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17328409 No.17328409 [Reply] [Original]

Not a single person who ever lived has actually read this book.

Righties have never read this book.
Lefties have never read this book.
Hell, even self proclaimed marxists have never read this book.

If someone claims to have read this book, they are a liar.

>> No.17328434

I don't need to read the book, I just want to be part of the tribalism

>> No.17328439

Edwad and Michael Heinrich are the only people who read it.

>> No.17328450

Does reading Das Kapital help you become a successful capitalist? (Serious question)

>> No.17328458

no lol

>> No.17328480

But isnt the book a detailed analysis of how Capital works? Couldnt you use this information for your own benefit?

>> No.17328504

Yes, it will teach you how to subvert leftism.

>> No.17328545

It mostly develops the instability of Capitalism as a system and its tendency for profit to go down.
this 'tendency' for profits to go down doesnt mean they actually neccesarily must go down immediately though,
governments and stock markets can intervene or react to this tendency resulting in profits temporarily going up.
all of this doesnt really help you much on the stock market though, it just tells you things will go to shit eventually.

>> No.17328560

Reminder if your critique of capitalism is grounded in instability, unfair rent distribution, or struggles between sociological classes, you're to marx essentially utopian & advocating for the sort of socialism the schumpeters of the world found reconcilable with capitalism. if you think the real meat of the problem is simply that surplus value extraction is unfair you'd be much better adjusted being a georgist or roemerian coupon socialist type, a lot less to figure out.
a critique of capitalism is properly grounded in all human life becoming through its embedding in commodity relations merely an appendage of unthinking capital sitting over us and brooking no escape.

>> No.17328567

It's not a hard read you dingus

Get going

>> No.17328580

Well that can be used for my benefit tough, now I now the most vital companies are rigged to go up (until it bursts)

>> No.17328583

I'm pretty sure Jehu, Xi Jinping and maybe Zizek are the only living humans that have actually read all of it.

>> No.17328603
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Ironically yes lol; the book discusses at length pretty much every tactic that the capitalist uses in order to extract as much surplus-value as possible from the worker.

>> No.17328694

I have it, I will read it at some point. Kind of redundant really. I already know his critquete of capitalism and from what I heard that the only interesting thing in there. All the models and theories were bogus which has been disproven.

Again, one day I'll read and judge for myself, but its not high up on my list

>> No.17328700

>every tactic

You've definitely read it, Marxist cringe ball.
Go get a job.

>> No.17328727

Have you read it?

>> No.17328763

I've read das book.

>> No.17328787

ive read part of it but couldnt keep up. i get some of the concepts like surplus value, labor theory of value, commodity, historical materialism, etc

>> No.17328849

I read Carlo Cafiero's summary of Capital and Marx's shorter economic works. After these steps, I read the chapters from Das Capital which talks about the things that I was unable to get or properly understand from the summary.
But I think doing my steps or reading Capital is not necessary it should be better to read some contemporary Marxist economist/philosophers who explains the relevance of those ideas.
(I am not a Marxist btw)

>> No.17328867

What's your job?

>> No.17329014

>reading this instead of Mao (pbuh)

>> No.17329078

The idea that you have to read kapital to have an opinion on marxism is something that leftypol trannies who are more interested in signalling than actual understanding promote. There are way better books for understanding marxism out there.

>> No.17329275

Yes. (Serious answer). Most rightoids suck at understanding Capitalism. You understand central banking, because of the jewish Fed, but you don't understand Capitalism as a whole. Progressive left is not much better. You people should read at least Adam Smith wealth on nations in order to understand the origin of value, the rotation of Capital, the accumulation of Capital, have some basics of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall etc...

>> No.17329300

>it should be better to read some contemporary Marxist economist/philosophers who explains the relevance of those ideas.
Almost all of them are complete and utter shit, Lukács and maybe Bordiga are literally the only ones worth reading, though neither of them are even one tenth as insightful or scientific as Marx.

>> No.17329905

I don't even read (except for Nietzsche and Jung, fuck actual literature embrace anime) but I'm gonna fucking read this and disprove every claim

>> No.17330038

have you read it? tell us about your job anon

>> No.17330084
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>> No.17330153


Don't forget David Harvey. Also you haven't read it if you haven't read at least the three principal volumes, and preferably also at least some of the various drafts meant for Theories of Surplus Value. We're up around 3500 pages of autism by this point.

>> No.17330162
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, 7AB8DC1A-A796-4EF1-BD7A-341D68C23411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ve read it- all three volumes of it actually.

>> No.17330185

How long did it take you to read all of it?

>> No.17330221

Good chap. How boring is vol 2? Just finished volume 1 and wondering how much of a slog it will be

>> No.17330392

Lol good luck. Don't forget to read all four volumes.

>> No.17330402

Ah a fellow Petersonian

>> No.17330458

There is a volume 4, theories on surplus value. Don't forget Grundrisse, which focus more on money, and the masterpiece German ideology, which is on social relationship what Das Kapital is on economy.
I am at volume 3, and for now, the most complicated is still volume 2.
In a few years, you'll only have disdain for this guy.

>> No.17330461

Marx read it

>> No.17330483

>and the masterpiece German ideology
Highly questionable. I would read the later Engels instead for the peak of Marxian sociology.

>> No.17330506

(...) By the way, everything lights up at volume 3. When the tendency of the rate of profit is introduced, if you don't feel to have cracked the Matrix, at least you feel to have cracked the economy.

>> No.17330538

>Not a single person who ever lived has actually read this book.
projection. id say more people pretend to have read it than have actually read it cover to cover, but thats still room for a lot of people.
it might, but you will also propably not be a successful capitalist after having read it, if you make it through at all. i havent read it in full and the guy who i borrowed it from also hasnt read it.

>> No.17330626

I’ve read excerpts of it in the Tucker reader, does that count daddy?

>> No.17330941

Well whenever someone argues agaisnt marxist concepts i often feel like im arguing alone and i havent really understood it all so i think that many people have in fact not read it.

>> No.17331199

well i’ve been out of work because of covid so it didn’t take me more than a few months. really good read though. volume one is a great book and is full of life.
volume two is the on par with being just as great in my opinion, although lots of marxs symbolism, literary references and the like melt away. volume three is a mess however. it’s basically a collection of marxs leftover thoughts. and it’s very confusing. would recommend harvey’s companion highly.

>> No.17331313


>> No.17331378

That's why I'm reading volume 3 this weekend babbbeeyyyyy

>> No.17331390

you dont need to read this book to understand that. value your time above all else if you’re young

>> No.17331409

I feel bad for Engels having to edit volume two boring asf.

>> No.17331424

yes by the capitalists themselves

>> No.17331432

It's not great, it's very obvious that it's his manuscripts and it doesn't have the same charm. I hope the Grundrisse is better.

>> No.17331630

Im trying to read it again and its so boring.
Keeps talking about yarn and labor and commodities over and over...