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/lit/ - Literature

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17331576 No.17331576 [Reply] [Original]

Now what, /lit/?

>> No.17331586

You missed a spot.

>> No.17331598

nothing. you bought them and you showed them off. that's it. go on to your next purchase. maybe make a stack thread

>> No.17331600

Undergraduate moment

>> No.17331602

When will people stop falling for the Edith Hamilton meme?

>> No.17331607

Homer, Hesiod, the Tragedians and other poets, Herodotus, Thucydides, and the pre-Socratics should be read (and carefully) before starting Plato

>> No.17331608

What's wrong with her?

>> No.17331610

Read them

>> No.17331615

now you can stack them up and reach that noose down to your neck desu

>> No.17331616

Hairyclit'ris is nice. Get a bindup of presocratics/hellenistic phil - they're super cheap. Epicureanism is great too and stoicism is an interesting read.

>> No.17331629

You're better off reading the writers she's summarizing for instead like Ovid

>> No.17331638

>and the pre-Socratics should be read (and carefully) before starting Plato
What's there to read? The two bigesst hitters, Heraclitus and Parmenides, only have fragments still. Feel like I largely understand the philosophy/cosmology of everyone prior to Plato just with the historical background and summaries.

>> No.17331648

It's fine though, a bunch of greek myths condensed into a small book with added extra some Norse myths. I don't see the problem.

>> No.17331655

I tried getting into Apollodorus and it was dry as shit

>> No.17331676

Herodotus and Thucydides

>> No.17331703
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I like your jacket op.

>> No.17331712

thanks, it's a flat head varsity if you want to find it

>> No.17331722
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>> No.17331762

You're fine just read pre socratics after, fragments are fine. Empedocles is a good look too.

>> No.17331810

There's no problem, because Hamilton is a primer. Is she where you should stop your studies of the Greek myths? Absolutely not. But she is a fine place to start, so that when you actually do dive into the primary sources you'll have a rough lay of the land.

>> No.17332151

Jesus Christ I only just realised Edith is a woman’s name

>> No.17332245

I remember when I saw the start with the greeks chart and bought all the books, enjoy reading OP

>> No.17332391
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>He actually started with le Greeks

>> No.17332397

I mean I did but I chose to.
Have not touched philosophy much though

>> No.17332398

You wasted money on the Aristotle and Plato books. A better buy would have been the basic works of Aristotle and the republic by Plato

>> No.17332547

Why are your complete works of Aristotle so skinny? Mine are thick as fuck, more so than Plato's single book. Same blue ones by the way.

>> No.17332553

Get out pseud, the start with the Greeks is a real meme. Everyone should do it, it has immortal wisdom in which to always start your journey off from.

>> No.17333098

>Everyone should do it
Sure, everyone should eventually get around to it - doesn't mean you have to explicitly start with them. I read multiple philosophers before even starting Plato. Berkeley, Kant, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche etc. Not a single regret. Albeit, a good grasp on Plato's theory of forms is probably necessary for understanding the large majority of western philosophy, I'll give you that.

>> No.17333178

Okay so now you read Hegel and then pick if you want to be a fascist or marxist.

>> No.17333185
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>he fell for the meme

>> No.17333197


>> No.17333212

Literature in the age of capitalism.

>> No.17333241

The book is just a bunch of summaries of Greek myths with a few Norse ones thrown in. You may as well read wikipedia articles on those myths and save your money.

>> No.17333314

off to aristo volume 3 then

>> No.17333316

I don't know. I don't understand why she's promoted so much.

>> No.17333705

Based Greek reader

>> No.17333706

This person gets it. She’s just a concise summary of mythology which is a great way to into it.

>> No.17333733
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>> No.17335079

i tore the pages that i didnt like

>> No.17335176

Unutterably chadesque

>> No.17335205

it is literally a high school workbook and written as such. i set it down after 2 chapters. nothing to be gained from it.

>> No.17335219

Don't forget the Landmark editions of Xenophon, Herodotus and Thucydides

>> No.17335234

you should never start with the greeks because they are too complicated.

>> No.17335307

Why ? Are you a student of classics ? If not, then you are most likely wasting your time if you try to read it all. You are better off reading extracts.

>> No.17335370


>> No.17335378

It's decent if you have no knoweldge on Greek myth, but there are more interesting, (and more enjoyable), modern books on the topic, and I'm not talking about dense textbooks.

>> No.17335893

And the spot was pyrrho, homer and the presocratics.

>> No.17335920

no he's(the only female on this board is butters) not - everyone should read Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.17337244

what do you mean by student? like someone in school? perhaps you need to take the zero drachma course and reread plato

Now if I had attended Prodicus's fifty-drachma course of lectures, after which, as he himself says, a man has a complete education on this subject, there would be nothing to hinder your learning the truth about the correctness of names at once; but I have heard only the one-drachma course, and so I do not know what the truth is about such matters.