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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 295 KB, 911x530, evola2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17348282 No.17348282 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I trust this man to tell me about Hyperborea and ancient Aryan mysteries, /lit/? Say what you want about Serrano and Savitri Devi, but at least they tried to live what they wrote. Evola was a tawny cripple that taught the warrior caste transcended the priestly/scholarly caste.

>> No.17348302

It does unless you're a small brown.

>> No.17348372

He looks evil and crazy.

>> No.17348383

Why should you CARE about Hyperborea and ancient Aryan mysteries, you god damn stupid mutt? Stop shitting up this board.

>> No.17348573

Evola wasn’t a literal schizo, unlike those other two.

>> No.17348643


He was a mountain climber when he was younger though

>> No.17348773
File: 66 KB, 720x540, 0_VlmUZkRl-AqyHA8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why should you CARE about Hyperborea and ancient Aryan mysteries
A better question would be: "What is preventing or stopping 'you' from caring about them?"

>> No.17349064

This, and served in WW1. He definitely lived according to his ideas. Low quality bait OP.

>> No.17349134

He's Italian, yes.

>> No.17349167

cringe shit made up by 19th century larpers

>> No.17349375

>he doesnt know that the Avestas, Vedas and the Mahabharata all describe the solar, lunar and star pattern alignments of polar Hyperborea at Mount Meru
smdh nigga

>> No.17349399

This. Savitri Devi literally would go into hysterics if you brought up bad tactics the SS used that lost them the war. I recall someone on /lit/ mentioning how she would cantankerously yell "YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT OUR GOD THAT WAY" if you made a comment on Hitler's poor judgements. Serrano is a gentleman compared to her.

>> No.17349707

Devi herself though said that Hitler's problem was that he was too confident in his own ideals and wasn't ruthless enough iirc.

>> No.17349729
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>tfw humanity didnt even have dense physcial forms during the Hyperborean period
>mfw ethnonationalist larpers thinking they know shit

>> No.17349985

But it was the Hyperboreans that took on flesh in order to fight the Demiurge and its creation, and civilize the "bestial" races of the world. If you're not White, what's in it for you to care about Hyperborea?

>> No.17349998

>goes for a walk during bombing raid because he dgaf
>implying he is a tawny cripple coward

>> No.17350011

Why do you lie? Savitri Devi saw the SS as the beginnings of a new racial aristocratic elite, and like the other anon said, she said that Hitler never even wanted to win the war, and that he even knew that years before he ever came to power that he would not be the One to fix all of the problems faced by his people. She faulted Hitler with being too much “sun” and not enough “lightning”.

I swear none of you niggers even read

>> No.17350016

No, you don't understand, faggot. The concept of biological races didnt even EXIST in the Hyperborean period. All your "whiteness" hobgobble is a purely modern invention because you niggers have not only lost your connection to the spirit but now cling to mere genetics as a last straw.

>> No.17350024

>you’re not really your body, goy, you’re some immaterial ghost with no race, gender or sexuality! The world doesn’t matter

>> No.17350025

wtf I dreamed of that wheel! That wheel is exactly what was in my dream only the little sections were filled with religious figures from around the world!
I was in a mountain range and that wheel appeared in the sky. The topmost section had an elephant god in it which I'd never seen before and I remember feeling uneasy that it was in the highest position instead of Jesus. What is the history of it? Does it have a particular significance?

>> No.17350034

>your physical body and genetics is all that matters goy
Youre preaching materialism and say mysticism is subversive lmfao. Well yes, it is subversive, subversive to the established order of the modern scientific world that seeks to remove any and all connection to true spirituality.

>> No.17350047
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>he dosen't know the procession of the root races
>dosent even know how or why the sexes split over time
>clings to cringe Vril larp as if they had any legitimacy and didnt just profane concepts beyond their grasp
>thinks he is even CAPABLE of calling anyone subversive

consider transitioning

>> No.17350049

>Youre preaching materialism
Wrong. Materialists are retarded. Panpsychism is the final redpill

>> No.17350054

>consider transitioning
I’m not the one who thinks he’s not really his body! I know I’m a male, you don’t apparently

>> No.17350062
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 1606636417816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you know but refuse to accept is that you got filtered. Thanks for playing.

>> No.17350071
File: 185 KB, 750x1334, 9E5486CB-2794-4810-B782-4141420407E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LARP some more

>> No.17350082

>Lapses into Blavatsky's version of the origins
Hate to tell you but you don't get 'loosh' from fucking kids.

>> No.17350093

>unironically saying "loosh"

lol bitch go back to Montalk.net

>> No.17350763


>> No.17350871
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> tawny

>> No.17350946


>> No.17351335

The only reason Evola was crippled because in 1945 he would walk around Vienna as the city was being bombed, and was hit by shrapnel and paralyzed. That's detachment. Chad as fuck

>> No.17351379
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>> No.17351536

as an Italian I take this as a compliment

>> No.17351541

we absolutely had and the universe was ordered rationally that is the lesser races obeyed the hyperborean and everyone was happy and had a fulfilling role.

>> No.17351569

Does anyone have the big Evola reading guide? It was from some forum.

>> No.17351615
File: 85 KB, 769x695, 1598605805760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>you’re not really your body, goy, you’re some immaterial ghost with no race, gender or sexuality! The world doesn’t matter

>> No.17351619

His critique of others is always either ignorant or wilfully dishonest, which makes his own words much less trustworthy.

>> No.17352679

People with White bodies are spiritual Whites. your soul picks a body which it has affinity for.

>> No.17352690

that guide is cringe. Read his 3 main works in this order.
>Revolt against the Modern World.
>Men Among the Ruins
>Ride the Tiger
And then, get into the mystical, occult and political works.

>> No.17353312

todays whites, especially americans, are spiritual niggers

>> No.17354138

On the other hand, a number of Evola's more esoterically-minded associates seem to have been of the opinion that he could easily have healed himself using spiritual methods but refused to do so exactly because it would have been inconstant with the views on detachment expressed in his later writing.

>> No.17354157

>that Hitler never even wanted to win the war, and that he even knew that years before he ever came to power that he would not be the One to fix all of the problems faced by his people.
So he did all that for no reason? Who's this "one" then?

>> No.17354187

retard take.
Revolt and Ride should be read closer to last in his corpus. MAR is a good introduction to his political writings. Esoterics? probably Doctrine of Awakening or Grail. Hermetic Tradition following either or both

>> No.17354203

>Who's this "one" then?
Kalki, the one who will end the Dark Age and usher in a new cycle. Unlike Hitler he will be a perfect balance of both lightning and sun qualities. Living in eternity, but active in the world.

Hitler said in 1928 to Hans Grimm (she quotes from his book Warum? Woher? Aber Wohin?):
>I know that Somebody must come forth and meet our situation. I have sought him. I have found him nowhere; and therefore I have taken upon myself to do the preparatory work, only the most urgent preparatory work. For that much I know: I am not He. And I know also what is lacking in me.”

>> No.17354226

>none of you niggers even read
this is /lit/ it's the last place anyone would look for readers. same way /pol/ has no real "political discussion' and is mostly just an american electoral circlejerk with some bbc tranny porn thrown in.

>> No.17354257

I don't get it. I have never read Devi and my exposure to Evola is limited to skimming "Ride the Tiger", but I have trouble believing Hitler saw himself as a lamb going to slaughter. I can't see him sending millions of Germans to their deaths, watching the Russians march to Berlin, and thinking "this is actually a good thing for my cause".

>> No.17354467

You are thinking from a perspective “in time”. All worldly victories are ephemeral. Devi herself writes that National Socialism—in its political form, not in its eternal essence—itself would have fallen into corruption in decadence if they had won the war. The ideals of Hitler unironically cannot be destroyed, for they are eternal. Hitler tried his hardest to avoid war and showed restraint, hoping for an alliance with England, but the forces “in time” could not compromise with a man “against time”. It is important to realize that Devi’s conception of God is impersonal. It is pantheistic. When Hitler is compared with Vishnu, Devi doesn’t mean he’s literally Vishnu the personal god. She writes:
>Vishnu” — the World-Sustainer — is the tendency of every being to remain the same and to create (and procreate) in its own likeness; the universal Life-force as opposed to change and thereby to disaggregation and death; the Power that binds this time-bound Universe to its timeless Essence — every manifested being to the Idea of that being, in the sense Plato was one day to give the word “Idea.”
Hitler COULD have been Kalki—she is very fast and loose with her use of Himdu concepts and cycles, but he did not embody the qualities perfectly, indeed he made a heroic attempt, and prepared the groundwork.

>But even if it be not so, still he will, like all his divine predecessors, live, throughout the ages in the faithful consciousness of the Universe, the life-rhythm of which he symbolises. Still the long and more and more intense and finally almost desperate aspiration “against Time,” which characterises every recurring Time-cycle as soon as decay has set in obviously enough to be felt, will be, every time, a new expression of that self-same yearning after manifested Perfection for the sake of which he fought and lost; a new, long-drawn cosmic outcry, proclaiming that he was right in spite of all. And still every further Golden Age to come — every successive Dawn of Creation — will be the living materialisation of his highest dream; a further hymn of glory, proclaiming, every time for myriads of years, that he — He — has once more won.

>> No.17354496

Even after how incredible and based this woman is, this, "absolute woman" becomes an over-emotional psycho cunt at the slightest pindrop of negative information.

Tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.17354515


>> No.17354541

>believing /lit/ shitposts

>> No.17354550


>> No.17354562


>> No.17354574

t. Theosophical/Anthroposophical trash

>> No.17354625

Ah, national socialism.
The materialistic degeneracy of those too retarded to go beyond material concerns versus the sperg of those trapped in counter-initiatic occult paths.
Ain't that a daisy.

>> No.17354714

God, I bet he loved the way taste of his own vomit, while he received another impulse of thrusts of BBC into his larynx.

>> No.17354748

So was Crowley. What does that say.

>> No.17354751

Everyone served in WW1. It means fucking nothing You LARP.

>> No.17354758

His dismissal of Heidegger and Jung for example.

>> No.17354787

>>no progenitors

Fascism is such a cope.

>> No.17354798
File: 313 KB, 757x906, 5A9D6F3C-FB4F-4A59-93E1-FB1328848AAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolas gay ass followers.

>> No.17354908

You received an Aryan Mystery

>> No.17354985
File: 124 KB, 1200x1000, 613ECA94-7632-4322-85FE-A6DB5214AFE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this bait
actually start reading anon then you’ll see
Add Mircea Eliade, Codreanu to that list as well

Fucking BASED

>> No.17355057
File: 369 KB, 1031x867, 1608406623032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope. I love Evola but Steiner was a far more accomplished and knowledgeable occultist than he ever was (as was Blavatsky). 99% of Traditionalists know nothing about Theosophy or Anthroposophy but dismiss them just because Daddy Baron said so.

Way to exercise your faculties, O mighty Ksatriya.

>> No.17355451

You didn't. Who stepped on your vagina though?

>> No.17355569
File: 1.23 MB, 2728x1460, A6035E6D-3ED9-459F-B463-F00B4CA2DAF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she said that Hitler never even wanted to win the war, and that he even knew that years before he ever came to power that he would not be the One to fix all of the problems faced by his people.
Made me think of pic related
Like he knew his fate

>> No.17355784
File: 112 KB, 762x1024, 1085592A-00AB-404A-9355-358B72CAAB85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you read of Hitler’s Rienzi experience:

>Gradually his speech loosened, and the words flowed more freely. Never before and never again have I heard Adolf Hitler speak as he did in that hour, as we stood there alone under the stars, as though we were the only creatures in the world.

>I cannot repeat every word that my friend uttered. I was struck by something strange, which I had never noticed before, even when he had talked to me in moments of the greatest excitement. It was as if another being spoke out of his body, and moved him as much as it did me. It wasn't at all a case of a speaker being carried away by his own words. On the contrary; I rather felt as though he himself listened with astonishment and emotion to what burst forth from him with elementary force. I will not attempt to interpret this phenomenon, but it was a state of complete ecstasy and rapture, in which he transferred the character of Rienzi, without even mentioning him as a model or example, with visionary power to the plane of his own ambitions. But it was more than a cheap adaptation. Indeed, the impact of the opera was rather a sheer external impulse which compelled him to speak. Like flood waters breaking their dikes, his words burst forth from him. He conjured up in grandiose, inspiring pictures his own future and that of his people.

>Hitherto I had been convinced that my friend wanted to become an artist, a painter, or perhaps an architect. Now this was no longer the case. Now he aspired to something higher, which I could not yet fully grasp. It rather surprised me, as I thought that the vocation of the artist was for him the highest, most desirable goal. But now he was talking of a mandate which, one day, he would receive from the people, to lead them out of servitude to the heights of freedom.

>It was an unknown youth who spoke to me in that strange hour. He spoke of a special mission which one day would be entrusted to him, and I, his only listener, could hardly understand what he meant. Many years had to pass before I realized the significance of this enraptured hour for my friend.

>His words were followed by silence.

>> No.17355809

If anything you should deny your Italianness at every turn. Learn French or German.

>> No.17355827


>> No.17355961
File: 2.17 MB, 500x308, 9BA22512-4E74-46A4-A68F-91E33E139E67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel him through time
Fuck I miss him

>> No.17356076

He unironically just looks like a hyper redpilled occult guy, or at the very least someone who's peered into the abyss and is very wise.

Not necessarily evil and certainly not crazy.

>> No.17356233
File: 222 KB, 911x535, evolafreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...THIS is the face of White nationalism? Don't kid yourselves, he looks like a Gulf Arab.

>> No.17356347

>the face of white nationalism
none of you niggers even read

>> No.17356401
File: 29 KB, 630x480, gargamel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17356418

His name sounds like Evil-a and he wore a monocle. If you haven't had a "Are we the baddies?" moment yet maybe now's the time.

>> No.17356473

>Evola was a Wignat
does it hurt to be this retarded?

>> No.17356584

>white nationalism

You haven't read Evola

>> No.17356613

Kek, good cherrypick though

>> No.17356637

>73 yearold cripples are usually uglier than if they weren't old or crippled


>> No.17357449
File: 112 KB, 1024x858, identitarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't just ugly. He's SWARTHY. That being what it is, why does he get to talk about Aryans? You might as well let Indians and Persians talk about them, since they are like 5% Aryan too.

>> No.17357535

Where can I buy Serrano or Devi's books?

>> No.17357578
File: 436 KB, 1442x631, D081464D-FD63-49E8-A379-75FD78218341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savitri Devi’s stuff can be bought on Counter Currents. Not about Serrano
>tfw I bought The Lightning and the Sun before it was banned off Amazon
Feels good

>> No.17357716

only the first 2 from the right look MENA

>> No.17357732

10/10 bait

>> No.17358110

Please explain that meme. I want to help you shut off this machine

>> No.17358481

>Evola was a tawny cripple that taught the warrior caste transcended the priestly/scholarly caste.

He's a cripple because he liked to casually stroll through his city during bombing raids. And before that he was climbing mountain and pumping and dumping witch chicks so hard that she writes him as the villain of her next book.

>> No.17358531

Who cares about all this retarded shit why don't you schizos make your own board

>> No.17358538

REJECT navel gazing manlet esotericism
EMBRACE practical aryan insurgency

das rite, 2021 is the comeback of S I E G E posting

>> No.17358641


>> No.17358679

>but muh Aryan god king LARP tho