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File: 192 KB, 412x856, PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17343281 No.17343281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

swathes of immigrants? Who put this in motion and why?
One of the chief arguments its proponents in my country use is that it means "re-greening the population" IE more young work force to compensate for the pensions of the old, but, forgive me if I am missing an obvious detail, isn't this mode of action unsustainable in the long run as it requires more and more immigration until the bubble pops?
I also cannot find any genuine motive for why refugees deserve to stay in a country they will never leave, even if the war on their homesoil is over.

Yes I'm ESL, no I won't apologize

>> No.17343292

Huge pressure on politicians from business to bring in low-paid workers and drive down wages.

>> No.17343295

>Who put this in motion and why?
You know who
If you want to know why, read culture of critique

>> No.17343298

With the death of Christianity and God, the West has adopted extreme forms of moral puritanism, to replace these two things in Western society. Now we only have to kill morality itself and seek some other worthy goal, like subjugating the Third World.

>> No.17343312

profit, what else?

>> No.17343315

How do they get so many people to accept it?

>> No.17343319

rudyard kipling - white mans burden

>> No.17343329

Whites don't play a pivotal role in this, Jews do.

>> No.17343343

This is misleading. In fact these stats slowed down my redpill journey cause I thought "10% in 30 years thats not too bad". The more important stat is that by 2050, 50% of the young, still fertile generations (in Germany) will be muslim.

>> No.17343348

>The more important stat is that by 2050, 50% of the young, still fertile generations (in Germany) will be muslim.

Honestly tell me why this matters?

>> No.17343354

it would be a totally different country that resembles the middle east rather than europe

>> No.17343362

Take one good look at Turkey or Saudi Arabia

>> No.17343372

And your point is?
Germany has a great economy, education for everyone and a work-driven culture, I'm sure they'll be fine.

>> No.17343375

Who created those conditions? German people and their way of life.
If the majority of the population are Arab Muslims, the society will function more like an Arab Muslim one than a Western European German one

>> No.17343381

culture is the fruit and the people are the root, remove the german peoples and you remove the german culture.

>> No.17343386

The Strange Death of Europe by Douglass Murray is pretty good.

>> No.17343394

by promoting the global order as inevitable and profit endless

>> No.17343397

>Who created those conditions? German people and their way of life.
And immigrants will integrate and become as such.

>> No.17343400

They don't, very few Europeans want this, it's imposed on them.

>> No.17343408

It is inevitable though, haven't you paid attention? Even the most ethnonationalist countries are taking in immigrants now.

The idea that >>17343397 immigrants will stay as they are even after generations is absurd. A good piece of evidence is this: they already speak the native language, go to their schools, work jobs there, etc

>> No.17343430

The singularities are striking back, and many centres of global power are recoiling in injury, especially in regards to covid-19

This may not stop globalization, but it will likely be a much more tenured, controlled and repressing force, dictated in the future by China and Russia, instead of the present USA

>> No.17343432

But there's been 0 effort to intrgrate them(indeed, that would probably be criticized as racist), they(rightfully) don't want to give up their traditions and identity, and even if the first 2 objections proved false, it's unlikely that millions of people would integrate, rather than group together in ethnic enclaves(which is exactly what's happening).

>> No.17343438
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>> No.17343449

And whites allow jews to continue with their madness. The white liberal philosophy is based on the white mans burden, and jews manipulate this

>> No.17343500

>It is inevitable
not really. It's a porous structure and the good humanists who are upholding it are essentially walking vacuums, non-entities who fold in the presence of real power. this is what's depressing about biden, it's not about losing out to the "right side of history", it's about seeing the rot and knowing that there will be great fall

>> No.17343514

>low-paid workers

It's this. White people and their white kiddos deem the jobs to be beneath them.

>> No.17343520

checked and based, seeing these spineless "leaders" really fucking hurts. but in the end they are simply a reseprentation of the time.

>> No.17343541

media promotes values that are compatible with economic/capitalist needs. How do people not realize the closeness between the two is beyond me

>> No.17343556

>And your point is?
I have my own ideas about what society should look like and arabs don't know how to do any of it right. it's essentially about societal texture and the middle eastern texture is without flavor, strength and seductive powers. this is very subjective and personal but at least I know that it is subjective. they don't produce anything of intellectual or aesthetic value
my more impersonal analysis simply says that it'll be a bad thing to live as a minority among arabs, partly because of historical evidence but also because they're useless when they're in power and will crumble when competing with the chinese. that means there will be no continuity or stability for great things to grow

>> No.17343587

Your grandchildren will be brown. Humanity is finally being exposed as the cosmic joke it is.

>> No.17343615
File: 55 KB, 788x522, English TFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple really. More bodies are needed to pay for the postwar welfare/pension state, which was designed based on the expectation of ~3 TFR forever. The only places still making humans are Africa and Arabia.

>> No.17343633

What happens when the darkies can afford contraception and the fertility rate has dropped everywhere?

>> No.17343641

Capitalists want low wage workers, governments support this, and after WW2 America installed "liberal" ideological software in every Western European country, so it's difficult to criticize or resist migration. If you look at polls a majority of European citizens have always said they don't like immigration and want it reduced.

>Even the most ethnonationalist countries are taking in immigrants now.
Yes, it's a bad thing. Almost every scholarly analysis says that ethnic diversity reduces trust and increases the chances of violent conflict. All of these analyses are by normie liberals, all say the same thing. Ethnic diversity is just bad, it makes your country harder to govern. But the simple fact of the matter is we just don't know how to raise fertility in rich countries that have access to birth control. A lot of stuff has been tried and failed. The only thing that might work is banning birth control but that's incredibly unpopular and society isn't remotely set up for it anymore. So we get migration.

>The idea that >>17343397 immigrants will stay as they are even after generations is absurd. A good piece of evidence is this: they already speak the native language, go to their schools, work jobs there, etc

So what if they grow up speaking German? Immigrants from the middle east in Germany are more likely to commit crimes than native Germans, do worse in school, consume much more welfare, don't have the same opinions, etc. even into the 2nd and 3rd generations. They're just not very good additions to Germany. I wish people would be honest and admit immigrants to Europe mostly suck. The only good ones are highly selected African elites and East Asians.

>> No.17343642

but non-europeans are as a group a taxdrain. the only exception being some asians.

>> No.17343645

They're hoping to have robots do our work for us by then.

>> No.17343658

Two reasons, as usual: money and power.

Every position put forth by politicians or promoters falls into one, or both, of those categories and are generally masked by moralistic frameworks to not outright admit it.

>> No.17343674

It doesn't matter, they are going to try everything they can to turn them into productive assets and left-wing moral consensus prevents them from accepting reality. If migration doesn't happen the welfare/pension state will collapse, if it does happen it may or may not collapse, from their perspective.

>implying they think that far ahead
Also as long as they can keep women out of school they will stay comfortably ahead in birth rates. The first major country that subjugates women again will enjoy a massive advantage over the others due to rising population size and higher smart fraction. But we don't have rational governments, but instead, have left-wing theocracies so this is unlikely to happen.

>> No.17343691

faggots will be genocided considering that you're a big faggot.

>> No.17343711

all people that champion immigration deserves to get brutally anal gang raped by s-s africans
i was gang assaulted by a gang of immigrant subhuman thugs. thats was my realization

>> No.17343753

Yes, assault truly is a thing exclusive to brownies, that's why there were no laws against it before the immigration :)

>> No.17343831

it's a textural thing. like when you're walking home at night, what kind of hormones are going through your body and how ready you are to fight/flee. how likely someone is to rape your daughter as an unconscious but persistent strategy. it's insanely difficult to create a scenario where people aren't operating on this level, it's exceedingly easy to create a favela

>> No.17343999

I have to be honest. I have no real sympathy for Europeans over this. Again and again they were warned that this would happen, that taking in vast numbers of Muslims would permanently change their countries and lead to the decline of their cultures. They kept their same voting patterns and called those who warned them racists. At some point you have to let people hit rock bottom. I see this map and you know what? I hope it’s a lot more than only 10%. I hope the liberals who voted for this live long lives so they’re around to see the liberal institutions they cherish get torn down by the people they invited.

You are delusional. Muslims and Jews have bad blood like no other religions on Earth. There is an exodus of Jewish people fleeing France, Sweden, etc. bc of attacks by Muslim immigrants. It’s not the Jews who are to blame, it’s white people and their savior complex which are the problems.

>> No.17344035

>voting patterns
>he thinks elections are real and voting matters on this issue
Oh no no no no

>> No.17344042

>Again and again they were warned that this would happen
by who

>> No.17344051

>Muslims and Jews have bad blood like no other religions on Earth
And yet they are behind the immigration anyways, it doesn't really matter for them since they can just flee to the US and Israel (assuming they're this lucid about their own parasitic urges).

>> No.17344060

Can't really speak for all of Europe but this is the UK story
>Shortage of labourers
>"Hey why don't we invite people from the Commonwealth countries to work here"?
>Capitalists love this as it gives them chance to drive down wages and boosts GDP
>Politicians, who do the bidding of the capitalists and do not want to seem "racist", keep them coming.

>> No.17344092

>Jews create evil plot to flood Europe with Muslims
>Europe converts to Islam
>The New Islamic Union of Europe, no longer guilty about the Holocaust, and religious enemies of Jews, cuts aid to Israel and starts supporting their Palestinian brothers
>Israel is likely destroyed and Jews are persecuted once again
Does this sound like something Jews would want?

>> No.17344142

>he bought the windrush story
no one invited them, they just came and the capitalists thought "hey, I guess that's fine?"

>> No.17344144

The Blackening Of Europe

>> No.17344162

I truly wish you were right, but all evidence suggests that 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims are more radical than their parents.. Proponents of immigration need to find a way to solve that before they talk about integration.

>> No.17344166

>It’s not the Jews who are to blame
Post nose

>> No.17344180

To be fair Jews are remarkably short-sighted insofar as they tend to do things out of a fear of persecution that ends up making people want to persecute them. Pre-traumatic stress syndrome leads to actual trauma.

>> No.17344181

Jews are bad at long-term planning, this is a well known fact.

>> No.17344186
File: 1.11 MB, 1383x2000, BBC-Going-to-Britain-dep_10310_box_17_81221_1_front_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one invited them
... acktually

>> No.17344193


Do you really think the people suffering from all of this want MORE immigration from Muslim countries?

>> No.17344247

Sure. They can just leave for Israel, what matters is that the enemy ("white people") has their societies wrecked.

>> No.17344255

Israel has a higher percentage of Muslims than almost European country

>> No.17344260

Yeah, but they subjugate Muslims. Euros treat them as childlike victims.

>> No.17344261
File: 212 KB, 1076x1108, Dm7wBADXoAA4ITt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're clearly a deracinated mutt or something anon. The Jews lived in Europe for nearly a thousand years and they were never able to fully integrate, they always lived in enclaves and ghettos. How do you think the Muslims -- who do not even look like Europeans, and whose culture is even more different from Europe's than Jewish culture was -- will integrate? Different races have different mindsets; man isn't a blank slate.
In fact before the Holocaust the Jewish population of Europe was about 10%, just like the projections show Muslims will be. Think what ethnic tensions will arise when people see their own streets, their own neighbourhoods, their own towns, their own cities, their own countries Islamised. We might see another fascist movement springing up once again. We might see more atrocities. And it will all be the fault of people like you who pretend there is no difference between a Turk and a Frenchman. Let people have their own homes.

>> No.17344275
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is this book any good?

>> No.17344296

>We might see another fascist movement springing up once again
Yeah right lmao
Europeans are an utterly spineless and conquered race. They'd sooner hand over their daughters to Muslim men than risk being seen as racist. What on earth makes you think they'll ever take up fascist causes?

>> No.17344322

you people are big idiots.
jews wants muslims/arabs vs christians/europeans

>> No.17344338

buchanan better
or the bald guy book "reflections on the European revolution"
>>We might see another fascist movement springing up once again
no, wrong
europeans will become neocons and fight for homos and trannies and save those people from evil muslims

>> No.17344423

Then that's an issue that needs to be addressed. Most of it is due to poverty and discrimination, rich muslims are not religious fanatics.

>> No.17344427

or they can.... you know... go back?

>> No.17344437

That's both unconstitutional and unrealistic.
The former because they have European nationalities and often not even the nationality of their country of origin anymore and unrealistic because what if they say no?

>> No.17344511

None of your schizo fantasies have happened in the United States which is more diverse than Europe and has been so much longer. Europe will turn into a patchwork of diverse cities and conservative suburbs that are slowly absorbed by those cities. The populist surge is being contained. The system hardens itself when faced with obviously reactive opponents.

>> No.17344548

>go back
Maybe this argument applies to a newcomer, but second and later generations are born in Europe. They are Europeans in a legal sense. Europe is their homeland too. And moreover, if you say go back to them, then why not say "go back" to the various people that moved into previously German lands after WWII? Or you can go further back than that. Should the Moriscos go back to Spain? So you see, this is a fractal sort of argument. It never ends.

>> No.17344566

It's a very good account of the history of migration, but as the other guy said, buchanan is better.

>> No.17344584

In regards to the UK prior to the 60s there was no citizens rather there were subjects of the monarchy. And if you lived in a country that was colonized you could pass though the commonwealth and into the UK as all subjects were considered equal in the sense that they had freedom of movement, like the EU now. I heard this on the dick cavett show

>> No.17344592

>Who put this in motion and why?
Indirectly the US due to over half a century of funding reactionaries and launching coups on progressives in the Middle East. The US, and to a lesser extent its NATO stooges, destroyed the Middle East and forced people into a situation where they had to flee.

>> No.17344620

>Indirectly, the US
*Jews. It is their stated goal and they admit to it gladly.

>> No.17344646

Yeah, whatever retard, it’s just anti-communist imperialism.

>> No.17344669

literal piece of paper
how so?
race is a very real thing and it is easy to make distinctions between who has the right to stay and who should be repatriated.

>> No.17344695

Inform the various countries that they came from that their citizens will be returning to revitalize the country. If they refuse, send in the military or cut them off from SWIFT.

>And moreover, if you say go back to them, then why not say "go back" to the various people that moved into previously German lands after WWII?
Why would you do that? You aren't bound to uphold some abstract principle here, if third-worlders are behaving badly or draining State resources they should be repatriated or the country that thinks e.g. Germany has a responsibility to care for their citizens should become a colony/protectorate.

>> No.17344700

We need flags on here because clearly this is a European poster, an American wouldn’t say something so dumb

>> No.17344702

Do you think the Middle East was about to become Communist if not for the US? Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.17344715

Yeah, a lot of post-colonial European nations have this mentality borne in part from a want to continue exploiting the labour of foreigners without them outright being an underclass. Conversely it's a huge culture in post-colonial African and middle-eastern nations to immigrate due to the state the nation had been left in following independence and the relatively greater opportunities in their occupiers. Ousmane Sembène made some quality movies exploring this relationship with Senegal/France, wherein Senegalese people are financially coerced into abandoning their culture when they get work in France but they're still resented by the local population.

>> No.17344738

Belgium had many Italians assimilate despite their first generations being viewed as criminals.

Morrocans and Turks should not go "back". They came here to work, they can stay.

>> No.17344753
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haha yeah

>> No.17344759

Considering Egypt, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and more I’m sure I’m forgetting, had progressive anti-imperialist governments that were, or are being, crush/ed, yes the the Middle East was on a path towards a secular socialist renaissance before US intervention.

>> No.17344761
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>> No.17344775

The US and UK successfully orchestrated a coup in Iran to prevent them from nationalising their oil industry 70 years ago and Iranian leadership were in the pocket of the US government until the 1979 revolution solely to prevent the rise of communism. Given their relatively more tame response to the revolution, US were more accepting of Iran becoming an autocratic Islamic state than a socialist state, a decision which would snowball into the further rise of Islamist extremism in the region.

Retard, Iran were becoming so left-wing that the US pushed them towards Islamist terrorism to prevent it from happening.

>> No.17344785

Turks are entrepreneurial in nature, they often own restaurants, car dealerships and other stuff like that. They also work in factories and their youth studies well.

You can say what you want but I'm going to have a more mature view of my new countrymen and have faith in them. Europeans shit up nearly every place they touched and migrations wouldn't be a result if they didn't.

>> No.17344787

look into what gaddaffi was doing with his currency, it wasnt really about idelogies it was about him establishing a currency for purchasing oil which would have threatened the petrodollar. and if you have read his green book you will see that he was very nationalistic so he was more of a national socialist than communist(which is inherently globalist)

>> No.17344789

If I could exchange every reductionist leftist in the West for a Muslim refugee I would do so without a second thought. The average intelligence of Europe and America would skyrocket.

>> No.17344801

get raped, cuck

>> No.17344805

You're projecting your fantasies onto these people.

>> No.17344806

take a day off work on a tuesday and go to a big city and take a stroll around the mall, if your pattern recognition still works you should be able to notice something.

>> No.17344816

>Turks are entrepreneurial in nature
dumbest shit i have ever heard
KURDS on the other hand are entrepreneurial because muh pizzas and kebabs, turks on the other hand are not faggot

>> No.17344822

he was not a national socialist, he was a progressive non-aligned socialist and nationalist in an imperialized nation. And yes, of course protecting the petro-dollar is not ideological, neither is destroying socialism, these are base materialist tendencies of the imperial capitalist system to rape as many markets as possible.

>> No.17344834


>> No.17344837

Who is the real coper here, you're the one projecting Communism onto vague nationalism + state control of the oil industry because a state isn't aligned with the US who you reflexively oppose.

>> No.17344865

>he was not a national socialist, he was a progressive non-aligned socialist and nationalist in an imperialized nation
Kek political labeling is retarded

>> No.17344872


>> No.17344893

Im not projecting anything but secular progressivism. I couldnt care less about communism.
It is an accurate series of labels. Calling him a national socialist equates him with hitler, a person with whom Gaddafi had few similarities

>> No.17344903

if only the term national socialist wasnt claimed by fucking hitler

>> No.17344904

People shopping. Your point?

Do you think that if the majority of people muh capitalists import don't work they would still do it??? Retard.

>> No.17344915


>> No.17344929

you are the one coping with asinine jew theories retard

>> No.17344939
File: 44 KB, 399x400, 1585221707804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and all of them (non-german racially) are buying all that stuff with gibs while they shit out kids because they dont have to worry about anything.

>> No.17344946


>> No.17344959

Except that automion will crush the labor demands these people are being brought in to fill, and the demographic damage will be permanent. All this ensures is that when Europe automates a large portion of its labor, there will be countless identity groups fighting for what's left of the pie instead of a culturally unified front to transition away from conventional capitalism.

>> No.17345079
File: 46 KB, 720x539, 1584139539130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are so radically different he's really a poopoopeepeeist instead of a peepeepoopooist.

>> No.17345255

Yes they are so radically different. One wants national independence and empowers women, workers, minorities (gadaffi). The other is an insane reactionary who crushed worker’s movements and privatized the shit out of the economy (hitler).

>> No.17345267

>empowering women
Bros... Gaddafi was cringe all along

>> No.17345269

have you read gaddaffis green book?

>> No.17345287

Doesn't really jive with Gaddafi's body getting the Mussolini treatment but sure

>> No.17345399

businesses in my eastern european shithole are literally begging the government to open up the borders to third worlders, not just to ukrainians and belarusians, but Kazakhs, SEAsians, indians, fucking bengalis. all this despite the country already having high unemployment and low wages. capitalism was a mistake and spineless politicians who give in into this retarded muh infinite growth mantra are traitors. best part? no one ever asked for this, politcians dont talk about this, straight up lie or downplay the truth

>> No.17345422

which shithole?

>> No.17345434

>their youth studies well.
you are not form germany clearly you faggot

>> No.17345439

sounds like Poland
as much as they drad hearing this. they actually are very much like their prussian brothers
>and i mean prussian not the rest of the germans

>> No.17345727

>rich muslims are not religious fanatics
That's completely wrong.
Look up the Easter bombings of Sri Lanka.
Two of the suicide bombers were sons of a billionaire spice trader, the richest or at least 3 top richest man in Sri Lanka. When the police raided their palace the wifes of the two men suicide-bombed themselves with their children as well.

tbf a lot of east European companies are German or west-European owned.

>> No.17345806

>Argue to the Right in all contexts: There is always footwear fit for tongue in question, boot or wingtip or whatever else.

>> No.17345925

>these isolated cases disprove that rich muslims commit less crime


>> No.17346059

>I hope the liberals who voted for this live long lives so they’re around to see the liberal institutions they cherish get torn down by the people they invited.
Well said. Also checked.

>> No.17346091

the anon (you?) was talking about religious fanatics, not committing crime.
In general the richer muslims have access to the internet and all kind of vices, so they tend to be less religious - I agree on that. Still they exist. It is known, that the rich gulf Arabs finance Islam and mosques everywhere.

>> No.17346128

Velkommen Mustafa by Tesfaye. Too bad it isn't translated to English.

>> No.17346309
File: 173 KB, 800x596, 800px-Expulsion_judios-en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying there are no ethnic tensions in the US?
Do you think it's good to import these same ethnic tensions into Europe, even if you can somehow "contain" the population and stop them from committing violence against the invaders, which Europeans have repeatedly done to similar aliens -- Jews -- in the past?
Pic related (which only depicts a small time frame in the history and doesn't take into account the Holocaust) is what happens when a foreign element resides in Europe at about 10% of the population. Why would you run an experiment like this again?

>> No.17346330

Who said there weren't tensions? It is you who looks at a history of tension and thinks it can be snapped out of existence.

>> No.17346346

It can't be "snapped out of existence" whatever that means but we can take prophylactic measures against it, ie. by not having an alien population residing in our lands.

>> No.17346997

I truly hope this is bait

>> No.17347016

Tell me why it matters if they carry the name German?
There's dozens of different cultures in Germany since WW2, it's always been like that.

>> No.17347031

race and country you live in, now.
ill tell you mine to make it fair.

>> No.17347041

>my new countrymen
You are the worlds biggest faggot and your ancestors are rolling in their graves.

>> No.17347047

>since WW2
>it's always been like that
Shit bait. Get off your computer gaylord.

>> No.17347053

I'm Dutch, mixed but pretty much white in every sense of the word (that is, European). My mother is Jewish and father is Dutch but since they both look white, so do I, so the entire discussion about race is a bit weird lmao.

>> No.17347056


>> No.17347059

Are you going to deny the different cultural and ethnic groups living in Germany since Roman times?

>> No.17347069

>kike pushing for multiculturalism
ze hadden jou moeten pakken in plaats van anne frank. ik hoop dat je knuffel marokanen jou nog net zo leuk vinden als ze erachter komen dat je een jood bent. Ik weet ook heel zeker dat als europa een meerderheids bevolking van moslims krijgt dat het leven voor jou precies hetzelfde blijft. Niet alsof elke moslim een stronthekel heeft aan joden.

>> No.17347098
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>actually jewish
now i can go to sleep nicely, now that i know you are actually a nationwrecker or a really good bait.

>> No.17347111

This is how capitalism works. The west is dying, it would die even faster without immigrants. A healthy social body doesn’t require immigrants, western people are just far from healthy. On the bright side you have a whole population of dumb niggers to profit off, however since you are complaining about this, you probably aren’t much smarter than them anyway.

>> No.17347126

As far as your nation-state you love so much is concerned, you are the alien to be driven out by citizens of the world.

>> No.17347166

We were not asked, we were told.

>> No.17347203

I identify as Dutch though so I don't see the problem? I probably vote the same parties as most Dutch people.