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/lit/ - Literature

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17316674 No.17316674 [Reply] [Original]

What do you read and what is your goal in reading?

I read books on:
>existential philosophy
>social history (usually niche topics)
>classical music
>some political theory and conspiracies

My main goal is to understand the purpose of art and what art does.

What are you looking for?

>> No.17316784

to win pseud points on a mongolian basket weaving board

>> No.17316798

trying to attract a certain vibe of pussy. getting annoyed at how the only women who sleep with me are actual memes.

>> No.17316811

I want to creampie that smooshed asiatic snout

>> No.17316822

Mental escape from the misery that is my life

>> No.17316831

you dont need to read that stuff for your goal. Just read art history, and maybe Kant 3

>> No.17316842

already did, that's only a start

>> No.17316849
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What vibe? And what memes?

>> No.17316851

then you probably didn't read hard enough

>> No.17317067

I read to learn in shit I'm interested in. Simple as.

>> No.17317073


>> No.17317087

I read to find things to steal from better writers. Also because it's interesting, but mostly theft.

>> No.17317113

If you have a set goal, you're doing it wrong. Read to read.

>> No.17317180

1: To get smarter.
2: To enjoy the throught and daydreaming ( fiction ) of others peoples.

>> No.17317256


>> No.17317318

I have no end goal. Reading itself already is the goal. Because I like it.

>> No.17317399

I read books on:
Classical fiction
Fiction from the 20th century
Third position politics

I just want to have something an ethical code that I actually believe in and would struggle for every day. I hate not really believing in anything and feel like I can’t apply myself fully in a world that seems arbitrary and meaningless. I crave structure.

>> No.17317454

>t. someone who wastes time reading shitty books
Read to read is a retarded mindset.
Life is short, so read for substance, to gain something, knowledge, feeling, etc.
Just because something is in a book, doesn't mean it's worth your time.
Keep your goals in mind anons, don't mindlessly consoom.

>> No.17317539

Mostly programming books to up my skills.

>> No.17317567

I like books desu

>> No.17317612

I don't

>> No.17317626

I wasn't sure until now but now I know it's to achieve what that man did, now that I see it's possible

>> No.17317649

To have fun and be entertained. If you aren't doing it for yourself then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.17317665

What books do you read?

>> No.17317669

>the friend hug

>> No.17317717

Video games and anime got boring and also i have no friends. Im also banking on the idea that I'll meet a /lit/ gf

>> No.17317739
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To be superior to more.
To not think about how much I despise human society and humanity, and how much I want to not exist.

>> No.17317896


>> No.17318390
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I have never had friends, I find vidya retarded, never enjoyed tv and have no hobbies so reading is the only thing I sort of enjoy doing

>> No.17318508

Look at my asian wife.
Here at the mall with my asian wife.
At the park with my asian wife.
After dark with my asian wife.
Reading literature with my asian wife.
Making threads with my asian wife.
Making gaming vlogs with my asian wife.
Doing the dishes with my asian wife.
Watering the flowers with my asian wife.
Playing dominoes with my asian wife.
Ordering pizza with my asian wife.
Taking a nap with my asian wife.
Training hard with my asian wife.
Going to Hawaii with my asian wife.
Joking around with my asian wife.
Burying my cock and directly sowing my seed in her uterus due to her having a shallow cervix with my asian wife.
Having mutant children with my asian wife.
Watching my son get bullied by the other kids with my asian wife.
Watching my son spend hours a day at the computer screen with my asian wife.
Hearing my son scream about BBC in his sleep with my asian wife.
Watching my son grow up having never been with a girl for 20 years with my asian wife.
Witnessing on the news my mutant son going on a rampage with guns bought off of the internet with my asian wife.

>> No.17318588

To broaden my understanding of the world and inform my place in it. To try and figure out what it is I'm meant to be doing.
The notion that life is meaningless and that the universe is an accident is completely alien to me, as though if I were to accept such a position I would cease to exist.
I practically never read for the pleasure of reading, for the enjoyment of artistically penned prose. I can appreciate good writing, but I care more about the meaning behind words than the artfulness of the words themselves.

>> No.17318622

who's hapas

>> No.17318627
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The idea that the purpose of literature is to teach us something is a meme. Writers have been asking themselves the same navel-gazing questions for millennia and they're no closer to answers because there aren't any. Stories have always just been a kind of escapism - they allow for a parallel, vicarious existence in which the world operates according to anthropomorphic logic, and things happen for reasons. That's why biographical narratives have always been the staple fare of world literature - you get a human life packaged as a neatly self-contained episode with causality and closure.

>> No.17318740

frens I am new to reading but my goal is to become a writer. I feel like writing is the only thing besides my family and monetary goals that makes me wake up. As I said I am new to reading, I read fiction, but soon getting into philosophy, psychology history, religious texts and poetry. All of that attracts me.

>> No.17318769
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I want to better understand existence, people, and the world around me. Also reading is a better waste of time than anything else, so I make sure to get a few hours in daily.

>> No.17318773

>social history (usually niche topics)
gimmie some recs. I love social history.

>> No.17319543

that's why you date hapas, anon. Your children will only be 1/4 so they'll just look tan. They might even have blonde hair and blue eyes if you pick well

>> No.17319585


>> No.17319608

>I just want to have something an ethical code that I actually believe in and would struggle for every day. I hate not really believing in anything and feel like I can’t apply myself fully in a world that seems arbitrary and meaningless. I crave structure.
This is why I started reading philosophy. I also have an irrationally strong hatred towards what I perceive to be injustice.

>> No.17319658

To increase my knowledge and challenge myself.

>> No.17319671

You sound incredibly underage...

>> No.17319680

I'm not, but I've been using this strategy since I was

>> No.17319834

Has it worked?

>> No.17319872

unbearable lightness of being got me laid once. So did notes from underground (it's in one of my dating profiles and she was super excited). if you can connect with a woman on an emotional level, it drops the attractiveness barrier-to-entry by 2 points. They don't even notice you're less attractive, they legitimately think you're just as attractive, and both liking the same book (assuming it's an emotional book, not a flick) can serve that function. I don't think reading Nietzsche is going to get you very far but idk, it might, I haven't tried.

>> No.17320023

To win imaginary debates with imaginary antagonists..and push away the absolute certainty that no one wants to talk to me about the Praralells between Nietzsche and Foucault.

>> No.17320360

different anon but back in my okcupid days i would occasionally get girls messaging me about my book list and i got to sleep with every single one of them

>> No.17320573

I fucked that girl once
she was terrible but wild
I miss her loud screams