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17317513 No.17317513 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best biography you'v ever read?
I am thinking about reading stuff about Alexander, Napoleon, Khan, Roosevelt... You know, great men with mounstruous penises who changed history.
What are some biographies you can recommend?

>> No.17317676


>> No.17317688

Not a great man but the snowball about Warren buffet sorta opened my eyes to how the stock market worked and how ingenuity plays a part in it (they used to check the assets of a stock and if the stock was lower they would buy the company and if it didn't sell they would just sell the assets but that was when he first started).

>> No.17317736

bumping for interest

>> No.17317742

Does anyone here knows any good Biography on Theodore Roosevelt? The man was badass, a fucking unit.

>> No.17317771


Rockefeller by Ron Chernow is the best i've ever read. However, i was like 18 at the time. Hamilton by Ron Chernow is pretty good. The Power Broker by Robert Caro is also very interesting but, like the others, its pretty dense and you really have to have an appetite for the material.

The Years of Lyndon Johnson is supposed to be really good but I haven't gotten around to it.

Unironically, Arnold Schwarzenegger's autobiography Total Recall is actually fantastic but I also read that when I was like 18 so keep that in mind.

Mornings on Horseback by McCullough is one I've read part of. it only covers the early aspects of teddy. I didn't finish because it was relatively
boring but also pretty cozy if you're looking for that

>> No.17317797

Ivan the Terrible by Henri Troyat

Anything by Henri Troyat

>> No.17317809

"khan" isnt a surname, its a title. genghis is too, to be fair, but every steppe turkic/altaic ruler was a khan, but only genghis was genghis.

>> No.17317881

Life of Samuel Johnson

>> No.17319048


>> No.17319059

Genghis was the Khan
One says Khan, and his meaning is understood

>> No.17319099

Yeah, but since it can be any Khan how do you know i am talking about Genghis? Maybe you just guessed? Or maybe Genghis was the only relevant Khan, and no one would say "Khan" in a general context referring to another person under that same title?
But thanks for the info, nerd.

>> No.17319129

Peter green has a good Alexander book.
Andrew Roberts has good Napoleon stuff
I like the adrian goldsworthy books about Caesar & Augustus
Also; the Power Broker.

>> No.17319283

hate to break it to you, but biographies suck ass

>> No.17319309
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>> No.17319314

reading a wilde biography currently. great to see into his outrageous character and how utterly contrived it was most of the time.
doesn't matter who you read (unless its pop shit that constantly goes on about him being gay and "le tragedy") its gonna be reproductions of his witicisms anyway

>> No.17319316
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I started this last week and have been reading it off and on. Its' very good. Ancient rome seems like such a clown world, it's politics comes across as an actual drama with so many large personalities and betrayals.

>> No.17319323

can anyone reccomend a good goethe biography?

>> No.17319419

yes, read P Green on Alexander to find out what little megalomaniac that mommas boy was.

>> No.17319432

American Sniper is an autobiography and its pretty good and based (even tho its kind of neocon sometimes). Definetively worth a reading.

>> No.17319441

But i want to read something about how much of a hero he was, something retracting him as a super smart and brave man.
I need someone to look up to.

>> No.17319460

my diary desu

>> No.17319478

I read a biography on Francisco Franco I really enjoyed by Payne and Palacios. It's the most even keeled book I've ever read that touches the discussion blackhole that is the Spanish Civil War.

The other one I really enjoyed was a biography on Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo. A niche topic but it actually made me tear up, and a book hadn't done that to me since I was 11.

>> No.17319480

Nice! Caesar was (among many other things) a wonderful writer, and Raaflaub's translation is very very good.

>> No.17319482


"The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde" is the worst Wilde bio.

Richard Ellmann's remains the best.

>> No.17319486

I've only read one biography: Ray Monk's book on Wittgenstein.

It was pretty good.

>> No.17319712


>> No.17319734

No... just no. Khan means king in Turkic/Mongolic. If I tell you I read about king, do you know which one of the one million kings in history I'm talking about?

>> No.17319797

Gucci Mane

>> No.17319847

he means that genghis was THE khan so people understand who you mean if you use just the word similar to people knowing what you mean when saying THE ninth symphony or something

>> No.17319849
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Shapur I beats them all.

>> No.17319854


>> No.17319858

I second all of these recommendations and add Napoleon The Great by Andrew Roberts.

Arnold’s book is distilled insight into the disciplined mind of a man who’s taken every opportunity life gave him through sheer work ethic

>> No.17320254
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Lawrence and the Arabs

>> No.17320260

Edmund Morris' three-volume biography of Roosevelt is pretty great.

>> No.17320277

Plutarch's Lives

>> No.17320294

You tipped your hand in your first post that you knew he was talking about Genghis Khan specifically so you played yourself here

>> No.17320322
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The Last Lion

>> No.17320337

What book about Roosevelt are you referring to?

Also Arrian's Anabasis of Alexander is based massive cock-pilled

>> No.17320444

I recommend the Alexander's bibliography written by Curtius. It has a lot of fluff which probably never happened but it is the most entertaining. The Penguin's version has footnotes saying what happened and what didn't though so it's fine.
As for other bibliographies that I read, I found Plutarch's too short and Arrian's too dry but by far the most accurate out of all of them.

>> No.17320563
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>> No.17320594

What about the biography by Preston?

>> No.17320609
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The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius


>> No.17320951

>"The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde" is the worst Wilde bio.
let me guess, focuses on all his gay hijinx? snore

i'm reading Hesketh Pearson's. his goal was to give a view of his character, not his controversy, and its been done very well so far. doesn't seem biased one way or the other, though he namedrops bernard shaw way more often than needed, which i find pretty funny

>> No.17321029

Plutarch's Lives

>> No.17321137

any recs for biographical novels? like The Agony and the Ecstasy, where it's a biography but written as a narrative?

>> No.17321153


>> No.17321887


>> No.17323046


>> No.17324157
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>> No.17325676

Have a bump.

>> No.17325844

Any good recs for Admiral Nelson?

>> No.17325868

Kantorowicz - Frederick II
Stolfi - Hitler Beyond Evil and Tyranny
The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty - Ron Chernow
Danny S Parker - Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper
Always With Honor Memoirs of General Peter Wrangel

These are on my reading list

>> No.17325963


Lol there is not a single amerifat even close to the men you list

>> No.17326030

In addition to this I would add the Cicero trilogy by Robert Harris, even if it is historical fiction.

>> No.17326035

I, Claudius perhaps.

>> No.17326059

Perhaps this will help:


>> No.17326751

WWII is very unremarkable for the cult built around it. I don't think Stalin, Hitler, Churchill, or Roosevelt were exceptional men.

>> No.17327595

Are there any good biographies of Baibars?

>> No.17328856


>> No.17328865

Thanks, anon. It will be veeeery helpful.