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17334873 No.17334873 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17334885

bump for interest.

>> No.17334910

is she a good writer? she seemed like a fun character when she was on the redscare pod but a glance through her vice drug blogging didn't really inspire me to read more into her

>> No.17334959

it was a good read. i had so much fun and sometimes that's all you need. i also feel she definitely gets across the stuff she wants to say a lot more... uhh articulately? in her writing than her speaking. i'd def rec getting an ebook at least lol.

if yall are looking for more drug memoirs in a similar vein check out cleo odzer's goa freaks: my hippie years in india, there's a pdf floating around somewhere which is very questionably edited and is all over the place, but that's the fun.. i love reading about shit like this first hand especially from messy authors

>> No.17335015

thinking of reading naked lunch what say guys,, dont yall do drugs

i tried reading confessions of an opium eater but it was a little boring

>> No.17335052

>dude noone in here doing them drugs or what

Read Trainspotting and then gtfo

>> No.17335072

haha ok papaaa not too much of a memoir is it? but i see your point

>> No.17335081
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cain's book

read junky first. It sheds alot of light on the new york sections of naked lunch.

>> No.17335084

It basically is, the author wrote down all his youth and drug experiences in a sort of journal during drug rehab, out of this journal he afterwards created the book

>> No.17335092
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Hey Fuckhead!

>> No.17335164


reading about heroin makes me so uncomfortable but i cant look away, i got serious needle phobia though

oh okay

>> No.17335673

A Scanner Darkly

>> No.17335909

This, and I don't know if it really counts but I liked Electric Kool-Aid a lot

>> No.17336039

Seconding the recommendation of "Junky."

>> No.17336192

Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo is fun for the whole family with child self-prostitution and David Bowie (I don't know whether there's an English translation, but there's a good movie adaption with subtitles that used to be on YT. Maybe it's taken down though)