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17348721 No.17348721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is antinatalism just a cope for being ugly?

>> No.17348733

Uncertain. however, I'm thinking about that time Aristotle said you can't be a good person if you're ugly. that was a funny fucking passage

>> No.17348741
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>> No.17348746

Goethe prerefuted it

>> No.17348745
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Is pic related ugly?

>> No.17348754
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>Benatar's policy prescription is untenable. Radical anti-natalism as a recipe for human extinction will fail because any predisposition to share that bias will be weeded out of the population. Radical anti-natalist ethics is self-defeating: there will always be selection pressure against its practitioners. Complications aside, any predisposition not to have children or to adopt is genetically maladaptive. On a personal level, the decision not to bring more suffering into the world and forgo having children is morally admirable. But voluntary childlessness or adoption is not a global solution to the problem of suffering.

>Yet how should rational moral agents behave if - hypothetically - some variant of Benatar's diagnosis as distinct from policy prescription was correct?

>In an era of biotechnology and unnatural selection, an alternative to anti-natalism is the world-wide adoption of genetically preprogrammed well-being. For there needn't be selection pressure against gradients of lifelong adaptive bliss - i.e. a radical recalibration of the hedonic treadmill. The only way to eradicate the biological substrates of unpleasantness - and thereby prevent the harm of Darwinian existence - is not vainly to champion life's eradication, but instead to ensure that sentient life is inherently blissful. More specifically, the impending reproductive revolution of designer babies is likely to witness intense selection pressure against the harmfulness-promoting adaptations that increased the inclusive fitness of our genes in the ancestral environment of adaptation. If we use biotechnology wisely, then gradients of genetically preprogrammed well-being can make all sentient life subjectively rewarding - indeed wonderful beyond the human imagination. So in common with "positive" utilitarians, the "negative" utilitarian would do better to argue for genetically preprogrammed superhappiness.

>> No.17348765

Being real now, OP, beside the extremely cope replies from some like: "kek kys cope uggo"

Antinatalism is extremely rational point, because to exist it to be at chance to suffer, be a small suffer or a big one, so the antinatalismpill say: the only winning move to not suffer is not come to exist in the first place. So as you can see, it's very very logical and rational, of course it's pessimistic view, but a very logical and raitonal one, the only way the it's "REFUTED" is to appeal that life isn't just suffering.

>> No.17348769

Little feminine. Not ugly. Definitely not dating attractive girls. Unsurprising if gay

>> No.17348770

that sour puss makes it look like sth up with his teeth

>> No.17348779

Cont. So to be a antinatalist or not boils down to: do you believe that the suffering we have is worthy?

If yes, then you aren't a antinatalist, just a happy coping automata

If no, then you have taken the antinatalismpill and you won't bring another automa to suffer.

>> No.17348790

Well life isn’t just suffering. Plenty of individuals get to the end of their life and say “all the suffering I endured was worth it. It was all worth it.”

Also, suffering in an of itself is not objectively bad. The antinatalist group would have to give up SOME ground on that. Suffering can lead to actualization. You also can’t discount meaning and it’s relationship to suffering.

Could the antinatlists discount Victor Frankel’s Mans Search for Meaning? That right there should be a slam dunk. Suffering in a concentration camp is low hanging fruit and yet he still makes a compelling case.

>> No.17348791

>Let's gamble with someone's life bro because I have blind Faith in some technoutopia will come! Bro, just trust me

Communists believed in a utopia and only brought millions of dead and suffering.

>> No.17348796

It's all depends if you think that suffering is worthy or not.

>> No.17348797


>> No.17349045

Yes, but so is 99.9% of literature

>> No.17349059
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Doomoid cope.

>> No.17349114

Remember to kill anti-Natalists, if they resist they refute themselves. Use 10mm if you have it, they have extraordinarily thick skulls

>> No.17349125

No. I'm an attractive antinatalist
with kids of my own

>> No.17349249

yes looks like a retarded lesbian

>> No.17349326

What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is nothing more than information before the senses, data for the computer of the mind. It is no good to give suffering any more credence than it deserves.

>> No.17349365

Antinatalism =/= celibacy

>> No.17349371

Its cope for having the worldview of a literal worm

>> No.17349391

so what you just hate your kids?

>> No.17349395
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>> No.17349401
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Here you go
You always existed

>> No.17349413

No, it’s a cope for being depressed

>> No.17349422
File: 86 KB, 1280x1001, model-breeders-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breeders are always going to win no matter what. Antinatalists are genetic dead ends. Why does it matter if it's you who does the reproducing?


>> No.17349426

you sound like a terrible father

>> No.17349432

Stab yourself in the dick then if you think suffering isn't bad

>> No.17349451

Yes, because pain is the only factor (or rather, non-factor) in stabbing your penis, absolutely nothing else needs to be considered. Idiot.

>> No.17349462

And other people's pain is somehow different? Are you special in some way such that only "your" suffering matters?

>> No.17349467

the only good natalist position is admitting that youre selfish and that youre making a decision for someone elses life that will likely be way different than youres and possibly be way worse and not worth it from a point of ignorance

but not everyone endures the same amount of suffering. of course the lucky ones will say its worth it and procreate. but there are way more unlucky ones that arent even around. we have a lucky bias because the luck survive.

suffering is subjectively bad, and thats what matters for the subject. actualization is a cope for suffering. its only good if youre already alive. meaning is a cope too. not saying its bad, but it litteraly is a coping mechanism.

>> No.17349488

It's a cope for being insufferable

>> No.17349489

Honest to Sneed, I didn't think I would have to explain this to you. I was trying to expose the fallacy in believing that pain was the only factor in stabbing my penis, rather than the ensuing mutilation and disability. Your 'gotcha' moment is only a ridiculous farce. Idiot.

>> No.17349640

>so what you just hate your kids?
I love my kids deeply.

>you sound like a terrible father
I'm an incredible parent by any measure. My entire life is dedicated to them. But knowing what I know now, I would not have become a parent. I used to resent anti-natalists more than you can imagine. Now I realize they're either very wise or at least accidentally correct. We should also note that the author of "Confessions of an Anti-Natalist" also has a daughter that he mentioned frequently in the book

>> No.17349682

Antinatalism is the most objectively selfish position there is, it's the complete denial of the possibility of the value of the lives of others.

>> No.17349725

All he had to do was close his mouth bros

>> No.17349728
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>the possibility of the value

>> No.17349743

its not a life yet. it has no value.

if you follow that logic, where do you stop? do you keep making kids and have as many as you can just to not deny anyone the possibility?

>> No.17349758

If you believe that life is inevitably made up of suffering and you can spare suffering by not introducing more life, that is compassionate.

>> No.17349783

Who are you feeling compassion for if they've not actually been born

>> No.17349785

would you have a baby in africa? would you have a baby in a prison camp? would you have a baby in hell?

you're the type to put a 1 year old kid in daycare for 10 hours a day a call yourself "trad." if you don't have the resources, and if conditions are bad enough, You Should Not Breed

>> No.17349820

Good point - poor word choice maybe. To use the word "objective," if your worldview is that suffering is universal - the mind is engineered to constantly cling and reject - it is selfish to bring a child into that. All the other arguments kind of assume that a child has the potential to form a philosophy that trumps the universality of suffering.

>> No.17349821

no one has good enough conditions. "good in comparison" isnt good. the most basic lucky human life comes with a plethora of ignored suffering and causes suffering to others too. You Should Not Breed full stop

>> No.17349873

no its just hatred of poor people

>> No.17349894

You're more of an anti-natalist than I am. I guess I'm not on either side.. most people shouldn't breed, and are too stupid to parent correctly.. however, they will.
most people will be less happy as parents, unless they are dim or good at lying to themselves. but that's taboo. muh jews! they don't want us to breed! lol.

there is no meaning to life but suicide and militant infertility are both positive acts from failed optimists. nihilism does not place value on child birth, because fertility and infertility are equally meaningless. that's the place you should all be

>> No.17350108

>nihilism does not place value on child birth, because fertility and infertility are equally meaningless. that's the place you should all be
this is the problem with this boards conception of nihilism. if you are a moral nihilist, you only believe that objective morals dont exist. of course reality doesnt care if you have a baby or not. but a moral nihilist may have subjective values. the antinatalism arguments happen here. its trying to change someones subjective feelings on a matter by pointing out things they might not have thought of.

>> No.17350175

Antinatalism is the kind of idea I would try to convince someone I really, really hated to adopt, because it would be the next best thing to killing them.

With that in mind, anyone who adopts antinatalism is essentially doing to themselves what someone who hates them would do to them if they could. It's worse than cope, it's basically the stupidest mindset I can think of.

>> No.17350224

A little bit. He has quite an androgynous face, with a very long philtrum and small mouth. The proportions of his face are quite weird. but not enough for the average person to outright just label him as ugly

>> No.17350428

Did he manage to prove life is suffering? No? Hmm, did he at least manage to prove suffering is bad? No again? Pity.

>> No.17350462

That's idiotic. Most antinatalists justify their position from a utilitarian standpoint, so it means you will convince them to be as happy as possible.

>> No.17350609
File: 13 KB, 200x267, Silenus .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silenus was a Greek God.

>"You, most blessed and happiest among humans, may well consider those blessed and happiest who have departed this life before you, and thus you may consider it unlawful, indeed blasphemous, to speak anything ill or false of them, since they now have been transformed into a better and more refined nature. This thought is indeed so old that the one who first uttered it is no longer known; it has been passed down to us from eternity, and hence doubtless it is true. Moreover, you know what is so often said and passes for a trite expression. What is that, he asked? He answered: It is best not to be born at all; and next to that, it is better to die than to live; and this is confirmed even by divine testimony. Pertinently to this they say that Midas, after hunting, asked his captive Silenus somewhat urgently, what was the most desirable thing among humankind. At first he could offer no response, and was obstinately silent. At length, when Midas would not stop plaguing him, he erupted with these words, though very unwillingly: 'you, seed of an evil genius and precarious offspring of hard fortune, whose life is but for a day, why do you compel me to tell you those things of which it is better you should remain ignorant? For he lives with the least worry who knows not his misfortune; but for humans, the best for them is not to be born at all, not to partake of nature's excellence; not to be is best, for both sexes. This should be our choice, if choice we have; and the next to this is, when we are born, to die as soon as we can.' It is plain therefore, that he declared the condition of the dead to be better than that of the living."

– Aristotle, Eudemus (354 BCE)

>> No.17350639
File: 111 KB, 570x712, schopenhauer_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer was an aristocrat

>“If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would not a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation as to spare it the burden of existence, or at any rate not take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood?”

>> No.17350652

how can OP be this based?

>> No.17351072

>Aristotle said you can't be a good person if you're ugly
Uhm, where could one read the excerpt b-bros? Asking for a friend

>> No.17351092

I don't care how they justify it, only its actual effect. If I could convince someone I hate not to breed, I would.

If I could convince someone I hate to overdose on heroin, I'd tell them to do that too--and it wouldn't matter at all that their final moments are "happy" as they die.

>> No.17351120

Misanthropes encourage other people to have kids because they want to inflict more suffering to their enemies(which is whole humanity). Yes, you are no better than them.

>> No.17351227

It is like no one can hear me. All pains and pleasures are mere residues of activity and motion; they are of no substance in themselves.

>> No.17351272

jangle convoluted wind chimes the coda agency scaly sepsis shyster smitten sordid stultifying the sticks terra nullius white elephant baste break ranks chortle in no time flat inimical interdisciplinary Procrustean kink pull out all the stops grotty opprobrium pearl clutcher waffle on flick through foreboding Indian giver broadcast syndication sinecure self-effacing cloistered skanky waylay gobshite shacking up with will-o'-the-wisp bleary-eyed sales lead flat-track bully tinder pier cacaphonous tramp trade battery of stub one's toes unwarranted perp slasher film lucre parlous bungle wholesome Charon's obol dainty seemly cluster immutable sock hop unseemliness gushing squalor hog the bathroom gold plating snarl jilted blithely barrage bedraggled bibs blow your top doggone fluster gnat gobsmacked holler in the nick of time indigence lowdown luggage rack nosh rugged squelch scrounge off trounce sepsis blithely spur shakedown skimming garrote misandry gallantry gourd scamper trepidation clamor coupe prang hone in desolate strenuous dispositive searing quibble ham-fisted congeal reticent housewarming party barb stockade sophomoric ephemeron auteur theory grouse the stoop peat sleet perimeter bluster effervescent grange elocution plum in your mouth genteel kooky sap tepid fraggle Kabbalah nappy transmogrification gumption laced with moribund heterodox diuretic corollary buttonwood propulsion despondent sumptuary laws subbing riven schlub littoral prise a secret out of torrid raffle declaim sheaves upped unravel twerp tryst trite tiff straddle snooker shuffle senescence sartorial ride two horses at once reprimand pouting plonk panhandle magisterial hunk hammerlock ham-fisted gritty gaggle of geese gagging order gab flabby ester ephemera dud make a dog's dinner out of it clunky celluloid boinked at any rate gnarly dinghy for good measure skelly sombre skit warlock apodosis repudiate contrition scintilla bounced in snatch clung on to jabs whole host of harnessing stricken

>> No.17351348

Post link. Nice digits btw

>> No.17351401

>Antinatalism is extremely rational point
There is no rationale here. They assumed life is bad and non-existence is good from start, the rest of their 'philosophy' are just decorations.
You only need common sense to refute this shit. One can never experience any alternative of existence so it's stupid to judge. If any antinatalist come up and try to rationalize it for you, they are trying to brainwash you and thus, you can show them they are not free of responsibility of real world by punch them on their face

>> No.17352099

Redefining "Misanthropy" to mean the exact opposite of misanthropy is not an actual argument. I also think I can safely disregard the moral opinions of someone who considers perpetuating humanity to be evil out of hand.

>> No.17352125

You are an antinatalist in denial. Thank you for spreading the good word and taking the bait by misanthrope like a good ol' npc.

>> No.17352305

>If you´re dead for eternity its a nightmare
>If you never die, then life will be a nightmare too
>However, if you don´t remember your past life, you can repeat the process forever without going through hell

Jesus fucking Christ, existence is a scam why tf is it like this

>> No.17352315

the purpose of life IS suffering, chasing ghosts of utopianism or perpetual happiness leads to horrible result
learn to accept suffering as a necessary part of life and antinatalism crumbles

>> No.17352688

>antinatalism crumbles
not really

>> No.17352691

Who /pumpkinseedenchantedjoebidenchampionvote/?

>> No.17352703

Actually it does.

>> No.17352706

It doesn't, though.

>> No.17352712

how so?

>> No.17354204

Anti Natalists usually think they're the most rational and logical people around, but then when you present them with non cognitivist meta ethics and they can barely defend their ideas.

>> No.17354280

>the most rational and logical people around
They shouldn't, moral principles have little to do with "rationality" or even any sort of "logic".

>> No.17354484

What is the actual anti natalist argument. Distilled down what is the premise and conclusion? It seems like a cope trying to make some ultimate moral claim while having no basis to justify anything.

>> No.17354488

This is the real nightmare

>> No.17354497

The singular is automaton, retard, and this is an embarrassing attempt to co-opt the NPC meme and reframe it as people who do not share your obvious mental defect.

>> No.17354588

Yeah. But so’s having kids. So what’cha gonna do?

>> No.17354601

He's got a bit of that le pol face going on. But he's got a nice tight body. He has to work on his facial expressions because he's definitely giving those bitter incel vibes with that pout.

>> No.17354733
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I miss him bros

>> No.17354920
File: 753 KB, 684x3336, the happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it a nightmare? You don't want to experience nonstop orgasmic pleasure for the rest of eternity?

>> No.17354931

He’d make for a good twink but no woman would ever want that unless they were desperate to have kids and thirty five and also kinda chubby.

>> No.17354952

Doesn't sound that bad to me, I'd take it over what I have right now, I can tell you that much.

>> No.17354972

>let’s make ideas and policies today based on the blind faith of nerdy midwit white guys that le magic sci fi sorcery from their favorite dumb capeshit movies is going to most definitely be possible someday!
Yeah, I’m not taking that gamble. I’m not saying I’ll bet against it ever becoming possible, but you can’t just wave away ideas because of your baseless assumption that time travel will ever be possible.
Someone could easily argue their way out of taking any measures to stop climate change based on “oh no u guys just wait twenty more yeerz for cold fusion!!!!” I’m not going to throw out ideas because they don’t take into account unicorns one day existing in the future, even if it is le science.

>> No.17354994
File: 1.00 MB, 700x936, tfw no lindsey gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was obsessed with a girl named Lindsey, so he wasn't gay

>> No.17355021

The fact you posted that pic just proves you agree with me

>> No.17355029

Kind of true. Ugly people are bitter and hateful. See Antinatalists.

>> No.17355058

Except I think that that pic happening would unironically be a good thing

>> No.17355095

Could someone actually explain why? I enjoy life. Dying kind of sucks, but that's because of non-existence, which would be my state if I'd never been born. The only reason non-existence bothers me is /because/ I was born, obviously, but I am only concerned with it while alive and I'm not that terrified by it anymore. I don't see how living and dying is worse than never having lived unless you were just going to literally suffer your entire life. But at least in the first world, that's pretty rare

>> No.17355155

Then you're convicted to hedonism to a batshit insane degree and will allow yourself to be killed by a paperclip maximizer/utility monster AI if one comes

>> No.17355171

>Yeah, I’m not taking that gamble. I’m not saying I’ll bet against it ever becoming possible, but you can’t just wave away ideas because of your baseless assumption that time travel will ever be possible.
>Someone could easily argue their way out of taking any measures to stop climate change based on “oh no u guys just wait twenty more yeerz for cold fusion!!!!” I’m not going to throw out ideas because they don’t take into account unicorns one day existing in the future, even if it is le science.
The idea is about maximizing pleasure, not time travel
Still a shitty future, these people have clearly not read Brave New World or Nozick

>> No.17355176

>Except I think that that pic happening would unironically be a good thing
I'm glad you'll be too busy stuck in some VR MMO or laboring for pleasure pills to have influence on others

>> No.17355184

Sure I don't care, by the end of this century I will be long gone, and no of my possible children will suffer living in a world with 1 000 000 000 nigger roaming around and put a ending to civilization, the world can burn.

>> No.17355299
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then you're convicted to hedonism to a batshit insane degree and will allow yourself to be killed by a paperclip maximizer/utility monster AI if one comes

>> No.17355313

Why wouldn't you want a chance to exist? The world is so interesting.

>> No.17355318

>I enjoy life.
Just because you enjoy life doesn't mean everyone does.

>> No.17355325

For U

>> No.17355334

ok...? I never said it did. Does every human life have to have been worth living for it to make sense for a single life to exist?

>> No.17355341

I think I agree with OPs assertion now

>> No.17355361
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> Wireheading is evolutionarily maladaptive. Reward signals are designed to motivate fitness-enhancing behaviors, so when they can be faked, the organisms focus on generating more wireheading signals instead of acting effectively in the world. Drug addicts more interested in their next chemical hit than in food, sex, or power are less likely to pass on their genes.

>> No.17355372

Well, enjoy your sweet death, then

>> No.17355380
File: 704 KB, 500x420, psychedelic flower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this:

>> No.17355388

why would i care about your stupid life.
fuck off.

>> No.17355408
File: 100 KB, 638x550, death is bad npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17355411

At least you admit you're a sociopath

>> No.17355416

Sometimes I hate this board but posts like this make me BELIEVE. Thank you OP.


>> No.17355417
File: 85 KB, 1024x753, breed_more_jewesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinatalism is refuted by the fact that only some people are antinatalists. If life is for some suffering but isn't for others then clearly there should be more of the latter type and not of the former, aka eugenics.

>> No.17355426

Is that an actual picture of David Benatar?

>> No.17355427

Socrate ?

>> No.17355450

>waaahhhh my life is horrible, my parents are narcissists for bringing me into existence for their own satisfaction
>literally no one should exist because I don't know how to be happy
jesus dude, you're a fucking narcissist. Calm down. The world doesn't revolve around you. 7 billion people don't need to not reproduce because you got picked on in middle school

>> No.17355486


And how exactly is antinatalism supposed to help someone cope with being ugly exactly?
The way you cope with being ugly is by having a lot of money or a good personality
I fail to see how being a misanthropic life hater is supposed to make an ugly person's life any easier in literally any way

>> No.17355491

>waaahhhh my life is horrible, my parents are narcissists for bringing me into existence for their own satisfaction
>literally no one should exist because I don't know how to be happy
There are a lot of other people besides me who have shitty lives.

>jesus dude, you're a fucking narcissist. Calm down. The world doesn't revolve around you. 7 billion people don't need to not reproduce because you got picked on in middle school
And you're not a narcissist? You think it's more important that you get to stick your dick in a woman and cum in her and pass on your shitty genes than it is that you prevent future suffering?

>> No.17355576

>He believes kids make him immortal
You'll die both, maybe before him. And he will never give a shit about you or your kid which will die all the same.

>> No.17355605

>and non-existence is good from start
Non existence is neither good or bad, that's the point. The question then is about necessity, is it necessary to breed or is it not ? Because then, there will be good and bad. Maybe more good, maybe more bad.

>> No.17355651

>you think it's more important to cum in a woman than prevent future generations from suffering
no, I think it's more important to create babies in loving homes where the vast majority of them will live happy, fulfilling lives, than to worry about the handful like you who, despite given every opportunity, choose to waste their life.
Sure, if you're living in poverty, stop having kids. You're just bringing them into a shitty existence. But for someone who can provide a good home to a kid, go ahead, coom away, brother.

>> No.17355709

How do you know your "loving homes" will make them live a happy, fullflling lives ? Will you try to give them every opportunity for that ? But then, maybe they will "choose to waster their life" all the same ?
Welp, that's worrying to me and many others.

>> No.17355781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17356139

Antinatalism is pessimism and pure utilitarian logic taken to its logical conclusion. Basically the people who keep the game going just do so out of habit.

Personally I think it's hilarious that life is doomed to keep making copies of itself until the planet, solar system, universe, etc. just straight up cant support life anymore. Because the great and terrible secret is that eventually whether we want it to or not the game WILL come to an end.

Don't study cosmology if you want to stay ignorant and keep believing in the game.

>> No.17356274

I don't. That's for them to figure out. If they choose to not have happy lives and waste them instead, that's their own fault.

>> No.17356386

pathetic. One cannot honestly embrace existence if one does not accept that suffering is part of the deal and that a lot of suffering is pointless.

>> No.17356676

Source please

>> No.17356699

What cosmology has brought to you?

>> No.17356721

>Basically the people who keep the game going just do so out of habit.

Well, there is both habit, social-expectation -- which I suppose is an echoing of habit --, and the overarching death-cope of immortalization.

>> No.17356781
File: 1.68 MB, 1843x3969, heat death survival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the great and terrible secret is that eventually whether we want it to or not the game WILL come to an end.
Unless it becomes technologically possible to escape the universe.


>> No.17356822

Yes. That nigga ugly asf

>> No.17356830

You don't have to be a hedonist to think death is bad, you're just retarded, any ideology that values life is anti-death

Oh wait, you're baiting

>> No.17356831
File: 21 KB, 480x480, microwave brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>happiness is a choice
Shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.17356838

FtM ?

>> No.17356842
File: 29 KB, 374x229, NPC says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just retarded
Why am I retarded?

>> No.17356846

>Believing in technoutopia

Faith for a new age.

>> No.17356863

You effectively cropped my post and ignored the rest, very ironic that you're calling me an NPC

>> No.17356867

Nice fanfic there bro.

>> No.17356902

suffering is not part of "life"
it's an experience in itself
when you go through it all other things go out of the window,they don't matter
but the good news is that you don't have to suffer

>> No.17356919

Literally nothing in the chart mentions utopia, it's just a list of possible ways the heat death of the universe could be survivable.

>> No.17356923

Then why is it that you are anti-death in the first place?

>> No.17356928

i'm an ugly sperg and all i am is charitable and polite :( i'm not even bitter or resentful

>> No.17356946
File: 10 KB, 279x445, The Hedonistic Imperative - David Pearce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If life is for some suffering but isn't for others then clearly there should be more of the latter type and not of the former, aka eugenics.

>> No.17356966

>Then why is it that you are anti-death in the first place?
Literally any ideology which places value in life thinks death is a bad thing
It's not exclusive to hedonism, that is all

>> No.17356986
File: 185 KB, 599x762, circular reasoning brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is valuable therefore death is bad
But why do you place value in life?

>> No.17356993

it is. What is your reason for thinking it is not?

>> No.17357002

>But why do you place value in life?
Knowledge, accomplishment, purpose, and yes, pleasure, but that's not the only thing at all, making it not hedonism

>> No.17357007

How the fuck do you make yourself happy?

>> No.17357035

>Knowledge, accomplishment, purpose
But why do you want these things?

>> No.17357069

>But why do you want these things?
Pleasure needs no why but other values do?

Spamming NPCs and brainlets just makes it seem like you're baiting, because no sane person doesn't intuitively understand some things can be intrinsically valuable to the human psyche as a whole, or you wouldn't choose to live, shitty bait

>> No.17357097
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, brazen bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goodness and badness of pleasure and pain are directly observable. If you're being burned alive in a brazen bull, you can directly feel the inherent badness of the experience.

>> No.17357137

The act of acquiring knowledge or satiating curiousity is pleasurable. You can basically reduce most values to "pleasure" in some way, but maybe you lose something when you do.

>> No.17357158

are you asking sincerely? I can answer, but most people who ask that question are not interested in the answer.

>> No.17357166

>The goodness and badness of pleasure and pain are directly observable. If you're being burned alive in a brazen bull, you can directly feel the inherent badness of the experience.
You can only "directly observe" this goodness/badness by either experiencing it yourself or understanding from the perspective of someone experiencing it, by this same logic those things i mentioned are also observable as good, as most who experience it will relate their goodness.
Science alone does not lead to pleasure and pain being good or bad, because scientific research is inherently detached and purely empirical, disregarding perspectives and philosophies.

>> No.17357192

What are you trying to convey? Everyone suffers to some extent at some point in their life, some more than others. That is undeniable. How does suffering make other things not matter? Are you referring to people letting pain overwhelm their ability to make rational decisions? Allowing themselves to be coerced into doing things they otherwise wouldn't? It's certainly possible but there are also some who are able to rise above the pain and retain their faculties.

>> No.17357414
File: 195 KB, 662x967, 1609719987451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anti-natalists, if life is so bad then why don't you just heckin kill yourselves

>> No.17357453


>> No.17357463
File: 68 KB, 956x800, just be urself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you asking sincerely?
>inb4 just lift bro

>> No.17357471

Based and totallyvalidpilled.

>> No.17357478

>Antinatalism is pessimism and pure utilitarian logic taken to its logical conclusion.
I agree but utilitarianism is fucking garbage.

>> No.17357482

>utilitarianism is fucking garbage

>> No.17357522

>Yes, goodness and badness lie within observations and sensations
Plato is screaming right now.

>> No.17357575

In your opinion, what is it about your life that makes you unhappy?

>> No.17357603

>What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is nothing more than information before the senses, data for the computer of the mind.
>hhuuuuuurrrr your denying life
Suffering and pleasure is a part of life, yet they are absolutely pointless regardless of quantity. If you are living life in the pursuit of pleasure, you have essentially gimped yourself, for you are dedicating yourself to a mere byproduct of evolution.

>> No.17357907

in general, fulfilling responsibility makes one happy. And maybe even just general welfare. Caring for the things that need to be cared for. Selfless contribution to the world. It doesn't matter if you're recognized. It doesn't really even matter if any given action does anything. Maybe you do something that doesn't help anyone at all. It's not really easy to predict. Your intention should be "good" (as you define it -- that is a question beyond the scope of this discussion) and you will feel /good/, I guarantee it. It is by caring for others that we care for ourselves.

>> No.17358122
File: 160 KB, 817x978, 7b2d62a85aecff86fb6548f69f70757842672f458b01d702483d44ed55f01fc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless it becomes technologically possible to escape the universe.
Technology is not a never ending horn of plenty that people think it is and already we are starting to reach the limits of computers as dictated by restraints in scaling and physics. Most of the options on the pic you posted require a level of technology so far advanced and so theoretical that it might as well be magic. There is also the problem that right now everything is expanding away from everything on a cosmic scale so even if spaceflight off planet became a regular thing (it won't) we could only ever hope to visit our local cluster. But besides that even hoping for enough time to get to that sort of technology (if it can even be developed) kind of hinges on mankind not shooting itself in the foot and causing it's own extinction beforehand. Or if you want a more realistic appraisal because extinction is far fetched, before an event occurs that drastically reduces the human population and leaves us without the resources we are accustomed to having available.

The only real true hope that we have is that some form of string theory is correct and there will always be new universes popping into existence across an infinite plane of space time. Cold comfort because it's almost certain that we and they cannot detect or even interact with each other and while new universes may be beginning in other dimensions or regions on the infinite plane of spacetime our own will still be doomed to fizzle out and 'die'. The only good thing about infinity being that it does agree with Nietzsche's view of things, because the only way for you to be you is for literally every atomic position that ever occurred to occur in that same way again and for every event that shaped your life to occur again. And if things are indeed infinite that means that eventually there will be another "you" with your consciousness and memories and so on... but you won't realize it, and you will never realize it, you will be doomed to spend eternity reliving every triumph and every failure and every joy and every fear and pain FOREVER. And you will never realize it. Even it that is the case from your perspective accross these infinite versions of 'you', you will still perceive yourself as having a start and an end, so functionally it is no different than if you only lived once.

You've been warned, explore it at your own peril, I'm not saying anymore than that.

>> No.17358130


>> No.17358131

Based. You've become even more virtues by overcoming your ugliness thus making you more beautiful than the beautiful.

>> No.17358716
File: 9 KB, 250x298, Mitchell Heisman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>From a strictly physical standpoint, however, survival cannot be judged better than extinction. "Survivalism" survives, however, because the ancestors of survivors survived. It is a classic bias of living organisms, whether it is rationalized or not. That the bioinconsistent organization of an organism does not completely fall into a reductionistic collapse (consistency with its environment) may be the definition of its survival.

>> No.17359067

Shouldn't antinatalist be pro suicide?
"But muh parents and friends will suffer"
Who cares you're dead.

>> No.17359126

It is, but it's not yours to make.

>> No.17359462

What is your preferred moral philosophy, if you dislike utilitarianism?

>> No.17359489
File: 214 KB, 600x741, clippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17359496

Your parents and friends can just commit suicide too if they suffer because of it.

>> No.17359520

I enjoy literally nothing. Even watching an anime or playing a video game doesn't bring me enjoyment. I can't give you a better answer as for why this is the case besides having a defective brain with defective pleasure centers.

>> No.17359988
File: 28 KB, 608x402, 1609466696588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: a century ago natalists used to have 5 children and more. these neets killed each other in two major wars, in many genocides. enjoy natalism, faggots. shills and glowniggers are children of natalists.

>> No.17360167

That isnt selfish. It's just destructive.

>> No.17360182

Childhood is anti-natalism.
Adulthood is realizing we can eliminate the pain caused by the human condition with transhumanism.

>> No.17360188

you have literally no control over the upbringing of your kids unless you want them to be dysfunctional in this society which means they'll end up on drugs (either hard drugs or kike drugs) or an hero

>> No.17360338

great conversation anons, i enjoyed it

>> No.17360354

Most suicide methods are extremely painful and prone to failure

>> No.17360366

endless hedonism and pleasure would be a true nightmare. it is outright contrary to human nature, and people would outright destroy themselves
see Notes from Underground

>> No.17360369
File: 355 KB, 600x599, 1595091462941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in general, fulfilling responsibility makes one happy.
Not him but I think there must be something wrong with me because I have never fulfilled a responsibility or obligation and felt good afterwards unless I got some kind of reward out of it, and in that case I only felt good because I got the reward, not because I fulfilled the obligation, I would have felt just as good if I just got the reward right away.

Ever since I was a kid I've loathed obligations and I've always avoided them, it's something I never outgrew, not that I ever tried to outgrow it though. This, along with some of my other traits have made me seriously consider if I'm a narcissist, personally I think that while I don't have full Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I do have a heavily narcissistic personality.

>> No.17360383

Then how do you make money?

>> No.17360385

>it's an /r9k/ crossposter
yes, unironically improve yourself. This tfw no gf bullshit is outright pathetic, stop crying over yourself.

>> No.17360389

I leech off my parents.

>> No.17360426

Dont forget the peen. it's a cope for tiny peen

>> No.17360428

not that anon but go fuck yourself
you people are so fucking privileged, you have no idea who our lives are like, just endless misery and nothingness
easy for you to spout off self improvement bullshit, normal people don't need any of that, they are - born - normal