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17347609 No.17347609 [Reply] [Original]

I may not have voted for her, but that doesn't mean I don't want her to be successful. America needs good slam poems now more than ever.

>> No.17347617

clean it up jannies

>> No.17347631

I feel embarrassed for her, but she'll probably be oblivious for the rest of her life.

>> No.17347641

ok, but can it be half decent slam poetry? not something that could have litterally came out of a “protest” commercial on sportscenter? wouldnt even mind if it went full afro-futurism shit, at least then it wouldnt feel like a commercial.

>> No.17347770

desu joe should have hired some brave new voices for the inaugural

>> No.17347798

holy based we need more woke transfxlk in poetry

>> No.17347886
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Years ago they tried to...

>> No.17348117


>> No.17348129

ya, oblivious with a book deal
meanwhile you'll remain a nobody who is embarrassed for her

>> No.17348153

>slam poems
wtf is that even supposed to mean, anyway?
i like that that addition of "slam' differentiates it from actual poetry, but why "slam".

>> No.17348158

Man has grown, evolved
achieved things noble and rich
the horizon calls

*turns head vertically to observe crowd*

behind him lies ape
with niggers, browns and kikes who
yearn to pull him back

*voice loudens*

tugging at his sleeve
they manage to make him doubt
west now lies in ruin

*drops mic and speedwalks off stage*

>> No.17348161

doesn't exactly make harvard look good (except to wokies, because she's black) - she's from harvard, right?

>> No.17348173

shes not going to fuck you

>> No.17348176

and you're not going to get a book deal. funny how that works huh

>> No.17348182

kek, owned

>> No.17348197

Woman has grown, evolved
achieved things noble and rich
the horizon calls

*turns head vertically to observe crowd*

behind her lies rape
with legspreaders, mansplainers and privilege who
yearn to pull her back

*voice loudens*

tugging at her pantsuit
they manage to make her silent
woman now lies in ruin

*drops mic and speedwalks off stage*

>> No.17348199

her two (?) books don't come out for eight months, but in 8 months no one will remember her.
would be amusing if that canuck poetess Rupi whatever released a new best-seller on the same day as Headwrap Girl (sorry don't know name, not looKing it up).

>> No.17348217
File: 140 KB, 936x1407, j1Zei892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bandaids are the same color as my skin

My god, I never realized how privileged I am.

>> No.17348218
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he's not.
and when he doesn't, she still won't fuck you.

>> No.17348224

that may be true, but at this moment her books are best sellers on amazon, so i think she's doing fine

>> No.17348233

and you will never be a woman.

>> No.17348238

>When the roastie starts snapping her fingers and “feeling it”
What did we do to deserve this world?

>> No.17348265
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>Comments are turned off
...probably not because too many people were comparing them to A.F. Moritz and John Ashbery

>> No.17348313

May god help any future white son they may (but probably won't) have.

>> No.17348368

lol i am a woman tho
go back to /pol/

>> No.17348445
File: 58 KB, 640x872, 1610994986833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist roastie. How prominent are your nasolabial folds? If you had pronounced nasolabial folds before hitting 24, you will age badly. Men can notice these things. They don't really know that they notice it, like men don't typically know what nasolabial folds are, but they will just KNOW when they look at your face that you are "older," not at your peak anymore. That starts hitting around 23-24. There is a distinct "look" that you get when you're 25-ish, it's the 25-ish look. Men don't know what it is, but they know it smells like "ah she's not a young fun 20 year old anymore."

You should not spend time on 4chan. Get a boyfriend. I am serious, this is an attempt to help you. Think of how sad it is that you're on 4chan, which you don't even like, talking to people you don't even like, and you're not with a guy with long term prospects. Do you realize how little time you have? Do you know how fast a year of your twenties just up and vanishes? Fast. The years 20-30 go by in what seems like 3 or 4 years. It's a downhill slide after you leave college.

Imagine hitting 28 and being the sister/cousin in the family who still doesn't have a boyfriend, with no hope in sight. Imagine being on Bumble at age 28. Seriously, imagine it. This is not a joke post, you need to get off 4chan and get a boyfriend right now. I know you don't come here often but every second you continue to waste here, deriving no joy from it, is a bad idea. You know as well as I do that you could just as easily browse your twitter (if normie thot) or your discord (if egirl thot), and at least it wouldn't leave you feeling drained and out of place. You could then use that extra energy to get a boyfriend.

>> No.17348450

post booba and proof or stop LARPing, anon

>> No.17348455
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>lol i am a woman tho
>go back to /pol/

>> No.17348615

>pronouncedd nasolabial folds
read a physiology book, child; you don't know what you're talking about and you're giving away that fact with every word you type.

>Get a boyfriend. I am serious, this is an attempt to help you. Think of how sad it is that you're on 4chan, which you don't even like, talking to people you don't even like, and you're not with a guy with long term prospects.
have doctorate
married 5 years
two children
I like 4chan, and have for years. I take a break here when I have a moment. One needs adult banter after being around children all day.
I like most of the people here, and those I don't like I mainly just feel sorry for - can you guess which you are?

Now, let's apply what your wrote to you:
>Get a friend (boy? girl? I don't know which way you go, and I'm not going to be mean and say your anger stems from confusion about your sexual identity). I am serious, this is an attempt to help you. Think of how sad it is that you're on 4chan, which you don't even like, talking to people you don't even like, and you have no long term prospects.

Does it fit?
I'll pray for you.

>> No.17348618

it's a work-safe board, moran

>> No.17348626

>responding to the tranny instead of asking for tits
I fucking hate all of you

>> No.17348694
File: 132 KB, 821x650, 9E73D0B5-8869-4B06-919D-15B4FC5805BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amanda Gormon?
A-man-da Gor-mon?
A man to gore? Man?
A man fighting in the Octagon?

A slam poem by me

>> No.17348707

kek I couldn’t fucking believe it

>> No.17348712

that's why you rarely, if ever, see people in thailand throw lowkicks

>> No.17348713

I wroke a slam haiku
i want her to by my waifu
cum deep in her pussy

am i poet now ? 0.0

>> No.17348726

I be poppin niggas with gats
cuz pops was neva round
I be poppin xans
cuz no one around to tell me I can
I be running trains on thots
Just like I be running from my thoughts

>> No.17348751

>I've been on 4chan for years
>still both identifies self as a woman and gets triggered when called out

>> No.17348757

>I've been here for years
>I enjoy the witty adult banter
top tier satire, folks. Someone screenshot?

>> No.17348762

>I'm livin' the lifestyle of the poor and unwanted
>only thing in my corner is game
>i put my quarter in
>and then i play to win
>again and again and again
>until i win
>at the mothafuckin pimpsport

should had this at the inauguration instead

>> No.17348768

>I'll pray for you.


>> No.17348776

I too measure merit by whether you're politically viable and have a book deal

>> No.17348781

>One needs adult banter after being around children all day.
on 4chan? Gotta be an elaborate troll

>> No.17348801

getting (you)s is so easy with retards taking my bait lmfaoooo

>> No.17348811

The media will continue to remind everyone of her existence.

>> No.17348836

She went to a school that cost 42K a year K-12 too

>> No.17348867

>retards taking my bait
Yeh, we were all really buying it, hence my post literally calling yours satire. You really had us going!

>> No.17348890

I don’t see why I’d get a book deal, as I’m not a writer. And even if I were, I’d want a deal based on merit, not the equivalent of a participation trophy.

>> No.17348898

The tone isn’t cunty enough to be a slam poem

>> No.17348908

Was it bad?

When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We've braved the belly of the beast
We've learned that quiet isn't always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn't always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we've weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn't broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one
And yes we are far from polished
far from pristine
but that doesn't mean we are
striving to form a union that is perfect
We are striving to forge a union with purpose
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried
That we'll forever be tied together, victorious
Not because we will never again know defeat
but because we will never again sow division
Scripture tells us to envision
that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
And no one shall make them afraid
If we're to live up to our own time
Then victory won't lie in the blade
But in all the bridges we've made
That is the promise to glade
The hill we climb
If only we dare
It's because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
it's the past we step into
and how we repair it
We've seen a force that would shatter our nation
rather than share it
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy
And this effort very nearly succeeded
But while democracy can be periodically delayed
it can never be permanently defeated
In this truth
in this faith we trust
For while we have our eyes on the future
history has its eyes on us
This is the era of just redemption
We feared at its inception
We did not feel prepared to be the heirs
of such a terrifying hour
but within it we found the power
to author a new chapter
To offer hope and laughter to ourselves
So while once we asked,
how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
Now we assert
How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
We will not march back to what was
but move to what shall be
A country that is bruised but whole,


>> No.17348914

benevolent but bold,
fierce and free
We will not be turned around
or interrupted by intimidation
because we know our inaction and inertia
will be the inheritance of the next generation
Our blunders become their burdens
But one thing is certain:
If we merge mercy with might,
and might with right,
then love becomes our legacy
and change our children's birthright
So let us leave behind a country
better than the one we were left with
Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,
we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one
We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,
we will rise from the windswept northeast
where our forefathers first realized revolution
We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,
we will rise from the sunbaked south
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover
and every known nook of our nation and
every corner called our country,
our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
battered and beautiful
When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we're brave enough to see it
If only we're brave enough to be it

>> No.17348915

>of what just is
>Isn't always just-ice
Jesus Christ lmfao

>> No.17348931

how do you pay this much for education and be incapable of writing even minimally competent poetry?

>> No.17348949

Poetry isn't really taught in schools anymore beyond a couple Frost poems.

>> No.17348991

i'm not taking about merit.
her poem is shit and none of the smugness you feel in evaluating it as such/embarrassment you feel on her part will change the facts of her success. not sure what's controversial about this.

>> No.17349076

Clumsy forced rhyme, bad alliteration that would be laughed out of any creative writing workshop, leaden metaphors, gooey sentimental feelz. I know it’s coming from the spoken word/slam poetry school but I’ve heard better at open mics.

>> No.17349081

The amount of "brave" and "powerful" praises I'm seeing from this is smoothing my brain

>> No.17349093

The irony of reciting a mediocre poem about oppression at a fucking presidential inauguration is pretty entertaining

>> No.17349098

She's actually kinda qt for a darkie.

>> No.17349113

More disgust than smugness, but your point out "successful" people being "successful" regardless of whether or not you criticize them or their work is the kind of retarded halfwittery you'd expect from a literal child

>> No.17349123

This. Gotta give credit where it's due.

>> No.17349127

I don’t see what it has to do with anything. I never claimed to be jealous of her status

>> No.17349225

she's great, best part of yesterday.

>> No.17349250

Because she's part of the 20% of African American women that aren't classified as being overweight.

>> No.17349264

but like lmfaooooo haha lame af incels god cannot WAIT to put this on the tl lmao omfg like FUCKING retards lmaoooo you gave me (you)s like haha noooo don’t feed the troll lmfaoo

>> No.17349317

I understand there was a commercial of her reading some other poem that was literally just a string of buzzwords, posed on scenes of people stopping what they were doing to listen in awe and spread it. Pavlovian newspeak: hear positive words, feel bubbly, repeat. At least this has moments of breaking from esoterism of the bland and vague language to narrate something of a story. yes it is basic, therein fitting for Americans; low IQ, therein fitting for a Biden presidency. I suppose the disappointing part is how it is worthy of a poet laureatte title. representation will trump ability for years still to come if not indefinitely

>> No.17349340

If you don't teach poetry in schools or at least how to appreciate/understand poetry, the only work that gets praised/produced is of the lowest common denominator.

>> No.17349497

It's called confidence.
I don't have it myself but I understand people can just do cringe shit and feel they are top shit and never think about it ever again.

>> No.17349503

That's obliviousness, they're not the same.

>> No.17349620

I think you'll find they overlap quite a lot and, if it were a Venn diagram you'd have success in the middle.

>> No.17349639

Latter sounds like a better deal to me.

>> No.17349649

Can't take envy to the bank.

>> No.17349687

>a cute dark girl has the ear of presidents by leveraging somewhat self serving and contrived poetry through emerging media avenues
>help me niggerman!!!! I'm going insaaaane!!!!!!

>> No.17349734

>Was it bad?
Is this the title?

>> No.17349815

No the title is The Hill We Climb

>> No.17349823

It means that it's hip and that old white men are going to suck at composing it.

>> No.17349828

non-american here, fill me in on slam poetry. Isn't it rap without the beat and the sample?

>> No.17349856

Sort of. It's like over-the-top recitation/presentation of poetry.

>> No.17349870

How.... American.

>> No.17350137

This is... poetry?
OMG kill me now.

>> No.17350243

Left Wing people are such unrelenting garbage. Thank God they murder their own children.

>> No.17350565

The fact that there are people that give merit to this fucking bullshit is an embarrassment. I seriously wish the Chinese just take over this shit and enslave us all.

>> No.17350577

Actually pretty good.

>> No.17350581

>book deal
Literally meaningless lol. She'll make less than I make in a year and no one will remember her. A book deal these days is no better than a participation trophy.

>> No.17350589

>I want to read

>> No.17350602

>her poem is shit and none of the smugness you feel in evaluating it as such/embarrassment you feel on her part will change the facts of her success

This is like praising someone for getting on the board of a company when their father owns that company. It's clear she didn't get this deal due to any merit, even you admit it's total shit.

At best, you can claim she did the equivalent of winning the lottery (except winning the lottery actually gives you real money, not book deal money). In which case, okay? Doesn't change the fact her work is shit.

>> No.17350615

Here's what I don't get. There are underground rappers that are more clever and literate than this. Why does anyone think this girl deserves any sort of award for her "poetry"?

>> No.17350619

she a loud proud young soul sista sticking it to the orange man and white supremacists
she showing us she can make it in amerikkka

>> No.17350673

wheres the punchline. or is the joke that all gen z and milllennials are narcissists

>> No.17350742

I honestly cringed when i saw a hot black young girl get the affirmative action podium award. And i listened cause i wanted to cringe more. And that’s when i slowly realised she wasn’t half bad. Two minutes in and i realised she was really fucking good, and sassy, just the way a young person is supposed to be. Sure, the thing is aimed and written specifially for the occasion, but to pull it off in that way is really impressive. She stuttered once but kept going, and that’s fucking impressive too, considering that tens, maybe hundreds, of millions of people are watching you.

So, you delicate, poetic, hateful souls of this board, be honest to yourselves: aren’t you just being afraid, jealous and butthurt?

>> No.17350761


Cause underground rappers don’t write about pc things but rather about hos and niggaz. You know this, and you know she was picked cause she is a black girl. The fact that she isn’t the best doesn’t mean she’s bad though.

>> No.17350779

>her poetry is shit
>but her performance is good!

This is a compliment on par with "he speaks so well!" Are you sure you aren't a closeted racist?

This is the problem though. There's a huge class of nitwits who have brainwashed themselves into unironically believing this is good.

>> No.17350787

I would like to have her sit on my face while screaming out slam poetry about Biden

>> No.17350812

It’s not shit, its good. Not superb but good/decent. And it was perfect for the occasion, which is more than what 99% of this board can amount to (write something for a special occasion, that is).

>> No.17350849

>It’s not shit, its good.
How is it good? Explain.

This is overly sentimental and simplistic. It would not pass muster in a writing class.

>which is more than what 99% of this board can amount to (write something for a special occasion, that is).
I used to do speech and debate. Her performance is fine, but stop pretending she didn't get woke points for this. That is literally the only reason anyone gives a shit about this. Imagine if a 45 year old white woman was reciting that poem.

>> No.17351051

>how is it good?
It adresses the sense of disillusionment and disparity and turns it with witty alitterations and rhymes into hopefullness. It’s simple the way it should be for the masses to accept it as ”poetry that isn’t so difficult”. Basically a mix of rap and poetry. Ye thats what slam is, but still. For what it was supposed to be, i’d almost say it’s perfect, even though i know this makes you writhe.

2. Im not pretending she didn’t get woke points. Doesn’t mean she sucks though. I honestly believe that it’s a good thing she did it. Our generation(s) will see it as forced, but the next will more probably see it as natural. And what would benefit both you and me (and pol) is more black people seeing white career paths as options in life, rather than only having the option of hair salon/ nail parlor booty hoes and gangsta niggas.

>> No.17351144

>And what would benefit both you and me (and pol) is more black people seeing white career paths as options in life, rather than only having the option of hair salon/ nail parlor booty hoes and gangsta niggas.
I've heard this argument before in speech and debate and it's fucking retarded. By condescending to black people and artificially raising them above their merit, you're only going to breed resentment in them and others.

Btw not white.

>> No.17351270

I only like slam poetry when black people do it. White people sound whinny

>> No.17351575


>pointing out structural flaws in a society that’s permeated by social stratification based on race for hundreds of years.

Pick one.
>but you wrote hoe and nigga

We on 4chan, nigga.

Also, Inb4 successful black artists.

Exactly. Culture and crime is reserved for the minorities whereas the white collar jobs are strictly for whites.
I’m not your enemy. Take a chill pill and consider the ”overused” arguments.

>> No.17351592

>vague liberal upper-class moral pandering

"But while democracy can be periodically delayed
it can never be permanently defeated"

there are people that think that this is the end of history, and that its a good thing

>> No.17351626

I realised you wrote condescending as in putting minorities in places they shouldn’t be.
Well, a lot of white people are in places they shouldn’t be either, but no one questions that. Like that fat garth fellow who sang. That was utter shit and we don’t see posts bout him all over the place, do we? haven’t checked /mu/. Do we?

>> No.17351651

She reminds me of someone but I cant quite put my finger on it.. Oh wait I found her

>> No.17351658

>in fact you might be the reason someone cant stop looking over their shoulder
Yes niggers are the reason why I cant stop looking over my shoulder

>> No.17351677


>> No.17351697
File: 1.56 MB, 1080x1082, N word cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17351699
File: 656 KB, 993x1405, d17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmmhhhhh i wanna taste that chocolate bros

>> No.17351702

Is a white knight arguing with a woman? Lmfao crazy times.

>> No.17351714

literally every line is a cliche, this cannot be real

>> No.17351743

her poem was shit, end of. Nothing else matters.

>> No.17351755

Trust i seek, and i find in yööööö
Every day for us something nyöööööö
Open mind for a different viöööö
And nothing else mattereeeeuheeee!!

>> No.17351764
File: 121 KB, 614x518, 1596935132676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sea we must wade

>> No.17351774

The very poetic implication is that we are metaphorically giants. I can't believe I have to explain this shit to ignorant crackers

>> No.17351776

Very cringe post, sorry.

>> No.17351778

one last run chrisbros.
wrong. so wrong.

>> No.17351837

Her speech impediment has really improved

>> No.17351843

Hip-hop has done nothing to help American poetry.

>> No.17351844


this is true racism

>> No.17352121

excellent bait

>> No.17352130

it's EXTREMELY clunky, but 'to wade' is also a transitive verb

>> No.17352164

Grammar's not the issue. Coherence is. It requires charitable cope like >>17351774 to fix and even then is contradicted the very next line.

>> No.17352185


>> No.17352195

ah, alright. yeah, the images of a 'sea' and a 'belly of the beast' are incommensurable to the point where it seems that she's presenting random images indiscriminately

>> No.17352278

Racist but true. The reason we have /pol/ is because of people like you who focus more on things being politically correct than on dealing with the problem. BLM is just making things worse.
For real emancipation we need identification with the whole spectrum of society for all races. So what if some get a few woke points in the process, that’s a loss less dangerous than the path we’re on now. If future kids grow up and think a black chick speaking at a presidential inauguration isn’t a big deal, that’s worth a bit of sacrifice of political correctess.

>> No.17352625

It was a good performance, but the prose was just the most passé, inaffectual written word I've heard come out of someone who's supposed to be one of the new modern greats

>> No.17353588

>black girl into poetry/literature
>being a raging bwc slut
pick both

>> No.17353861

I think she already has a book out. After the inauguration her book was the top seller on Amazon.

>> No.17354597

He's literally an old famous country singer, wtf are you talking about? He's already proven himself over and over again. He only sucks now because he's old.

The woman in OP doesn't deserve half of the accolades thrown at her. It's only for political reasons that she was made poet laureate.

>> No.17354814

Slam poetry is basically a rap battle without rap.
Its success is measured by applause and tear-jerking.

>> No.17354825

the belly of the beast is from the bible anon, it refers to the whale that swallowed jonah...

(how embarrassing)

>> No.17354843

he's seven abortions away from a free reincarnation

>> No.17354915


>> No.17354927

Where you born yesterday? The Foo Fighters performed at the inauguration too, do you really expect the most progressive and best artists to perform at a government function that is trying to appeal to 300 million people. LOL fuck, maybe you are too much a brainlet for her poem.

>> No.17354937

>He only sucks now because he's old.

No he fucking always sucked and true fans of Country music hate him. Do you think Good Charlotte are a good punk band too?

>> No.17355047

someone doesn't know their bible.

>> No.17355052

Slam poetry shouldn't even exist. It's a bastardized form of poetry made to appeal to the masses, it doesn't have any artistic value whatsoever.

>> No.17355060

I have a lot of distaste for all of those people from when we were kids that were railing against the government/conformity and completely sold out to the fucking system, but pretends they are not sellouts because Obama became presidents and gays can marry.

>> No.17355066

First person I've seen that's older than me but looks younger than me. How do I get her to become my gf.

>> No.17355082

>"artistic value"

>> No.17355134
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>when she said “many moons ago" I knew she would be good
Why did I look.

>> No.17355174

You're a miserable person.

>> No.17355384

I'll take projection for 600usd please

>> No.17355482

Bunch of gay platitudes and flimsy grandeur. A middle schooler could come up with this.

>> No.17355800

what do you call that kind of shirt?

>> No.17356135


Facebook-mom tier.

>> No.17356445

Yes, definitely projection.

>> No.17356465

Shes trying to look like one of those civil rights poets from the 60s hahhahaha

>> No.17356481


>> No.17356551

Someone like Amiri Baraka was at least edgy. When he became the poet laureate of Nj, he said something so edgy on one of his poems that the government abolished the office.

>> No.17356585

Who know why Five Israelis was filming the explosion
And cracking they sides at the notion
Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed
Who told 4000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers
To stay home that day
Why did Sharon stay away?

>> No.17356594

well fudge... in my defence i have only read the bible in my mother tounge, so the image was not IMMEDIATELY recognizable (still should have known, though)

>> No.17356603


>> No.17356708

Nah, they're right.

>> No.17356730

I bought it. I simply can't wait to read.

>> No.17356732

She could of written better if it wasn't for capitalism

>> No.17357154

You are forgiven, we all make mistakes.

>> No.17358256

Propaganda isn't Art

>> No.17358289

lmaaoooo it's elizabeth bruenig

>> No.17358308

>Then victory won't lie in the blade
>But in all the bridges we've made
>That is the promise to glade
>The hill we climb

i can tell it's good bc it gave me intrusive thoughts of suicide

>> No.17358309


Is this the same bitch who had some commercial where she just made a bunch of doctor suess rhymes like "we're always united, never divided, when we live to give, we always stand united!", or is this just a genre of asinine dogshit

>> No.17358315

she could of written better if it wasn't for capitalism

>> No.17358325
File: 594 KB, 1920x1997, D2817A2E-62CD-41B4-B183-A31815269AE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could of

>> No.17358328

And you could have been a woman if you weren't a man. What's your point?

>> No.17358340

god she's beautiful

>> No.17358341

He is a man. He isn’t me though. His point is to troll.

She wouldn’t be propped up to prettify the state pomp, and left in obscurity to work on her craft, without state-capitalism, that’s for sure

>> No.17358353

Capitalism ruined my orthography

>> No.17358357

this is what someone being herself as hard as she can looks like. i like it. fuck cringe culture.

>> No.17359004

Nothing else in that "poem" rhymes except this.
I could write better propaganda than this.
And i'm nobody.

>> No.17360054

Adharma in a previous lives.
The only way to escape is to call upon the name of the Blessed Lord.

>> No.17360715

So /lit/ is littered with /pol/cucks after all

>> No.17361100

true self is an HR department

>> No.17361128

Lukewarm poetry for white liberal Americans to slurp up as yet another way of feigning sympathy for black folk

>> No.17361150

What are the odds some "white" man edited and approved her poem before she read it?
I didn't listen to or read it nor will I btw

>> No.17361157

Imagine trying to join the aristocracy on the eve of the revolution lmao

>> No.17361166

Is this supposed to imply she isn't hot af?

>> No.17361176

Holy fucking cringe lmao
The worst part is you know this made some delusional suburban leftist stay at home mom start crying

>> No.17361183

Okay but what was the authoritative Tariq Nasheed take? Was she coonin?

>> No.17361204

the whole of 4chan is. It's like that dude said - the community that thrives on pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by idiots who think they're in good company

he's proven himself by selling millions of albums to people of the same demographic in mainly the southern states. Doesn't mean he deserves to be there. Dude sounded like he had an active case of corona, couldn't even hold the tone for one syllable words. "A*breath* ma.*breath* zin.*breath* grace.*breath* *breath* how swe-*breath* eet- *breath* the.*breath* soun- *breath* d."
If you think she was put there for political reasons and not him,... "Oh let's let some country singer who's favored by mostly trump supporters sing and show his support. That way we'll show that we appreciate the culture of the southern yokels and they shouldn't feel threatened."

>> No.17361261

Stop projecting. Just go to reddit if you want to be surrounded by enlightened leftists that need to censor anything that challenges their ideology

>> No.17361283



made me chuckle. I've been here for a very long time my friend. I know how it was and i see how it is now. I'm assuming you don't even know of the post i'm talking about.