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File: 21 KB, 220x287, 220px-Marcel_Duchamp,_1917,_Fountain,_photograph_by_Alfred_Stieglitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17322726 No.17322726 [Reply] [Original]

>*teleports into the museum*
>*destroys western civilization*

Any literature on how he got away with it?

>> No.17322909

he was the greatest shitposter of all time

>> No.17322952

>*debunks art as a nothing more than a meme*
Based Duchamp.

>> No.17323008

>western civ was destroyed by an art piece
>not by endless wars, extractive economic practices, and political disenfranchisement

>> No.17323212

I can't believe art has been dead for over 100 years

>> No.17323258

>hurr durr it's the endtimes we'll never recover

People were saying this 2,000 years ago. It's a farce, and you're living a joke. Grow up and move on.

>> No.17323292

One of my favourite quotes from the show Mad Men is a guy saying “even back in the bible times, I bet people were saying ‘kids these days’”. It seems that grumpy old people and unhappy losers have been a more dependable reality in history than widespread societal collapse.

>> No.17323407
File: 277 KB, 1504x1138, duchampschess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating Duchamp

>> No.17323421

To be fair, war moved a lot more classical and contemporary works through the market.

>> No.17323450

>destroys the civilization responsible for globohomo, trannies and the destruction of the world
Based Duchamp

>> No.17323500

No you see its a different civilization when I like it

>> No.17323506

art had a pretty clear and slow progression into what it is now (and a progression out of it)
anyone else who says other wise has a staccato view of history
read a book
sculpture has changed alot, what is this postmodernism? what about now we have re-form vs deform schools. Doricsim, what of that?

>> No.17323516

read agamben

>> No.17323544

Definitely true
It wasn't shown in a museum first, it was an avant garde show that Duchamp was involved in running. And Duchamp advanced the dialogue and concept of art like Cezanne advanced the technique, it is an amazing piece.
Lastly he submitted it pseudonymously (R. Mutt iirc) and was on the board/committee for the exhibition it was featured in, of course he got away with it.
It's like asking how Joyce got away with it... of course he did, it's amazing.
If that was true, there would be pieces that predated Fountain that raised similar questions to the ones that Fountain raised, right? Care to name them?

>> No.17323565

People that complain about Duchamp's fountain have zero knowledge of art (both classical and modern) and are usually just posturing /pol/tards
Same people that say music is shit now when their example of peak music is 70s rock music

>> No.17323579

>think you're looking at a toilet? think again! it's actually a sculpture

>> No.17323669

It's more like: this is definitely a toilet, but can it also be a sculpture... it looks pretty cool, it's definitely made of a material suitable for sculpture, it's in a place where a sculpture goes... so why wouldn't it be a sculpture? A lot of Dada art is kind of like that, I don't think there is any attempt to fool or humiliate anyone. Duchamp was a skilled cubist painter, and he was (as I mentioned earlier) embedded in the avant garde scene that hosted the exhibit his Fountain would have been mocking, if that was his intent.

>> No.17323701

>art has to be this exact thing I like, everything I don't like isnt art

>> No.17323706
File: 81 KB, 500x429, 99436830-CF11-4B48-B4F3-4EC6F8754FAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked your mother without a condom.

Pic related is how she let all of us finish though.

>> No.17325428

More like DuCHAMP am I right?

>> No.17325468
File: 23 KB, 200x310, bmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the book you want. It's self-published and definitely could have used some editing but the points he raises are valid and it's a pretty funny read.

>> No.17325498

A lot of people use that misattributed Socrates quote to justify their believe that decline doesn't exist and forget that the classical era actually did end a few years after Socrates' death. It's just cope. Prosperous times introduce themselves without doubt. Probably 95% of literature, philosophy and music in the early 20th century focused on the theme of cultural decline, it's no coincidence.

>> No.17325499

Something that can be broke by an urinal deserve to be broken

>> No.17325882

are your views on rape consistent with this power principal?

>> No.17325914

Unironically yes, if you can't defend yourself you deserve to be raped and anything else is cope

>> No.17325926

The guy who answered you isn't me.
If an urinal can rape you, then yes. The important part here is the urinal part.

>> No.17325933

Does art just lag hundreds of years behind philosophy?

>> No.17325937

brb inventing robo-urinal that can violate.

>> No.17325942

literally Duchamp Ray and all those fuckers opened art as it has to be done. remember the alfred jarrini.

>> No.17325946

Where’s philosophy today?

>> No.17326685

Art is just a reflection of the values and morals of its culture and time. It is quite fitting that a piss filled toillet represents these times.

>> No.17326714
File: 763 KB, 500x672, 14ea67bf17cec3576434b4ad16b66f40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the same year, pseud.

>> No.17326732
File: 27 KB, 640x384, 1580510978195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*teleports into your society*
>*destroys western civilization*
Heh, nothing personnel goyim

>> No.17326740

So same degenerate bullshit?

>> No.17326765
File: 154 KB, 780x486, green-stockings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically getting filtered by Schiele
Why are /pol/tards completely incapable of understanding art?

>> No.17326767

in my diary

>> No.17326786
File: 35 KB, 750x488, achille.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some based and tradpilled art for you by the way, made in 2017. I'd like to know how pic related reflects the "degeneracy" of our modern times btw.

>> No.17326809

It's very simple. If I don't like it, it's degen. If I do like it, it's based. You basically just have to consult me each time.

>> No.17326816

Oh nevermind, his peepee poopoo is exposed. Now that I looked at it I have to go and pray 50 times so Christ, my Jewish lord, doesn't send me to eternal suffering because I accidentally looked at some guy's private parts. This art should now be burned and whoever painted it will burn in hell, because sexuality of any kind is innaceptable.
Yes, I am a late teens white male, not an 90 year old evangelical lady, why do you ask?

>> No.17326819
File: 154 KB, 880x703, intradesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if based

>> No.17326828

Bavarian and Austrian women really are the most beautiful in the world.

>> No.17326842

that's a jewess, anon

>> No.17327078

It's a meaningless fucking urinal, you pretentious cunts.

>> No.17327119

But, it's destroying the entire fabric of our society and ushering the collapse of western civilization! Reeeee! Does anyone have a baabaa or a pacifier? I think I shit myself.

>> No.17327136

Based post

>> No.17327177

this looks great, who is the artist?

>> No.17327187

Roberto Ferri

>> No.17327285

>What is Michaelangelo

>> No.17327323
File: 65 KB, 636x773, 2ktzy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michewho? Probably another degenerate modern tranny artist! Anyways I heckin' love art!

>> No.17327525

i cant tell whos baiting who

>> No.17327790

>western art
>painting by russian painter on the cover

>> No.17327830

Russia is literally on the west and is an European country, wtf

>> No.17327920

The fact that it got there in the first place proves a problem that preceded the object itself.

>> No.17327950

>cheap copy of past genius

>> No.17327962

Hello sir, I heard you are shitting yourself?
Our gallery of the most thought provoking art would surely like to have your piece displayed.
What should we call it? Ah! La Crème

>> No.17328193
File: 39 KB, 350x455, 1EAE85C-D977-43C1-9412-CBA0CD79A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this?

>> No.17328433

>Marcel Shitpost Duchamp
>Does another shitpost to dab on commies
>fast-forward to current year plus six
>retards on a japanese noodle discussion forum can't detect a shitpost made to show- up commies and confuse him with being one of them

>> No.17329171

Imagine shit-posting so hard you earn a place in Art History.

>> No.17329251

Of whom and how?

>> No.17330355

Schiele's definitely going to raise more eyebrows than Duchamp. Schiele was getting chased out of villages by pitchfork bearing peasants over his pictures of naked kids; Duchamp is just making some French academics flustered. There's a big difference. If you want to pick something from the same year that doesn't show the era as depraved, there's a lot safer bets even within the same movements. Instead you picked the guy whose most famous self portrait is him wanking.

>> No.17330381

>dirty feet
No wonder he can stay together.

>> No.17330685

Pretending that decadence doesn't exist or is a good thing if it did is either pure cope or genuine malice.

How could he destroy something that wasn't there yet and only came about thanks to the destruction of what was before?

>> No.17330715

if you need "knowledge" to understand it it's bad art. The real art is the sophistry the critics manage to pull off

>> No.17330741

Hahahah imagine coping this hard. If some guy thinks Beethoven is boring and thinks rap is better because he knows nothing of music theory and doesn't understand it does this make the 9th symphony bad?

>> No.17330745 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 356x750, 1611104715697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17330751

Visual art is different, music is more affected by the mere-exposure effect. It's not knowledge that makes you appreciate beethoven it's listening to beethoven a lot

>> No.17330761

>It's not knowledge that makes you appreciate beethoven it's listening to beethoven a lot
No it is quite literally the opposite you fucking idiot, you're just forcing yourself to like it

>> No.17330777

Souless midwit

>> No.17330790

>mere-exposure effect is what makes you like things instead of the art itself
Pretty postmodern definition of soul you have there

>> No.17331155

If western culture was destroyed that easily it didn’t have the strength to survive much longer

>> No.17331176

>not by endless wars, extractive economic practices, and political disenfranchisement
No, no, and yes. 1 out of 3, try again.

>> No.17331186

This guy is just ripping off artists who already did what he’s doing but did it better. The more noble thing would be to not paint at all. This won’t be added to the Canon and thus has no justification for it’s existence.

>> No.17331200


>> No.17331214

You need to go back

>> No.17331348
File: 21 KB, 430x549, e1c27a9b8025d6f38bf8177da0fc2431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more noble thing would be to not paint at all

>> No.17331443 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1200x1024, asasasasas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember art?

>> No.17331488

he is stretching the ring like an anus.

>> No.17331509

Any books for this feeling?

>> No.17331512

He shidded on art

>> No.17331517

Decline of the West lays it all out

>> No.17332014

>People were saying this 2,000 years ago
Yes, and a few hundred years later, Europe's population halved in what was nothing short of the end of the (known) world.
Dozens of civilisations have been born, grown and died, the absolute arrogance needed to think "we've got it right this time".

>> No.17332019

>How could he destroy something that wasn't there yet
Cope. Western civ has been degenerate since the Greeks

>> No.17332166

Art and philosophy go pretty much hand-in-hand. Culture and laws lag behind both.

>> No.17332176

Depicting naked people is degenerate which is why the Council of Trent tried to ban it

>> No.17332182

t. Boris

>> No.17332186

If you need "knowledge" to make it it's bad art