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/lit/ - Literature

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1731570 No.1731570 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/
I'm a 20 year old depressed manchild who wants to learn about philosophy.
What would be the best book -in your opinion- to start?
It might sound gay but if it was a tad nihilistic and/or morbid it might help.

>> No.1731573
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I dug it.

>> No.1731576
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Freud-Civilization and its Discontents

>> No.1731580

no, I'm serious
don't mock me I don't wanna cut myself again
but srsly I'm serious
Thanks, already read a bit of Freud but why not

>> No.1731587


be a man

>> No.1731599

peter wessel zapffe

>> No.1731601

Just wanted to give you something different then you will normally hear on here : German Idealists and their progeny, Neo-Kantians, French 'Existentialists', and 2 analytic philosophers which shall remain nameless..Anyway..Don't bother with Nietzsche..there are enough people reading him, studying him, cockriding him..no need to jump on the bandwagon even if he is as great as they say..

>> No.1731627

Thread is relavent to my interests. Know the feeling Bro.

>> No.1731638

this is why hipster still get used sometimes

>> No.1731646

hiya, chat?

>> No.1731647

So a hipster is anyone against cultural homogenization? I am not trying to save the world, but if I wasn't trying to offer a little bit of a different opinion (Freud is by no means OBSCURE..i mean look at who D&E suggested for that)) then eventually we really would just be talking about the same books over and over..oh wait...

>> No.1731659

Start with what interests you. I don't believe in starting out in chronological order--from Socrates to Kant...no.

Schopenhauer is good; I liked his The World as Will and Representation.

Nietzsche is good; I liked his Zarathustra, Genealogy of Morals, etc.

Kierkegaard is good; Diapsalmata; read it now.
>What is a poet? An unhappy man who conceals profound anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so fashioned that when sighs and groans pass over them they sound like beautiful music.

Max Stirner is good; The Ego and Its Own.

Those should be a good start. Pessimistic but not really Nihilistic.

>> No.1731666

humans are fickle

you aren't stopping the cultural homogenization or w/e

there's nothing to be done about it in the first place

OK but hope that BB doesn't pick on me plz

>> No.1731677

/lit/ is kind of homogenized..which is what i was trying to hold back..but yea
"nothing to be done"

>> No.1731718

okay if you're just doing it because you want and because ./lit/ is kind of same old thing then its k

>> No.1732190

nietzsche. there are reasons people study him

>> No.1732192

starting philosophy with nietzsche is like starting the sopranos with season 6

>> No.1732195


Purple drank, ima grip and sip.

>> No.1732282


This killed the thread. What powerful words!

>> No.1732311

russell - history of western philosophy

>> No.1732322


starting philosophy with nietzsche is like starting philosophy with something not-retarded and boring (plato)

>> No.1732327
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>> No.1732336


Fucking Asian and Indian philosophies. All y'all need to get your slobbering faces off from the teat of european tradition and read some shit with perspective.

>> No.1732338


Why would anyone read the philosophy of lesser beings?

That'd be foolish.

>> No.1732347


indian and eastern philosophies would be cool and relevant if they weren't covered in piles and piles of imprecise language, superstition and mumbo jumbo

they have some interesting revelations but you have to waste tons of time getting to them--

western philosophy is much more to the point and better for your mental health

>> No.1732369

western perspective is to learn a philosophy

eastern perspective is to live a philosophy

>> No.1732382


Indian 'philosophy' is to rationalize aristocratic indolence with sheer charlatanism while treating all lesser mortals with frank snobbery.

>> No.1732384
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>western philosophy
>written like eastern philosophy
>meets OP's criteria


>> No.1732398

>needs more data

>> No.1732414

Plato, then responses to Plato

Kant, then responses to Kant

Hobbes, Responses to Hobbes

That should cover almost all of ethical and political philosophy, some western and some continental

>> No.1732438

no you tards

everyone knows that the order is Plato->Descartes->Hume->Hegel->Marx->Sartre

fucking duh

>> No.1732455



>> No.1733217

bamp. this is relevant to my interests

>> No.1733316

Get yo feet wet by reading sophies world.

>> No.1733319
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>I'm a 20 year old depressed manchild who wants to
>It might sound gay but if it was a tad nihilistic and/or morbid

>> No.1733330


You are a faker. You've got no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1733334

Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.1733356


This is a good list. You'll probably want to start with Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy. It's short and pretty much invented modern philosophy (it's where the whole I think, therefore I am thing comes from). Also try reading some of Plato's dialogues (esp. Meno), and get some Nietzsche too no matter what anyone says (personally I like Genealogy of Morality). If you want to delve into Kant/metaphysics, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics is like a outline of Critique of Pure Reason. Also Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, it's quite different from a lot of philosophy books and talks about a lot of stuff. The Myth of Sisyphus is also worth reading.

>> No.1733381


first young werther,
then, elective affinities

if you survive, callme

>> No.1733386

First: study the trivium. Grammar, Logic (formal & informal), and Rhetoric. Read at least one introductory book on each of these things.

Second: Read Coplestone's History of Philosophy (all ten volumes)

Third: Begin reading the primary works. Anything you found interesting while reading Coplestone's History you should insert chronologically into the essentials:

PLATO: Republic.
DESCARTES: Meditations.
SPINOZA: Ethics.
LEIBNIZ: The Monadology.
BERKELEY: Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous.
HUME: Enquiry concerning Human Understanding.
KANT: Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics.

>> No.1733389


This except by Nietsche. Who is for teenagers.

>> No.1733391


Kant, Hume and Spinoza are NOT for beginners, man. You need to know what you're talking about before you approach those fuckers.

>> No.1733392
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This is a great place to start, especially when it comes to attempting to unify different ways of thinking into one coherent whole. Then, if you've got great big balls, try to read Lilah by Pirsig, which the author has said twenty-five people have understood since it was published.

>> No.1733397

I like how you left Locke out even though you kept in Leibnitz and Spinoza

>> No.1733400


Especially since Locke is a lot easier to understand.

He forgot Hobbes as well, who is incredibly important to Western thought.

>> No.1733418

umberto eco was all like that guy is shit and umberto eco is smarter than you so fuck that book my man

>> No.1733420

best book to start with...try any edition of "introducing philosophy" by robert solomon.

his books are pretty popular for intro phi college courses. it covers a variety of topics with excepts from a lot of writers and some critical thoughts on them. well organized and most of it is in layman so the reading isn't tough. good stuff.

>> No.1733514

agree with this rec, robert solomon is really good as an introduction to philosophy. super smart dude, very readable.

>> No.1733553


and he's in waking life. i didn't realize it for a long while.

>> No.1733568

let's put some more authors. aristotle, seneca and augustine of hippo

>> No.1735042

For starting to learn, I'd probably surf around as many wikipedia philosophy subject (e.g., ethics, ontology) and philosopher pages to get an idea what/who you might be interested in, then probably hit one of the big ones that looks interesting to you.

>> No.1735054

What makes you think I won't recommend you the worst book I can think of?

Since th..

>> No.1735157

pointless bump, to see if this is alive in the morning

>> No.1735166

I assume you want to read philosophy because you want to be able to rationalize your depression, correct?

Philosophy won't help you, because you're already a complete moron. Reading Nietzsche for half an hour before you go to bed is not going to change anything.

Read some erudite literature, develop pretension, base all of your tastes on Harold Bloom's.

be /lit/