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17327321 No.17327321 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you tell the Natsocs their vision of Germany is too wholesome, comfy cozy and bound to fail
>tfw say Hitler is too much a pacifist and he won't be able to handle a real threat when the time comes

>tfw you were right

>> No.17327327

>>tfw you tell the Natsocs their vision of Germany is too wholesome, comfy cozy and bound to fail
>>tfw say Hitler is too much a pacifist and he won't be able to handle a real threat when the time comes
Did he actually say this? Seems like an overly-subjective worldview ngl.

>> No.17327379

He also said he refused to join the National Socialists because they were socialists

It is, because the basis of Junger's entire philosophy is about bravery and primordial ferocity he calls "The Elemental" , those things kind of transcend any measurement system. Naturally, Safety and comfort undermine those when not kept in check.

Jünger's philosophy is about
>I served in WW1 and got shot 8 times, 5 were in the balls but that's okay because they weigh 300lbs and I autoheal like wolverine.

>> No.17327411

god he was a handsome chap

>> No.17327413

>He also said he refused to join the National Socialists because they were socialists
did he? because he seems far too intelligent to say something so retarded

>> No.17327419
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Was he really shot five times in the balls?

>> No.17327426

>did he? because he seems far too intelligent to say something so retarded

Like most thinkers, Most of what he says makes up for his lesser gifted remarks

>> No.17327437
File: 572 KB, 822x576, Junger with girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17327441


>> No.17327455

>It is, because the basis of Junger's entire philosophy is about bravery and primordial ferocity he calls "The Elemental" , those things kind of transcend any measurement system. Naturally, Safety and comfort undermine those when not kept in check.
I understand where you're coming from, but playing devil's advocate and going along what you're saying, wouldn't that mean he ultimately doesn't care about whether or not German is too wholesome or pacifistic, and rather just be about the fulfilment of a personal need?

>> No.17327462

oh i thought we were talking about friedrich georg jünger not ernst, my bad
ernst actually was retarded so i could believe he thought they were socialists for some reason
the 2 paragraphs in OP are also ridiculously wrong, how does one come up with such meaningless drivel

>> No.17327478

>He also said he refused to join the National Socialists because they were socialists
This seems like total horseshit because the entirety of his interwar articles are nazbol as fuck.
No, but he did shoot people in the balls.

>> No.17327492

No because it's been proven a million times over that a population that loses it's edge does tend to fail in the face of struggle.

Even then, how can any lone Man fight the world if the world(in some strange alteration of reality) will not fight back?

>> No.17327524

Maybe so, but Junger's logic seems a little weak here.

On the main point however, if his entire philosophy is about the subjective realisation of this "Elemental," how is his opinion on National Socialism more dependant on a realistic view than his own personal need to not belong to it?

>> No.17327531

>Even then, how can any lone Man fight the world if the world(in some strange alteration of reality) will not fight back?
just get on a boat during a storm bro

>> No.17327702

His critiques of NatSoc and Hitler went a lot further than that desu...

>> No.17327713

So are you implying NazBols were Nazis?

>> No.17327726

In what possible way could he feel that Germans were more safe and comfortable than those they went to war with?

>> No.17327733

He's just saying society should prepare itself for a loss off meaning and autonomy if you try to build walls of safety you will be in a prison.

But to entertain what you said, it's plainly clear that comfy Natsoc Germany was too passive toward it's threats. Ultimately if Hitler had showed more balls and less naivety Germany well might not have been preyed upon by the way it did because parts of it would be impervious.

>muh personal/collective
Dubious question. Evola/Maistre doesn't apply to the average person or any large population yet that doesn't discredit them in saying what's true. Jünger if anything would apply to more than those two anyway.

>> No.17327748

NazBols are what Nazis should've been.

>> No.17327763

list the key differences please.

>> No.17327787

Nazis are extreme capitalists
nazbols want socialism but only with white people

>> No.17327793

NazBol is fucking stupid
NS is about as left as a state should be

>> No.17327795

How were they 'extreme capitalists'?

>> No.17327803

That’s not at all what I asked.

>> No.17327819

Bro what? Nazis are extreme capitalists? I don't think you actually know anything about Nazis or their economics. Read some Feder if you want to understand their economic ideas, they certainly weren't ancaps or capitalist monarchists, or even techno-capitalists.

>> No.17327831

>subjective realisation of this "Elemental,"
It isn't. This would fall under what Schmitt criticised in romanticism, and in Junger would be close to titanic forces. He sees the elemental as something real, not in the humanist sense of becoming, so the reading here is almost completely backwards.
Be careful with interpretations, they're almost always wrong. Junger is more difficult to understand than Nietzsche.

>> No.17327873

In actuality or in my mind? In actuality NazBols had some gayer pluralist tendencies etc. In my mind, NazBols are basically just the Nazis but also run RealSocialismTM, Soviet style. Supplement that with Evola's Traditionalism for metaphysics and you've got my perfect system.
>they were extreme capitalists
If you live in the 21st century you should know all too well the kind of treatment capitalists deserve. A true volksgemeinschaft has no place for parasites, anon.
I answered an even better question, though! Anyway, no, I wasn't implying that NazBols are Nazis, but there was obviously overlap. My point, at any rate, was that Junger was to the left of most Nazis and would have no qualms with joining the NSDAP over its socialism.

>> No.17327897

This juvenile, facile interpretation of Junger is pretty good, but the comic book reference thrown in at the end really adds a je ne sais quoi. Ties the whole post together.

>> No.17327899

Nobody wants to know your retarded mutt opinion

>> No.17327905

That actually makes sense, can you imagine Nazi Germany using scorched earth tactics for example? This would have stopped the spread of the Russian army into Germany, because they would have nothing to eat.

>> No.17327939

>Nazis are extreme capitalists

>> No.17327967

This thread just proves that the average person gets nothing out of Junger.

>> No.17327969

> A true volksgemeinschaft has no place for parasites, anon.
Yes I agree but merchants should be kept subordinate to the state and community as was the case in NS
You should Spengler’s essays on Marxism

Anon Russians were being supplied by muttistan and why do you think all those deaths occurred on the eastern front
Also Junger is wrong on the pacifist thing

>> No.17327984

I don't want any merchants though, anon. They are constitutionally faggoty, concerned only with profits, comfort and conformism. Very, very pathetic people.

>> No.17327987

>Also Junger is wrong on the pacifist thing
Nope, if this where the Roman or Greek empires, we would see millions being crucified, entire cities completely annihilated or turned into slave camps, Germany was still bound by some rules concerning morality, which is why they lost.

>> No.17327994

>Russians were being supplied by muttistan
>This would have stopped the spread of the Russian army
Proud Non-readers.

>> No.17328005

>still won't get this bait

>> No.17328028

Yes, embarrassing thread OP.
Here's the last Worker/Effort thread

>> No.17328044

kill yourself immediately

>> No.17328168

Whether there is overlap is pretty irrelevant and again, not really what I asked. I still don’t really understand why you said what you said originally.

>> No.17328179

fuckin love this guy, just bought eumeswil and can't wait to read it

>> No.17328229

Its no, whoever stated the case, it remains true, that if Germany acted even worse, it would have won. A scorched earth tactic would have deprived the Red Army of food and would have caused its defeat.

>> No.17328295

>Because socialists
No he hated them because they were bourgeois

>> No.17328320

They did. Plus the Russians had already done much of it themselves.

>> No.17328338

>tfw nazi daddy bf

>> No.17328435

Alain de Benoist has just edited all the correspondance between Junger and Schmitt, can’t wait to read it bros.

>> No.17328437
File: 259 KB, 542x822, 1610728726096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn a bit of history, retards

>> No.17328442

What do you mean? I already explained it to you. NazBols are economically to the left of NatSocs. Why would a NazBol refuse to join a NatSoc party because of its socialism, when he himself is more socialistic than NatSocs?

>> No.17328453

>he links wikipedia
Absolute state of you lmao

>> No.17328488
File: 94 KB, 1000x800, 12551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikipedia is based and nazis were extreme capitalists that invented privatisation of industries. Now seethe

>> No.17328502

Economists have done some really serious work on Nazi Germany you know, maybe you should read something serious for once.

>> No.17328510

very cool, is there gonna be a fancy telos press edition for it?

>> No.17328514

One of the oldest and dumbest tankie memes for sure

>> No.17328527

Since both of you are conscientious scholars of economy, here is one source used by the the wikipedia article quoted in >>17328437:

>> No.17328532

fucking cringe tbqh

>> No.17328536

>links Wikipedia
>says bullshit that disagrees with the Wikipedia article
You’re a special kind of retard aren’t you.

>> No.17328549

I live in Belgium and the socialist gouvernement did quite a lot of privatization a few years ago. They are not communist, but they are far from capitalists. You need a bit of nuance kiddo.

>> No.17328584

Perhaps (pardon my boldness) they're not really socialists and have just kept the name for historical reasons? I live in France, there is also a "socialist" party, it has been in power 19 years out of the last 30, and in that span its economic policies have always been pretty similar with that of the main right-wing party. They're not socialists, they're standard left-of-center capitalists with some very light labor legislation sprinkled on top.

>> No.17328636

No they are socialist. In both Belgium and France the state controls juste over 50% of the economy, it’s not communism, but it’s far from a capitalist state either. I’m just trying to bring some nuance. The nazis definitely had some socialist ideas and were not liberal (in the economic sense of the term) at all.

>> No.17328646

Nice thread, anon.

>> No.17328659

Read a book lol. Even your fucking link says the history of privatisation goes to the 19th vcentury lmao.

>> No.17328691

I don’t remember the book, but it mentioned the privatization of a mine in Ancient Greece.

>> No.17328745

Nobody else reply to this fucking horrible bait please

>> No.17328758
File: 37 KB, 210x321, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing retard

>> No.17329617

This is really retarded. The National Socialist government sold defunct some public sector entities to investors during the great depression (while nationalizing other sectors mind you), thus they are extreme capitalists? Use your brain lad.

>> No.17329771
File: 68 KB, 521x604, t_oHNCgMjiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is his son. genetics are strong af

>> No.17329999

Natsoc and fascist is literally when the petit-bourg start shitting themselves and try to stop the workers movements. Nazis privatized a lot of shit too. Von Mises actually praised them for that lmao.

>> No.17331458

Based and ballpilled

>> No.17331527

>Learn history
>Posts the leftie meme study

>> No.17331617

This post really reminded me of cracked articles i used to read 10 years ago

>> No.17332032

>if Germany acted even worse, it would have won.
No. Germany could have won if they consolidated power after annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia for at least 20 years, and played defense if attacked. Finland beat Russia in a defensive war and Germany could have done the same.