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17315401 No.17315401 [Reply] [Original]

So I just started this book so I can get a better understanding on how to bridge the gap between my heart and mind. I want to know what other anons think of this work and why you feel that way. Also, if you liked it, are there any more Scruton books I should read? I really do like his takes on how aesthetics affect ethics and vice versa. Makes the whole philosophical system more holistic

>> No.17315584
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>Roger Scruton

>> No.17315599
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>> No.17315624
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>> No.17315681
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>roger crouton

>> No.17316039
File: 399 KB, 1104x1500, anglo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Positively Scrumptious

>> No.17316043

Based Scruton.

>> No.17316058

I have literally never read this book and I already know all it says is

>> No.17316067

>bridge the gap between my heart and mind.
i love how atheists always try to pass their sex addiction as some great endeavor about the human nature

>> No.17316112

At least Scruton had it, which is more than you can say.

>> No.17316122

Most sex nowadays isn’t sex proper, it’s more akin to porn or mutual masturbation.

>> No.17316128


>> No.17316155

I'm a Muslim, it seemed to me like he was overthinking it. He made some good points about why homosexuality is morally deficient but at the end if the day he caved and said he's not homophobic and gays have a place in society etc. That's because the malaise of "high" conservativism is the belief that superior intellect wins the day so if you just show refined and gentlemanly rhetoric well then you will surely win over. Scruton himself subscribed to the Enlightenment idea of universal reason and it shows. While the left is recovering its authenticity by embracing terrorism (see Antifa) the right stops short at selfies at the capital which the rest of the right hurries to condemn. Scruton is good at describing things sometimes but doesn't really have a head for solutions. And the right can describe the problem until they're blue in the face, oh they love that, but it's like a man who's wife is cheating on him so he makes this powerful speech about the importance of monogamy to her bedroom door, trying to be loud enough to be heard over the faint moaning. ISIS and Maistre understand, he doesn't

>> No.17316170

>Most sex nowadays
Lol cunt, are you out there doing surveys? What is your normative base? How your mum and dad fucked? What a fucking stupid thing to say. Lolol Like there’s a correct way to fuck - you donkey.

>> No.17316172
File: 225 KB, 1104x700, Tristan and Iseult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an atheist. I'm just going through personal troubles due to years of porn addiction and I want to stop namely because I want to live a healthy life with a wife and a good deal of kids. However, my addiction has prevented me from growing in terms of erotic love and has left me very sexually frustrated. Not in the incel "I hate women because all I want is sex not an actual relationship" way, but it still is there.

That's not even close to what it says retard. In fact it is the exact opposite:
Sexual expression is so fundamental and necessary for the human person, we have to make sure it is expressed properly and healthily for the sake of the individual and their beloved (of opposite genders. Homosexuals and all these meme idpol gender mashups fundamentally cannot express sexuality natualrally and healthily) and their progeny, in addition to society.

>> No.17316179

This nigga thinks he's an authority on who expresses sexuality healthily or not while being a fucking porn addict, lmao. Conservatives are a fucking joke

>> No.17316185

who did that painting

>> No.17316197

How often do you pray?

>> No.17316203

I go to daily Mass about 3 times a week. I'm trying to start a daily rosary regimen as well.

Idk. I'll look for the info real quick.>>17316185

>> No.17316204

Brutally accurate

>> No.17316215
File: 90 KB, 485x700, The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rogelio de Egusquiza apparently

Ahh yes. You have to be absolutely perfect before you call what's evil evil. Again, you are retarded. Your comeback is proof enough of this.

>> No.17316217

>I go to daily Mass about 3 times a week. I'm trying to start a daily rosary regimen as well.

I pray not only the five obligatory salat (generally in a mosque) but many optional prayers in addition including tahajjud. If you are not praying a lot every day what do you expect? You are spending more time with Satan than Allah and here you are. You are not making Allah a serious priority. If you spent that much time with a woman she would not feel loved. Allah is infinitely more important than any woman and you are not caring

>> No.17316221

You are a hypocrite like all conservatives, projecting your insecurities onto people. This is why no one takes you retards seriously

>> No.17316229
File: 221 KB, 1382x1069, DF605E2E-B123-480F-8051-9890485A5BF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his paintings are rather beautiful. thanks

>> No.17316238

That's a good point. I should pray more prayers and devote more of my time to God.

Or maybe I understand human nature better than a retard that is just projecting rather than actually making an argument about why he isn't just a hedonist riding the fumes of of society rather than sustaining or building it. Literally my argument for why society as a whole needs sane sexual ethics can be found in a book valled Sex and Culture by J D Unwin, which analyzes 85 fallen cultures and points out how sexual decadence led to their collapse. Your argument is just emotional masturbation on your part. Fuck off cunt.
Anytime lad

>> No.17316241



fuck off.

>> No.17316246
File: 427 KB, 1200x1730, A6959B14-8161-4476-B303-16C1BADC6DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it decadent? I don’t know much about art, it’s just very pretty to me

>> No.17316303

If you like the story of Tristan und Isolde (both Wagner's and the original legend by von Strassburg), I think you would also like Wagner's Parsifal. Has a lot of this focus on the sexual as well, in a truly inspiring way.

Porn addiction is a horrible thing, but you are under a redeeming effort to better yourself, and that is a very noble thing.

>> No.17316308

>doesn't like impressionism
Wow you're literally the other side of being a normie.

Impressionism is kino and based, as well as necessary, just as neoclassicism is.

>> No.17316313

And Eschenbach's original Parzival as well of course.

>> No.17316320
File: 189 KB, 900x519, daybreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just a picture with bright colors which seems "romantic" or "cool" for that reason, but in fact it's just a boring depiction of courtship. Since you don't know art history I'll go easy on you.

The reason why I expressed dislike for the painting earlier is because it's "kitsch". This is the fancy jewy art-critical word for when an artwork depicts a boring or familiar trope. When we think of the 19th century or thereabouts in the art world, we think of impressionism, people in fancy dresses and nice suits back when they used to care about dressing well, and so on. The man abases himself to the disinterested, decadent slut, against the fading (red) wall. Despite myself, there is a better interpretation.

Off to the right, there is a window onto the past, behind this feminine Parisian hellscape. We have a solid phallic Greek column and a David-ish statue of a man. The point being that men must not demean theselves to women, and that life was better in the good old days.

Despite these interpretations, the image is still kitsch, for the reasons explained. It also compares with another popular, schmaltzy image: "Daybreak", by Maxfield Parrish (the columns, the colors, the male debasing himself to the female...)

>> No.17316390

Not him but the guy who painted it actually lived in that period, that world, how can something be kitsch if it hasn't yet crystallized into a cliché, a commodity just yet? You wouldn't say romantic era landscape paintings or renaissance-era classical scenes are kitsch either just because the imagery itself has become a trope since then.

>> No.17316426

My bad, I’ll refer to all blackout drunk blowjobs as making love, your heinous

>> No.17316435

He is obviously very knowledgeable about modem sexuality after watching tons of BLACKED

>> No.17316440

>ISIS and Maistre understand, he doesn't
big oof there brother

>> No.17316454

It's not that the right wouldn't do what the left does if they could have it their way, but rather that the left is backed by the state, while the right would get the book thrown at them if they ever pulled half the shit antifa gets away with scot free.

>> No.17316461


>> No.17316464

Sorry but comfy/cozy and victory don't go hand in hand no matter how much the right thinks so. There is very little cozy about the Bible or the Qur'an. Your civilization is a frog being gradually boiled toward the point of damnation and Allah has never allowed these things to be set right except traumatically. The Romans understood this but for all their love of history and tradition the right seems set on ignoring it

>> No.17316471

The fact is that shouldn't make a difference. Muslim militants are consistently against their local state. It cost two million lives to repel the Soviets from Afghanistan. But if you truly believe in Allah you are ready to die for him.

>> No.17316482

I agree with you, it's just the frankness of your post is something rarely seen.

>> No.17316494

anyone who claims to be right-wing needs to understand that the game has changed. reagan and clinton aren't coming back. a man who supports left-wing terrorist organizations is about to be inaugurated as president of the united states. what do you think is going to happen to you? fight or die.

>> No.17316501

This. NatSoc or death.

>> No.17316553

This is something innate to the Islamic understanding. After the Battle of Badr, when Muhammad, صلى الله عليه وسلم, chose to ransom the prisoners, he had good reason--not only did he and his men need money but almost all were tribal relations. Nonetheless a rebuke came from Allah in the Qur'an, no prophet of His is supposed to commence war this way, but rather with a slaughter with idolaters. Allah in the Qur'an flatly tells Muhammad, صلى الله عليه وسلم, that he should not be interested in material gain even if desperate. Of course the prisoners could no longer be slaughtered as they were already given Muhammad's, صلى الله عليه وسلم, word they would be spared, but it proved a lesson that even though ransoming prisoners is halal (and according to Islam it was not for any other prophet, all had to put everyone to the sword before), it is improper to began in a way that shows you are not totally committed and serious and mean business. Negotiation is part of politics but if there is no show of strength it always leads to gradual compromise further and further from what you want because the other side knows you don't have the guts to go all the way when it comes down to it whereas they do. The longer you put off confrontation the harder it will be to initiate and the more brutality necessary to bring your enemy to the table