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File: 111 KB, 540x329, Traditionalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17345514 No.17345514[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the best trad critiques of Islam besides Roger Scruton?

>> No.17345536

>what's the best reactionary critique to a reactionary religion?

uhh... umm..... brown people... dey bad and.... mohammed was brown so... he wuz not a good boi...

>> No.17345551

why do lefties love islam so much. is it a death wish?

>> No.17345560

Alphonsus of Liguori wrote a book criticizing Islam.

>> No.17345571

because it makes chuds like you mad. seethe

>> No.17345573

yes. feminists in particular love to import patriarchal muslim bvlls because feminists subconsciously desire to be raped and dominated, but they cannot project this wish onto the native white men in their countries because whiteness is taboo.

>> No.17345581

what in my post indicates I like Islam? trad critiques of Islam are incoherent and retarded. it's just naked racism and envy, nothing more

>> No.17345584

Whiteboi cope

>> No.17345615

you can't be "trad" and critique islam
we have already established this

>> No.17345622

islam is not a race

>> No.17345633
File: 400 KB, 720x947, 1586518142616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As American women, many of us have an idea of what feminists are; freelancing women with all the sexual freedom in the world. But this is exactly the problem with American feminism; it is all about sex and the liberation of our bodies.

>Hip Feminist campaigns like Free the Nipple only encourage a gullible behavior of disrespect for our own bodies, leading to everyone else around us disrespecting our bodies as well. If we want to be respected as women and taken seriously in all our endeavors we should look to a new source; Muslim women. Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body. Opposed to exposing themselves, it is through modesty. When we think of modern feminists we should stray away from the new American trends and start looking to what we have always thought as a contradiction; Muslim feminists.


>> No.17345641

Thanks for being the only one to answer!

>> No.17345643

How about you get a life instead of letting people live rent free in your head

>> No.17345652

Of course you can, the world is not separated in two categories, trad and modern, and everything that is trad does not agree with each other’s. The best examples are the numerous critiques of Islam coming from Catholics centuries ago (who would be considered more trad than the most trad today).
I would also add that the Islamic radicalism that we see today is quite modern.

>> No.17345661

>jihad is modern
>Shari'ah is modern


>> No.17345673

...which is exactly my point

there is no trad critique of islam that makes sense. so they just bring up the fact that Muslim countries are low IQ, brown, undeveloped etc.. or they are hypocrites and talk about their "lack of gay right" (lmao)

>> No.17345692

all of those make sense tho. what benefit islam has if they're all inbred, low IQ and underdeveloped? even "white" muslims are retarded clearly showing it's a religion/cultural thing and not race related.

>> No.17345717

Because both at base are about totalistic societies arranged around worship of central power. Allah is a god of raw will much as the "history" libs worship. The rokos basilisk people also fit this category.

>> No.17345728

You don't know what "trad" is

>> No.17345742

One of taleb's few essays i have read, good social critique: https://nassimtaleb.org/2016/08/intolerant-wins-dictatorship-small-minority/

>> No.17345753

it's almost as if...

tell me what it is, and how it differs substantially from islam

then, while you're at it, you can explain why many trad ideologues convert to Islam

>> No.17345802

They are analogous to cells committing apoptosis to save the organism.

>> No.17345816

>Where could a lost soul go? Nowhere in college or country offered an answer. What the campus Conservative Party outlined was absurd: We can pick up the fragments of our culture by putting on three-piece suits, getting riotously drunk, and reviving the divine right of kings. I had plenty of opportunities to engage with orthodox Christians, and I sincerely wanted Christianity to be true. It was clear to me that what the authorities in my world celebrated—the collapse of family life, the slaughter of the unborn, the deterioration of high culture—were, in truth, social evils that followed from the decline of the Church. Christianity seemed the natural alternative to secularity.

>But when I entered the chapels and listened to the ministers, the regeneration I sought didn’t happen. Christian voices sounded all too agreeable and compromising. I wanted something stronger, something that didn’t bargain with secularism. I found it in Islam.


>> No.17345829

How can you say that when an anon proved you wrong a few posts above, you utter retard.

>> No.17345831

best trad critique is crying about it all day on twitter

>> No.17345875

are you dense? traditionalism is a school of thought that started in the 19th century, nobody cares about what some catholic guywho lived before the french revolution wrote about Islam. in the year 2020, Islam critiquing Islam from a trad perspective makes no sense. it never made any sense actually

>> No.17345968

You can be against the noncery, inbreeding, churka behavior present in the Islamic mind