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File: 285 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210121-175344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17347981 No.17347981 [Reply] [Original]

/our guy/ is back from exile

>> No.17347997

Fuck off with this e-celeb garbage.

>> No.17348053

He's writes interesting articles and I'm genuinely glad to have his blog back

>> No.17348114

I don't see how slatestarman is /ourguy/ but good for him.

>> No.17348502
File: 130 KB, 398x400, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naming your psychiatry clinic after lord of the rings
classic scott

>> No.17348736

So what are all the good substacks to subscribe to now?

>> No.17348813

He's going ubermensch. Unfortunately Nietzsche was a bipolar maniac in need of lithium. Quite ironic. We'll all have to set how much staying power e-celebrity has. Alexander must publicly prostitute his mind and deliver year after year if he wants to survive. Many lose their edge in their 30s

>> No.17348814

What’s his real name

>> No.17348847

Ezra David Cohen-Liebinowitz

>> No.17348907
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>> No.17349087
File: 66 KB, 200x268, scott_photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your god?

>> No.17349099

based scot

>> No.17349162

What race/species is this?

>> No.17349180

the pre-gray final form

>> No.17349208

Scott Moldbug.

>> No.17349552

Just found out about this guy. I definitely live in a rock ‘cause I’ve never heard about all that happened, but I’m glad I do now. His writing is a joy to read. Very entertaining and witty prose. Truly a master in the flesh. I will be watching him with great interest

>> No.17349557

Human/ork hybrid.

>> No.17349990

Qrd? I can't keep up with all the ecelebs

>> No.17350065

He's a dumbass for thinking the hit pieces would stop after deleting the blog

>> No.17350089

I went to a Slate Star Codex meet up once in San Jose. The host was really nice and made a bunch of medieval desserts for everyone. Then one guy rambled on about the Joan of Arc with a level of detail and passion that I honestly have yet to see recreated by another human being in any discipline. This dude had gone on for 3 hours straight by the time I decided to leave. Shit was nuts

>> No.17350118

Scoot Albatross had a blog called Slate Star Codex from like 2012 to 2020. He was originally from the Rationalist circle of the internet, LessWrong, Yudkowksy, etc. but he is also a psychiatrist and writes about that stuff, and he wrote political/social commentary too. He came dangerously close to 'Neoreaction' around 2013 or 2014, writing a long FAQ about it and then a rebuttal, but his own stated politics are fairly left wing.

He had one of the most popular blogs on the internet basically, wrote about a bunch of stuff, put a lot of effort into these long form, well-cited posts, had a huge comment section and reddit boards about his blog and stuff. In summer 2020 the NYT wanted to write an article about him and he flipped his shit assuming it would be a hit piece and would ruin his life so he axed his blog and disappeared. This is his reappearance on Substack.

>> No.17350144

From what I just read, the tone/objective of the article wasn't a problem, it was that they were going to publish his real name.

>> No.17350148

>NYT wanted to write an article about him and he flipped his shit assuming it would be a hit piece
not a bad assumption

>> No.17350473
