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17325550 No.17325550 [Reply] [Original]

this is straight up cringe

>> No.17325553


>> No.17325660

Houellebecq is over rated on here, his writing and ideas are mediocre at best.

>> No.17325711

at least he's fun

>> No.17325728

Whatever is peak incel-core.

>> No.17327383

>his ideas are mediocre
no. he makes a solid case that it is time to think about what holds society together, to ask how strong our values are, and which dark desires are in the human psyche.

>> No.17327816

This is what every faggot literary charlatan says about Houellebecq. No one ever touches the ideas or questions brought up in his books though because they’re afraid of them... they won’t say that but they are. no better to just call him an -ist and continue wanking off about Nabokov’s meta-lit trash

>> No.17327848

I love the way he describes sexual encounters: he usually notes the hair colors, ethnicities and ages of the women in question, and tallies off a list of sex acts. To my observation, this is a pretty accurate reflection of the way men view casual sex.

>> No.17327861

Have sex

>> No.17328162

He is French.

>> No.17328454

He only makes a solid case if you already lean towards that way of thinking, he makes a terrible case otherwise and often comes off like a preachy romantic.

No one is scared of them.

>> No.17328672

>continue wanking off about Nabokov’s meta-lit trash

Why you throwing Nabokov under the bus when there are so many worse authors that /lit/ obsesses over (DFW for one?)

>> No.17328710


>DFW for one

Alright, buddy. Outside.

>> No.17328844

He’s trying to describe nihilism and ways to combat it in a sting culture, which I think is a noble endeavour whether you agree with it or not. What way of thinking are you leaning towards that makes you dismiss him outright?

>> No.17328854

Dying* culture.

>> No.17329047

I did not dismiss him or even weigh in on his message, I made an observation regarding his technique. Your post demonstrates the issue with his work, he reduces things too much, just as you did. If you are part of that supposed nihilistic and dying culture his works will just read as a rant verging on manifesto with a rather cynical and shallow view of the world. He either purposefully writes for people who agree with him or he is terrible at nuance.

>> No.17329104

lol a manifesto from a Houellebecq book?? his protagonists never gives a shit about anything. if anything he writes the human like a cockroach: able to withstand pretty much anything so long as they can continue to go along slurping up shit. his more charged moments are always ironized. the whole deal with submission is the protagonist doesn’t really give a fuck about politics and then is led to believe a muslim gov is actually better for him - after all, he’ll be able to have two or three wives. the articles he writes won’t step on the toes of the Muslim gov just as before his articles didn’t step on the toes of the democracy. I don’t understand how such an apathetic writer could be taken as writing manifestos. likely you’re just a retard who hasn’t read him

>> No.17329373

>likely you’re just a retard
And yet, you are the one who can not understand I am looking at it from the point of view of those he speaks against, despite my making that clear.

>> No.17329388

Okay sure but is he right about France's future

>> No.17329403

this post doesn’t even make sense. explain yourself or go down as a retard

>> No.17329424

Against whom do you think he speaks? Are you a bored middle-class nihilistic Frenchman? Are you an actual Muslim? "Submission" isn't about Islam in the slightest though.

>> No.17329520

>often comes off like a preachy romantic.
He is a preachy romantic and that's what's good about him. He's the only one left.

>> No.17329596

Oh no, what ever will I do.
>Are you a bored middle-class nihilistic Frenchman?
By his view, most likely, but as I said, his view is rather flat and reduces things beyond reason.

>> No.17329655

Okay so what are you for that is somehow what he is against? Kind of irritating that you won’t just come out and say it

>> No.17329807

what is it about in your opinion? I'm curious.

>> No.17329889

>Kind of irritating that you won’t just come out and say it
Perhaps that is because I have no issues with his message beyond it being ineffectual delivered, you either can not understand context or have not read the thread and all my comments.

>> No.17329924

you’re just an idiot

>> No.17329967

Tell me about it. Not only do I empathize with those who I disagree with, but I put in effort to try and convey my message in a way suited to those who would most benefit from it.

>> No.17330102

everyone in this thread thinks you’re being an obnoxious pedantic faggot. if you think you’re conveying anything meaningful, you’re clearly disengaged from reality

>> No.17330636

Oh no, what ever shall i do? Face it, he alienates those which would benefit most from what he is saying and his fans only make it worse with their smug little circle jerk. Any dissent is just met with "retard dont get it." There is never discussion and a lack of ability to view his work objectively. Might as well be scripture.

>> No.17330641

The scene where he eats that girl's ass is kind of gross, knowing what Houellebecq looks like.

>> No.17330658

>and which dark desires are in the human psyche.
tell us

>> No.17331513

bump for retards

>> No.17331645

I feel like 90% of the people I talk to didn't realize that the title is literally the word "Islam" translated.

>> No.17331685

>ideas or questions
art is about beauty. its either beautiful in some way or not. but art-lets are blind to this. thats why they interpret nabokov as meta when he only writes to make something beautiful, not make meta """statements"""

>> No.17331688

I feel like you only said that to show everyone that you know that.

>> No.17331698

But did you say that to show him you know that he knows that?

>> No.17331701

>jerks off to youporn and eats shitty tv dinner
He's just like me

>> No.17332069

I like he don't and that anyone that thinks he did that must be pretty fucking low IQ cus that is some retarded shit.

>> No.17332332

should muslims be reading this?
or, if they know the contents, would they chimp out like literally anytime someone drew their prophet?

>> No.17332457

Honest Muslims would like it

>> No.17332472

It's about Islam taking over France and people accepting it as better.