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File: 181 KB, 565x640, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17329615 No.17329615 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Evola's art look so modern? Was he ahead of his time?

>> No.17329633

not really, he literally just copied what was on vogue then, futurism.

>> No.17329641

Looks like shit.

>> No.17329682

Many righttards don’t like hearing this, but both fascism and nazism are explicitly modernist

>> No.17329687

Just looked this up and his earliest known piece is from 1917, at which point the futurist style was already highly codified and even approaching decline.

>> No.17329691

This, and Evola was inspired by modernism as well (he was close to Dada at some point).

>> No.17329717

It IS modern, that WAS the time, idiot.

>> No.17329718

In a kind of roundabout sense modern art is closer to Traditionalism then romanticist stuff as it requires a level of elitism to appreciate.

>> No.17329727

It's also oogabooga abstracted shapes or geometry like cave paintings or arab art, respectively.

>> No.17329736

>thread up right now about how avant-garde art is trash
>but this is ok because the kaliyuga guy did it
It's not even that good, you are all pitiable hypocrites

>> No.17329745

as a righttard, i approve.

>> No.17329765

i actually kinda dont give a fuck about his art, he c
comes up with shit like race spirit and i get a boner

>> No.17329770

National Socialism has a definite strain of Traditionalist thought seen in the Volkish movement and aspects of the SS. The Fascists were explicit modernists though.

>> No.17329789

Yes but wasn't it more of a sentimental attachment? Nazis were best at updating and furthering already existing modern trends, with the exception of a few half assed expeditions to retrieve old skulls, what did they do for the restoration of their tradition?

>> No.17329830

Agreed. Movement-wise he was closer to Dada, but I don't really see it in the paintings (more so his poetry, like "La parole obscure du paysage intérieur). He was sort of late to the dada party also, though he was a real, albeit minor, member of the movement (published in the dada collection, close to Tzara...).

>> No.17329879

Folklore traditions are residues from older traditions, nazis didn't understood any of them. The profanation of sacred symbols that they used is more subversive than average modernism.

>> No.17329900

He was rejected by DADA at every point.

>> No.17329915

For a fucking 9-year old you sound stupid beyond your years.

>> No.17329925

They heated him. That’s why he was never “in”.

>> No.17329936

Can't make this shit up lmaooo

>> No.17329962

Read Jeffrey Schnapp's "Bad Dada (Evola)".

>> No.17329983

Just wait until you see cubism.

>> No.17329989
File: 93 KB, 349x470, alessandro-bruschetti-sintesi-fascista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was common knowledge.

>> No.17330044

Poor Evola ;_;

>> No.17330071


>> No.17330093


>> No.17330210

It's futurism, it fits perfectly with his time

>> No.17330296

Tradfags doing extreme mental gymnastics to justify this kek

>> No.17330312

I'm definitely no tradcel, but it's not exactly an uncommon take that a lot of modern styles represent an atavism, most commonly it is applied to art brut or naïvism, but sometimes also to more abstracted styles.

>> No.17330550

Got a link?

>> No.17331663

Very true.

>National Socialism has a definite strain of Traditionalist

Not really. The nazis literally encouraged women to have children out of wedlock and even tried to remove any stigma attached to single mums, which shocked many Germans at that time.

> “One reason for the relative lack of success of Himmler’s attempt to procure more children for the nation by encouraging illegitimate births lay in the fact that the overwhelming majority of Germans still steered their moral life mainly by the compass of the Christian religion. In 1939 95 per cent of Germans described themselves either as Catholics or as Protestants; 3.5 per cent were ‘Deists’ (gottgl̈ubig), and 1.5 per cent atheists: most people in these latter categories were convinced Nazis who had left their Church at the behest of the Party, which had been trying since the mid-1930s to reduce the influence of Christianity in society.20 Especially in rural areas and amongst older generations, the overwhelming predominance of Christianity encouraged conservative attitudes towards sexual morality, reinforced by the preaching of pastors and priests. This was not welcome to the Nazi hierarchy.”

>> No.17331677

Idk modern arts ok im a philistine though, Often just go hmmm looks neat while some older pieces I can just stare at forever

>> No.17331681

>Himmler’s attempt to procure more children for the nation by encouraging illegitimate births
Was Himmler an actual retard or what

>> No.17331720
File: 932 KB, 553x914, 1610488739020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi Germany was a comedy of subversion on a global scale. It's hilarious how so many wannabe "Traditionalists" think the Nazis did anything but cast the world into deeper chaos, and utterly profane the very things that couldve saved it.

>> No.17331721
File: 355 KB, 851x313, 711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If fascism was based on aesthetics, and futurism was supposed to be cutting edge, then why is constructivism so much better?
If fascism was predicated on futurist aesthetics, they why was the fascist aesthetic so decadent?
Truly, fascism never succeeded because of this aesthetic hypocrisy.
Liberal capitalism, in its complete disregard for the monumental, is closer to obtaining the grim reality of futurism; a virus-like mass of glass and steel spreading without any concern for consistency or achievement.
Burgerpunk has accomplished what fascism failed to, and it is horrifying.

>> No.17331781
File: 259 KB, 1200x979, 28a28178f22f21e19fffbe046ba4df9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, "burgerpunk" is too static and monotonous to be compared to a dynamic and hyperactive style like futurism.