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/lit/ - Literature

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17325137 No.17325137 [Reply] [Original]

>read 1 page
>close book
>pace around my house talking to myself for 30 minutes
could you please recommend literature on maintaining focus or improving the ability to pay attention?

>> No.17325240

ritalin or adderall. test out which one works best for you

>> No.17325268

I would but you wouldn't be able to read it, so >>17325240

>> No.17325280

coffee that is until you have to put the book down to shit your guts out

>> No.17325284

tts or audiobooks while walking (exercising)

>> No.17325289

Cancel internet
And throw out the blowjacks

>> No.17325325

> pace around my house talking to myself for 30 minutes

Uhh are you okay?

>> No.17325327

take your book to the library, or at least somewhere out of your home and with less distractions and read there.

>> No.17325387

I do the same, except I first cover myself with my weighted blanket.

>> No.17325472

Coffee makes somehow even more absent minded.

>> No.17325556

Not OP but I do this in my 15sq ft room.
No I’m not okay

>> No.17325570

Maybe find a book you enjoy enough to read a lot at once? Canticle for Leibowitz is engaging so I'd recommend that. Ignore anons to say you can only read classics. It seems like you need to establish a reading habit before you can tackle the harder stuff. It takes time so be patient with yourself. >>17325327 is also good advice. The most important thing is to stick with it.

>> No.17326961

Plus if you really need to, stimulants such as >>17325240
suggested will help.

>> No.17326966

Post nose

>> No.17326979

>not synthesising your own stimulants and fucking over the pharmajew

>> No.17327251

Practice meditation.

>> No.17327377

Hey you're me!
Shamatha meditation, anon. A lot of it. That's the only cure.

>> No.17327937

please stop saying that, it is neither funny nor clever, just cringe, absolute cringe.