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/lit/ - Literature

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17332292 No.17332292 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you even start with poetry?

>> No.17332299

Either anything or classical/medieval stuff, anon.

>> No.17332331

What do you mean by ‘anything’ though? Do I just google classical/medieval poetry or do I buy a book of a collection of an authors poetry? What do I even do after I’ve read a poem? Am I supposed to reflect on it’s meaning? How long is that supposed to take? I don’t have all day to reflect on a single poem when I have a book/internet full of them. Do I just read through them until a specific one sticks out to me? How do I even know what the basis of a good poem is I have no grounding it’s like if some medieval peasant stumbled into Spotify.

As you can see the instructions here are a bit unclear.

>> No.17332365

As with any, start with The Greeks.

>> No.17332366
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my diary desu

>> No.17332395


Anything, anon. Get
some poem anthology
and read anything that
catches your attention.

How to read a book by Adler, anon.

>> No.17332400

There are no exams, anon. No grades or anything. Just pick something that you feel like reading. I really like William Blake, it is not that hard to find his poems in audio too.

>> No.17332417

The main thing when it comes to reading them, it that lines are split. And there is rhythm and metrics and some other bs. Other than that it is basically the same shit as reading a regular book, anon. If you can't read a book you can't read a poem.

>> No.17332428

And that is the point, anon. FUCK THAT! You are not on school, no one is going to get your grades or anything. JUST ENJOY THINGS FFS. Don't bother reading manuals. Just do the damn thing.

>> No.17332443

I’m not asking for school I’d just like something specific to start with like Homer for literature, that I can then compare everything afterwards with.

>> No.17332474

That's dumb

Read what you like, don't turn your reading experience into some pretentious comparative lit nonsense

>> No.17332475

Which ones specifically?

>> No.17332480


>> No.17332548

No one has answered my question

>> No.17332549

The romantics

>> No.17332653

Hi read Ezra Pound's "ABC of reading" to get some idiosyncratic recs by the master. Other than that just duckduckgo "great english/american/irish/whatever poets" and read them.

>> No.17332715
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This is a good introduction for a complete beginner.

>> No.17332764
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Stupid Janny niggers don't know how to make a godamn sticky

>> No.17332767

There is no proper order to reading poets op. Just because Yeats read Keats doesn't mean that it makes sense to read Keats before Yeats.

Go read some Yeats op. Read The Wind Among the Reeds. Then start on Dickinson and Whitman. And don't forget the russians.

>> No.17333863


You just know those traditions will be deemed bad and then forgotten as their country inevitably floods with nigs

>> No.17333938

Vazha Pshavela

>> No.17333942

Having gay sex I assume

>> No.17333943

The Greeks, like you would with any other artist.

>> No.17333955


Don't start with the Greeks if you're a native English speaker, translated poetry is lackluster. Read whatever is most praised in the Canon of your native language. If you're an English speaker, you start with William Blake, Lord Byron, W.B Yeats, William Wordsworth, Robert Frost, and Walt Whitman. These are all very accessible and acclaimed poets whose being read should provide a decent understanding of your tastes in poetry. You can move from there.

>> No.17335047


>> No.17335116


>> No.17335136

Harlod bloom has a couple of good anthologies if you are looking for a wide array of poetry.

Beyond that, the other anon is right, start with your own language and do stuff from there. Shakespeare, Keats, milton, ts eliot, are all good too.

>> No.17335147

I know this will get buried but get 'A Background Anthology of English Poetry' by Prothero and Roche

>> No.17335162
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adding a picture to draw attention to this

>> No.17335265

Go to the poetry section in your local library, pull out books at random. Sooner or later you'll find one that has you hooked.

t. knuckle-dragger

>> No.17335286

We need to make this, but for Hispanoamerican /lit/.

>> No.17335314

There are some suggestions in the stickied thread for poetry. I'm also starting poetry in 2021 and I picked up a bunch of intro to poetry books. I'm kinda shocked how much I already knew, but I'm enjoying the refresher. My suggestion is pick up an anthology that way you have a bunch of different poets in one book. If any one poem strikes your fancy you can deep dive into the rest of that poet's work.

>> No.17336068

Amanda Gromund...our first US Nobel port laureate... so woke... so powerful ... so blase.

>> No.17336321

I recently read some Pushkin which was my first poetry and I quite enjoyed it, will be seeking out more.

>> No.17336329

Homer is poetry.

>> No.17336332

How did you manage to make a staple post so fucking shit, retard?

>> No.17336362


>> No.17336473

Start with poetry from your culture, move to poetry of other cultures but in still in your language, and eventually move onto translations of foreign poetry but with the realization that you're reading an interpretation and not the original

>> No.17336788

yeah nah, unless you can actually read greek nigga
start with the english romantics
ignore all american poetry

>> No.17337618

Choose some renowed poet of your native language and then read aloud his best works.