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17326250 No.17326250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explore the relationship between Mediterraneans and Germanics?

>> No.17326435

Now that OP mentions it, I would also be very interested in some books that explore the "relationship between Mediterraneans and Germanics"

>> No.17326445

Not a book, but "Ali: Fear Eats the Soul."

>> No.17327326

enough fucking swedetwink memes

t. actual faggot

>> No.17327440


>> No.17327450

yes. I'm tired of all these fake homosexuals who are the byproduct of psyops.

>> No.17327461

everything is a pysop now sugartits its all about how aesthetic you can make it.

>> No.17327468

>fake homosexuals
wanting to fuck twinks is not gay it is natural

>> No.17327518
File: 63 KB, 600x600, nocnoc.600.1826526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to fuck twinks is not gay
Well than it is unnatural from the twinks end at least as you are the male, unless you are stating the twink is a 'female" in essence in which this is a Luciferean construct, a poor attempt at replicating the female energy in it's purer form. Why no simply get a girl if you like girls so much, a boy should look like a boy, not to say he canno't be male, but he must be unmistakiningly male. It is dangerous to blur the lines together.

>> No.17327536

>Well than it is unnatural from the twinks end
it is gay for the them, thats why they're the twink

>> No.17327538

Indeed. The fashioning of the twink into a "trap" is a corruption of the boyishness that makes the twink appealing.

>> No.17327545
File: 111 KB, 480x272, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAjHNcNr7FWamT4Zrrd0-ovM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is a pysop now sugartits its all about how aesthetic you can make it
I actually like this quote, it has a very Clock Work Orange-ish vibe, though more so it encapsulates the fact that we all subconsciously know the modern world is sick, yet are too gluttonous and lustful to care.

>> No.17327564

You are correct my good sir, thus we can conclude "trap" lovers are merely corrupted heterosexuals. The modern world is full of counterfeits, diluted forms or bootlegs of other powers. Men that look like woman, woman that look like men, men that love men who like woman, or woman who look like men. All poor attempts at true power, dominance over male and female, sun and moon.

>> No.17327597

>tfw swedetwink still has significantly thicker arms than me
why is life so cruel bros

>> No.17327603

Is that a swedish woman or a twink?

>> No.17327613

ur gay

>> No.17327617


>> No.17327622

it's what we were intended to be

>> No.17327635

Whatever lets you cope at night I guess.

>> No.17327664

Oh poor /pol/ack trapped in his mental prison, he is no more free than the typical leftist... though he is merely corrupted by pornography beyond repair, alas I too have entire fucking trees in my eyes so what am I saying.

>> No.17327680

I meant to reply to >>17327468

>> No.17327682

>enough fucking swedetwink memes

>> No.17327690

>poor /pol/ack trapped in his mental prison,
I have genuinely never been on /pol/

>> No.17327693

But honestly if you are a homosexual why restrict yourself, disregard all who try to stop you form getting what you want, left or right, God made us but he was not kind enough to give us immortal souls, so live as you please

>> No.17327701
File: 237 KB, 1074x1600, Oscar-Wilde-1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, (((you)))

>> No.17327715

Pol swedetwink threads.

>> No.17327728

Hmm I am slightly jealous, however why do you cope by saying twinks are not gay if there is no ideological barrier? Unless of course you are indeed not a homosexual and were conditioned into being so. I know I am, I have tons of dead and living gay relatives I never meant, and have had strange feminine feelings since childhood, even when I became far right I could never bring myself to hate homosexuals for some reason... that was because deep down I always was one. Why live a counterfeit life, or why deny the best life?

>> No.17327737

Yeah. Try Tacitus. Spoiler: it often involved them mutilating each other with sharp bladed objects.

>> No.17327739

>Why live a counterfeit life, or why deny the best life?
If you're cute, go for it.

If not, concentrate on your writing.

>> No.17327746


>> No.17327749

Me or >>17327690? I am slightly above average looking, but my desire has never interfered with my writing, it's all throughout it in the metaphysical landscape I crafted for it.

>> No.17327761

If you like femenine things, why not look at a pretty woman instead. I can assure you it will be all the more satisfying.

>> No.17327762

what's the problem, do you keep popping a boner every time someone posts it?

>> No.17327814

Nah they doing nothing for me