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17319541 No.17319541 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that linear time is only 1 way to look at time.

You cannot escape the ever present past.

>> No.17319555

What the fuck are you talking about?
I have photographs of my past.

>> No.17319570

It's the present.
The future is just an aspect of the present and the past isn't real

>> No.17319591

that's called virtual time and is knowledged since forever; the greek called it aion; I know the chinese and the other oriental cultures too have a name for it.

>> No.17319598

What are some books about time?

>> No.17319881

all of them :^)

>> No.17319885

If you really think about it, the past comes out of the present and future and not the other way around.

>> No.17319933

Deep anon, deep.

>> No.17319938

WHat? There is literally just the present here, the future is a hypothetical and the past is just shit you make up along the way

>> No.17320407

+1 for aionic tiem

>> No.17320617
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>A sequence of events one after the other
There is no Past. There is no Present. There is no Future.

>> No.17320675

When I read Eliade

>> No.17320713

it's pronounced "illiad"

>> No.17321017

penrose's book is pretty good

>> No.17322166

You're scaring me OP

>> No.17322589
File: 90 KB, 1420x946, 23565573-1AD0-43FF-A0F1-C11C5164E297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time’s a growing block
The past is on the clock
If not a growing block
Then Time can suck my cock.

>> No.17322599
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"Time" is just a weighted network of events, which we happen to traverse in a particular method.

>> No.17323453
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The metre of time becomes necessary, or useful, only within stratisfied/dispersed beingness —in the case of this kosmos, through created space—; time has no matter —literally, and figuratively— at the depth of being.

Timespace constitutes absolute time —the recorded totality of imperienced spacetime—, a librarypocket of eternity.

>> No.17323496


>> No.17323656

Who said this line? His name is on the tip of my tongue...