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17321311 No.17321311 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s stance on the ASOIAF books? Keep trolling and shitposting at the minimum level. Just give your genuine opinion.

>> No.17321322

I like them. Brienne is as good a book waifu as any.

>> No.17321334


The best young adult fiction to people who do not want to be associated with YA or even truly do not enjoy YA

>> No.17321351

Comfy reading especially Jaime.

>> No.17321356

Fun books. I really like to read fantasy before bed and it was on the better end of that. The community is insufferable.

>> No.17321357

I don’t even care anymore.

>> No.17321383

i think ll those fansties booeks have to be taken with soem quarrel abouut life in europe first. alone old and wise. but not friends to share it with.

killing time and ogres is top of a grannies list but slaughtering daemons is just plain intentionally & neurochemically adept for a playbooy with more tree than moneys. like miself.

to invent any world or map(EVEN) is just plain planb on pretty pirates needing a biscuit to just fend of jaundice.

remeber keep ur brain in ur teeth

>> No.17321386

i unironically think that he ruined himself with the tv show, if only the books ever existed he would be regarded more closely to Tolkien than now for sure

>> No.17321387

He's lost a lot of weight. Look at how the clothes are hanging on him.

>> No.17321390

I haven't read them, and I probably never will.

>> No.17321403

shite. don't bother. you could read like 5-6 great books instead of each of the volume.

>> No.17321410

Same, who has time for this shit when there’s a body of philosophy and also serious literary fiction to read? Not to mention historical non fic.

>> No.17321419

It's good, especially the third one. Fourth and fifth are okay.

>> No.17321444

I really disliked fourth but I think fifth is really great. On the same level as the third one.

>> No.17321496

Poorly written. Great first book, decent 2nd and 3rd. Fourth is indigestible and show a serious writers block. I quit on him there, and have not bothered with tv show at all. It was funny telling frens 'i told you so' when they realised show hit the shit fan.

>> No.17321571

First 3 books are good, fourth and fifth not so much. He has so many viewpoint characters he seems like he’s adding them just for the sake of adding them and they’re not actually adding to the story. Book 4 is the most egregious since he just shoved all of the less relevant viewpoint characters into a book.

>> No.17321821

He's a good fantasy author who bit off more than he can chew. ASOIAF could one day be considered one of the great fantasy series if he can finish it before the diabetes finishes him

>> No.17321911


An achievement on the level of War and Peace, but with far worse prose

>> No.17321916

Should have kept it a trilogy and then added more side stuff to it.

>> No.17321934

I will finish the 5th book tonight and I really enjoy the series so far. Very comfy read before going to bed.

>> No.17321936

When I was young, I worked summers on the farms of my grandfather and uncle. After a meal, all the bones and fat and other bits of food that we had all deemed unfit for human consumption were scraped off plates and put into a container for the hogs. We called it "slop," slop for the hogs.

I'm often reminded of that container of slop for the hogs whenever anyone brings up George R. R. Martin and his works. Maybe it's Martin's own hog-like face. Maybe it's because normies dive face-first into the slop, like Martin's readership with his books. Maybe it's a combination of those aspects. But, I'm always reminded just the same.

>> No.17321951

the only one that was kind of a let down was Feast of Crows but even that I found far more readable than other crap sffg likes like Rothfuss and Sanderson

>> No.17321965

>What's /lit/'s stance on the ASOIAF books?
Fantasy gossip by a vapid person, for vapid people, a waste of time for anyone who isn't a fetishist, but at that point you could just pick up any of those rags out there and read gossip about real people instead of fictional people.
Read Moorcock, Zelazny or really any of the classic writers if you want fantasy, read a history book if you like history, that tripe is terrible at both, it's a waste of time.

>> No.17321972

Martin fucked up by not sticking with his original plan for the series to be a trilogy. The first novels were great modern fantasy. However, now Martin has lost the plot and has nothing left to subvert. Subverting fantasy tropes and expectations, was novel at the time the series started. Now audiences expect subversions and bleak settings. Not that Martin cares, he made his money and is still milking his fans.

>> No.17321983

>The best young adult fiction
Damn, I never really thought of it like that. These books are straight up YA

>> No.17321987

>young adult fiction
My wife loves reading but has anxiety about choosing books, so I got her all of these to shut her up for a month.

Basically agree they’re excellent YA.

The real test of the books will be how they end, whether or not it will all be worth it.

>> No.17322002
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>to shut her up for a month.

>> No.17322039

How so? I read all five and it didn't feel like YA to me.
Don't most of them Rothfuss and Sanderson? At least that's the vibe I get from them.

>> No.17322101

>How so? I read all five and it didn't feel like YA to me.
They're not YA. The fact that the first one includes a description of a 13-year-old's wet vagina as she's about to get fucked by her 30-year-old husband is, itself, probably enough to disqualify them as YA. Describing them as such is probably just a way for people here to admit they enjoyed the books while still remaining superior to the books' mainstream fans.

>> No.17322428

Calling Martin the next Tolkien is an insult to Tolkien.

>> No.17322507

finished it. What a beautiful end. 16 pages about dany wandering the green sea, puking and shitting herself while she's menstruating.

>> No.17322514

I agree, I read them all after watching the first season and I can't say how I managed to slog through 4&5. I will not read any further books that might be released. (there will never be a sixth book, at least not written by grrm)