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17333654 No.17333654 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever your politics are, there's no denying that he was the greatest stylist and writer in political philosophy. No one ever came close and perhaps never will

>> No.17333683
File: 378 KB, 790x1280, 1507254921775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol. Start with the Greeks kid, Plato is the once and future king.

>> No.17333684

Qutb definately does. If you don't believe me check out his commentary on the Qur'an


>> No.17333692

Carlyle is on his level in terms of style

>> No.17333710
File: 199 KB, 683x899, Maistre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Rousseau asks why it is that man, who was born free, is nevertheless everywhere in chains; one might as well ask, why it is that sheep, who are born carnivorous, nevertheless everywhere nibble grass."

- Maistre

>> No.17333825


>> No.17333832

Close but Donoso Cortes is better.

>> No.17333841
File: 770 KB, 1200x1671, 1200px-Jean-Jacques_Rousseau_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

de Maistrefags aren't going to like this one.
>winner of prestigious essay competition which relied heavily on rhetorical ability and skill in composition
>independently revolutionized the novel with the release of Julie, which was so popular printing presses couldn't match demand
>practically invents the modern autobiography with his Confessions
>his skill was so great that even independently successful writers such as Hume thought themselves no match
>loved and praised for his prose by a long list of literary figures ranging from Goethe to Tolstoy to Keats

>> No.17333858
File: 16 KB, 321x432, T. Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are retarded if think Carlyle isn't just as great as de Masitre in style and thought, if not greater.

>> No.17333866

Was De Maistre 100% trad or was he influenced by naturalism?

>> No.17333879

Carlyle is a turd and the only people who like him are video gamers
Try von Treitschke for a less homosexual thinker

>> No.17333881

and turned on by getting spanked by his step mother. ourguy?

>> No.17333882

>considers Cromwell as a hero
buh buh buh buh based

>> No.17333898


>> No.17333903

Cope with what you tryhard?

>> No.17333906

de Maistre was a full on heretic, dude. He had some whacky personal theology regarding the Second Coming and bodily resurrection and continued life on Earth after it. He also expected a second coming of Jesus, different from Last Judgement, that would introduce Christianity 2.0. This isn't touching on his later views of Le Revolucion as being God's Will and all.

If you want an actual orthodox political-scientist/theologian, go read Confessions of a Russian Statesman, who was both orthodox and Orthodox. He also held actual power in his lifetime.

>> No.17333911

Treitschke admired Carlyle, is he a video gamer because he read one of the most influential writers of the 19th century? And by no means has his same breadth, in being a much more specific political writer. As for style and literary merit well there's no question Carlyle is infinitely more valuable in that respect. Overall Treitschke does not compare to Carlyle.

>> No.17333929

Of course Treitschke was a gamer. Read his ramblings on jews.
Neither has any merit in writing or thinking but Treitschke did what idiots like about Carlyle better.

>> No.17333979


>> No.17333987

>Carlyle has no merit in writing, thinking
>Carlyle is an idiot
I'm going to take a guess and say that you've never read Carlyle.

>> No.17334024

Sheep carnivorous, since when?

>> No.17334318

All animals are carnivorous if given half an opportunity. It just goes to show how fucking dumb vegans are. Even the deer in vid related knows better than being a vegan.


>> No.17334355

To be fair, I like both Maistre and Rousseau. Both of them have defensible positions regarding human nature. Neither is entirely correct.

>> No.17334731

>concurrence = right
how did i know the rousseau poster was gonna be a retard?

>> No.17334801

>abandons and leaves his children to die