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17312136 No.17312136 [Reply] [Original]

>How many times Satan killed people
>How many times God killed people
A ton

Why is he the bad guy again? Cause he didn't want to follow orders of Big Daddy that make no sense at all?

>> No.17312152

>Oh look, I'm denigrating Christianity in 2020!
Christopher Hitchins wants his shtick back, you're a decade late.

>> No.17312166

Who's deception caused the death to enter the world?

>> No.17312214

>pic unrelated
Besides, Satan is nowhere in the Old Testament, and New Testament I'd take with a grain of salt.

>> No.17312223

>dying is the worst thing that can happen to you

>> No.17312250

>how many times Satan deceived and turned man away from God, towards suffering and sin

go away, nigger.

>> No.17312255

>How many times Satan killed people
He killed that faggot priest in the excorcist
checkmate atheshits

>> No.17312284

why is satan stacked lol

>> No.17312289

You haven't read the Old Testament. Satan is in Genesis and Job.

>> No.17312315

Satan is not in Genesis, that's a talking serpent that was later retconned to be Satan. Satan is in Job tho

>> No.17312329

wdym, Satan is the central figure in the Old Testament, he goes by his self-given name "YHWH" in it though

>> No.17312340

Posters like you make me understand completely why the Catholic Church exterminated gnostics the first time around

>> No.17312347

Awwww I remember being 17

>> No.17312363

It's interesting that Job is the oldest book in the Old Testament. Makes me wonder who Satan and God in that book were originally supposed to be.

>> No.17312472 [DELETED] 

Ha! God ordained it bitch! God is the most evil, it is his being. Satan is cool in that he’s honestly just trying to show god how much of a hypocrite, and coward he issue. But god has powers so.

But I will say it’s a bit tired. God is a niggers Cunnungham, and satan is a nice Saxon cock.

>> No.17312528

>Death bad

>> No.17312765

Capital S Satan wasn't in Job either. That was just a satan.

>> No.17312778

ecks dee
I wouldn't call tetragrammaton a "self-given name".

>> No.17312787

God knew it would happen and he let it happen, try again

>> No.17312802

It's pretty well established that the early Hebrew religion grew from a polytheism religion and developed to monaltry

>> No.17312883

Let it happen, but didn't want it to happen. It was a test, and Satan failed, and so did Adam and Eve.

>> No.17313098

Satan doesn't pull the trigger, he gets other people to do it for him.

>> No.17313134
File: 283 KB, 772x1080, 1610808363241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Satanists are straight up evil, and most evil in the world results from their influence on the world.

It's very concerning that their ideology is spreading.

>> No.17313142

But the one doing it was Satan m8 ;)

>> No.17313189


Spreading among who? 13 year olds who break into their mom's makeup sets and read the words "God is dead" online without bothering to investigate further?

>> No.17313212

Epstein, Jimmy Savile, and the people complicit in that social sphere are all Satanists. So they are not only evil, but in places of influence and power. As for the spread of Satanism, yes it is spreading among all demographics in the guise of Atheism

>> No.17313229

They aren't, that's just propaganda

>> No.17313247

because satan guides people to destroy themselves, in that sense his kill count is astronomical

>> No.17313273

Well golly gee wiz, I'll sure take the word of a Satanist on the matter, they're so well known for their honesty and aren't self serving narcissistic sociopaths at all! Case closed.

>> No.17313337

Here I somewhat agree. It is not a direct worship of Satan, but nonetheless, they are Satanists.

>> No.17313349


>> No.17313370

trap detected.
shield engaged

>> No.17313372
File: 61 KB, 747x410, 2C4D9459-7EA3-4E71-817E-1909F296460F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanists are the same as Jews. They will both get what’s coming for them.

>> No.17313434

>Why is he the bad guy again?
He's not, he's part of the system, Satan tempts the sinners so that God can separate the wheat from the chaff, only the righteous can go through the pearly gates and Satan and his buddies are those who point out who is and who isn't righteous, if you fall into his temptation and revel in it then you're not worthy and are given your just punishment.
Keep in mind any other theory about Satan being a rebel or a bad guy inherently makes no sense, God is fully omnipotent so he could erase Satan any time he wants, the truth is Satan is an angel just like any others, but he's there to do the dirtiest of jobs instead of taking prophets on a field trip in paradise or being God's mail delivery service, he's not a rebel, he's an agent of God just like any other so don't believe any of those christian brainlets out there, they're not free of sin either as much as they try to pretend otherwise.

In other words, Satan's the falseflagger put there to weed out the IRL shitposters and australians so God and his jannies can banhammer them into hell from which no VPN or IP refresh can save them, in there they have to live the rest of eternity with their kin, in endless and torturous shitposting.

>> No.17313442

what does the bible say about satan? what bad things does satan do?

>> No.17313472

Didn't he kill Job's family?

>> No.17314184

Go back to drawing your talking aardvark, Dave.

>> No.17314210

>well established
by circumstantial evidence and avant-garde textual readings. Modernist scholars should be crucified.

>> No.17314213

I can't believe I share a board with some people ITT. There's just no escaping christcucks, even in the most fucking degenerate place in the internet. A literal plague.

>> No.17314221

>only christian scholars with preconceived biases can interpret the text

>> No.17314572

The most pathetic cope

>> No.17314607

Satan literally brought death to the world.

>> No.17314632

The demon Pazuzu not Satan

>> No.17314651

>In there they have to live the rest of eternity with their kin, in endless and torturous shitposting
Very benelovent?

>> No.17314653


>> No.17314806

I can smell your unwashed neckbeard stubble from here

>> No.17314809

I have a basedjack folder with over 50,000 basedjacks and I'm gonna upload every single one if you don't grow a pair of balls.

>> No.17314819

damn, they really changed "onions" to "based"

>> No.17315031

Hello newfren, you're 3 years late

>> No.17315054

Satan is responsible for the downfall of man in the Bible, this is like Sunday School level stuff
Satanists have literally no power, if you are Christian and don't believe in dualism (which you shouldn't), God has already won and nothing Satan can do still matters.

>> No.17315090

Onions has always been based, your thinking of onions.

>> No.17315339
File: 40 KB, 1200x706, molymeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks about Satan
>posts pic of baphomet

>> No.17315350
File: 543 KB, 842x881, Lucifer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he's a jew? Who would have thought

>> No.17315380

I'm pretty sure man is responsible for his own fall, champ.

>> No.17315810

This thread was moved to >>>/his/10271990