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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 640x336, Jacques Derrida says Viola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17326200 No.17326200 [Reply] [Original]

"The idea behind deconstruction is to deconstruct the workings of strong nation-states with powerful immigration policies, to deconstruct the rhetoric of nationalism, the politics of place, the metaphysics of native land and native tongue… the idea is to disarm the bombs… of identity that nation-states build to defend themselves against the stranger, against Jews and Arabs and immigrants."

>> No.17326212

everybody should speak american and eat mcdonalds, based

>> No.17326235

Holy based

>> No.17326482 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 936x1280, artsnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i hate jews

>> No.17326504

But why stop there? Why not deconstruct deconstruction itself and the motivations behind it? Why not deconstruct the myths and values that guide deconstructors in deconstructing things? There is no reason to draw such arbitrary boundaries on what we deconstruct, when we can deconstruct so much more. Arbitrariness itself needs to be deconstructed, you see.
I want to fuck that snow.

>> No.17326506

Ayo fuck this racist ass orange nigga.

>> No.17326510

Isn't he saying the goal is to take down defenses against immigrants? I think you misread it.

>> No.17326514 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 200x248, 1602341326087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based
me too fren

>> No.17326530
File: 37 KB, 850x400, 7edefd562f900eaedadfa2057faa5ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with immigrants chud

>> No.17326549

Post the quote where he says all gay people go to hell.

>> No.17326550

Socrates vehemently opposed cosmopolitanism and was loyal to the polis that had educated, clothed and fed him.

>> No.17326552

>The world in Socrates' time?

>> No.17326579

this qupte can't be real, Socrates literally chose to die rather than leave Athens kek

>> No.17326601

Wouldn't this technique be applicable to any kind of identity? If that's so his critique would destroy all politics, not just nationalism.

>> No.17326630

>muh Socrates loved Athens so much he accepted death
Cope. Socrates thought the body was a prison and death is the ideal home of the soul. He literally said philosophers will and long for death. However since he also said that no philosopher should kill himself (cope), he had to LARP as if he was accepting his death with muh polis muh laws I heckin love Athens. Socrates was a slick bastard but the truth becomed obvious once you read Phaedo.

>> No.17326633


>> No.17326648 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17326653

nah, that's just Nietzsche being retarded

>> No.17326658

Legitimately retarded.

>> No.17326671 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 488x435, 1609667632515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>17326530 (You) #
>>>17326630 (You) #
>>>17326648 (You) #
>Legitimately retarded.

>> No.17326837

damn bro you are owning them chuds keep slaying

>> No.17327053

/lit/ 2021

>> No.17327084

Chud will never be a real word.

>> No.17327857

*deconstructs yr entire civilization*

heh...nothing personnel

>> No.17328366
File: 891 KB, 4074x3056, 1611001914380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Derrida was born on July 15, 1930, in a summer home in El Biar (Algiers), Algeria,[2] into a Sephardic Jewish family
Says it all

>> No.17328378

Sounds like a bullet should have deconstructed his skull

>> No.17328610

>Socrates in Phaedo was more interested in dying than visiting places that weren't Athens
>somehow this is in conflict with what he said in Crito
Ok retard. Any more hot takes? Should have at least brought up Xenophan, Phaedo doesn't support your case at all.

>> No.17328635

Did he really say that?

>> No.17328664
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8cp_XWPwzKqsDX86pxPTiw276Pk-onQcspOFmAiCIvk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good to me.
Saying "Socrates thought" is never a good idea, we barely have evidence he existed, let alone supporting evidence that a
ny of Plato's portrayals are accurate.
Mass immigration is literally a symptom of injustice and poverty is the state experiencing the exodus. Immigrating isn't immoral in many circumstances, but it's not a good thing either, because it means someone's home, the place where they grew up and lived with their friends and family, has become inhospitable.
I don't think cosmopolitanism should primarily mean pro-immigration, I think it should mean anti-colonialism. Early immigrants to the US were colonizers, rapists, and thieves, and now neoliberal hegemony has disrupted third world democracies and economies to create brain drain and mass exodus, producing modern mass immigration. Cosmopolitanism means opposing the phenomena that prompts mass exodus, that destroys homes and families, colonialism.

>> No.17328997
File: 35 KB, 921x488, 1611010975141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17329007

Yes exactly. Revolution cannot be political.

>> No.17329126

Most of the niggers and muslim men that come to europe do so for two reasons and two reasons only, gibs and white women. That's it. It has nothing to do with war or persecution in most cases.

>> No.17330517

Thats a quote attributed to Diogenes. You picture is mistaken.
Nothing. He was just a vehicle for the zionist agenda like all "secular jews" aka zionists.
Dont get me wrong, I've nothing against 'three oath' jews or anyone, so long as they aren't forcing others to do or think what they want, with force or on the sly. Derrida is the last category as I see it. Its always been the role of philosophers to destabilise revelation though so its not anything new.

>> No.17330535

Take your meds.

>> No.17330629

Massively underrated post. how do leftoids not see that their radical skepticism did nothing but demoralize traditional cultures into accepting american anti-culture? Without the politics of place organizing against international capital is impossible.

>> No.17330652

Have we finally done it bros? Have we found 'postmodern neomarxism' at last

>> No.17330656

It did exactly nothing because it was going to happen anyway, pomos were all neolibs LARPing as leftists because they knew deep inside that leftism is a waste of time and communism is a pipe dream

>> No.17330674

So Derrida was brazenly ethnocentric? Why does Derrida think ethnic majorities can't be ethnocentric?

>> No.17330730

I think the true consequences of radical skepticism are yet to be seen. What were witnessing now is probably just a teething stage. Regression toward 'traditional values' (avoiding exploration of unknown frontiers) is simply reactionary fear.

>> No.17330746

>Regression toward 'traditional values' (avoiding exploration of unknown frontiers) is simply reactionary fear.
You can call it fear or you can call it caution. Chesterton's fence and all

>> No.17330788

This analogy is terrible. You can go explore. The issue is settling for shit, and then keep pushing further, all the while deriding those that don't follow you into shit.
What is even the argument here? That all the bullshit is a temporary thing to reach a new stage? What is even the destination?
Or are you falling back (in that analogy) to the tired meme of the journey itself being more important? That the subversion is what you really enjoy, not caring too much where things end up.

>> No.17330810

I mean traditional as in, "the traditional culture of foreign nations" that is the actual foreign aspect of foreignness. My point is that American consumer culture is Derrida's hopes made manifest; everyone is represented or soon will be, and you can access it anywhere. What could be more destructive to "the politics of place, the metaphysics of native land and native tongue" than work visas and youtube videos with billions of views? Don't even get me started on the simultaneous spread and decolonization of the English language lel. America becomes world and the world becomes America

>> No.17330849

He was an anti zionist you retard. Also jews are white.

>> No.17330865

Don't reply to bait posts.

>> No.17330884

Assumedly in a French context he identifies Jew with Stranger, and opposes the "themselves" of the national state to "the stranger". According to his own words he doesn't believe Jews to be truly French, and his solution to this crime against Jews (him) is to destroy Frenchness. It's clearly ethnocentric

>> No.17330889


>> No.17330895

Didn't you read OP,? Anon just rooted out the native tongue bigotry of the English language.

>> No.17330898

The absolute state

>> No.17330900

Biology transcends everything. That's why he's wrong.

>> No.17330903

You write like a drunk person.

>> No.17330918

assumedly is a based word imo

>> No.17330923

Write a book about it.

>> No.17330925

What? that is a real word lol

>> No.17330926

ESL here. I thought there was something wrong after seeing your posts but it seems ok and fits anon's sentence.

>> No.17330943

It fits perfectly in the sense that what follows said word is pulled straight out of anon's asshole.

>> No.17330959

So just as the first word is actually fine, the rest of the post is true? I think I get it now.

>> No.17330961

scroll down to the adverb form and weep leftoids

>> No.17330980

Low IQ.

>> No.17331004

>too dumb to understand the contention

>> No.17331022

social construct
didn't contend anything

>> No.17331044

nobody cares about you

>> No.17331063

I don't get it either.
Derrida did subsume Jews under the stranger. It might be strange to say "assuming X, we have Y", as if X was a wild hypothesis, when X is already directly stated, but it isn't incorrect.

>> No.17331081

>social construct
It's a social construct except when it says black people have lower IQ on average, then it's based and an objective fact

>> No.17331099

>every person I agree with on /lit/ is an amalgamation of the posters I don't like

>> No.17331137

>the people sperging out about tradition, jews, Zionism, immigrants, Derrida and nationalism are definitely not disingenuous /pol/tards

>> No.17331143

We're actually diction chads, you wouldn't get it

>> No.17331182

Because of time and place, I suppose. It's not about who or what is strange to an other in an anecdotal way, I gather. The metaphorical bomb to be disarmed by deconstruction is the power structure of identity and its seemingly infinite defense mechanisms. First of them strong nation-states that fire literal bombs on actual people anywhere they can go.

>> No.17331206

>disingenuous /pol/tards
Is there any other kind?

>> No.17331218

>if u have different opinion ur lying
may I suggest a tour of Reddit.com

>> No.17331249

>identifying as a /pol/tard
>having no reading comprehension
>talking about reddit

>> No.17331261

derrida was the one sperging out about those things initially actually, we're just responding to his bullshit

>> No.17331271

You implied it is impossible to be a sincere /pol/tard, this is incorrect

>> No.17331281

Shills don't count, anon.

>> No.17331453

That sounds cool asf

>> No.17331934

Found an article responding to this quote:

"The irony is that after deconstructionism does its work, these social structures are left with no authority, rights, or justified power to accomplish the goods Derrida seeks. Derrida himself realized that democracy was better than tyranny and justice was better than injustice. Within this quote we can discern that Derrida believed love and
goodwill towards Jews, Arabs, and immigrants is good and desirable. But the question
becomes how does deconstructionism not become a “universal acid” that dissolves both
negative and positive aspects of nation-states; the same acid that eats away at
destructive nationalism also dissolves the authority of justice-making institutions."

>> No.17332146

That's because there is no such thing as postmodernism outside of neoliberalism. Can you imagine a postmodernist Soviet Union? Postmodernist Nazi Germany?

>> No.17332816

you are not exploring shit, you are just watching netflix and cutting your own penis

>> No.17332841

>Regression toward 'traditional values' (avoiding exploration of unknown frontiers) is simply reactionary fear.
i think this amounts to a justification for the financial top dogs to obliterate any local, alternative accumulation of power by labeling it reactionary and making it easy to sell to the masses how it must be destroyed, leftists get to keep dreaming about a new world and """resisting""" against low-level players that never even mattered, just doing the dirty work of capital, the left has been co-opted as the HR department to cleanse low-level players than may have annoyed top-level players at some point

>> No.17333828

skepticism is just cope/projection, reality is actually pretty easy to understand once you get the hang of it, this is just the bourgeoisie incorrectly postulating perspectivism as some absolute stance or reality-principle

>> No.17334029

why so skeptic?

>> No.17334140

No doubt about it. We can only hope that the fateful logic of capital leads to something interesting, like a leap in consciousness.

>> No.17334198

Pretty much this. It's completely over. All local cultures are going to be destroyed under global capitalism with leftists fighting against anybody refusing to accept it. Everybody will eat uber eats food, watch netflix, have sex with tinder. Nature will be completely destroyed to make place for solar panels, wind mills, 15 billion peoples. The amazon will disappear to feed all this cattle. The leftist dream will be accomplished. I made peace with that. It's all dead. Only thing for the future now is liberal capitalism transhumanism.

>> No.17334300

>cultural marxism is an anti semitic conspiracy theory
Sure thing bro.

>> No.17334342

this is nothing to do with leftism you idiot

>> No.17334351

Go back dumb 16 year old.

>> No.17334353

That is their point; Leftists have sold out to Neoliberals. Now there are almost no real leftists left.

>> No.17334383

never were, communist russia was invented by the rockefellers to fuck the Tsar and integrate russia into the global anglo empire

>> No.17334409

Leftism was always about starting as a pathetic character with a bunch of mental issues and then making up the ideology and the politics after the fact. Read kaczynski.

>> No.17334441

That's what leftism is. I was brainwashed by the school and media into thinking 1968 in Frnace for example was a great progressive thing, the voice of the unheard, the fight against tyranny and all that. Later I discover that the leaders of this movement wanted to normalize paedophilia and now are working in the european union. They were rich kids who hated the discipline their parents imposed on them and fount it "oppressive". They also criticized the centralized state owned television channel and paved the way to the privatization of it which is now a massive attention sucker and consumerist propaganda machine. I used to partly agree with of the criticism of parents when I was a child because firstly I was a child, and my dad was authoritarian about discipline but didn't have any of it himself and watched TV when I played video games. But I realize now that it's simply leading by example that is required.

>> No.17334601

>Also jews are white.
in your dreams, Mosh*