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17343109 No.17343109 [Reply] [Original]

Any reading materials or book recommendations that justify suicide, /lit/?

>> No.17343133
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I know several but I am not going to post.
I am sorry, brother. We are all terribly alone.

>> No.17343156

Aloneness is not the problem in my case. Quite the contrary, I find it comforting. Sadly now I can't never be left alone again.

>> No.17343247

My diary desu

>> No.17343266

It does not need to be justified, it's just an action, like eating an apple.

>> No.17343317

Suicide is like marriage. Do it, or don't do it. You may or may not regret it.

>> No.17343328

>letting the globalist win
Come on now, son.

>> No.17343339

fuck off kierkegaard
depends on what kind of suicide you're contemplating, for example stoicism & pessimism both have different justifications for it

>> No.17343398

I'll go with pessimism.

>> No.17343409

Let's assume that I successfully commited suicide, how can I regret it then? Because I'll be dead, retard.

>> No.17343437

People that jump of bridges (or attempt to hang themselves), but they survive somehow, almost all report regretting the decision after jumping/kicking the stool.

>> No.17343448

Can we ascertain if that's just survival instinct kicking in?

>> No.17343464

this is a meme, people who failed their suicide attempt are very likely to try again

>> No.17343474

Can we ascertain if that's just clarity kicking in?

>> No.17343481

Women's "cry for help" suicide attempts don't count, anon. They loose their weight after the 3rd or 4th attempt.

>> No.17343498

The question is rather, is it more rational to live or to die? And then when you chase that question down to its roots, you'll find that fundamentally reason isn't what lies there. For anyone alive.

>> No.17343899

>reason isn't what lies there
So, it's feeling all along?

>> No.17343943

C-can I read it please?
Eating an apple doesn't make mom sad anon
Forgive me, Padre, but I've felt defeated since long ago.

>> No.17344016

>mom sad
Woman, and, especially mothers, are whores anon

She never loved you, why else would you be like this?

>> No.17344023
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Every Cradle is a Grave by Sarah Perry is pro-suicide, and argues for making easy means of suicide accessible to all who want it.

Before writing the book the author attempted suicide three times but had somebody intervene to save her each time. Following the third attempt to wrote this 200 page book on why it’s unethical to stop people from trying to kill them selves.

>> No.17344720

Did the bitch catch a break and succeed at dying in the end or not? I refuse to read a book in favor of suicide written by anyone who hasn't committed it after writing. What's the point of believing if you're not willing to live by your beliefs?

>> No.17344778
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>> No.17344973

Well she did try three times before writing the book. It sounds like since publishing she’s resigned herself to living for the foreseeable future.

>> No.17345578

I've gone from saying "I want to kill myself" out loud to saying "I will kill myself"
Baby steps

>> No.17347443 [DELETED] 

two books:
Persuasion and Rhetoric - Carlo Michelstaedter (italian)
On the Heights of Despair - Emil Cioran (romanian)

>> No.17347452

two books:
Persuasion and Rhetoric - Carlo Michelstaedter (italian)
On the Heights of Despair - Emil Cioran (romanian)

>> No.17347480

Please don’t kill yourselves. Life is worth living.

>> No.17347482

Probably Bushido code? I guess? One of my bullies told me some Harvard Grad wrote a thesis justifying suicide but he was a bully and his ambition was getting me to an hero.

>> No.17347484
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Being alive is pretty cool. Even if you don't like the world you live in you can still be happy. Whether that is by finding something to take your mind of the pain, finding a women, or dying in a shootout with a smile on your face.

>> No.17347557

It's really not
I don't care about "the beauty in the small things" anymore. I don't see myself going on like this

>> No.17347581

>People that jump of bridges (or attempt to hang themselves), but they survive somehow, almost all report regretting the decision after jumping/kicking the stool.
>this is a meme

It's a documented fact.

>> No.17347596
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>Can we ascertain if that's just clarity kicking in?

>> No.17347621

>how can I regret it then?

But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of

>> No.17347643

do not go on like that then

>> No.17347703

i hate my wife too buddy

>> No.17347711

>I know several but I am not going to post.

>> No.17347724

I can't seem to get out of it
Just trying to figure out a suicide method that makes it look like an accident at this point

>> No.17347746

1. 2arms1head

2. There is a huge book called Suicide which explains what different cultures and prominent thinkers thought of suicide over the past two thousand plus years.

3. How To Be Alone Forever by Anonymous

>> No.17347783

If nothing else, keep going just because some people would want to but can’t. It’s the equivalent of “eat your veggies because African kids don’t have food” but for good health.

>> No.17347844

How did you get a hold of these books? They seem amazing. Although 2arms1head site is down.

>> No.17347921
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>> No.17348016

You’re married?

>> No.17348110
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Pic related brought me (temporarily) out of a deep and chronic suicidal depression. Not even memeing. I would say to you anon that suicide is justified only after you have exhausted every other avenue. I'm sure you've tried various pills and so on, but have you fallen repeatedly into the k-hole while lying on your bed wearing an eye-mask listening to Gregorian chanting. No, I don't think you have. Best of luck friend.

>> No.17348144

Sorry for not responding sooner. What do you mean by "get a hold of"? As in, purchase or find out about?

1. 2arms1head: http://www.2arms1head.com/

2. Suicide: bought a copy several years ago, have only read about 50% admittedly

3. I read about it in the reading thread on wizchan. The (anonymous) author of the How To Be Alone Forever trilogy mentions that site in the first book. It doesn't encourage suicide, it only suggests reasons why it would be favourable were you to find yourself at an old age, alone in the world and facing potential long-term health problems etc.

>> No.17348156

yeah no shit if i had access to drugs i would be happier, but i don't

>> No.17348316

i've found various legit drug sellers through instagram who do shipping, so i'd say you're not looking hard enough. don't get narc'd though.

>> No.17348339

also to be fair, they found me somehow.

>> No.17348341

I don't have an instagram account and I don't live in a big city
If I could just walk up to some guy at the train station and buy drugs to make me not feel bad I fucking would

>> No.17348381

what a hack, she should've killed herself

>> No.17348393

drug talk aside, mate, i'm a midwitted drug user and don't have much to offer in terms of consolement to your dilemma; i do hope you find solace in some users advice or through a discovery of your own.
i also sincerely hope you do not end your life and hope you find something to bring you comfort and along with a drive to continue living though i do understand how hard life can treat some people along with how unbearable it can be.
nonetheless, my best wishes and prayers go out to you.

>> No.17348420

Thanks buddy
I bought some 1cP-LSD online recently and I've been doing that

>> No.17348525
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Ketamine clinics are cropping up now all across Europe and America. See if there is one you can access. And it isn't hard to use the deep web mate.

>> No.17348636
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I can legally buy some Ketamine analog online, but I really should just start figuring out the deep web to buy drugs
It just seems complicated and a little frightening you know

>> No.17348912

Emil Cioran

>> No.17349501

Sartre. Radical freedom can be interpreted as always having this nuclear option of the universal opt-out if existence becomes a series of making too many unwilling concessions that restrict freedom

>> No.17349527
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>> No.17349558

Yeah grab 2fdck while you can before it’s all gone

>> No.17349563

Get off 4chan and live life anon. The internet is tunnel vision, there is much more to life than you know.

>> No.17349598

The character Kirillov in Dostoevsky's Demons is obsessed with this question. The tl;dr of his philosophy is that killing yourself is the ultimate way to seize control of your destiny and essentially elevates you above god. Dudes a loon though, dont kill yourself anon.

>> No.17349622

Inifnite Jest justifies suicide by the very innovative means of being so terrible that any reader eventually comes to feel that death would be preferable to continuing to read. The insight is thus implanted viscerally and experientially rather than syllogistically.

>> No.17349882

>I'm a rich, handsome chad tennis player who is also extremely intelligent and loved by the academic community
>I'm also really sad, and the only way I can express this is by writing 1000 pages about absurd disgusting shit interspersed with extremely graphic and realistic disturbing shit that people with actual problems have gone through

Fuck Dallas Fort Worth, IJ is just "My Twisted World" at a college reading level

>> No.17350630

Blanchot's Death Sentence, in an odd, roundabout wu-way.
same can be said for Unamano's Fog.

>> No.17351777

As in find out about. Also, could you link the Suicide book? When I google "Suicide book" I get million results.

>> No.17351968

Imagine being pathetic enough that you need a book to tell you how to kill yourself

>> No.17352145

Mainlander's works.

>> No.17352248
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They probably are refering to Durkheim’s book on suicide.

>> No.17352291

imagine being pathetic enough that you need a book to tell you how to live and what is good and what is bad, and for sure, skydaddie guarantee.

>> No.17352756

To be fair, even if i see where you're coming from the question of "how to live" is a deeply complicated one.
"How to kill yourself" is not, because the answer is obvious and the only thing preventing someone from doing it is cowardice.