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17329067 No.17329067 [Reply] [Original]

>"A marriage proves its excellence by being able to put up with an occasional "exception.""

>"Nothing that women of significance do for their husbands, if they are men of renown and greatness, does more to make their lives easier than becoming the receptacle, as it were, of other people. Contemporaries tend to overlook many mistakes and follies and even actions of gross injustice in their great men if they can just find someone whom they can mistreat and slaughter as a true sacrificial animal in order to relieve their own feelings. Not infrequently, a woman finds within herself the ambition to offer herself for this sacrifice, and then the man can of course be quite content - provided that he is enough of an egoist to put up with having this sort of willing conducting rod for lightning, storms, and rain near him."

Was it really just satire?

>> No.17329088

You already got told off here >>17327729

>> No.17329185

Seethe solipsist faggot.

>> No.17329223

I actually like this guy's books but everything he knows about women comes from Lou and her husband. Everyone's been hurt but he never recovered.

>> No.17329237


>> No.17329283

>there are no truths only interpretations
>not solipsist

>> No.17329288

please be bait

>> No.17329528

please be bait

>> No.17329819

I don't really care what the bipolar copelord thought about anything, especially not romance. His romantic history and failure to reproduce say more than enough about him

>> No.17329864

you got btfo'd real quick by >>17329088
Go seethe somewhere else

>> No.17329947

Nihilism, relativism, and solipsism are not the same thing

>> No.17330056

Who cares? It's all perspective man.

>> No.17330062

Samefag. Go make up bullshit on reddit.

>> No.17330065

And yours is one of an insect. Begone, bugman.

>> No.17330082

Based. Nietzsche wasn't original and all his followers are tranny tier.

>> No.17330216

who came before him? i need to write them off as well

>> No.17330267

This doesn't explain how getting cucked is excellence.

>> No.17330335

Does a cuck like you need an explanation?

>> No.17330448
File: 107 KB, 866x1390, a-man-with-a-milk-moustache-on-his-real-mustache-X57F0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a cuck bro, or are you a slave-morality pussy? Come one, let tyrone fuck your wife, you're beyond sentimental attachment.

>> No.17330478

Nietzsche was weak and frail. His entire philosophy, including his reflections on women, are a consequence of said weakness and frailty. That's something I can't overlook, frankly. He wanted power so badly but could never attain it. And he never was loved by a woman.

>> No.17330494

nihilism does not preclude your instinctual biological desires to control your woman. only a spiritual cuckold would assume otherwise. no wonder you need your manic incel Neetch to weave a psychic security blanket for you,b little lamb

>> No.17330568


>> No.17330734


>> No.17330881

Am I reading the quote wrong, or does seem more like a justification of wife beating and other mistreating of the wife by her husband to release tension?

>> No.17330890

Oh shit I missed the bit about other people. What a fucking weirdo

>> No.17330924

It's kind of a shit translation. Here's another one:

>A voluntary victim.—There is nothing by which able women can so alleviate the lives of their husbands, should these be great and famous, as by becoming, so to speak, the receptacle for the general disfavour and occasional ill-humour of the rest of mankind. Contemporaries are usually accustomed to overlook many mistakes, follies, and even flagrant injustices in their great men if only they can find some one to maltreat and kill, as a proper victim for the relief of their feelings. A wife not infrequently has the ambition to present herself for this sacrifice, and then the husband may indeed feel satisfied,—he being enough of an egoist to have such a voluntary storm, rain, and lightning-conductor beside him.

You were close with wife beating it seems.

>> No.17330947

wtf thats completely different how hard can it be to translate German? Individual words are sometimes hard, but not whole sentences. Did German in high school for 3 years so my understanding is limited but I know that it's no Sanskrit or Latin.

>> No.17330987
File: 47 KB, 600x474, bba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone seething hard over the Nietzsch..you butthurt cuz he called out your dead god. Its ok buddy, all the religion are cucked by the Uberminch and his flowing lip mane.

>> No.17331661

de Sade

>> No.17332889


>> No.17333653


>> No.17333949

True. Meanwhile superior intellectuals like heidegger and Jung were rolling in underage Jewish cuties.

>> No.17335104

The Ubercel.

>> No.17336060

This thread really puts the cuck in Christcuck.

>> No.17336067

Ok reddit

>> No.17336111

reddit this reddit that. Just kill yourself already, OP.