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/lit/ - Literature

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1731324 No.1731324 [Reply] [Original]

In no particular order...

1. Gone With The Wind - Margaret MItchell
2. Foundation - Isaac Asimov
3. Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov
4. The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood
5. The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood
6. 2666 - Roberto Bolano
7. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
8. The Wastelands - Stephen King
9. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand (notsureifserious)
10. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz

All great or excellent books. Each brilliant in its own way. I'll justify any that people want to complain about, or explain any that people ask about.

>> No.1731343

Enders Game, seriously? It's a decently crafted piece of fiction, but one of the ten greatest works of fiction you've read? I suggest some more reading.

>> No.1731393

You know what's weird? When people here say how OSC is a homophobic jerk (which he is), then call each other fags. I dunno.

Anyway, I liked the book a lot. Haven't reread the whole thing though, which is strange given how much I like it.

>> No.1731726

Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe

House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski

A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

The Secret History by Donna Tartt


The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories by H.P. Lovecraft

The stories of the Brothers Grimm

Altered Carbon by Richard k. Morgan

Paradise Lost by John Milton

The Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock

>> No.1731729

People can have favorites that are simply from sentimental value or entertainment.

>> No.1731737

Halo tie-in novel
Gears of War tie-in novel
Dead Space tie-in novel
Call of Duty tie-in novel
Mass Effect tie-in novel
Dragon Age tie-in novel
Atlas Shrugged
Mein Kampf

>> No.1731744
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>The Waste Lands

Seriously? I love Stephen King(in fact, one of my favorites), but that novel is torture. So slow and left no impression on me. Made me drop the series.

>> No.1731753



>> No.1731833

Solipsist - Henry Rollins
Roomanitarian - Henry Rollins
Eye Scream - Henry Rollins
The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart
The First Five - Henry Rollins
Predicate - Peter Sotos

>> No.1732034

In no particular order...

1. Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson
2. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
3. U.S.A by John Dos Passos
4. IT by Stephen King
5. The Road by Cormac McCarthy
6. The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons
7. Mockingbird by Walter Tevis
8. Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. LeGuin
9. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
10. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

>> No.1732223

1. Harry Potter
2. The Great Gatsby
3. The Little Prince
4. The Catcher in the Rye
5. Looking for Alaska
6. The Book Thief
7. Jane Eyre
8. Memoirs of a Geisha
9. Pride and Prejudice
10. The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.1732231

1. 1984
2. Anthem
3. Dracula
4. Farenheit 451
5. Tom Sawyer
6. The Handmaid's Tale
7. The Great Gatsby
8. Fathers and Sons
9. Frankenstein
10. War of the Worlds

>> No.1732232

You people like awful books.

>> No.1732244

Digimon saves the wrold: Peter Chimera
My Eternal: Enoby Drankess

Fuck fiction - fiction is for escapist faggots who like to pretend that because it's by some dead russian cunt, it's simehow better than Jackie Collins. IT'S SO FUCKING NOT.

Novels are for cunts. Prose fiction is a fucking waste of time, and it should do the decent thing and go die in a fucking ditch.

>> No.1732247

moby dick
anna karenina
fathers and sons
against the grain
god's debris
gone with the wind
spinoza's ethics
tropic of cancer
franny and zooey

>> No.1732248

Just like watching movies and tv and playing video games right, or looking at art.

>> No.1732256

>People don't learn things from fiction

OH LOL. You are fucking stupid. I have learned more from reading fiction than I have non-fiction.

>> No.1732259


Don't be a fucking cunt - you're just displaying your rank ignorance. People have been "looking at art" as you so eloquently describe it, since the beginning of all human existence. Google Lascaux if you don't believe me, you schmooze.

People have been reading poetry since the 6th century BCE.

People have been reading novels for about 300 years, and they already suck Dan Brown-sized dick. You're right to compare them to video games and movies though, because they are completely a product of the technology that made them possible - and they're all equally ephemeral flash-in-the-pan bullshit.

>> No.1732260

Blood Meridian

All Quiet On The Western Front

The "Sun Cycle" series by Gene Wolfe (several books long all with sun in the overall title, but never referred to as sun cycle, google/wiki if you wish)

Her Smoke Rose Up Forever

More Than Human

Nearly anything by Philip K. Dick

John Hawkwood: The Diabolical Englishman

A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century

Camp Concentration

From Hell (Graphic novel, but amazing writing and incredibly well researched... transcends the medium)

>> No.1732261


was your mother killed by a novel you would appear to be seething with rage

>> No.1732263


Probably a wannabe author that hasn't written anything or can't get published lashing out at things for doing what he can't.

>> No.1732267


I didn't say

>People don't learn things from fiction

But if pressed, I might be tempted to say that women, cunts and mental incompetents might learn something from fiction.

>I have learned more from reading fiction than I have non-fiction.

Frankly, that is your problem, and betokens a fucking horrible education. I'd recommend getting off your fat brainless arse and maybe applying for whatever passes for a free university in your fucked-up shithouse corner of the world, where people learn more from MADE UP FUCKING SHIT than they do from actual fucking learning.

On the other hand, why not just fuck off you obese neckbearded cunt - go read some fucking Tolkein, it' will probablyteach you something.

probably that you're a cumguzzling manwhore who would love to choke and gag on a big cock, but you're so repugnant no man will even use your face. I don't hate you, I pity you.

>> No.1732272

Why are you on 4chan then?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.1732279

>Don't be a fucking cunt - you're just displaying your rank ignorance. People have been "looking at art" as you so eloquently describe it, since the beginning of all human existence. Google Lascaux if you don't believe me, you schmooze.

Lol I have studied the Lascaux caves, I have written multiple essays about them. What does that fucking prove anyway? Why does that make art better than literature? Because it has been around longer? That is really fucking stupid. Also Lascaux is no where near the beginning of human existence and not even the first works of art, learn2 prehistoric Venus sculptures. Poetry has been around before 6BCE too, you are really quite ignorant on both art and literature aren't you? Sumerian poems have been around since 2200BCE, and that is not in any way the first poetry but just the first written poetry we still have. Tales and poetry have been around since before those cave paintings. Does that even make a difference though? Only to your small mind it seems.

>> No.1732280


I'm not seething with fucking rage, you wankstain. I am expressing a legitimate opinion: novels are a fucking waste of time, and are a product of the first period in human history that people had time to waste, and before the television came along and turned everyone into a ridiculously fat behemoth sitting on a couch, shoving doritos and fried chicken into your gaping cavernous craphole. Shame your dick doesn't work (and no-one can find it), or maybe you could have found something better to do with your fucking life, rather than getting fat, wanking and stinking like a fucking sealclubbing party.

>> No.1732285


>I have studied the Lascaux caves, I have written multiple essays about them.

Sure you have. I really believe you - no troll.

>> No.1732292

Lol, I have a degree in geology dumb ass. You don't understand that novels, plays, poems teach us about the human condition, people from many eras of time, peoples cultures and customs from all around the world.

>> No.1732314

>thinks novels are a waste of time
>posts in /lit/

>> No.1732315



My nigga

>> No.1732344

The Stand - Stephen King

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

Fahrenheit 451

Lord of the Flies

A Clockwork Orange.

Salem's Lot

A Confederacy of Dunces


The Call of Cthulu

Martin the Warrior

(The Bible)

>> No.1732350
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1. Clarissa - samuel richardson
2. Les Miserables - victor hugo
3. War and Peace - tolstoy
4. Crime and Punishment - dostoevsky
5. hyperion series - dan simmons
6. the fountainhead- rand
7. lone wolf and cub vol 1-28
8. story of chuang tzu- breuilly
9. dragonlance legends-weis/hickman
10. in search of lost time - proust

i posted books that I thought were interesting at the time i read them... i'm sure if i went back now and re-read some of them...they would probably drop from the list

>> No.1732491
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>left me with no impression

Seriously? From a literary standpoint that book is brilliant!

>> No.1732498
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>> No.1732583

House of Leaves-Danielewski
The Monstrumologist-Yancey
Curse of the Wendigo-Yancey
Sea of Trolls-Farmer
House of the Scorpion-Farmer
Killer's Cousin-Werlin
The Divine Comedy-Alighieri

>> No.1732604

Silver Spike - Glen Cook
At the Mountains of Madness - HP Lovecraft
In the Dark - Richard Laymon
Eldritch Dark - Clark Ashton Smith
The Throne of Bones - Brian McNaughton
The Killer Inside Me - Jim Thompson
Dying Earth - Jack Vance
Dead Girls - Richard Calder
Coven - Edward Lee
Apeshit! - Carlton Mellick III

>> No.1732609

>people put down entire series as a single book
>in case of song of ice and fire, not even completed series that could have literal shitgoblins in capes save the day at the end

>> No.1732610

wow it's like a middle school summer reading list

>> No.1732623

The Arabian Nights
A Portrait Of The Artist As a Young Man (Joyce)
Disgrace (Coetze)
Pornografia (Gombrowicz)
Women (Bukowski)
The Bell Jar (Plath)
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
The Trial (Kafka)
The Centaur (Updike)
Fuckiiiin Beowulf? I don't know.

>> No.1732645

The Remains of the Day (Ishiguro)
The Age of Innocence (Wharton)
Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque)
Snow Country (Kawabata)
Invisible Man (Ellison)
Grendel (Gardner)
Musashi (Yoshikawa)
The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky)
In Cold Blood (Capote)

>> No.1732684

Also in no particular order:

1. The Great Gatsby
2. Dune
3. Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids
4. Stranger in a Strange Land
5. Animal Farm
6. The Crying of Lot 39
7. The Brothers Karamazov
8. A Good Man is Hard to Find (collection of short stories, actually)
9. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
10. A Farewell to Arms

Yeah, yeah, some high school lit. But just because high school ruined it for you doesn't mean it's not good fiction. Also threw in some sci fi and fantasy, I dunno lol.

>> No.1732719

codex seraphinianus
the kabbalah
finnegans wake
arabian nights
myths and legends of the bantu
works of saint anselm
paradise lost
principia discordia
the kojiki
the zend avesta

>> No.1732755

brofist for fellow clark ashton smith lover.

>> No.1732782

Top 10, no order...I sense a disturbance in the force.

>> No.1732787

Harry Potter 1-7, Lord of the Rings 1-3

I mean I posted this as a joke but realistically they are probably my favorite books, in the sense of the books for which I have the deepest nostalgia, and to which I have the longest attachment. Always gonna love em.

>> No.1732844

oh yeah

>> No.1732859

Three Ayn Rand books and a harry potter in the first 5 posts and no one has trolled them...

god damnit /lit/.
Gone for a month and this place has gone to shit.

>> No.1732897

there's no point in trolling

no one cares enough about what other people read, and no one stays to defend their own picks