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17333607 No.17333607 [Reply] [Original]

What can change the nature of a man, /lit/?

>> No.17333707


>> No.17333714

videogames for 12 year old kids

>> No.17333729

I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me.

>> No.17333731

I could never finish this game
Not because it was hard or not fun
It was just...

Endless amount of words and words and words
I thought it would be like Fallout 1 or 2 where it would have some conversation here and there,pieces of notes scattered around revealing lore step by step...

But Jesus Christ it's just talking,and talking and more and more talking
I know it's a great game but I don't think I can handle it's amount of in-depth descriptions and overly dramatised dialogue screens.

>> No.17333758

>Endless amount of words and words and words
IF this is not a pasta I'm unfamiliar with, you've been filtered and have proclaimed yourself to be the most dire of philistines that ever graced this site.

>> No.17334384

this is pasta-tier

>> No.17335350

memescape torment players are insufferable, I think I understand why they compare Communism Elysium to this trash now

>> No.17335439

not an argument

>> No.17335480

Regret, obviously.

>> No.17335565

I'm sorry guys
I genuinely just didn't want to continue playing the game

>> No.17335598

Material conditions

>> No.17335607

I played this game half a year ago and already forgot the answer

>> No.17335609

I understand, but your post is still pasta-tier

>> No.17335622

uuuuuh brainlet here, but what's the nature of man? and also for what purposes would you want to change it, if its possible.

>> No.17336016

updating his journal

>> No.17337010

pathologic 2 is the only /lit/ game. planescape is genre fiction

>> No.17337060

>pathologic 2
Pathologic 1

>> No.17337167



>> No.17338004

>video games are an audiovisual medium
>game larps as a book
>defending this and calling anyone a philistine

>> No.17338145

updating your journal

>> No.17338248

updating your journal

>> No.17338750

The grace of Christ.

No joke. If you midwits understood just how deep the roots of Christ go you would shit yourself with joy

>> No.17338781

>planescape is genre fiction
nobody claims that PT is anything more

>> No.17338950

you'd be surprised.

>> No.17339135

himself, only by an active and persistent choice can someone change themselves
close, but first man must make the active choice to recieve the grace of God though wholly undeserved