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/lit/ - Literature

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17336436 No.17336436 [Reply] [Original]

>submitted my poetry to radio station
>they are interviewing me tonight on air

What do I say? How do I act? UK btw

>> No.17336486

Know your stuff backwards and forwards, even bring notes if necessary.
Be polite and confident.
t. Never been on the radio or TV or anything

>> No.17336500

Just imagine everyone else in the room naked

>> No.17336508

some guy i knew got invited to do an interview for a radio show and it turned out it was like a local shock jock and they had strippers in the studio from another segment and he was like yo wtf is this

>> No.17336515

just relax and be honest, don't say you are a virgin

>> No.17336520

What radio station? Share with us anon.

>> No.17336648

which station?

>> No.17336654

Do a /lit/ shout-out

>> No.17336670

This. Even if it’s quick. Just be like, “thanks to my friends at lit.” No normie will know what you’re referring to.

>> No.17336676

Third this.

>> No.17336698
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This. We deserve it after all the years we've help nurture your literary aspirations.

>> No.17336701

Read notes
Don’t be afraid to sub-vocalize and take pauses
Answer questions as best you can
“Casually” drop the fact that you’re gay

>> No.17336729

Don’t do this, not worth the risk

>> No.17336733

Don't mention /lit/ you sperg

>> No.17336735

which channel?

>> No.17336748

You can do it subtly

>I have to acknowledge the many online lit *cough* erary groups that I've been in, like goodreads, poetry.org, etc

i.e. have a pause between 'lit' and 'erary' and then reference non /lit/ groups. Maybe even /r/books lolol

>> No.17336756

Be polite and drink a little to loosen up

>> No.17336791

go back

>> No.17336813

just bee yourself

>> No.17336846

Just shoutout &amp instead, it works as an indirect shoutout

>> No.17336855


Make sure to mention that you wouldn't be here if you hadn't "started with the Greeks."

>> No.17336893

Don't bring up your piss jars

>> No.17336896

you must imagine yourself naked

>> No.17336917

BBC Lancs.

wdym notes?

>> No.17336942


>> No.17336946

OP this is really important. It is your only chance to choose a gimmick that can make your whole career. It all starts now, Pynchon with the no-photo and bad teeth thing, Houellebecq with the smoking, etc. They all did it for their first interview.
Since this is radio, you want to choose something to do with either what you say or how you speak. My advice would be to have a catchphrase. Something like saying "I feel you duuuuude" after each question, or fake a thick French accent.

>> No.17336958

Maybe brief thoughts on whatever work you submitted (ex: what inspired it) so that if you freak out and your mind goes blank you can quickly consult your notes and move on

>> No.17336970

Pull a Nabokov and rant about other literature as if you were already some kind of authority.

>> No.17336971

currently listening and says its down due to licensing or technical issues

>> No.17336981

Fuck off shyll

>> No.17336987

Ask to be introduced as Joker

>> No.17337009

Are you on the thing with Allan Beswick at 22:00?

>> No.17337021


>> No.17337032

It is fine if you guys miss it since I'll get the recording and share it with lit

>> No.17337038

Remember to wrap yourself in your weighted blanket.

>> No.17337061

thank u i might be asleep by then

>> No.17337124

Or just keep interrupting the interviewer by constantly coughing. Aggressively.

>> No.17337202

(in my mild New York accent)
T minus 27 minutes YOURE GONNA DO GREAT ANON

>> No.17337221

OP should do david foster wallace esque teeth gritting and hissing in self hatred

>> No.17337236


What risk ,you dumbass?

>> No.17337248

This would be a great way to sabotage someone's literary career - pretend to be them on 4chan so that people make the link and then cancel them.

>> No.17337251


>> No.17337258

Your post is not only retarded, but your inability to properly quote all but confirms it.

>muh anonymous
4chan is mainstream as fuck.

>> No.17337261

Why don't you post some of the poems you submitted? I'm interested to hear what kinda shit passes muster at a radio show of all places

>> No.17337269

Ah yes, pretending to be someone on an anonymous image board.

>> No.17337272

>4chan is mainstream as fuck.
Yes, for the deplorables. But for the people that run publishing houses and academia it is a cesspool of racism and sexism and backwards thinking and anyone who posts here should be shunned and have any of their works that might be seen or heard in public #cancelled.

>> No.17337283

t. cancelled

>> No.17337287

Sorry that you have to suffer through the collective delusions on Anglo Saxon societies.

No such problems where I’m from.

>> No.17337293
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Hide your power level.

>> No.17337294

post the poem lad. Will tune in

>> No.17337297

Post one of the poems they'll be interviewing you about.

>> No.17337301

Lol, 'we', but it would be nice. No pressure though, the Op can do what he wants.

>> No.17337308

>BBC Lancs.
Does anyone else think that this anon might be londonfrog?

>> No.17337325

No, Londonfrog is too busy jogging to Mcdonald's.

>> No.17337327

oh well. Idc about fame or wealth. I just like writing poetry

>> No.17337329

For his last binge ever.

>> No.17337336

Anons on the scene, please report how it goes.

Really hope OP isn't an /pol/tard, doesn't expect it either since he actually did other things than shitpost.

>> No.17337342

Shut the fuck up, favela
Nobody cares about u

>> No.17337349

Try to act enigmatic and cool, answer all questions with riddles. Start building your persona now

>> No.17337380

Talk in really hoarse voice and explain that it's from reading your poetry out loud every night.

>> No.17337391

What's the time?????

>> No.17337402

op said 21:20 but according to their schedule theres nothing on till 22:00

>> No.17337415

his email said it was bbc lancs but idk if it is that station. He'll send me a recording anyhow. It's through BBC Upload

>> No.17337420
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>doing a radio poetry reading during a football commentary programme
We've been had lads.

>> No.17337423

so its not going to be live tonight?

>> No.17337429

idk he said radio.

>> No.17337431


>> No.17337435

hes gone and done us int he?

>> No.17337462
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why is the radioman not calling me

>> No.17337463

Ingerland done us

>> No.17337488

he caled im on

>> No.17337490

>BBC Lancs.

Okay guys
OP, what time do you go on?

>> No.17337517

I can't find any wroking BBC Lansc stream

>> No.17337520

Me neither :(

>> No.17337537

i please resume hes recording instead of reading live

>> No.17337538

we did it reddit!

>> No.17337551


>> No.17337565

OK i finished the interview!!!

>> No.17337571

Wtf. Did they even ask you anything?

>> No.17337583

it seemed like a regular sized interview, 10 minutes

>> No.17337589

He got the time between two commercial breaks

>> No.17337597

How'd it go then?

>> No.17337605


>> No.17337606

they just asked me small talk and then for me to read two of my sonnets

>> No.17337612

im waiting for the recording to be sent to me

>> No.17337619

Could you at least post one?

>> No.17337623

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth....

>> No.17337639

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth
thas raycis

>> No.17337653
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>> No.17337676

The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a...

>> No.17337721

Hate to break it to you anon, they are interviewing you because your name sounds black.

>> No.17337748
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>but it descends from Lithuania

>> No.17337967


>> No.17338345

always start out by saying you have mild tourettes in case you accidentally say any gamer words

>> No.17338453

Kek. That or drop a
>my diary desu

>> No.17338494

Take some advice I heard for dating. They're having you on anon so they have to do as much work to impress you as you have to impress them.

>> No.17338818

Dunnk about that your date might just be awkward/nervous/weird, everybody is different

>> No.17339001


>> No.17339144

OP gib the recording

>> No.17339197

damn, that would be sad if true

>> No.17339277

Now's your chance anon. Let them know about the jews.

>> No.17339581

>Expose your power level on radio
>Redpill the 4 people listening to a poet interview on radio
>Profit from prison because it's the UK and that's wrong think

>> No.17340069

Because it’ll probably go wrong, and if it goes right, you’ll want to drink before every interview, public appearance, or similar and you’ll develop a problem

>> No.17340083
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>> No.17340337

This would be much more cringy and boring than just copping to posting on /lit/ imo

>> No.17341268

Congrats OP, let us know how it went

>> No.17342326

>Hasn’t posted the recording yet
I guess OP was a faggot all along

>> No.17342363

Be humble but not shy. And dont say stuff like "thanks to bla bla etc", you havent made it yet. Just a quick "shoutout to lit"

>> No.17342577

Where's the recording, you bitch?

>> No.17342674

Hello guys,
Sorry for the delay, the dude cannot send me the whole interview right now because they have to do some technical stuff with it before they publish it, it should be online in less than two days though. But I insisted so he sent me a little excerpt from the show where I read my poem (the audio is a little rough because they didn't do the "technical stuff" sorry). Here it is:
Thanks for your tips guys! I will posting the whole thing asap

>> No.17342831
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>> No.17342848


Risk is not from the public, the risk is the retards on this board and 4chan in general.

>> No.17342884

what is this, are you fucking kidding me OP.

>> No.17342904

yes sorry this is only the raw data so it sounds a little bad, that's why they don't want to send everything to me now

>> No.17342907

Did you seriously just edit this lmfao? Both of them sound like the same guy and the audio quality is so bad compared to what you would expect on a radio show. Not gonna lie this is hilarious.

>> No.17342925


>> No.17342927

I am not your idiot OP. Thats is clearly something you made alone and your phony italian accent is shit.

>> No.17342941
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nice bait faggot

>> No.17342978

Yeah, if anything we wrote the poem. OP is just the vessel.

>> No.17342984
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>> No.17343000

sorry I tried doing like >>17336946 told me, it is true that I am not Italian

>> No.17343043

You're an intellectual now, like Will Self.
Remember smarmite isn't to everybody's tastes and if they don't like it they're fascist.
If you aren't Jewish try pretend to be.

>> No.17343081

OP you made a mistake posting that here when the general public can text/ call into the show.

>> No.17343998

surprisingly good poem anon

>> No.17344028

Op here

I appreciate this: it is fucking hilarious

>> No.17344257

Post the acutal one

>> No.17345194
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Holy fucking shit I'm in tears

>> No.17345373

You really think a pre-recorded interview meant to go out on a radio show is going to have an editing turn around of less than a day? Bugger off.

>> No.17345433

Congrats, OP, I'm happy for you.
>submitted my poetry to radio station
What does this mean, though? Do they have some sort of contest or what?

>> No.17345588

do NOT do this. you're there to promote your art. talk about that as well as your experiences in life from a writer's POV. the purpose of this interview is to introduce yourself and your work to other people, so be the writer and not the internet autist. keep that in mind before going in, but when you're there simply try to connect with the host as if in a regular 1-on-1 convo. his job is basically to be the public's proxy and ask what might be on their mind.

remember also that the host WANTS to get a good interview out of you. it's in his best interest that you're comfortable and everyone is having a good time, so don't think you're walking in there alone. just make sure you keep the subject on writing and life as a writer. if you don't want to talk about something DO NOT talk about it.

it will all probably be easier than you think, but that is just some general advice. more than likely you'll be fine. good luck OP!

>> No.17345605
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>> No.17346340

>What does this mean, though? Do they have some sort of contest or what?
bumping for this

>> No.17346370

hope you get on comfy poetry please with roger mcgough one day anon