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File: 237 KB, 440x640, Biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17335528 No.17335528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck me, America has a papist president again.
Does any anon have literature that btfos catholicks?
I'm already getting sick of hearing the news talk about how B*den attended a popish mass. Fucker literally believes in abortion lol.

>> No.17335550

>Fucker literally believes in abortion lol.
If only your mother did.

>> No.17335562


>> No.17335567

>believig what a president says he believes
lmao imagine being this much of a retard

>> No.17335568

Another worthless amerimutt thread.

>> No.17335569


>> No.17335571

>Somebody stop me!

>> No.17335591


>> No.17335596


>> No.17335611

I am happy right now :)
America is strong again. I got to see the flags and banners, hear the anthem and our other great songs, and Biden's speech assured me we have a President who actually cares about climate change. We took a beating the past four years, but finally we have a President again. We are back.

>> No.17335628
File: 110 KB, 933x445, hall-of-pontifical-audiences-pope-paul-v1-audience-building-reptile-snake-dragon-revelation-17-catholic-church-933x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was church, cathofags?

>> No.17335629

Hahahaha. I love it anon. This post makes me happy, because it is such a perfect parody of what 90% of my friends are thinking right now. It's hilarious.

>> No.17335635

you will never be a woman

>> No.17335637

I am being sincere

>> No.17335645
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Not a Catholic

>> No.17335648
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Looking forard to the new year right bros.
Biden is president, Christmas is over...

>> No.17335650

>defeat evil cheeto hitler
>have a triumph of the will ceremony to enthrone good wokeist hitler

>> No.17335651

Honestly that just makes it even better. If you really think that the country is suddenly a great place again because a single person is no longer in a political position, then you are missing what made the USA a great country in the first place, which is not the temporal national political leadership.

>> No.17335653
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>> No.17335658


>> No.17335662

I am not saying it's magically a better place, but I am saying we have good leadership again, someone to steer the ship.

>> No.17335668

Saint Augustine's letter where he clearly supports sola fide
But it's biden, he's not a Catholic, he's a compact liberal majoritarian ala Ibsen, he'll do absolutely nothing for four years except maybe recant some of the less impactful trumpian reforms since he can't afford to upset anyone despite having both houses while claiming to act

>> No.17335678

True about Biden wrong about Augustine

>> No.17335679

The people steering the ship, anon, are the town councils, county boards, and state officers whose actions have far more of an impact on the everyday lives of the citizens. A Trump and a Biden's policies towards the EU or North Korea or whatever have little impact on my life. The local town council's decision to allow or block development of a cookie-cutter suburb 'development' a mile away does.

>> No.17335680

Dueling used car salesmen political culture with theophanic characteristics is not leadership.

>> No.17335684

Give up, you've been wrecked

>> No.17335689

Legalized abortion decreases abortion rates through societal magic

>> No.17335691

biden cares about catholicism just as much as trump does about presbyterianism

>> No.17335692

Why is my thread getting filled with Jesuit cocksuckers?
I honestly didn't expect this but maybe I should have guessed.
These people worship the current pope, Mary, and Thomas Aquinas like they are all Gods (what these people have to do with each other I have no idea).

>> No.17335693

I mean, you're right in that local government affects us more than the federal one, but I do think that for grand crises, like COVID or climate change, a good national leader is needed. Biden's not perfect, but he recognizes those issues as real and has some plans to approach them.

>> No.17335694
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>Legalized murder decreases murder rates through societal magic

>> No.17335702

Why are you so salty you got wrecked?

>> No.17335707

He's a fake catholic. Another secular pawn

>> No.17335711

>not allowed to revere people that were faithful servants of God

>> No.17335712

he represents interests of his wealthy donors and will be even more powerless than trump because he doesn't even have a real majority for beginning of his term nor will half the country ever obey his directives
not that mask mandates and coerced vaccinations do anything to help in the first place

>> No.17335713

St. Aquinas, St. Ignatius Loyola, and St. Francis Xavier were great men, philosophers, and theologians

>> No.17335714

I get the whole “abortion is murder” stance, but they’re not actually the same thing, you do realize that don’t you?

>> No.17335719

Rather a catholic than an evangelical

>> No.17335721

Nothing fundamentally will change.

>> No.17335723
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Seriously, this is /lit/ retards, give me my book recommendations.

>> No.17335724

> a papist
He is barely a Catholic. I’m not sure he even knows what a papist is.

>> No.17335726

actually according to catholic doctrine they literally are
it has been declared by pope pius ix in some encyclical in the 19th century cant remember which

>> No.17335728
File: 163 KB, 640x973, 9780691183107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll should get this from the princeton sale so you can find out what you in for

>> No.17335732

This has nothing to do with litterature. you have a small dick. fuck off.

>> No.17335738

This but unironically.

>> No.17335745

Trump didn’t have a real majority either, neither did dubya. The whole systems fucked bro. The pendulum doesn’t even really swing anymore.

>> No.17335747
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>> No.17335752

Trump 2024

>> No.17335759

A Catholic can in no way support or be complicit to an immoral act even in the realm of legislation.

>> No.17335768

>Trump didn’t have a real majority either
he had GOP majority for the first two years so he actually had the ability to do something, as little as that was - biden presidency will literally be him screaming to the wind and paying joe manchin 100s of billions of gorillions of porkbarrel dollars to pass a single uncontroversial bill for them

>> No.17335769

whoever runs against harris in 2024 will win, i hope it's haley not some isolationist trumpist

>> No.17335770

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /pol/
Delete this threadl

>> No.17335774

Biden wants to put trannies back in the military. How do you think we're going to beat the Chinese when 41% of our troops are busy killing themselves?

>> No.17335775


John 6:50-66
>50 This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
>52 The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” 53 So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you....
When many of his disciples heard it, they said, “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” 61 But Jesus, being aware that his disciples were complaining about it, said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 63 It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But among you there are some who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the first who were the ones that did not believe, and who was the one that would betray him. 65 And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted by the Father.”
>Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him.

The word "eat" has two moments in this chapter where they change. After his disciples are skeptical of his teaching and Jesus doubles down, Christ changes the exact word that translates "to eat" from phago (φάγω) to trogon (τρώγω) . The former is a general team for eating ("to eat") while the latter is a specific meaning that demonstrates the act of gnawing or crunching on food ("to masticate"). The disciples did not turn their backs on Jesus because of symbolism but because it was graphic and "difficult to accept." I can see no way of defending the symbolic interpretation of this passage.

>> No.17335778

It’s over chuds
You can really go away this time

>> No.17335788

t. jew

>> No.17335794

It isn't 1840 anymore, retard

>> No.17335797

sure they can, you just go to confession after

>> No.17335799

all trump did was pander to israel for four years, it was so bad even netanyahu was getting embarrassed

>> No.17335801

literally anyone remotely decent will destroy 2024 democratic candidate - the fact that they barely squeezed by with their best polling candidate with record approval for their policies, liberal social momentum, against the most unpopular president ever in history of the country shows how low democratic party has fallen
although i wouldnt put it above the GOP to screw this up somehow even if i dont see how it would be theoretically possible to screw up this good of a position

>> No.17335805

Biden's going to be remembered as an FDR or Reagan tier president cause the bar is literally through the floor. All he needs to do is pass a stimulus. 2024 is going to ve rough and will probably affirm the fag world order.

>> No.17335808

Israel would have benefitted more with less isolationist policy

>> No.17335811
File: 38 KB, 474x244, fake_transubstantiation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to noted theologian Jack Chick, it's actually a practice from ancient Egypt.

>> No.17335815

Yah and then pay for it in purgatory. We will not get out until we pay the last penny.

>> No.17335816

i'm curious to see if the media is going to absolutely and completely demonize every republican candidate from now on the way they did for trump, or will they go back to business as usual if a jeb tier old wasp gets the nom

>> No.17335819

The actual amount of trannies in the military will be minimum and you can use them as meatshields
It's always nice to have some expendable garbage in any army

>> No.17335822

You're a fucking retard. "Isolationsist policy". That's not at all what Trump did. He just replaced US troops with mercenaries. Trump retards are such jew blowing fags.

>> No.17335830
File: 118 KB, 944x1024, ErMSEhAUcAIwMJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well according to Jesus (God) it's his teaching.

>> No.17335833

Confession does nothing unless you have perfect contrition and pay for it through penance after. Planning to do something wrong with the intent of confessing afterwards means you are not contrite by definition.

>> No.17335835

The military is platopilled and will be the most effective it has ever been under President-Father Biden.

>> No.17335836
File: 1.21 MB, 1535x2462, EgoSumPapa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to /pol/ faggot.
They either are all papist or larp paganism because it's "less Jewish".
To the enlightened protestant, they are both the same.
Also, please do not post in this thread unless you are going to give recommendations.
You're bringing down the quality of this thread and /lit/ in general.

>> No.17335841

>they barely squeezed by
7 million more popular votes and 74 electoral votes is squeezing by?

>> No.17335844

Our military is run by pussy ass bitches. They literally just got rid of the shark attck from BTC, so no, those trannies will not be used as meat shields.

>> No.17335854

nah that's not how it works
if you repent and mean it you are forgiven
if you don't get to repent before you might go to purgatory

>> No.17335860
File: 38 KB, 474x244, catholicism_was_founded_by_satan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to excuse me if I don't give your word the same weight as that of a world-famous theological writer whose work has been translated into over 20 languages.

>> No.17335871

Wrong. Things will get much worse.

>> No.17335881

He's a demon using scripture for his own ends, just like his father the devil.

>> No.17335883

He did less with his majority than Obama. By any measure Trump was not good at his job even if you identify with his positions i don’t know how you can look back in retrospect and think it was a productive presidency. I’m not registered or identify with either party btw. Just trying to call the game objectively with the same strike box.

>> No.17335884

So he's going to start WW3?

>> No.17335904
File: 799 KB, 1384x1176, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a shabbos goy.

>> No.17335915

Economy was good, tax reform was solid for middle-class and small-business owners, we began getting out of the middle east, and we didn't get into any wars. Take away the rhetoric and the 'sky is falling' media, and the first 3 years of Trump's presidency were solid, despite how things were portrayed on the surface.

The last year with Corona has been bad though, but we should give his administration some credit for how quickly the vaccines were developed; the day-to-day handling of the wuflu was not as good though.

>> No.17335918

they underpreformed the polls by extreme margins unseen ever before, had advantages in tens of thousands in battleground states, won them by same margins as trump 4 years ago
the fact that california significantly boosted its turnout rates is about as relevant as the shit i just flushed down my toilet

>> No.17335919

Interpreting scripture whatever way you like was a direct consequence of the reformation.

>> No.17335921

Lol Trump was too

>> No.17335923

>because it's "less Jewish".

>> No.17335928

i actually feel like biden has legitimately gotten a lot more woke since his days as a super scumbag in the senate, i'm p optimistic t b h, i'm not looking for bernie tier gibs, but investment in transportation infrastructure, thicc tax credit for buying a first home, etc. could be nice

>> No.17335930
File: 2.64 MB, 2400x9750, Purgatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you repent you still go to purgatory. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.17335937

You get a pat on the back just for being willing to admit that Biden got more votes.

>> No.17335941

>they underpreformed the polls by extreme margins unseen ever before
They didn't underperform as much as Hillary did, lol.

>> No.17335948

lowering the corporate tax rate was huge, even biden isn't going to try to raise way back up to the absurd level it was before

>> No.17335952

>they underpreformed the polls by extreme margins unseen ever before
and still whipped Trump's ass

>> No.17335959

i dont identify with trump of the GOP, nor am i saying that he was effective
im just saying that biden promised hills and valleys of most controversial proposals we've seen so far when he has even less chance of passing uncontroversial laws than trump did
its complete bullshit - he will make some rare liberal token measure like mask mandate (which won't even be obeyed by half the people) and restore foreign aid for abortion to make leftists satisfied and then he will continue with the same kind of corruption he did while he was with obama (except unlike obama he wont actually do anything productive whatsoever)

>> No.17335965


>> No.17335971

>could be nice
And also worthless. You can’t have anything nice in this country anymore. Everyone knows it but no one wants to admit it and no amount of executive orders or funding will change that.

>> No.17335970

I was literally quoting Biden, which is why people thinking things will suddenly get much better see fools

>> No.17335972

>the absurd level it was before

>> No.17335976
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>> No.17335984

For many people it’s less about policy and more about culture which is absolutely a valid reason to vote for Trump

>> No.17335985

>You can’t have anything nice in this country anymore.
idk where you live but my city just keeps building luxury units non-stop and they're all getting occupied, it's the low end rentals that are going empty lmao

>> No.17335990

Dude, our military is already basically an ineffective affirmative action military and they really accelerated just a couple years ago. The trannies are almost irrelevant as anything other than just another joke to throw in there. .