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17350063 No.17350063 [Reply] [Original]

Post your
>top three novelists
>top three short story writers
>top three poets
>top three playwrights
>top three philosophers

>> No.17350067

jesus dude, want my medical history too? fuck off

>> No.17350092

>what literature do you like
>wtf why would you talk about that on a literature board

>> No.17350153

>top three novelists
Kundera, Herbert, Houellebecq
>top three short story writers
Borges, Hemingway, Vonnegut
>top three poets
Eliot, Keats, Bukowski
>top three playwrights
Ol Shakes, Stoppard, Miller
>top three philosophers
Neetchee, Spengler, Russell

>> No.17350192

They have to be all 5? Shit, okay. I guess Goethe, Machiavelli, and Stephen King

>> No.17350199

Stephen King wrote poetry?

>> No.17350214
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>Jaroslav Hašek, Italo Calvino, and Anna Kavan
>Norman Maclean, Cynthia Ozick, and Jorge Luis Borges
>Geoffrey Chaucer, Wallace Stevens, and Pablo Neruda
>Shakespeare, Luigi Pirandello, and Samuel Beckett
>Montaigne, Sorel, and Whitehead
>Stoppard, Miller
Good taste anon, it's crazy to me that people think Miller is lame.

>> No.17350223

No I mean 3 for each

>> No.17350251

>Anna Kavan
Extremely based taste

>> No.17350277

>top three novelists
Cervantes, Richardson, Lawrence
>top three short story writers
Maupassant, Joyce, Hawthorne
>top three poets
Homer, Dante, Whitman
>top three playwrights
Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Ibsen
>top three philosophers
I don't like "philosophy books/writers" particularly but I suppose Aristotle, Vico, Leopardi

>> No.17350364

Novelists - pynchon, gaddis, faulkner
Short story writers - faulkner, borges, hemingway
Poets - ts eliot, plath, larkin
Dramatists - dont read enough plays, but oscar wilde is always great
Philosophers - idk

>> No.17350555

Really? I mean he's alright, I guess I haven't read that mich by him. Any recs from him anon?

>> No.17350561

Holy shit I just realized her name isn't Sylvia Path.

>> No.17350584

>Bulgakov, Céline, Houellebecq
>HPL, Maupassant, Jack London
>Baudelaire, Baudelaire, Baudelaire
>Shakespeare, Corneille, Racine
>Cioran, Nietzsche, Mullah Sadra Shirazi

>> No.17350733

Zola, Barjavel, Barbusse
>short stories writer
Poe, Kafka, Bradbury
Baudelaire, Apollinaire, Rimbaud
Goethe, Molière, Ionesco
Pascal, Montaigne, Schopenhauer

>> No.17351015

>top three novelists
Mishima, Celine, Wallace
>top three short story writers
Wallace, Carver, Hemingway
>top three poets
Plath, Rimbaud, Byron
>top three playwrights
Ha Shakespeare
>top three philosophers
Philosophy is retarded anons

>> No.17351030


>short stories


Buchner (don’t know how to umlaut on phone)
(Okay they’re the only 3 I’ve read)

>> No.17351306

>top three novelists
Rabelais, Flaubert, Joyce
>top three short story writers
Kafka, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Schwob
>top three poets
Baudelaire, Lautréamont, Char
>top three playwrights
Shakespeare, Molière, Ionesco
>top three philosophers
Weil, Pascal, Foucault

>> No.17351315

I don't see how one would apply Sadra's philosophy outside of a religious context.
I've seen Pascal mentioned more often around here recently, what draws you to him?

>> No.17351328

le big brain mathematician, but also le christian pulling some top tier mental gymnastics

>> No.17351411

>I've seen Pascal mentioned more often around here recently, what draws you to him?
He's great, but aside from his philosophy itself the important thing that makes me one of my favourite is the fact that he's very engaging. Even if you don't agree with him on everything he will help you develop your thought both in a philosophical and in a practical way. His philosophy isn't a machine in the void. There is something for everyone here, I had a phil prof that was the typical pomo feminist and she still thought the guy was a genius like we rarely see.
ebin meme fren, why don't you try genuinely reading him? It'll change you of the "top 10 philosophers who were chads" videos you probably watch.
Very nice taste! There's not enough love for Apollinaire on this board. That being said putting Bradbury in the top short stories writers is surprising. The guy isn't bad, but isn't really special either imo

>> No.17351441

i read pensées lmao, it wasn't THAT good

>> No.17351868

>Eugène Ionesco
Never read anything by him, where does one start?

>> No.17351873

Rhinoceros if you want absurdism, The King is dying if you want less absurdism.

>> No.17351912
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Thanks fren

>> No.17351935

>top three novelists
Houellebecq, Bolano, Wolfe
>top three short story writers
Ligotti, James Tipree jr aka Alice Sheldon, Philip k Dick
>top three poets
Baudelaire, Lönnrot, Homer
>top three playwrights
Shakespeare, Sophocles, Brecht
>top three philosophers
Paglia, Becker, D&G

>> No.17352199


>> No.17352375

Dostoïevski (I don't read a lot of novels so I don't want to add novelists that I know Little of)
>short story writes
Lovecraft and Poe (same thing)
Nelligan, Baudelaire, Homer
Eschyle, Sophocles and Euripides (I'll cheat and add Marcel Dubé)
Plato, Cioran and Epictetus

>> No.17352484

Real Chad's will also post their social security numbers

>> No.17352519

If you don't like it you can go back to your regularly scheduled "x philosopher is cringe, yes I haven't read him but I sure do know the memes about him" thread.

>> No.17352609

>Marcel Dubé
How come you’ve read so few novelists and short stories writers but have four playwrights?

>> No.17353383

Yeah, in bazaar of bad dreams

>> No.17353395

Can't find much of this guy's work that isn't in French, is he that good? Hate to be barred from reading good poetry but it's my fault for not knowing French I guess.

>> No.17353417
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Steinbeck, Hemingway, Tolstoy
>short stories
Salinger, Turgenev, O'Connor
Whitman, Cummings, Thomas, Lermontov
Miller, O'Neill, Beckett
Thoreau, Emerson, Muir

>> No.17353428
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Pound, Keats, Browning
Shakespeare, Brecht, Webster
Don't care about the rest

>> No.17353437

Not enjoying short stories is a sign of terminal pseudistry, I'm sorry anon but it seems you only have a few days left to live before your brain shrinks into nothing.

>> No.17353448

Most underrated Russian writer from that time period by far.

>> No.17353450

>just alright
What planet are you from anon? If Ibsen is just 'alright' your standards must be in the stratosphere.

>> No.17353474

I mean I've disliked writers /lit/ finds really good before, and I like writers /lit/ finds mediocre before as well. Maybe that's because I've only read An Enemy of the People, what would you recommend from his catalog?

>> No.17353523

>top three novelists
Dosto, Dumas, Mishima
>top three short story writers
Borges, Kafka, Hemmingway
>top three poets
Whitman, Camoes, D'Annunzio
>top three playwrights
Shakespeare, Wagner, Goethe
>top three philosophers
Spengler, Montaigne, de Maistre

>> No.17353537

>top three novelists
Mann, Burroughs, Pynchon
>top three short story writers
Borges, Kafka, Lawrence
>top three poets
Baudelaire, Yeats, Eliot
>top three playwrights
Chekhov, Strindberg, O'Neill
>top three philosophers
Bruno, Chuang Tzu, Deleuze

>> No.17353544

Fucking great taste, my guy

>> No.17353545

I learned Norwegian specifically to read him. Brand (Geoffrey Hill translation) is an excellent start. I believe Penguin has an edition that also includes his Peer Gynt. The so-called “realist cycle” or whatever doesn’t really give a good impression (on first read) of how strange he really is. Emperor and Galilean would give you a good idea of what his ambitions truly were

>> No.17353572

>Chuang Tzu, Deleuze, Chekhov, Strindberg, O'Neill, Borges, Kafka, Lawrence
Very based.

>> No.17353576

No Giordano Bruno

>> No.17353583

>top three novelists
Goethe, Tolkien, Austen
>top three short story writers
Gogol, M.R. James, Wilde
>top three poets
Homer, Yeats, Hughes
>top three playwrights
Shakespeare, Friel, Yeats
>top three philosophers
dont have any

>> No.17353598

Oh that's also very based, probably one of the most underrated occultic writers.

>> No.17353676

>Brian Friel
Never heard of him, any recs?