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/lit/ - Literature

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1733427 No.1733427 [Reply] [Original]

If you could go back in time and eradicate one literay movement from history which would you choose and why?

Would you do it at all?

For me it has to be the magical realism, or post colonialism for obvious reasons.

>> No.1733429

why would you want to remove anything at all in specific?

why are you thinking about things like this?

you're an idiot.

>> No.1733433


>butthurt magical realism fag

>> No.1733434


god you are a dumb and predictable. i can't name one single literary "magical realism" work. try again.

>> No.1733443


Le derp derp Borges.

>> No.1733444

Haruki Murakami?

Like... almost everything he's written?

>> No.1733445
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he included the nothing option and truman is actually pretty smart so why dont you be a little ass pained anon elsewhere please?

>> No.1733447
File: 48 KB, 380x537, camuslol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys i'm almost certain that anon is onionring.

It's either her or a clinically retarded anon who can't understand why some people might see certain literary movements as impotent and even corrosive.

>> No.1733448
File: 136 KB, 313x378, literarymodernisminanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commit it to the flames in toto. What follows is a glorious affirmation of the world as it is in all its beauty and ugliness, and the development of literary mastery not along the diseased ascetic lines of hard subjectivity but on the basis of shared experience hierarchy, and immanence.

>> No.1733451

ur impotent

>> No.1733458


Confirmed for onionwrong.


Kafka is hardly modernism

>> No.1733471

Why magical realism? Did it have sex with your mother?

>> No.1733484

We could lose muckrakers and not be too worse off. Not sure if that's a "literary movement" or not, muckraking.

>> No.1733486

look at this kid who thinks i care one bit about what he does.

>> No.1733487

being insane is okay, once in a while.

>> No.1733489
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no dont do it! it just makes you look weak...

>> No.1733493

what's the matter ty. want a hug

>> No.1733497
File: 42 KB, 780x620, 1273077212863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you need a hug you can just ask directly i wont ridicule you ~

>> No.1733500

ok that was adorable.

>> No.1733508

Id remove that "chicken soup for the soul" crap does that count?

>> No.1733510

FUCK. Tybrax was gone for long WHY ARE YOU BACK. EVERYTHING WAS SO NICE. God damn it, no, no, no, no, no. Why did this have to happen. I thought you were gone forever! SHIT.

It's like in the horror movie where you think the monster is dead but then it jumps out at you. Seriously, this fucking blows, god damn it, why did you have to come back Ty?

>> No.1733541

>For me it has to be the magical realism, or post colonialism for obvious reasons.

so, how good is your Spanish?

>> No.1733546
File: 5 KB, 100x100, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did you have to come back Ty?
im just taking a short break from my independence. suck on it, nerd.

>> No.1733548
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>> No.1733550

go back to your independence pls pls pls

>> No.1733551
File: 4 KB, 259x194, tyondai..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukkin love tybrax been al ong time fan here haters eat a dick

>> No.1733558

i would eradicate all those beat poets and authors. they are cheesedicks.

>> No.1733572

What's wrong with post-colonialism.

Colonialism was a pretty big thing. We should probably have literature that talks about it.

>> No.1733581

but we can't let the blacks talk about it. really should just have more literature glorifying the white man tbqh.

>> No.1733585
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So you're saying that works of
Borges, Bulgakov, Calvino, Casares, Cortazar, Eco, Gogol, Grass, Kafka, Llosa, Marquez, Meyrink, Murakami, Rushdie, Saramago, Suskind
are no good, for 'obvious reasons'?

>> No.1733589

The Beat Generation.

>> No.1733592

if i could remove one lit movement without it affecting everything that came after it, i would get rid of british romanticism. fucking burn 'em all. i would save most american romantics from the fire. nathaniel hawthorne, i would kill personally.

inb4 amerifag. i'm not.

>> No.1733595

Didn't you have a train to catch?

>> No.1733596


bro, you're replying to an asinine thread by one of lit's shittiest tripfags. please don't engage him at all. he's a fucking moron.

>> No.1733602
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my post: >>1733558

>> No.1733608

What's the matter Capote? too deep for you?

If I could eradicate one tripfag, it would be brownbear... and then deep&edgy, and then you.

>> No.1733609

the beats.

>> No.1733615

i would eradicate quentin, fabby, and bb. in that order.

>> No.1733618
File: 109 KB, 479x500, kerouac (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: A bunch of squares

Face it, the Beats were the seed of the whole 60's counterculture movement.

>> No.1733625

actually i think the new york school (both artists and writers) were the seed for 60's counter culture. the beats made it their own but it was already in full swing.

>> No.1733627

they did nothing. They forgot to capitalize letters, and people worship them as god's for it.

Big fucking deal.

What's so great about the beats?

>> No.1733641

ur a foo.

beatbros were just old school hipsters.

>> No.1733643


I do not worship them as "Gods" and lets face it, a lot of their work was garbage. But if you read "On The Road" and you don't feel happiness, sadness, suspense, nostalgia and a tear or two by the last paragraph, then you have a block of ice for heart.

When the Beats did it right, they wrote with their hearts pouring out. You faggots only care about your Dostoevskys and LOL GAME OF THRONES

>> No.1733647


>old school hipsters

I'm pretty sure they almost coined the term "hipster". Which originally meant something completely different from today's meaning

>> No.1733651

on the road had a few memorable sentences. otherwise is was about old school hipsters acting like bored children. whos next? kerouac? more like kerouWACK-status, son.

>> No.1733659

religious fantasy

>> No.1733660

from google regardless of where it originally came from:
Noun: A person who follows the latest trends and fashions

beatniks were...old school hipsters. acting all anti-establishment with thier black clothes. i always saw right through them.

>> No.1733668
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>> No.1733669


>has not a fucking clue about what he is talking about

oh wait this is /lit/, carry on

>> No.1733670

I have read On The Road, I found nothing enjoyable in it. Nothing happens, they drive around a lot, and smoke pot and talk about how fucking rad they are.

>> No.1733674
File: 9 KB, 251x189, sleepy pink guy from scooby doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your opinion is different than mine
>you must be ignorant

whatever lil bro.

>> No.1733675

>can't defend himself, so he points out a spelling mistake.

gee, never heard of anyone doing that before.

>> No.1733676

>Nothing happens
> they drive around a lot, and smoke pot and talk about how fucking rad they are.

make up your mind

>> No.1733677
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>> No.1733682

THANK YOU. i admitted there were a few cool sentences in the book. but damn, it was about old school hipsters. hippin and hoppin around with their old school hip hop. oh look at me. im fancy and going to new york where i've got people i know. big deal, man. who cares amirite?

>> No.1733686
File: 29 KB, 518x393, 1302833323918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.1733690


fuck jack Kerowack

>> No.1733697

The Beat's.

No question about it.

Also, the OP is racist, for obvious reasons.

>> No.1733702

there is nothing good about on the road, its a boring bromance


>> No.1733713
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>> No.1733724
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>>1733618 et al
Desolation Angels 1944-1960 can you name these guys? inside jacket doesn't have them listed but lots of nice early photos of neal and jack and a great one of bill

>> No.1733731
File: 15 KB, 361x348, ginsberg_and_zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burroughs and Ginsberg were very good writers actually, Kerouac is quite different.

He really appeals only to certain types of people.


Sorry to hear that, anon.

By magical realism is such an umbrella term, and it has been applied to authors like Kafka long after their books were written.

I just feel that the idea of the genre is used by writers of utterly vapid novels to appear like there is some intellectual substance in their works.

>> No.1733740

Magical realism? Garcia Marquez? lol No.
I think this >>1733508
is the worst "movement" of all the thread, not only should be eradicated, those writers should be put in concentration camps.

>> No.1733735 [DELETED] 

that was me on my own post, anon.


but i see d&e is here now. he'll help run this beatdick-lova outta here.

>> No.1733750

What's the name of the tripfag who didn't read anything after the 1800's?

>> No.1733756


>> No.1733758

dunno but he's a hipster and a fag lol

>> No.1733760

He has no name, but he speaks in caps.

>> No.1733769


Not a racist I just think the genre completely ignores the undeniable civilisation of many backward parts of the world because of its moralistic apologism.

To me it's like anti-history.

>> No.1733796


>> No.1733805

All ideological fiction.

>> No.1733831


Your bigotry hurts me :(

>> No.1733853

If you don't like Borges you are a retard.

There's no arguing, no "herp derp all is subjective stop disliking what I like"

Borges is fucking good and that's a fact.

>> No.1733866

can you be more of a retard go back to kindergarten

>> No.1733951


>> No.1733973

help im havin an existential crisis help

>> No.1734049

This topic is subpar on several levels.


>> No.1734222

Borges is a god.

>> No.1734242
File: 14 KB, 300x300, thomyorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's doing better than any of your threads, sunny.

>> No.1734283

when do tripfags even read they are on here 24/7?

>> No.1734291
File: 42 KB, 500x500, fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know there are huge problems associated with colonialism, I am the first to see that. But it is the invariable tendency of post-colonialism to dismiss the improved education, healthcare and liberal governance in places like Hong Kong and Iraq.

Really the biggest failure of colonialism is what they didn't do, their usually lacking development in most countries.

>> No.1734377

>truman trying to dig himself out of his own hole

not this time

>> No.1734386

>doesn't realize anti-colonialism is another developmental step and that it is what it is because of colonialism's cultural deficiency

>> No.1735812

>Magical realism

Sure is retard in here.

TC i feel your fucking pain, bro.
Too many faggots applying that shitty label to authors who are above such bullshit.

>> No.1735818

I'm not sure if colonialism even is a real word.

>> No.1735820


>> No.1735832


That's because you're an uneducated twerp.

>> No.1735842
File: 27 KB, 250x309, mugabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking disgusting

Fascist pieces of shit, "Hurr i dont like it, it should be destroyed."

>> No.1735844

one author != one genre
works of those authors definitely fit the magic realism genre

>> No.1735859

>Implying you can shoehorn authors into a shit genre they predated

My little anon cant be this retarded

>> No.1735891


right, like, it was only my uneducated opinion, man

magic realism is more a descriptive than a literary movement/genre
works of the mentioned authors definitely fit the profile
you need to go and modify a few encyclopedias if you don't like it

>> No.1736412

Also cyberpunk/transhumanism

>> No.1736415

yea you can. if you stop with this notion of genre dating.

>> No.1736421 [DELETED] 

The Novel

>> No.1736439


>> No.1736449

>Fascist pieces of shit, "Hurr i dont like it, it should be destroyed."
>ethical prescriptive statements
I guess that's why fascists are fascists

>> No.1736453 [DELETED] 

I would destroy the idea of a single omnipotent God, I'm pretty sure that counts as a literary movement

>> No.1736458


Fuck off, no-one caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares, man. No-one caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares. The most I hear about God these days is from whiny atheists.

>> No.1736463 [DELETED] 

No you shut up the world would be so much cooler if we still believed in a whole bunch of different gods

>> No.1736469


1. They do.
2. Consumerism post-dates animism.

>> No.1736482 [DELETED] 

>1. They do.
I'm talking about western Europeans only when I say "us", numbnuts
>2. Consumerism post-dates animism.

>> No.1736483

I think of the literature of the world like an ecosystem. There's stuff that wouldn't be without the shittier stuff you may not like. To remove the noble naked mole rat from the ecosystem just because he has an ugly face may upset the world more than we could ever know.

>> No.1736588

That whole words on paper thing was pretty fucked. Get rid of that shit.

>> No.1736595

For God's sake Borges is not a magical realist. I'm fucking tired of this.

>> No.1736599

The 'thinking you're smart when you're not' movement by Truman Capote

>> No.1736602


>> No.1736648

You cannot say that Borges is a "magical realist" writer because he didn’t wrote just "magical realist" books. But many of his writings are, nevertheless, "magical realist".
Still confus?

>> No.1736783


>> No.1736787
File: 11 KB, 155x320, hemad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm surprised you feel this way, anon.

Other anons have said I come across as quite humble compared to most tripfriends.

>> No.1736789


What did the British Romantics do to you?