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/lit/ - Literature

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17321597 No.17321597 [Reply] [Original]

What software do you anons do your writing on these days? What's the best free software? Office 365 can go to hell.

>> No.17321606

Emacs, I don't recommend it if you are going to use it only for writing. A lot of people use Scrivener and some other shit.

>> No.17321614

Pen and paper is the best, then editing as you transfer the text to electronic format.

>> No.17321615

libra or open office

>> No.17321631

I used google docs all throughout university.

>> No.17321635

I use OpenOffice.

>> No.17321642

>mobile apps for ideas on the fly


>> No.17321646

R markdown. Like holy shit I'm not going back to word, libreoffice or any other shit after that.

>> No.17321657

Does anyone know if pirated versions of scrivener work? Thinking about giving it a try it looks comfy

>> No.17321688

Exactly. Use text editors for editing, not writing.

>> No.17321730

openoffice to edit, notepad or writebox to write.

>> No.17321765

I used the microsoft word that came with my computer but it started lagging like crazy when I reached about 100 pages of length in the document, so I started using some very simple text program that can handle any length.

>> No.17321851

Try out LaTex. Its a typesystem with many capabilities and lots of templates. It looks absolutely beautiful. Made by Legend in the computer industry Donald E. Knuth, it's both simplistic and elegant. Knuth made it for writing his book The Art of Computer Programming which is the CS equivalent to the decline and fall of the Roman empire.

>> No.17321865

>for writing
I love typesetting with XeLatex, but it's not a good tool during the actual creative phases.

>> No.17321875

No idea, anon. I'm unironically happy with emacs, never looked back and the neighbor's garden doesn't look greener.

>> No.17321942
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Text Maker Free by Soft Maker, fuck Microsoft

>> No.17321961

>t. Has not discovered the speed and power of typing
Typing got me into writing, I never liked it before as my hand writing sucked, but in elementary school when I learned to do so it became a lot easier and faster, I could write my thoughts as fast as they came, thus I have crowned myself king of "too much text"

>> No.17321970

libre office

>> No.17321993

Fountain pen

>> No.17322860


>> No.17322913
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>> No.17323028


>> No.17324634
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Here's my novel. 14000 words, 2 days into the Hunter S Thomson diet. It's called PEOPLE MOVER

>> No.17324748
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thanks for the recommendation senpai

>> No.17324776


>> No.17324787

when i was writing a lot i used Evernote
>quickly create new notes
>notebooks to put similar-style notes in same place
>cloud sync across computers and phone (captured lots of ideas this way)
>can export notes to a file
i stopped using it because i realized i was using writing as a coping method rather than fixing my issues. now i write on paper or in a .txt because i organize everything i create by month then day using folders

>> No.17324809

Give us a lil taste.

>> No.17324921

keep your eye on /lit/ the next few days. you'll see it when it happens

>> No.17324966

Nigger like you keep pretending like nigger like me don’t know what latex is.

>> No.17324988

This except emacs org-mode
Writing by hand is so slow I get frustrated and give up

>> No.17325242

vim, unironically

>> No.17325358

That's what I want from it. It makes me slow and really think about what I'm putting down on the page. Plus I don't have to stare at a computer monitor for hours which really starts irritating my eyes. Try writing with a fountain pen. It makes it very enjoyable.

>> No.17325381

But do you know how to pronounce it?

>> No.17325403

Literally me, based

>> No.17325726

Notepad ++

>> No.17325739

Whatever happens don't do this.
Latek is made to achieve ultra neat presentation in editing.

>> No.17327197
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>Document recovery
A-Anon, you have your novel backed up somewhere else, r-right?

>> No.17327666


>> No.17329039
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lol no
she'll be right

>> No.17329846

>Writing speed like ~20 wpm
>Typing speed ~80 wpm


>> No.17329867

Slower writing is better because it allows you to better think and set the text down right.

>> No.17330029
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Focus Writer.
You need nothing else.

>> No.17330937

I like markdown text files. Pretty simple and there are many tools (obsidian.md being my choice) to manage, tag, and link the files to each other

>> No.17331960

Buy a decent fountain pen, some good quality paper, and a colour of ink you like. The act of writing itself can be enjoyable. Once you digitize it, (or if you really want to go straight to a computer), I would go with LibreOffice writer. It's a free and open source word processor. Or OpenOffice, that's another choice. I prefer LibreOffice because it's more compatible with Microsoft's formats, and most other people you need to work with or might want to read or edit for you will probably be most familiar with Microsoft office.

>> No.17332013

Use LyX, which is a word processor (kind of) that uses LaTeX in the backend

>> No.17332033

Hunter s Thompson diet?

>> No.17332325

will learning cursive make me write faster?

>> No.17332328

not only faster (marginally) but less fatigue as well.

>> No.17332340

i write directly to github using their web editor for markdown files

>> No.17332356

>less fatigue
can you explain how? i thought it's just about the same.

>> No.17332370

you get less hand fatigue because the majority of the movement is driven by the arm/shoulder, not the hand and fingers.

>> No.17332807

ok it's out


>> No.17333059


>> No.17333113
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>good quality paper
What should I look out for when buying paper? Also, Is it acceptable to write on a lined paper? My words look like it is falling down on a collapsed railway if I write on one that hasn't any single guiding line