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17316654 No.17316654 [Reply] [Original]

Which books will help me kill my sex drive and renounce women for good?

>> No.17316667

Yes goy, renounce women! Do not have white children! Tyrone can take care of your white women, just studying the Bible! And remember to turn the other cheek when the immigrants try to behead your family goyim!

>> No.17316672

take your meds

>> No.17316677

this white nationalist horseshit makes me want to not have kids just to spite people like you

>> No.17316681

Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones

>> No.17316686


>> No.17316690

>recommend me a book to change my biology

>> No.17316703


>> No.17317229


>> No.17317235

Nick Land or alternatively Nyx Land I guess.

>> No.17317243

I just coom pant
Better luck next time

>> No.17317267

Schopenhauer's "On Women"

>> No.17317274

What if he's gay anon

>> No.17317275

That's disgusting

>> No.17317284

Well your book wouldn't help him very much then would it

>> No.17317290

The OP mentions women

>> No.17317299

Fair point I concede

>> No.17317317


>> No.17317323

Would still be insightful

>> No.17317337
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Just write one. Think of it as a DIY project for something that meets your exact specifications. St. Paul if you actually have sex and can't stop putting your dick in crazy.

>> No.17317427

Just start fuck men.

>> No.17317444

Abandoning one form of cooming for another doesn't solve the problem.

>> No.17317471

the bible

>> No.17317497


>> No.17317498

The Bible, unironically. Especially the gospels and Paul's letters.
1Corintians 7 (1): Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry.

Otherwise the Greeks also tended to bash the temptations of the flash and encourage the search for virtue. Stoics, Platonics, and other schools of thought too.

>> No.17317504

>temptations of the flash
What else are you gonna do when it's too dark to take a proper photo?

>> No.17318164

Good, we need less people like you in the gene pool.

>> No.17318179

There’s a whole part of the old testament which explains why race mixing is bad and the entirety of the Old Testament is in-group vs out-group stuff.

>> No.17318243

Just castrate yourself

>> No.17318258

This is what christcucks actually want, pathetic

>> No.17318292

use a tripod

>> No.17318346

Holy fuck, that's Viennese metro.

Context of the pic?

>> No.17318866

>Which books will help me kill my sex drive and renounce women for good?

holy fuck

porn addiction =/= women

renounce porn not women you fucking retard

>> No.17318884


Why not embrace it? Just read all of Asimov and become a serial harasser instead of watching porn all day long

>> No.17318934

Women are garbage too, also I'll do what I want, nigger.
Not a christian

>> No.17319224

any chance I accidentally turn myself gay?

>> No.17319700

better than holes anyway

>> No.17319713

you should kill yourself to spite the white race even more

>> No.17319736

back to your containment board

>> No.17319782


>> No.17319877

it is natural to have a high sex drive when you're young, there's nothing wrong with it unless you're fapping 24/7 and not doing anything else
that's all you need to know, no need to read a book about it.

>> No.17319900

All of them.

>> No.17320054

Fuck that, sexual desire is useless. I just want to make it go away without chopping my balls off.

>> No.17320129

except it kinda does. To have sex you actually have to be a social person, invest into a relationship and the cooming is a reward you earned. When you masturbate you constantly reward yourself for being a failure, encouraging that behaviour.

>> No.17320192

To have sex I just have to have a hundred bucks lying around. No effort required.
And yes, it's still a problem, because the desire comes back eventually.

>> No.17320292
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"kill your sex drive" isn't exactly how it works

abstinence increases testosterone and virility. abstain in order to improve the sex drive and your control of it. counter-intuitively, this will increase your chances of finding a good woman and starting a healthy family. it's ancient wisdom, but somehow lost on people today

>> No.17320309
File: 217 KB, 1300x951, wien-vienna-metro-line-1-in-the-station-donauinsel-in-bridge-reichsbrcke-GDFG7P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Vienna, Austria, and this seems to be the Danube Island subway station

>> No.17320318

What if I don't want to find a woman and just want to stop all sexual thoughts?

>> No.17320324
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>> No.17320345
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>> No.17320350

Please read the Bible yourself before subjecting the boards to another low-quality post like this one.

>> No.17320351

>stop all sexual thoughts
i don't think that's possible... not joking, you should read Philokalia... it's on libgen.rs
most of the book is about rejecting luxury and attaining spiritual peace through self control. it sounds like exactly what you need.
just understand, when they talk about 'demons', you should interpret that as pathological thoughts

>> No.17320357
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>> No.17320363
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>> No.17320368

>everything with which I do not agree entirely is the Christians' doing
OP is obviously an incel pained by his natural desire for female companionship. Keep this up and you'll see Christians in the coat rack and the shadows beneath your bed.

>> No.17320379
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>> No.17320382

>spiritual peace
This. As long as sexual release is the biggest source of physical pleasure, your physiology will tend to keep wanting to go back to it. Look at forms of meditation or contemplation which induce feelings of tranquility and joy, giving yourself a realistic alternative to sex and masturbation which can provide greater pleasurable feelings for a similar amount of time and effort.

>> No.17320388
File: 293 KB, 1300x1010, niederosterreich-osterreich-satellitenbild-mit-relief-effekt-e4dn1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17320414
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>> No.17320428
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>> No.17320429

is there a genuine way to be attracted to males?

>> No.17320437
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>> No.17320458
File: 55 KB, 687x458, iStock-910174036_687_458_80_int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17320462

you should racemix to spite the white race even more

>> No.17320473
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>> No.17320481


>> No.17320485
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>> No.17320487

My issue is that when abstaining for too long, my mind is just overly focused on sex and I can't properly concentrate. I'm literally a coombrain.

>> No.17320497

Nope, had sex. Project harder.

>> No.17320498
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>> No.17320506

Hi, Moshe.

>> No.17320512
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>> No.17320629
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I just coom before bed so I can ignore women at work the next day better.

>> No.17320687

To be involuntarily celibate is a matter of spirit. There are virginal men who are not incels, and there are Casanovas among fat, ugly, and ethnic women with an irreparable incel mindset- like yourself.

>> No.17320730


>> No.17320736

Seethe, for you know I'm right.

>> No.17320761

No, you're a projecting, self-hating incel.
Have sex.

>> No.17320779

I'm married. Your belief that your taunts will work springs from the fact that they work perfectly well on (You).

>> No.17320788

>I'm married
Sure you are. Refer to >>17320730

>> No.17320842

You've been lying like a carpet all thread long. Why should I be concerned when you accuse me of it, incel?