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/lit/ - Literature

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17349210 No.17349210 [Reply] [Original]

Pic (and the entire catalog currently) VERY much related

>> No.17349217

Why don't you tell us with your off topic thread, dullard

>> No.17349230

Stop bitching if you ain't contributing. You being a shit contributor is what you need to work on

>> No.17349234

>inb4 pruned pr deleted

>> No.17349235

I agree but this isn't helping
be the change you wish to see, etc.

>> No.17349242

If you were participating in the actual lit threads instead of letting them die to make some retard complaining thread maybe we wouldn't have this problem, wouldn't we?

>> No.17349243

Has this ever actually changed anything?

>> No.17349244
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You see, the joke is that the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" which is clever in itself and quite funny to those with a mature sense of humour but what's really just hilarious about it is that if you look closely at the front of this store, Sneed's Feed & Seed, you can see a line that reads "Formerly Chuck's". Now, this might go over the average viewer's head as this, THIS, is peak comedy. I doubt anything will ever be as funny as the joke about Sneed's Feed & Seed. Are you ready for this one? So, like I said, the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" and this sign says "Formerly Chuck's", which means that when Chuck owned the place, well, I don't have to tell you...

>> No.17349255

Desu it's a systemic problem, I made a thread on gothic lit last night that only got a few replies and I posted in a thread for theatre today that similarly died early. OP making good posts wouldn't fix the issue.

>> No.17349258

Your boy is a good contributor and I try and help other ppl contribute. You can work on something.

>> No.17349266

You have to shill it well. It's like tv, why watch that channel

>> No.17349279

There's most likely an exodus from /pol/ occurring due to the election mania. I will admit that I am here from there, mainly because that board has been totally stripped of any potential discussion that isn't boring election news or schizophrenic rambling. I didn't really think it could get worse but it did

>> No.17349294

Because the moderation is weak.

What we need is a "true/lit/" in the same way that redditors created the sub "/r/truefilm" in order to discuss cinema in actual depth.
My own posts are almost exclusively commentary on books, authors, and so on, but it's rare that I receive decent replies. It does happen, however, which is why I continue posting here.

One of the faults of 4chan is that you can't create your own board, and the mechanisms for board creation are immensely complicated.

>> No.17349299

Not OP, but the problem is that most in-depth threads get deleted very quickly due to lack of replies.
Either that, or the discussion degenerates into some mix of political talk with literary banter.

So what is the use of creating an in-depth thread? At least with this thread he is calling attention to the problem.

>> No.17349318

IMO what we need is /art/ and /phi/

>> No.17349323

We need /phart/ now

>> No.17349327

It's better than nothing. Quality is out of anyone's direct control though. If it's shit right now it's probably because huge political events happened again which turns most of 4chan shitty in its wake. /lit/ before then though has lately been decent, at least I think so.
The moderation is supposed to be weak intentionally. If it were done purely based on what is good, all the antinatalism threads and so on would be deleted, but they're not breaking any rules so they stay even if they suck. If you care, you could always make a chan for literature with stricter rules and shill it here. You could also make more literature from X language generals since those are usually good.

>> No.17349328

Lol hello newfag

>> No.17349329


>> No.17349334

I've fought that battle already and it's useless. People laugh at the suggestion of creating a /phi/. I believe I made a poll once, and most posters were against it.

/lit/ is bad, but so are most of the posters.

>> No.17349338

You should go back

>> No.17349346

ok then. philosophy should stay on /lit/. but there should be an /art/ board

this would allow purges of threads like
>what music is /lit/
>what films are /lit/
because such folks would congregate on /art/ instead, and /art/ would become the new /lit/. and people would ask:
>is this /art/
instead of
>is this unrelated piece of media /lit/?

>> No.17349347

I've been here for eleven years.

>If you care, you could always make a chan for literature with stricter rules and shill it here.

Of course, but creating an image board demands time and creates trouble.

>You could also make more literature from X language generals since those are usually good.

I sometimes make Portuguese ones, but they get deleted rather quickly too. Not enough posters to sustain them for a long time.

>> No.17349349

It happens when users are 2 or 3 times where they're at

>> No.17349352

I used very similar arguments for the creation of a philosophy board, but it didn't work.
It's hopeless.

I've been here since you were a child.

>> No.17349354

>at least w this thread
>missing amongst the 5000 threads on this topic there was this one

>> No.17349358

Well, if you're that determined, use the report feature more often. It works, you know.

>> No.17349367

You have to generalise. If everyone that make shit threads stopped making them and participated in genuine threads instead, we would have a great board. I know it's idealistic, but the actual situation is only the reflection of the ideal; everyone shitpost for (you)s and ignore genuine threads. It's only a question of culture really, if the anons gave a higher value to lit than being they do to not being seen as newfags (because I believe that most of the people that makes offtopic or meme threads are just trying to fit in) we wouldn't have this problem. I don't have a better solution than shaming people into doing it sadly, it seems like it's the best way to influence our essentially weak-willed compatriots.

>> No.17349387

>if you're that determined

Who said I am? I was.
At this point I don't really care. It's hopeless.

>> No.17349410

An interesting way to try to improve the board would be to demand that every single OP had at least 300 words.
This would eliminate a lot of the stupidest threads such as "Why does lit hate Joe Rogan?" or "What are books featuring traps?".

There could also be a "book recommendations" general, eternally sticked, with every single thread asking for recommendations outside of it being instantly deleted by the mods.

But none of these things will happen. I've said it's hopeless, and it is.

>> No.17349440

What would be the root of the problem according to you? Is it that 4channel is too popular? Is it the lack of moderation? I don't understand how a board that used to be so condescending about literature gets so much traction in the first place and why is it seen as a refuge for people that clearly have no interest un literature.

>> No.17349453

Just learn to shill dude, it's not hard

>> No.17349461

Some people don't want meme answers you know.

>> No.17349472

It's not memey. If you try to diatribe that ppl should read x then it's just a turn off. A dime a dozen shit. There are plenty of literature threads, ethical threads etc and you can't expound on them in there? You need a safe space and lit mandated posters for you? Fuck off

>> No.17349500

I have no idea. I suppose the American cultural climate had something to do with it. All is politics and banter now.

>> No.17349502

Wtf calm down retard. We are not merchants that have to trick customers into our threads. You have to be blind if you can't see that most answers on the majority of threads are memes and the genuine threads that doesn't open with a bait gets close no answer in general. People should answer a thread about Moby Dick because they like the book, not because op talked about how phallic whales are.

>> No.17349513

There have been plenty of threads discussing literature.

I usually browse to find new books to check out.

>> No.17349526
File: 633 KB, 630x606, la mia ragazza italiana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because despite posing as the smartest *pukes* board on 4chan, /lit/ is the dumbest. FACT.
/lit/ is also the most mentally ill board leading to midwit posting. unironically worse than reddit.

t. dumbass tired of seeing midwit larpers

>> No.17349534

you're really worrying too much about it dude. At that point you should be asking yourself, why do I care so much about the quality of some anime forum on the internet? shittyness is part of the package. If you want prolonged serious literary discussion this isn't the place, look somewhere else or make your own site. maybe you're depressed about something irl and using this as an outlet without realizing it, and you should focus on that before getting upset about a website. i'm not trying to talk down to you, I used to do that a lot. but yeah, it's 4chan. don't expect a high bastion of discussion of any kind, now or 15 years ago

>> No.17349536

If you can't answer it w your books then what's the point why should anyone care?

>> No.17349577

>anyone i dont agree with is a midwit larper
good post

>> No.17349580

I think people are right about /pol/ not being a containment board anymore and they've all spilled out. Because they have ruined /his/ too so I guess /lit/ is the natural progression

>> No.17349600

>/lit/ is also the most mentally ill board

>> No.17350031
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The one thing you can all do to make /lit/ better is post less.

>> No.17350321

>An interesting way to try to improve the board would be to demand that every single OP had at least 300 words.
fucking this. Additionally, I would purge every "Is X /lit/?" "[romantic problem]. Books for this feel?" "What's some /lit/ [non-literature]?" thread. I consider becoming a janny sometimes, this board would be so much better with just a little more moderation. It'd be a little slower, sure, but a fine place to discuss literature. As it is now, I pray every day to find a better forum.
>If you want prolonged serious literary discussion this isn't the place, look somewhere else or make your own site.
If there were somewhere better, I'd be there. I want to check out judges-penitent but I am filtered by the chat shit. I know of one excellent forum but it is exclusively for Catholic philosophy. R*ddit isn't an option.

>> No.17350330

Update this.
Isn’t /lit/ going through a golden age?

>> No.17350342

>Isn’t /lit/ going through a golden age?
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17350345

This is actually a meta post, it's poking fun at the absolute state of /lit/ by showing how easy it is to farm (You)s by baiting and pretending to be retarded.

>> No.17350347


>> No.17350348

It’s philosophy is well rounded, it’s book recommendations are up to date, it’s got a few periodic publications dropping, generals feeling comfy.

>> No.17350417

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3828099