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17336674 No.17336674 [Reply] [Original]

I'm struggling to read philosophy because I'm constantly terrified by the thought that they all might be wrong and that I might be wasting my time.

>> No.17336700

It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. Fucking frogposter midwit.

>> No.17336723

im muslim and i read philosophy knowing full well its all bullshit kafir cope

>> No.17336740

Cope. The destination is that I write a better philosophy book than everyone else (aside from Plato)

>> No.17337115

They are all wrong to some degree retard. We don't have epistemic certainty. Come up with where they're right and where they're wrong w your own metaphysics

>> No.17337128

They’re not “wrong” but none of it is provable and is indeed a waste of time

>> No.17337133

You don't have to shoehorn the fact that you're muslim into every post.

>> No.17337135

Yeah but he can, christcuck

>> No.17337141


KEK unironically KEK

>> No.17337148

Well don't listen to them. Mine accounted for them in my response >>17337115

>> No.17337156

That's true of everything. Having a job? Mayve you're wasting your time for money that you don't even need or that you could get in a more productive way elsewhere.
Dating someone? Maybe you're wasting your time because it's not going to work out.

Just chill out, philosophy is liberation and exercise for the mind, not a race to correctness.

>> No.17337170

Read Plato and Aristotle, you'll see how much value is in Philosophy then. ALSO WATCH THIS LIFE-CHANGING VIDEO ABOUT PHILOSOPHY:


>> No.17337175

one of them must be right

its hegel

>> No.17337188

neither is mathematics but that shit still builds bridges

>> No.17337209

Okay that's fine but Hegel is screwed by nobody being able to interpret his logic into modern mathematics. It was left by the wayside by Russell. There are inclinations to a hegelian math (that 1+1=3 debacle particularly) but it hasn't been reached. If your metaphysics can't comment in math then it's just fact sniffery.

>> No.17337220

Human beings are not going to be 'right' about anything in any absolute sense. We are short-lived monkeys living on one rock in a universe of unfathomable scale. If you seek certainty, you won't find it.

>> No.17337230

Read Sartre, Stirner, Nietzsche, and Camus

>> No.17337233

> Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. It was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of world history, but nevertheless only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths the star cooled and solidified, and the clever beasts had to die. The time had come too, for although they boasted of how much they understood, in the end they discovered to their great annoyance that they had understood everything falsely. They died, and in dying they cursed truth. Such was the nature of these desperate beasts who had invented knowing.

>> No.17337237

Being right doesn't matter if it doesn't work, anon. Learn everything you can and use it accordingly. Don't think of Philosophy as another religion.

>> No.17337307

Cioran BTFOs ideology in this one short essay.


>> No.17337339

Likely there has been no philosopher who was able to write "the truth and nothing but the truth." Likely they were all right about somethings and wrong about another things, though some were more right and some more wrong.

>> No.17337406

Time you enjoy wasting isn’t waisted.

>> No.17337456

Woke up today and all I can say is

>> No.17337464

"i'm struggling because they might be wrong wah wah wah i'm a little baby"
have you considered thinking for yourself?

>> No.17338836

Anything could be wrong, anon. Even common sense could be wrong.

>> No.17338846

that's actually a very valid concern OP. study Buddhism instead.

>> No.17338847

Nothing is provable.

>> No.17338848
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>> No.17338934


>> No.17339035

Absolute skepticism is retarded and leads you nowhere.

>> No.17339047

I find that hard to believe.

>> No.17339080

from these just read Nietzsche and Stirner

>> No.17339087

Stirner is an absolute meme.

>> No.17339111

No he's Nietzsche without the cringe, but Nietzsche still has good ideas that are a good companion to Stirner

>> No.17339128

nobody actually reads stirner they just like the ideas of moral nihilism and selfabsorption

>> No.17339161

Stirner is cringe and has zero good ideas. Moral nihilism is honestly boring and misses the point, and Stirner doesn't bring anything new to it either.

>> No.17339176

stirner is peak individualism

>> No.17339182

I only read authors who are attractive. I do not value the worldviews of men who struggle with something as basic as getting pussy.

>> No.17339221

This is an understandable misunderstanding, my dear frogposter.
Philosophy is not about snatching the truth and seizing it for all time. It is forever an ongoing process. It is not so much different from normal thinking processes of wondering and inquiry, except that it is much more structured and rigorous, or at least the best of is. To study and be a philosopher you must be at home with perpetual doubt, and concern not yourself with the chimera of final truth.

>> No.17339223

Same. I don't read Vollmann or Houellebecq because I don't think either of those ugly shits have anything to tell me.

>> No.17339228

You can summarize Stirner's philosophy with "just do what you want, morals are made up". It's incredibly shallow, to the point where it has very little value. If Marx didn't seethe so much at him and ignored him instead no one would who he was.

>> No.17339411

Stirner is the best philosopher of religion

>> No.17339422

are there any hot philosophers?

>> No.17339443

The problem with philosophy us that uf there is one tiny error it snowballs into a gigantic error.

>> No.17339501


>> No.17339551
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>I can't think for myself

>> No.17339770

It's making a snowball at the peak of the mountain so to speak

>> No.17340131

They are and you are. But everyone on earth is wasting their time so it’s all okay.

>> No.17340155

>read philosophy
dont do it. read something worth your time like textbooks

>> No.17340219

You obviously haven't read me

>> No.17340251

very smart anon. I wish I would have had this exact thought before I came to the exact conclusion reading philosophy for the past decade.