bonds, happier populace. Besides, if we're all deviants, were our previous beliefs on sexuality initially correct? Obviously not.

>> No.17353949
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Whereas I like the idea of a tall females, muscular women and fantasy depictions of either, in reality it's frankly disgusting, it's just a roided female that looks 90% male or a lanky ugly hobgoblin.
The one thing I can appreciate in reality is that you can be the big, muscular counterpart and you can manhandle a lady of small stature.

>> No.17353971

East of Eden

>> No.17353976

I'm sorry man. What you write sounds really good and I would like a world like that as well, but the reality is very different. Read this:

>> No.17353978
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I can't live typos down, I'll just commit seppuku. Goodbye everyone.

>> No.17354023

>not responding with your own words
>instead with a Psychology Today article
Oh come on, that's pathetic. I'm a different anon btw, I was just arguing for the sake that sexuality is very fluid and we should accept that. "Women prefer bullies" is laughable incel drivel. Unless people think I'm a bully, then I guess it's true. People always describe me as an arrogant dick.

>> No.17354040

Not him, but the problem is that you see women as a homogenous and unchanging mass who are stringently bound by their "nature". Yes, perhaps the majority of women are sexually submissive, just like the majority of men are sexually dominant, but it obviously varies depending on the individual.
Also your article assumes that a man who is sexually submissive must be "weak" and socially inept as well. I don't see why that should be the case.

>> No.17354071

What’s with /lit/ and your incessant desire to capture the essence of the feminine. Their personas reflect a game like method of mate analysis that is evolutionarily designed to urge you into falling into her vagina if she sees fit. Otherwise, she redirects and gives you blueballs because she sees past your facade.

>> No.17354100

Don't you apes get it? You lost the moment you craved pussy. So long as women have what you crave, you must submit to them in some way (they usually want resources). The future is AI waifus.

>> No.17354195

>Not him, but the problem is that you see women as a homogenous and unchanging mass who are stringently bound by their "nature".
All the greatest thinkers in history would agree, women are indeed rather homogenous and animallistic compared to men as a whole.

> Yes, perhaps the majority of women are sexually submissive, just like the majority of men are sexually dominant, but it obviously varies depending on the individual.
You evidently see far, far more submissive men than dominant women, it's not comparable, cope.

> Also your article assumes that a man who is sexually submissive must be "weak" and socially inept as well. I don't see why that should be the case.
Because you are, deep down, weak and inept, or else you would not allow an animallistic being to have power over you,
I used to be that way too, and my submissiveness stopped me from achieving my life goals, think about it, our nature is to be dominant, to be the opposite, indicates a faulty nervous system, and it was the case for me, it is linked to an inability to be yourself, to stand up for yourself, and to work hard to improve; It gated me from becoming an actually "strong" man, even mentally, who could provide.

>> No.17354199

>not responding with your own words
>instead with a Psychology Today article
>I was just arguing for the sake that sexuality is very fluid and we should accept that.
You are working under premises that aren't true and I know I will not able to change your worldview. I had your worldview too once, until experience hit me on the face.
>"Women prefer bullies" is laughable incel drivel.
The title is an exaggeration for clickbait. Read the article.
>you see women as a homogenous and unchanging mass who are stringently bound by their "nature".
Yes. In essence, yes.
>but it obviously varies depending on the individual.
It does not, and when it does it is unstable deviant behavior. Any healthy relationship between a man and a woman requires the former to be the authority and the latter to be subordinate.
>Also your article assumes that a man who is sexually submissive must be "weak" and socially inept as well. I don't see why that should be the case.
Me neither, and neither do women rationally, but subconsiously they see it that way. Her animal side sees it that way.

>> No.17354213

>this level of projection
Dude just give up. The overcompensation is embarrassing

>> No.17354215

>I used to be that way too, and my submissiveness stopped me from achieving my life goals, think about it, our nature is to be dominant, to be the opposite, indicates a faulty nervous system, and it was the case for me, it is linked to an inability to be yourself, to stand up for yourself, and to work hard to improve; It gated me from becoming an actually "strong" man, even mentally, who could provide.
I believe this is why so many young men on the internet are into femdom nowadays. Spiritually they feel feminine, because of an incapacity or unwillingness to assert themselves as men in real life.

>> No.17354225

>Dude just give up. The overcompensation is embarrassing
If i gave up it would be taking the path of least resistance
It's painful and lengthy to correct your nervous system, but i have to do it for my own sake