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File: 42 KB, 575x383, Karl-Marx-81f6d5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17333265 No.17333265 [Reply] [Original]

>all cultures are valid
>except capitalism

Any literature on how leftists avoid this critical misstep?

>> No.17333267

>all cultures are valid
Who said this? Or is this your confirmation bias speaking?

>> No.17333273

Define “valid”

>> No.17333290

i am a leftist, and i don't believe all cultures are valid. if i did then i wouldn't oppose backward intolerant/violent cultures

>> No.17333294

>if i did then i wouldn't oppose backward intolerant/violent cultures
Think again buddy.

>> No.17333298

for marx capitalism was the validest type of society to exist. thats why marx was in favor of colonialism in certain cases, because it spread capitalism, which is more progressive system than what people had before it. it still makes a lot of leftists seethe today.

>> No.17333319

>a picture of marx
>low quality thread
Never fails.

Incidentally, OP, it's more like
>anything successful is bad
Their problem is just that they have an envious zero sum game mindset. Any person doing relatively "better" than others must be doing something immoral. Hence we get these strained interpretations of the world- superior performance is explained as the result of capitalist exploitation or systemic racism or whatever. No other explanation is allowed, and no multivariate analysis of the issue can be contemplated.

>> No.17333331

gtfo with your retarded strawman

>> No.17333362

Hey commie
idiots if capitalist culture
doesn't exist why
is it so
heckin' cute and

>> No.17333431

He didn't think all cultures were valid

Capitalism isn't a culture its economic system

Marx understood Capitalism to be a valid and (arguably) necessary transitory stage in mankinds progression (he found it to be preferable to several prior systems of economic arrangement). The utility of capitalism identified by Marx later influenced Mao's theory of the national struggle.

>> No.17333572

Karl Marx for starters

>> No.17333791

Actual Marxist don't think all cultures are valid at all. They believe the whole world should be secular and that we should get rid of useless traditions for one. Look at what the cultural revolution was like in China or what Karl Marx and Lenin thought about religion. The people who think we should all hold hands and sing kumbaya or whatever are just retarded liberals who never read a book in their lives.

>> No.17334735

t. has not read marx
capitalism isnt a culture its a mode of production, retard
marx also never said that all cultures are valid
t. has not read marx
t. has not read marx

>> No.17334780

Leftism doesn't work.

>> No.17334785

Except when it does

>> No.17334795

You don’t have to type the same message for each person lol.

>> No.17334813
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Which is never.

>> No.17334835

>posts boomer comic from his "100 gorillion dead no iphone venezuela" folder
>heh. that'll show em
leftism is literally the reason you can stay home on weekends, why you have so many holidays, paid sick and maternal leave, humane working conditions, not to mention how it freed millions from tyrants in cuba, russia, burkina faso...

>> No.17334870

Leftism is the reason 100 million people are dead.

Cuba and Russia has suffered immensely due to leftism.

>> No.17334899

I do not think you understand marxism very well.

>> No.17334916

Capitalism is the reason countless billions are dead

>> No.17334926

all cultures are valid or only 1 culture is valid
but we are past Marx and we acknowledge that cultural space is produced
capitol is not a culture but a culturing culture

>> No.17334930



>> No.17334938

define "backward intolerant/violent cultures"

>> No.17334950

op never said anything about marx, nice evasion and strawmanning though

>> No.17334956

>it’s a whataboutism to point out that my ideology causes more harm than yours

>> No.17334960
File: 1.20 MB, 3456x5184, 1000 gorilillion dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leftism is the reason 100 million people are dead.
objectively untrue
the book this number first came from was ideologically motivated and counted nazi deaths at the hands of soldiers and abortions in the ussr as "victims of communism" lmao. stop guzzling up this propaganda and do your own research
>Cuba and Russia has suffered immensely due to leftism.
russia under stalin was not exactly heaven, still loads better than living under a tsar or capitalism
cuba is doing very well, even while its being assraped by the most powerful entitiy on planet earth
keep in mind that all the wars in pic related were started for the profit of oligarchs, polititians and their donors of the military industrial complex

>> No.17334964


What do you mean by valid? If you read Marx's description of Capital you might actually find it very endearing and, if you fail to read the following chapters, you might even think he's being positive about capitalism. He doesn't say it's not valid - quite on the contrary - he thinks it to be an inevitable consequence of human cultural development. We are past Marx now and have a better clearer understanding that Capital, as he describes, is not an essential component of history but, now that it is already here, it is indeed all-encompassing and ever adapting. It did not have to be like this, but now that it is, this is the only thing that is.

>> No.17334966 [DELETED] 
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this book actually covers that in one of the chapters op, of course it went over like a lead balloon because leftists don't want to face it, and the guy is a leftist so conservatives couldn't embrace it

>> No.17334973

Leftism has caused more than 100 million people to die.

Countries like Venezuela, North Korea, Germany, Russia, Cuba and many more have suffered thanks to Socialism.

Capitalism has brought billions of people out of poverty.

>> No.17334981

you are confusing liberals and leftists. liberals (which includes cultural relativists, postmodernists, etc) believe in tolerance of all cultures. leftists want a dictatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.17335016

You wanted a picture of Boaz maybe, not Marx.

>> No.17335027

spoken like a true npc
>but 1000 trillion dead!
>but north korea! vuvuzela!
>it brough people out of poverty
its literally always the same shit with people like you
i know youre not gonna read a book some heres some stuff you might comprehend:
this ones pretty normie friendly and debunks most of the standard liberal talking points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjwL1mSrPLA
i used to think like you, before i started reading some marxist works.

>> No.17335039
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kids, peter griffin here to remind you that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism

>> No.17335040

no because marxists view capitalism as necessary, unless you're a leninist

>> No.17335051

Nigger, Russia was the best it ever was under commies. Dont take my word for it, 3/4 of Russians think so.

>> No.17335055
File: 34 KB, 728x455, background-cartoons-communist-griffin-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy freaking crap

>> No.17335064

thanks peter! very informative

>> No.17335069

>i used to think like you, before i started [consooming communist propoganda]

i could see believing in communism in the 1930s, or maybe even the 1960s, but in the 2020s? come on bro

>> No.17335098

you think reading what your supposed enemy thinks is "consooming propaganda" while you regurgitate the same tired talking points over and over, not a single original thought in sight
communism is more relevant than ever, because capitalism is growing more powerful and destructive by the day

i really advise you to watch the second video i posted. it avoids much of the jargain and is very easy to understand, and it might even make you rethink what every piece of mainstream media you have ever consumed has conditioned you to think

>> No.17335110

dude, i was a communist in college, i'm trying to save you from wasting your time, communism is stupid, and all the marxist professors are dying off and getting replaced by wokists, so you won't even get brownie points from faculty for it

>> No.17335117
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I wouldnt get so cocky. It wont be long until Marxist regime becomes worlds most poweful state.

>> No.17335127

If India didn't go communist in the 20th century it's not going to go commie now. If they lose faith in capitalism, it will just become some kind of hindu nationalist fascism.

>> No.17335142

>dude, i was a communist in college
what made you a communist? honestly im having a hard time believing you were, given you dont seem to understand communism and just spit out memorized phrases to "debunk" something you dont seem to understand
maybe read some introductory text on marxism, we are on the literature board after all

>> No.17335150

Throughout 20th century they had pretty socialist regime, little reason for them to go full Mao. And far left is definitely more poopular amongst opponents of capitalism than fascism.

>> No.17335168

There hasn't been a communist revolution after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. That broke the communist wave, for better or worse, sorry buddy.

>> No.17335178

i got involved in anti-war activism during the bush era which is of course full of communists and other extremists who use it to recruit naive people.

>> No.17335196

lmao you think being an anti-war activist is communist? jesus...
assuming youre still anti-war, did you ever consider WHY the US starts so many wars? why the US lied to the public many times to invade another country?
wink wink nudge nudge, the reason is profit and by extension, capitalism

>> No.17335209

you sound naive as shit

>> No.17335223

are you denying that wars are started only to feed the military industrial complex? this is a fact even most liberals will acknowledge
what on earth were you even doing in that anti war activism

>> No.17335233

That was literally Mussolini though.
Are you stupid or something?

>> No.17335238

There was succesful communist revolution in this century, in Nepal.

>> No.17335242

>Define Violent cultures

Cultures which allow or celebrate violence such as:
>Gang Culture
>Capitalist culture
>Military and Police culture
>Islamic Culture

>> No.17335247

first you strawmanned my statement that the anti-war movement is full of communists and other extremists, so you can't even argue your own supposed beliefs in good faith which should tell you something about valid they are, but do you realize there have been wars since the beginning of human history? you think wars are some special thing caused by capitalism? why did vietnam and china fight a war in 1979 when both were communist? i'm sure you'll come with some dishonest cope, but the truth is there is less war in capitalism. western europe was a bloodbath for most of history, and only now with capitalist democacy do we see peace.

>> No.17335257

mussolini, well known for being the vanguard of the working class
kek, where did you get this from?

>> No.17335279


Yes, these countries failed purely because of their political system, it has nothing to do with the USA making a serious effort to debilitate and prevent the countries economy from functioning.

These countries can barely import or export because of the US, no country would be propserous with those sanctions placed on them. How well do you think the UK or Denmark would do if they couldn't do business with any firm that uses US financial services?

>> No.17335292 [DELETED] 

Oh, yes, people were clinging to Nepal back in the Bush era too. I was even at a leftist conference where the leader of the supposed resolution called in and addressed the audience. Be honest though, Nepal is not communist, and still operates with a free market. Moreover, the only reason Nepal had a communist movement is because they aren't muslim. Next you'll be telling me about the Kurds which are also just a nationalist movement.

>> No.17335305


An "authentic" Marxist regime, so to speak, isn't going to come into power through traditional party politics. What you'll always get is a powerful state of patronage akin to the USSR and every other 20th century socialist state that existed. That is what that model of social change produces, there needs to be a different basis for it to consistently shift to something more in line with communist principles etc.

>> No.17335306

>These countries can barely import or export because of the US

wait, what, are you saying free trade is important for prosperity? lmao

>> No.17335310

what did i strawman exactly? please explain
yes i do know that wars have always been a thing, and there might even be war between socailist countries, although rare.
>you think wars are some special thing caused by capitalism?
i never clmaied this. theres gotta be a name for this kind of argument... perhaps one involving straw...
i dont know why china and vietnam fought in 1979 so i wont talk about it
>but the truth is there is less war in capitalism. western europe was a bloodbath for most of history, and only now with capitalist democacy do we see peace.
yes, WE see peace now. the middle east, asia, africa and south america dont.
it was sensible for most western capitalist countries to not be at war with each other, but if lockheed martin and raytheon are the ones helping you get elected you know damn well that there will be more war
seriously try to find a reason why the US invaded iraq for example, other than for profit

>> No.17335319

communism is so irrelevant in the 21st century, big tech doesn't even bother to deplatform them.

>> No.17335323 [DELETED] 

>Marx thought "all cultures are valid"
>Marx thought capitalism was a "culture"

You're probably beyond help.

>> No.17335331

>george bush and dick cheney started a lame war based on personal interest
>therefore communism is valid

that's not great logic

>> No.17335334

>Toothless rednecks are a bigger threat than westoid """""revolutionaries""""""

Absolute state of commies

>> No.17335361
File: 522 KB, 2400x1350, 17d58e06-1f57-4f80-9d69-031dc7c1d51b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made them our bitch.
Want to be on Chinese market?
Serve Chinese interests.

>> No.17335398

you really dont want to understand this do you?
it wasnt just bush and cheney, its virtually every US president and to an extent most european leaders as well
its not just their personal interest. it is the interest of capital, the one driving our entire mode of production.
the fact that we bombed millions of brown children for oil and to make arms contractors happy isnt just a small slip up, its a symptom of the rot at the core of this system. bush and cheney starting bloody wars for money arent bad actors inside of capitalism, they are precisely playing by its rules.
an alternative is the only option if we want to avoid continued barbarism.

>> No.17335422

you sound like communist recruiter with a table of musty trotskyist lit at a anti-war rally, save it buddy i've heard it all before

>> No.17335468

you might have heard it before but it seems to all have gone completely over your head
how do you defend this? do you honestly think that things are fine the way they are? im willing to bet you dont like middle easteners being carpet bombed for the benefit of some raytheon CEO, so why do you still defend the system that enables that? im genuinely curous
oh and fuck trotsky

>> No.17335511

>im willing to bet you dont like middle easteners being carpet bombed for the benefit of some raytheon CEO
sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. do you have any evidence that defense stock perform better during military interventions?

>> No.17335530
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have proof that arms dealers benefit from war

>> No.17335612

see, communist recruitment pitches are all flimsy conspiracy theories and fallacies. most defense spending is on shit that is never used, while most enduring conflict zones like congo or eritrea have the cheapest gear

>> No.17335639
File: 85 KB, 769x695, gigachad star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weapon manufacturers benefitting from armed conflicts is a conspiracy theory

>> No.17335657

the fact that this "sounds like a conspiracy" to you and that you needed a source in the first place is deeply worrying
seriously, even among the most milktoast liberals this is common knowledge. realizing that the system enabling these actions might not be so good is really not a difficult conclusion to come to.
when investors are telling you you shouldve invested into defense stocks during war, something might be wrong here dont you think?
even if you think that communism is bad somehow, acklowledging that capitalism is horrible is the only defensable position to take here

>> No.17335670

whats next, is the pharma industry benefiting off of people being sick a conspiracy too?
i genuinely doubt that if you had sat down to think about this on your own youd think this way. seems like you just wanna own them gommies because youve been told we are your enemy

>> No.17335690
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 1593631736304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalist culture
>"Posted from an IPhone"

>> No.17335763

I'm saying that in a modern economy importing and exporting is essential. I doubt there is anyone who disagrees with this. Which modern communist is suggesting total isolationism and self-sufficiency?

>> No.17335776

>do you have any evidence that defense stock perform better during military interventions

You realise you can look at defence stock prices online can't you? You don't need someone else to find source for you, you can easily do it yourself.

>> No.17335792

>Which modern communist is suggesting total isolationism and self-sufficiency
juche actually advocates for exactly this as far as i know
not that thats a good thing

>> No.17335807

youre expecting a little too much from him buddy

>> No.17335850

posted from a huawei phone ;)

>> No.17335856

I know what Juche is, but who is advocating for Juche for Western Nations? No one. More people advocate for civilisation collapse than Juche.

>> No.17335879

capitalism is a mode of production, not a culture, and culture is not rendered invalid simply of the way it's influenced by social dynamics which are the product of capitalism

in other words your premise makes no sense

>> No.17335888


he knows, he is just pretending to be retarded

>> No.17335898

of course only contrarians are for juche in the west, i just mentioned it because its pretty interesting and to show that communism isnt as uniform as many people think.

>> No.17335929


>> No.17336167

never attribute to malice etc

>> No.17336187

>50 kinds of creamy smooth peanut butter

>> No.17336202

Marxism is western supremacy. Marxists want to impose their (western) ideology upon all people of the world, and they wanted this also back in the day when non-europeans still had traditional non-westernized societies. Is pure hate...

>> No.17336432

>What is Third-worldism
>What is Moaism
>What is Moist hTird-Worldism
>What is Khmer Rougeism

>> No.17336487

this is the kind of shit someone who has never read a marxist would say

>> No.17336498

The non-western world is basically the only place that has, (or at this point, can) implement a marxist system.

>> No.17336510

He put up the 8 hour working days.
And some other thing I'm forgetting

>> No.17336541

marx and engels were racist white (yes ashkenazi are white deal with it) burgeois liberals who would fit in well with contemporary progressivist crowd
reading early marxist works is just pure larp and cringe, even stalin looks sane in comparison

>> No.17336549

>leftism is literally the reason you can stay home on weekends, why you have so many holidays, paid sick and maternal leave, humane working conditions
weird way to spell the catholic church

>> No.17336573

>Has never read any working class history

>> No.17336588

>he read anti-catholic communist labor history claiming other ppl's wins


>> No.17336642

leftism never even held real power and the most significant thing it did in is to burn down the tuileries and ban public displays of religion out of spite

>> No.17336661

Unions didn't have any power?

>> No.17336686

>8 hour work day
>ban on child labor
>safety regulations for dangerous jobs
>public assistance programs to help those who currently can’t help themselves
>voting rights
>ending slavery
>building the middle class
>ending needless wars
>killing the IMF
Yep, the left sure never did anything.

>> No.17336694

unions arent really leftist, in fact as we see today left wing policies work directly against unions
even most public services we have today were built either by conservatives or fascists
what left did is to slap a rainbow sticker on it

>> No.17336703

You obviously have no idea about unions or the left.

>> No.17336711

Taft hartly was introduced by anti union conservative capitalist pigs and you know that you deceitful little shit.

>> No.17336712

>liberals institute workers rights measures that catholic countries had for centuries to prevent rebellions
>look what the left did!

>> No.17336724

in the unites states the labor movement was built by catholic immigrants who were used to the european guild system, not communists or other bourgeois ideologues

>> No.17336731

>liberals did thing after killing thousands of workers and union members at the hands of pinkertons and other assorted institutionalized powers
>look ma, I went to /his/ once!

>> No.17336732

the left literally just spent the whole summer demonizing a public sector workers' union

>> No.17336737

i am not from america and american "conservatives" are widely ridiculed in normal world for being corrupt ultracapitalist psychopaths
so if your problem is with them i completely agree with you
>In 1593, Philip II of Spain established an eight-hour work day by a royal edict known as Ordenanzas de Felipe II, or Ordinances of Philip II.
>This established:
>Sixth title.
>From factories and fortifications.
Law VI That the workers work eight hours a day distributed as appropriate.
you sure are advanced

>> No.17336744

the 8 hour work day existed long before mussolini
why does nobody on this board actually read anything
>marx and engels were racist white
yeah they were a tad racist
>who would fit in well with contemporary progressivist crowd
nigga what the fuck???
stop pretending that youve read stuff that you have no clue about
you dont even seem to know what bourgeoise and liberal mean, come on man the bar is already low
>has never read any working class history
i already provided a link and theres a pretty good website called google where you might find the history of leftist struggle for all these things. things that people have fought and died for because their bourgeois (often christian) overlords wouldnt give it to them
please read something, anything. read a wikipedia article, even a fucking CNN headline. anything, please

>> No.17336749

united states progressives actually want to overturn all that catholics did to protect workers
literally cant make this shit up

>> No.17336751

>police unions are unions ans thus the left doesn’t support unions because I can’t tell the difference between oppressed workers and those that maintain a monopoly on violence!
How stupid are you people. It’s like you learn these little phrases and rhetorical tools just to twist the truth enough to let you sleep at night. /pol/ was a mistake.

>> No.17336765

This board really took a turn huh?

>> No.17336766

when this guy reads early marx he's in for a real shock

>> No.17336768

are you really trying to say engels wasn't bourgeois? his dad was literally a tophat wearing factory owner

>> No.17336773

>The left and liberals are the same thing

>> No.17336776

lets start a challenge guys! heres how it goes: before talking about a subject, google the words! type the words into google.com and read what comes up! its that easy you fucking retards!

>> No.17336780

>"""tad bit""" racist
>literally unironically say slavs are disgusting subhumans who need to be genocided and germas are the master race

>> No.17336781

Spill over from /pol/ today. Even bunkerchan has their anti-ddos shit up.

>> No.17336786

you're telling me black bloc anarchists throwing molotov cocktails are liberals?

>> No.17336796

you are aware that the soviet union had law enforcement?

>> No.17336831

You are aware that you are now correlating ideas outside the scope of the discussion so you can feel superior, right? Like, the methodology and level of “whataboutism” you are pulling right now is absurd. No specifications to what time period of the USSR so you can lump in the revolutionary trotsky period with that of Stalin or when they introduced McDonald’s. A bland term of law enforcement so that it encapsulates all forms and variations. All this, just so you can feel like you won a gatcha with a shitpost. It’s so dumb. It’s not sincere. It’s not effort posting. You’re just being an asshole to be an asshole about it. Which, I get it, that’s 4chan, and the fact that you can’t go to /pol/ or /his/ today because it’s a total shit show, makes sense. I really get it. But I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, that I, a real person, want to tell you that I’m sorry you are that way.

>> No.17336856

youre really speaking from my heart here man. 4chan is becoming more unbearable by the day and while there still are those quality posts that keep us coming, you have to actively look for those and avoid pages and pages of schizoid drivel.
is there an alternative? is bunkerchan any better? i want to migrate

>> No.17336857
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they are corporate whore play actors under the employment of george soros, mark zuckerberg, barry soetoro, and xi jinping

>> No.17336870
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Not that guy, but their difference in America is still overstated. American "leftists" mostly just want social democracy, they have no understanding of how to overcome capitalism. The ones who are more staunch communists usually have this vague idea that a revolutionary party is going to implement socialism, but revolutionary communist parties have historically just created SUPER social democracy, where state bureaucrats theoretically representing the workers have more authority over the conditions of production, and more regional or central state offices provide for common needs. Certainly more representative of a state that is in the interests of the working class, but nevertheless I think just social democracy to an extreme degree. The market is transcended as a means of allocation in key ways, but the state mostly retains its old bourgeois character of being kind of above the working class. Like the social democratic state the social democratic party becomes the benefactor of the working class, but still separate. Its institutional logic is still usually careerist and insular, it guards its authority but unlike the bourgeois state as such it derives its legitimacy from how it treats the working class, so the careerists within the party balance their patronage of their constituents with their patronage of their party minions and their service to their party boss.

>> No.17336888

How would you manage a population of millions with a decentralized state where the means of production and economy are controlled democratically by small scale workers? Wouldn't they be in danger of being overran by a stronger, more unified & organized state with larger capabilities and resources?

>> No.17336902


>Like the social democratic state the social democratic party becomes the benefactor of the working class, but still separate.

Meant to say communist party.

>> No.17336919

As far as political discussions regarding the left, yes, bunkerchan is better than most all 4chan has to provide. Even the tankies put effort into their posts when they call you retarded in a four paragraph long historical context. They aren’t so good at life outside that sphere though. The /edu/ board is slow and many leftists don’t read outside of “theory”, thus /lit/ still remains a main board I frequent, if only because there’s occasionally a good post/discussion/book rec on here. Chapo discord trannies get way too annoying too quickly with their passive aggressive anti intellectualism nature to really actively participate with. Nor are the /lit/ boards on the other dozen chans really active enough to call a “home” board either. The capitulation of social media monopolies was really the end of it all. I miss honest to god active forums. Maybe we should just go outsi- oh fuck the rona. God damn it.

>> No.17336921

you can still have a political party that represents the workers interests and have the economic sectors ran by the workers democratically where they control the means of production. authoritarianism and democratic centralism of leninism (the politiburo deciding everything) arent prerequisites for socialism

>> No.17336926

is slavery considered a culture?

>> No.17336936

Federations and unions of unions

>> No.17336938

Also computer technology would make this far easier than ever before.

>> No.17336947


It's irrelevant speculation really. Utopian at that.

>> No.17336959

i went on a 6 month marxist reading binge. it just makes you realize everything sucks and things are hopeless. the best we can hope for is like bernie fucking sanders or something.

>> No.17336965
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>> No.17336984

>Even the tankies put effort into their posts when they call you retarded in a four paragraph long historical context
sounds like heaven compared to reading 100 trillion dead 5 times a day. from what little time ive spend on bunkerchan as of now i also got the feeling that its only ever theory being discussed, which is a bit bland sometimes. some anti intellectual kids doesnt seem so bad.
>The capitulation of social media monopolies was really the end of it all. I miss honest to god active forums. Maybe we should just go outsi- oh fuck the rona. God damn it.
amen. it really does get tiring. thanks for taking the time to write this, ill go and see what bunkerchan has to offer.

>> No.17337031

I went on a six month anarchy binge and I realised there is hope and things can be so much better than they are.

>> No.17337035

in current america yeah, bernie is the best thing on offer right now. but i have a feeling that class consciousness is on the rise. genuine left wing media is getting more and more popular, polls show that belief in capitalism is dropping and many people are extremely angry, just not at the right target yet.

>> No.17337039

Do you not realize that capitalism is by necessity apolitical and culturally agnostic?

>> No.17337053

bunkerchan has some theory discussion but there is also a lot of meme shitposting. its got a a lax attitude towards un pc stuff, but they dont like full on race j00z tranny debate autism because it just becomes a shitshow fast. there's definitely more effort posts though

>> No.17337058


>> No.17337126

Best recs? At this point I'm firmly convinced that building community outside the participation of technology, corporations, or government really is the solution to our long list of crises.

>> No.17337262

>The Conquest of Bread, Mutual Aid and The Historic Role of the State by Kropotkin
>Anarchy by Malatesta
>The ABC of Communist Anarchism by Berkman
>Anarchism and Other Essays by Goldman
>Post Scarcity Anarchism and The Ecology of Freedom by Bookchin
>Autonomy, Solidarity, Possibility and Anarchy in Action by Ward
>Anarchy Works by Gelderloos

These are all good basic anarchist books. All pretty easy to read and cover the basic thought and ideas of anarchism. If you want some recs for other sects of anarchism, like syndicalism, anti-work or anti-civ, I can give those too.

>> No.17337386

I still haven't finished infinite jest, how am I supposed to get through that list of 7. Ugh.

>> No.17337500

methinks you are quite foolish

>> No.17337521

no, the industrial revolution is the reason for that. leftism is the brain sucking parasite slowly killing it.

>> No.17337610

Technological advacement is the onky thing that matters.
Capitalism is a means of distributing that technology.
Butyou cant expect people to maje breakthroughs if theyre worried about money all the time.
And in modern day america all people think about is money.

>> No.17338097

That's 7 authors sorry, there's actually 11 books there.

>> No.17338149

this doesn't make you a communist you fucking moron hahahahaha fucking hell why are 30+ year old boomers so retarded
try reading a book you fucking faggot

>> No.17338168

man you guys really suck at reading comprehension

>> No.17338171
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>> No.17338184

>multvariate analysis

>> No.17338229

>what made you a communist?
>i got involved in anti-war activism
what am i missing? i just wish all of the enemy were this flagrantly retarded

>> No.17338244

meant for

>> No.17338251

dude, are you sure you capable of understanding marx if you can't infer that i got into communism after getting get exposed to it by way of the anti-war movement. learn to fucking read.

>> No.17338271

the anti war shit is irrelevant, its like enviromentalism.
I think were past that point.
I think the problem is people being worth hundreds of billions of dollars and influencing politics while they outsource all the jobs.
That part.

>> No.17338279

No, because he literally asked what made you a communist and that's how you replied. Most anti-war protesters are just run of the mill liberals, probably much like you were. And if you weren't, I'd love to know what drew you to marxism other than being anti-war.

>> No.17338286

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17338287

you have never been to an anti-war demonstration have you? haha some marxist

>> No.17338308

>caring about jobs being outsourced
>not caring about imperialist war
now you sound like a liberal, i mean hell, even democrats opposed nafta but not the iraq war lmao and you call yourself a marxist, communism is stupid, but you aren't even up to speed on your own movement, what an idiot

>> No.17338360

Rightoids eternally BTFO. Worker's parties and organizations which have been explicitly left wing are the reasons so many worker protections exist today. If any of these retards actually read about what manufactories were like in the late 1700s through the 1800s and how they treated workers, they'd realize how absolutely toxic and poisonous unfettered capital is.

>> No.17338371

well good thing we dont live in unfettered capitalism then and instead have a democratic state that sets the rules and regulation by which commerce shall be conducted unlike, say, communist china

>> No.17338379

>rules and regulation by which commerce shall be conducted
Yes. Leftism.

>> No.17338387

Then you aren't a leftist

>> No.17338399

ok liberal

>> No.17338416
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>> No.17339464

Nothing he said glows retard. He spoke the truth.

>> No.17339612

THE guy you posted would disagree and bullied nigger cultures

>> No.17339670

>guy posts essentially same thing you just said
>t. has not read Marx

>> No.17339675

> Capitalism is a culture
Imagine being this dumb

>> No.17339685

capitalism is a mode of production wtf

>> No.17339696

It’s the same shit because apparently communists are too stupid to understand it the first time.

>> No.17339702 [DELETED] 


>> No.17339708


>> No.17339729

So the Articles of Confederation with more unions?

>> No.17339744

>”I brainwashed myself by not allowing myself to absorb a diverse set of views and now I’m sad”

>> No.17339830

Did you read actually read any of Marx or is this a facebook meme?

>> No.17339859

Yeah anti-colonialism is now considered "Marxist", but Marx would had thought it was utopian. He was really an accelerationist. He wanted capitalism to proliferate until it collapsed through its internal contradictions. Lenin and every "Marxist" movement inspired by the soviets wanted to somehow skip capitalism, which makes no fucking sense and that's why it was a society in denial of it's reality.

>> No.17339920

woah embrace tolerance brah

>> No.17340026

It’s vaild to touch a boob

>> No.17340039

Why did you write this like you were trying to mimic rupi kaur?

>> No.17340053

>it will just become some kind of hindu nationalist fascism.
It’s all so painfully real bro

>> No.17340074
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All cultures celebrate some form of violence. Violence is cool as hell.

>> No.17340084

>implying China isn’t capitalist in current year

>> No.17340095
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Oh hey, it’s a Falun Gong cultist. Nice seeing you here.

>> No.17340116

Carl Marx killed 6 billion white men in the Paris Commune

>> No.17340145

Wow russians are retards. This certainly proves... ?

>> No.17340883

>I don't support culture that stones women for leaving the house, sorry pal you arent a leftist
>you aren't a leftist
hmm I wonder why he is trying to turn leftists on eachother for no reason?

>> No.17341047

>ITT idiots who think a political or economic system isn't "culture"

Culture isn't paintings and TV shows you fucking morons

>> No.17341064

You got it all wrong. Marx was pro capitalism. Reading his works and concluding that he was anti-capitalist is the simplistic, undergrad tier reading imaginable.

>> No.17341080

im at the part of das capital where he talks about people who work at pottery who are dwarfs because of the toxic fumes.
It hardly sounds pro capitalism to me...

>> No.17341099

>t. undergrad
Marx was all about capitalist maximalism i.e. taking it to its natural limits.

>> No.17341518
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>> No.17341548

Maybe you should read 'Prometheus Rising' so you can reveal your programming to yourself, break free from ideological possession and become a human being instead of a sad-sack robot bolshevik?

>> No.17341633

It's always total dweebs who've never been in a violent situation who say this. Never sparred, never been to a range, never been in a fight.

>> No.17341649

I actually reread what the op wrote lol
Capitalism has a culture, its that of gayness, vanity, rap/rock and gluttony among other things.
Its a culture nonetheless.

>> No.17341669

Go listen to JBP say "multivariant" one more time anon it really does make you sound smart.

>> No.17342199

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17342201

To the commies ITT: Post body with timestamp.

>> No.17342205


>> No.17342319
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>and i don't believe all cultures are valid

>> No.17342432

Damn, you guys are right. The answer to all my woes was "capitalism bad". The villain behind every evil was capitalism all along.

>> No.17342618

That just sounds like America

>> No.17342968

Can't believe such an invalid shit thread made 200 posts.
Capitalism is not a culture you dimwit OP.
If you are trolling, good job. 200 posts with minimal intellectual investment.

>> No.17343332

>capitalism is a “culture,” not an economic system that in turn influences culture
I’m begging you, please just read Marx

>> No.17343550

communism kills your own people
fascism kills jews

>> No.17344399

lmao imagine believing in a system that is so weak that it has never been established and upheld in any country that is of significance.

>> No.17344452

t. never read marx

>Now, sickening as it must be to human feeling to witness those myriads of industrious patriarchal and inoffensive social organizations disorganized and dissolved into their units, thrown into a sea of woes, and their individual members losing at the same time their ancient form of civilization, and their hereditary means of subsistence, we must not forget that these idyllic village-communities, inoffensive though they may appear, had always been the solid foundation of Oriental despotism, that they restrained the human mind within the smallest possible compass, making it the unresisting tool of superstition, enslaving it beneath traditional rules, depriving it of all grandeur and historical energies. We must not forget the barbarian egotism which, concentrating on some miserable patch of land, had quietly witnessed the ruin of empires, the perpetration of unspeakable cruelties, the massacre of the population of large towns, with no other consideration bestowed upon them than on natural events, itself the helpless prey of any aggressor who deigned to notice it at all. We must not forget that this undignified, stagnatory, and vegetative life, that this passive sort of existence evoked on the other part, in contradistinction, wild, aimless, unbounded forces of destruction and rendered murder itself a religious rite in Hindostan. We must not forget that these little communities were contaminated by distinctions of caste and by slavery, that they subjugated man to external circumstances instead of elevating man the sovereign of circumstances, that they transformed a self-developing social state into never changing natural destiny, and thus brought about a brutalizing worship of nature, exhibiting its degradation in the fact that man, the sovereign of nature, fell down on his knees in adoration of Kanuman, the monkey, and Sabbala, the cow.

>> No.17344698

>if i did then i wouldn't oppose backward intolerant/violent cultures

Left-wing societies are the most backward, intolerant and violent of cultures, categorically and without reservation. I mean just Backwards--You guys murder your own babies in the womb, beat people up in the streets for thinking that letting foreigners invade you is bad, and have crime rates comparable to African countries.

This is to say nothing of your mass famines. I have to give it to Mao, Stalin and Lenin, they successfully murdered, what, 200 million communists between them just by being bad at their jobs? I don't really count those as murders since Leftists aren't human. You're more like animals who resemble humans, but who don't believe in property rights, and thus don't have them.

>> No.17345487

I guess the world is full of total dweebs then.

>> No.17345502

Why would you choose to be a leftist?

>> No.17345591

Individuals are not born equal and do not deserve equally, but should be treated by government in a capacity that affords them equal opportunity to earn what they deserve.

>> No.17345601

I was with you until "deserve" because that's the only point that you turn an is into an ought and you don't define what that value judgement system for what they deserve is.

>> No.17345603

>every political stance is worthless sideology
>except mine of course xDDDD

>> No.17345612

>ion like dis philosophy
>says sumthin ion like
>yell "misstep" on anonymous board

>> No.17345627

Unironically bother understanding Hegel. Read his wikipedia page or something.

>> No.17345650

This is the single mention to him on this entire fucking thread. The state of this fucking board.

>> No.17345656

do you really think the soviets thought highly of cultures which had never invented the wheel

>> No.17346036

How many Rotschilds killed in the nazi camps again?

>> No.17346079


>> No.17346512

Literally the whole point of Marx is that proletarians necessarily have no political interest, politics are a game of the owner class and of the aspiring bourgeoisie.

>> No.17346610

They also ignore Marx's entire inability to explain how communism will work in any detail. He identifies a bunch of real problems, blames capitalism while almost always leaving out how the State is mostly to blame, then says if we kill the rich things will just work out.
How will houses get built? How will sewage be treated? How will supply chains work? Why will anybody spend time increasing their human capital if there's no reward? How will crime be handled? How will state authoritarianism be kept in check?
These questions have no marxian answer because there is none. It's just "Dude it'll work out"

There's also a huge fallacy of this marxist eutopian world government where somehow the states power and oppressive capability grows and grows and grows then reaches some "event horizon" where everyone's free again and the state is powerless. There's evidence this could happen, there's no evidence that it has happened, there's no explanation for how/why this would occur, just "Dude it'll work out"

Marx is a meme only.

>> No.17346675

Communism and capitalism are both irrelevant now. Neither will ever exist ever again in any meaningful way.
Digital MMT and decentralized crypto solutions are the future paradigm of eocnomic policy and you are an econ pseud if you can't see it yet.

>> No.17347268

you're so full of cold war propaganda it makes me sick

>> No.17347311

t. has never read marx or lenin

>> No.17347868

Try reading Marx. Then read Cockshott and Lenin.

>> No.17347924
File: 71 KB, 675x1200, ^C6F9452070BCE019E70F06526C2C858BC0780F5E5C3BA0790B^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr - Copy - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commie here. Here's the last progress pic I took. No timestamp; cbf taking another. Reverse search it or whatever.
Now of course proper protocol would be for you to post body if you weren't a coward, but I won't be holding my breath.

>> No.17348058
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>muh 100 gorillion

>> No.17348143

Capitalism is a culture? How can anyone be so retarded or did i just get fished?
Capitalism is a mode of production and has nothing to do with culture except maybe its germination. What do you think what "all that is solid melts into air" means? Capitalism destroys cultures. This is what communists like about cultures. Real comminists are universalists. We critique any culture if it doesnt hold up to our universal standards, may it be islam, fascism or traditionalism.

>> No.17348193
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>> No.17348209

this guy gives off short vibes

>> No.17348236

-----+> www.designing-history.world
Look for philipp dapprichs work called principles of a socialist economy.

>> No.17348242

>capitalism is culture
>feudalism is culture
>slave societies are culture
>mercantilism is culture
>palace economies are culture

>> No.17348248

Now control for the number of countries following each ideology and remove the brown countries.

>> No.17348252

Unironically yes. Culture is more than tv shows and slang terms.

>> No.17348511


>> No.17348537

>remove the brown countries
the countries which were raped by colonialism? why?

>> No.17348889
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>invent awesome technology and political philosophy
>try to share it with those less fortunate
>eventually get asked to leave so you do
Ask me how I know that you have a npc-tier understanding of history.

>> No.17348982

>capitalism is culture
never heard this one before

>> No.17349135

>lmao imagine believing in a system that is so weak that it has never been established and upheld in any country that is of significance.
How about Spain, retard?


>> No.17349287

>Colonisation was a christian missionary-esque endeavour
hahaha holy shit this is a level of cope that only a porky or obedient porky lapdog can reach.
How's about I come over to your house for a sleepover party? I'll bring my xbox. You use the shitty controller. Oh and I'm stealing all your shit while I'm there. You can't complain, remember that 20 bucks you owe me? Yeah well this is repayment. BTW you still owe me 20 bucks.

>> No.17349314

>existed as long as a typical Netflix original series
>in a backwater
>during a war

>> No.17349896

>Technological advacement is the onky thing that matters.
>Capitalism is a means of distributing that technology.
>Butyou cant expect people to maje breakthroughs if theyre worried about money all the time.
Actually you can. Engineering is what makes almost all the breakthroughs and they're not a bunch of salty little pussies with meme degrees so they get payed well
>And in modern day america all people think about is money.
And miraculously, america is several decades more advanced than cuba, north korea or venezuela

Commie dogma does not advance tech. STEM does and the people who work in STEM have both the means and the Negotiating power to not live in shithole commie countries.

>> No.17349902

>We critique any culture if it doesnt hold up to our universal standards
No fucks given. Your universal standards are trash, just like everything else about your religious cult that masquerades as a philosophy

>> No.17349917

Isn't that really just a case of Catalan separatists? Same case with the Kurds. It's really some language group that wants autonomy, not some leftist ideal. Nothing more than nationalism, ironically.

>> No.17349946
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>Commie dogma does not advance tech.

>> No.17349954

I guess the US was too busy developing technology that could actually help them win the cold war which they did. Womp womp.

>> No.17350008

and what tech was that exactly?

>> No.17350035

>help them win the cold war
you mean the CIA staging coups

>> No.17350536

Imagine going to the gym multiple days a week for months on end while others lay around getting fat. Imagine spending the extra time cooking proper meals while other eat garbage and indulge themselves. Imagine looking in the mirror after years of this behavior, reaping the rewards of the seeds the you sow while the masses reject self improvement in lue of stagnation and decline. Imagine doing all of this and still believing that no man deserves more than his neighbor. That a society should not reward his hard work but society IS OWED his hard work.

>> No.17350550

socialists believe that people need help to get ahead and poverty wont encourage them to improve

>> No.17350569


>> No.17350580

True, but I was referring to communism.

>> No.17350583

Except labour theory of value.
Checkmate ancaps

>> No.17351095

nice equivocation dumb fuck

>> No.17351194
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I know where you're are coming from, but I think you misinterpret our current situation.
>A society should not reward his hard work but society IS OWED his hard work.
This is where we currently are. As a worker, I work hard, and the capitalist is entitled to my hard work in the form of surplus value. The only reward for being a hard worker is that there is a chance that one day when my best years are already behind me, I can be the capitalist who is entitled to the hard work of others, but that isn't guaranteed even for someone like me with a good work ethic and a good head on my shoulders. Some people, like my parents (teacher and nurse), bust their asses all their lives and are lucky to earn 80k a year by the end of their career. Amongst the nature of their profession and their duties to raise a family (of 5 in my case), they were not destined for the ultimate reward of being the capitalist that reaps value from others or even to break into the ranks of the labour aristocracy.

I'm fortunate, however, to have been born into an educated household, to be educated well myself, and to have access to healthcare. Some people don't get any of that by way of purely shit luck which makes it extremely difficult to get ahead as >>17350550 said. While there are fatasses that have all of those things, studies have repeatedly shown that there is correlation between education and health and obviously between access to healthcare and health. And as the evidence continues to show, a healthy and educated population leads to greater national welfare across the board. So if I want to live in an educated, happy and healthy society, then I WILL owe that society my hard work. From something something to his ability, to something something his needs

In the meantime, I'll continue to work hard for both myself and so that I may one day lift up my fellow man, and they the next person.

>> No.17351198

What's with people flanderizing socialism? Did cold war propaganda enter your DNA?

Marxism is set of values, not an enforced system. Just like Liberalism. Both USSR and now US make the mistake of thinking that these ideas are actually enforced systems, which deviating means "worse than death", and that's why USSR met it's fate and now US even with new realities of monopolization phase of capitalism, or the capital political tyranny that parasiting of the people and state and creating transnational empire of financial capital where states serve as mere institution of implementation of the capitals power, they can't change.

All these so called "leftists" in the west are actually liberals and not amount of changing the thesis can change that.

>> No.17351214

Income inequality is inherent, because the world is unfair, and it is a such under these realities limitations. Fairness can only come at dehumanizing price of the singularity or post scarcity cattle society.

Wanting better life all around you is not a proponent of capitalism or socialism or anything, it is being a good human being. These economic policies are meant as a tool to navigate realities of social-economic-technological paradigms in order to maximize quality and fulfillment of every person.

What you say and what you concern with is human essence, and don't fall for seething extremist individualists who seek freedom of dopamine pursuit (which leads to tranys etc) or those hiveminders cattle tha will come in the future as technology makes it possible.

>> No.17351299

>home at weekends
Christianity again, leftists for most of those abolished.
>paid sick and maternal leave
first is Christianity, the second women shouldn't work anyway
>freed milions
killed billions.

>> No.17351305

>Fairness can only come at dehumanizing price of the singularity or post scarcity cattle society.
The point of becoming a dehumanized post scarcity cattle society came and went 40 years ago when we became the corporate lapdogs we are.

>economic policies are meant as a tool to navigate realities of social-economic-technological paradigms in order to maximize quality and fulfillment of every person.
Capitalism fundamentally contradicts this though, does it not? When the name of the game is profit maximisation, there's no way today's corporations will ever allow for the maximisation of quality and fulfillment of every person if it so much as chips a cent off of their bottom line. If and/or when some substantial policy does pass that better serves the masses, lobbyists ensure that it's delivered in some compromised fashion or is chipped back slowly but surely until it's a husk of what it used to be. Obamacare, for example, is a mess that only curbed the very worst of the healthcare issue, and even this sad excuse for a solution is day by day subjected to lobbyists who seek to repeal it entirely. Give (shittily) with one hand, take with the other.

>> No.17351388

I see the proponents of corpotarist financial tyranny as a parallel to the medievalism, except this time as enlightenment curtailed the clergy and abolished the king, only burghers and merchants survived. Unironically it was Communists and Fascists who wanted to finish enlightenment of the human civilization and tame the capital for the purpose of the state and people. Of course WW2 happened and Cold War with it's proponents happened too.

In the end we were stuck with the liberalistic world order and corporatists states. It's by no chance these corporatists states are called """""democracies"""" (even though US is not, for the good reasons as Fathers did ironically predict that this would happen). Having a unipolar world 1991-2010s and ideological monopoly it though it was perfect and unbreakable, but then new realities and events unfolded which liberalistic dogma and corporate regimes cannot cope with ( for instance recession is natural phase of the economy, problem is that many of the elites are at risk of losing everything and their influence so they lobbied the state to bail them out, which leaves them invincible to economic realities at the expense of the people). Then goes the cultural, demographic, social etc... problems which under strict liberalistic regimes nothing can even be perceived as problems, not to say coped with.

Solution these corporatist regimes implement is "Media privatization of censorship" (not bad if corp is doing it ;), creating fake identity disunity, fragmentation, creating micro identities of every imaginable sexual fetish etc.. actually stiring racial tensions etc... making dumb population beg the corps for protection of what they perceive "evil" etc...

Lot more and more shit. Trump succes was just disatisfaction with the liberalistic dogma ( even though he is yesterdays liberal), as evident even with Bernie voters who rather voted for him than what corps set up. Now Biden is continuation of complete capitals control over the state. He offers nothing, he will give nothing and as one can see he hopes things will just go under the rug (they wont), and by he I mean politcal structure of the capital behind him.

Conclusion is that will be fixed until US gets a reality check like USSR.

>> No.17351406

Your perspective is based on fundamental competition, and so the issue is whether or not the rules that individuals compete with each other are "fair" or not. Your ideology has left you unable to even imagine cooperation and mutualism.

>> No.17351413

>as evident even with Bernie voters who rather voted for him than what corps set up
This is a complete right-wing fantasy. You're a deceitful snake.

>> No.17351422

See. There is no left wing or right wing. There are people misguided, scared or forced to vote for corpotare supremacy, and there are people against it.

It's is shallowness of falling for propaganda that a trany health adviser makes any single real difference in the US. This is a inherent mistake that can be leraned through looking at meta, or by feeling the consequences.

If you are right or left wing, then Biden is your bro, although if you are outside of the circus then he is worst thing in existence, rather what he represents.

>> No.17351436

A good assessment

What? He isn't wrong despite bernie being a radlib

>> No.17351438

This is what happens when you engage in sophistic mental gymnastics so much that is becomes instinct.
4chan has truly rotted your brain.

>> No.17351440

The Taliban

>> No.17351461

"Bernie Bros for Trump" was propaganda pushed by Trump supporters to try to demoralize the dem base and discourage them from voting.

>> No.17351474

Your agenda is to provide rationalization for the violent overthrow of democratic governments. You don't have to make the call to action yourself, you just give the justification for it.

>> No.17351494

The majority of bernie voters who were actual communists (read: not radical liberals) saw it this way though. Bernie is far from being a socialist in spite of conservatives and the media trying to paint him so, but why would they vote for the establishment candidate after what they did to Bernie? To express that they don't mind what they did? To maintain the status quo some more?
Communists voting for trump was very real, and very justified. At the end of the day, it came down to voting for bourgeois candidate A or B, and they voted for trump as a fuck you to the DNC.

>> No.17351510

What is your message?
Voting doesn't matter. Democracy is a farce. The Evil Elites control everything, and use you like cattle for their own selfish advantage.
What the hell kind of action is implied besides organizing and overthrowing the Evil Elites?
The purpose this serves is encouraging violent civil conflict and war.

>> No.17351518

Who wants to see violent conflict and civil war in Western democracies? What interests does this serve?

>> No.17351522

>voting for a literal fascist to say fuck you to the DNC.
And you call this "leftism," LMAO.

>> No.17351524

>thinking trump is a facist
liberal detected

>> No.17351542

Trump just literally attempted to overthrow American democracy the last few months by claiming the election was rigged and seeking to remain in power. He sucked at it, and failed spectacularly, but he tried his best to do so.

The only people who are buying "Trump isn't a fascist" now are either complete idiots or actual fascists.

>> No.17351543

It's so much easier to hate liberals than it is conservatives. Conservatives are based retards, liberals are plain retards.

>> No.17351548

You haven't updated your talking points to make them at least remotely plausible in any way whatsoever.

>> No.17351552

you really think that his little tantrum was anything more than a song and dance to appease his base? only retard liberals bought into the spectacle that he was going to illegitimately hold on to the office.
hahahaha give me a break

>> No.17351566

>He was just pretending to be a fascist.
>By doing everything a fascist would try to do.
>LMAO, fooled you!

>> No.17351579

I wonder if you consider Obama a fascist. For the people on thr middle east, he clearly was given that he killed more people there than any other american president.
Also, no fascist in history has been ever removed by a simple presidential election, but always via a revolution.

>> No.17351580
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I think a real facist would have done more than throw a tantrum on twitter then tell his base to stop rioting and go home.

>> No.17351591

There we go with the race to generate endless false equivalences.
It's amazing how the so-called "leftists" here use the same exact talking point as far-righters. It's almost as if they aren't actually leftists, and are just pretending to be such to play rhetorical games.
But we all know nobody would ever do that on 4chan.

>> No.17351604

you need to read some theory bucko, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17351612

Name an invalid culture

>> No.17351616

nobody needs to read theory
if something appears do retarded that you have to hypnotize yourself into reading tons and tons of supplemental material every day to believe it perhaps it's just retarded and fallacious.

>> No.17351623

you sound young, hopefully you grow out of this

>> No.17351643

you sound embarrassingly stupid, unfortunately you won't grow out of this.

>> No.17351655
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>> No.17351659

You're both idiots for different reasons.

>> No.17351679

real american hours in this thread
God, burgermutts are seriously retarded. They have zero understanding of any of the terms and concepts they throw around

>> No.17351683

the uncontrollable seethe permeating this thread by rightoids towards orthodox marxists is at the heights of hilarity

>> No.17351698

>>all cultures are valid
never said that
>>except capitalism
capitalism is an economic system not a culture retard

>> No.17351707

whats know as pastoralist culture, think Arabic or Scots-Irish

>> No.17351708

lol yeah true Correct the Record raid time lol.
Go back to your master, quislings.

>> No.17351713

You are delusional retard that think we have peaked the political life and that society are forever going to be 50-70 technologically and economically that justifies violent implementation of a inflexible system that very few benefit from and relly existentially on.

you are source of all misery and lack of progress, and as such you get to enjoy the benefits of your own extremism

>> No.17351721

>Capitalism has brought billions of people out of poverty.
1 fucking dollar and 1 fucking cent

>> No.17351797


no timestamp = BS
post timestamp or stfu

>> No.17351866

this so much

>> No.17351888
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>the cia is paying people to call me racist on 4chan

>> No.17352601

I have certainly been claimed all cultures are valid

>> No.17354276

>the capitalist is entitled to my hard work
This is objectively wrong. Your work is your own. Unless you are a serf or bound by a work contract, your employer is entitled to nothing. As a laborer you sell your time and effort in exchange for money. An amount of money that is regulated to not drop below a certain amount due to minimum wage. If your argument is that the minimum wage is not high enough, than that is a fair criticism. By your employer is not entitled to your labor because you always have the option to refuse to sell your labor to them. You don't have to work for them. There is nothing keeping you from leaving the area you're in other than the results of your past decisions.

>> No.17354440

>Cultures which allow or celebrate violence
Modern day urban black culture celebrates violence. I'd like to see this self proclaimed "leftist" go to a meeting of fellow "leftists" and state that urban black culture is a problem.

>> No.17354701

By the time I got to the bottom of this thread I forgot that I was on /lit/
One person mentioned Hegel and nobody actually gave recs pertinent to the OP
I would have applied to be a janny if I wasn't 17 at the time because this board needs them

>> No.17354876

>Gang Culture
so.... black culture?

>> No.17355280
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>you always have the option to refuse to sell your labor to them. You don't have to work for them.
>just don't work for them then bro
>just acquire the large amount of capital required to start a business that is statistically very likely to fail bro
wtf im a lolbert now

>> No.17355508

Almost at 300

>> No.17355527

Modern African as in Africa, ""culture"" All the good culture died out centuries ago and all we have is remnants. They somehow went backwards.
t. Black man

>> No.17355973

>hrrr starting business is hard and I can't do something without guaranteed success.
Work for someone else then. Can find a job in your area? Move to another area. Still can find one? Undergo some kind of training or community college program.

>> No.17356012

You're quite the retard aren't you? How does changing employers fix the issue? And I don't want guaranteed success, I want stability.

>> No.17356142

>How does changing employers fix the issue?
What are you even talking about? If you hate your job and the company you work for, Leave it for something that fit more within your values.

>I don't want guaranteed success, I want stability.
And yet you refuse to make that stability yourself. You need it spoon fed to by someone else. You failed a create stability for yourself in a world that offers endless opportunities and second chances. You don't want to rationalize you failures and shit decisions and would rather vindicate those who simply played the game better than you.

>> No.17356180

You either didn't read what I initially wrote, or you have the reading comprehension of a pre-teen. Either way, you're too retarded to continue this conversation.

>> No.17356223
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Almost like we're on an anonymous image board where you can't trace the original author of a post or comment.

>> No.17356249

Karl Marx is alright with religion, gramsci was pretty pro catholic

>> No.17356253
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you should consider going back to r*ddit

>> No.17356296

8 hour work day comes from strikes in cleveland in 1886

>> No.17356315

>capitalism is culture
Burgermutts were a mistake.

>> No.17356328

Local self governing communities and intense lines of logistics.

>> No.17356348

Capitalism is pretty shit at technology.

>> No.17356482

People rely on their incomes to make critical payments, most everyone can't afford to spend significant (i.e more than one month) unemployed. Especially if you have a family.

>> No.17356893

Most everyone also do not know how to live below their means. I grew up poor and lived around mostly poor people. The amount of money people blow on frivolous shit they don't need is ridiculous. If you are in a situation were 100% of your paycheck is going to critical payments you either made several bad decision in your life and now must face the consequences or you've been dealt an extremely bad hand and must do everything in your power to correct that. Most people don't want to do either of those things. They, most of my family included, are content with not doing anything, sulking around in self pity, and blaming the system for all thier problems.

>> No.17356949

Marx thought religion only existed to pacify the working class with promises of a false paradise. His materialism was explicitly against any sort of spirituality.

>> No.17357936

You ever read Marx?